whats the most underrated plugin or audiosoftware in your opinion ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Gyro Gearloose, Dec 25, 2020.

  1. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    But anyways it can do more than most other synths

    in which respect? There are quite few other synths which can do the same...
  2. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I agree! It was my first daw and i tried for years to find something similar. With a little perspective shift Ableton became a nice replacement.
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You are right and not alone, many Acid users turned to Ableton Live.
    A story few people know, Live's creators were Acid users hehehe. Their goal was to make an Acid-like DAW app but one that you can jam and gig with, an app that can be played as an instrument and they brilliantly came up with Live. Ableton Live is truly what its creators envisioned and to this extent my hat's off to them.
    Imho, the best thing that happened to Acid since the Sonic foundry days, was Magix's acquisition. It brought new life to the somewhat forgotten soft and the latest Acid Pro version has almost everything a modern DAW need and all i want actually :). I use AcidPro for composition/programming and Cubase for final mixdown. Sometimes i 'll run the two with Rewire x64.
    Cheers :)
  4. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    No. Phaseplant and Vital (free!) can do better.

    Sure, it has good sounds and sequences, but also remember that expansions are $60-ish
  5. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    now that's an underrated plugin (for me anyway. i haven't much of any conversation about it here, although it did win some awards last year - so maybe not underrated at all.
  6. PartyShit

    PartyShit Producer

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Novation V-Station v2.6 (weights nothing with awesome presets)
    Steinberg Groove Agent 2 (this one's old but with jBridge can be used in 64 bit host presets & grooves sounds amazing)
    Beat DRMR (free MPC style drumpad very cool)
    Fullbucket SequenceAIR (free awesome for techno/acid arps)
    BOZ Digital Labs Imperial Delay v1.5 (simply the presets are beating the Valhalla stuff)
    Pioner RMX-1000 (there's a plugin version you don't need the hardware)
    Discovery PRO v6.4 (easy to use massive presets & Banks and takes nothing from your SSD)
  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    No dude. Phase Plant can do “most” of what Avenger does, and probably has a better interface and workflow. As long as we’re talking about expansion pricing though, phase plant requires you to buy the whole library of plugins to use them in the synth. Avenger just gives you a load of effects as part of the synth, as it should be. And anyone who’s willing to pay $60 for a bunch of presets... well, best of luck to em but it’s pretty much getting what you deserve at that point. At least it doesn’t limit the functionality of the synth.

    I’m pretty much in love with Phase Plant, and kind of bitter about Avenger’s expiring license scheme. But PP only really does one thing that avenger doesn’t, which is audio rate modulation freely assigned. (Edit - and I guess a wavetable editor). On the other hand Avenger has a modulatable FFT editor, a ton more filter types, a granular engine, multisamples (albeit mostly basic ones), a pretty fleshed out editor for MSEGs, a drum sequencer, more fx and send lanes, it’s own mixer with multi-out, and an arpeggiator better than anything I’ve seen in any other plugin. If I got into how much the arp can do I’d be typing forever.

    I used to shill for avenger pretty hard, and I’ve since become more reluctant to praise it because I hate the copy protection enough that i probably won’t buy from them again, but when you’re wrong you’re wrong. It’s been underrated since way before the copy protection shitshow, and it seems like the reason is that people just don’t know what it can do
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  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Ok try to load multisamples in Vital, or do Granular Synthesis, Or add 8 Oscillators and 8 Filters in serial .... Not to mention the FX section
    Same goes for Phaseplant...
    Apparently you have never even tried Avenger

    On Facebook there are people who bought all expansions :) I bought two in a bundle but never really use them since I prefer to build my own sounds which is a lot of fun in avenger.
    It is also fun to multisample other synths especially very CPU hungry synths , so much fun

    Or drag in a sample and create a wavetable out of it <3

    I love that feature either for sounds which should be tonal slightly different for each note

    I love the expansion system of Avenger which lets you easily bundle / create custom expansion.
    That makes it so easy to create commercial expansions and sell them :)

    I never really had a issue with the copy protection, and renewing it each 90 day is ok for me.
    It would be awesome if we could copy protect out custom expansions either ;)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
  9. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I need to dust off a copy from the sister site and see if my muscle memory kicks in. I assume they haven't ported ACID to mac yet?
  10. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    anything with a .dll at the end of it.
  11. karatebaka

    karatebaka Member

    Mar 11, 2019
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    REAPER JS plugins are interesting. I use the 3-Band Splitter a lot.
    And it's kinda cool that we're able to see and edit the source code right in the daw and in real time.
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I haven't personally had difficulties with it. I just think it's incredibly insulting to the customers. Like, if some day VPS suddenly goes out of business or drops support for avenger, then fuck me i guess, and everyone else who has been using it in every project for the last 3 years. I'd like to think that in a circumstance like that they'd remove the condition requiring you to renew every 90 days, but they haven't been particularly receptive to concerns and criticisms about the copy protection. In fact I'd characterize their behavior as petulant. So I'm moving to phase plant for most stuff.

    Everything else you said... yeah I agree. As a sound design workstation it's out of this world. Somewhat deeper than Phase Plant, but not quite as encouraging of experimentation. Both are phenomenal.

    btw - i've bought some expansions too :deep_facepalm: got em in a half-off sale, but I pretty much just wanted the associated wavetables and multisamples. But that's what I get for buying presets lol.
  13. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I own an Avenger license.

    Didn't Vital have a granular engine too?

    The only thing I liked about Avenger, it's that it has lots of filters and some nice FX (some of them are licensed from other companies). The rest is barely impressing and the UI is pretty meh.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  14. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Than you obviously haven't taken time to craete own patches, it is really worth it.
    The GUI seams to be a matter of taste, I like it anything is as expected for my workflow.
    The only thing I dislike with Avenger is that it takes quite long to open.

    I haven't tested Vital into depth yet since I see no point to when having Avenger and Serum
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