AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

Discussion in 'PC' started by Jim Von Gucci, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Wow. For me is a win-win given the economic war. I'm surprised they even got the approval from China. I know Taiwan has certain differences with the rest of China but, well... the recent protests ended how they use in China, with college kids in prison.
    Perhaps is simply the big money "uniting" EEUU and China? Biden? Steven Slate? :rofl:

    PS: appreciate the backing with @Jim Von Gucci , but I think the "you bought wrong thing" is 100% joke and about the waiting thing he's simply ignoring the additional delay.
    Well, if not it'd mean he's really really dense. He doesn't look that to me (time will tell, I'm often wrong)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
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  2. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    It is 2020 :excl::rofl:
    All the reputable websites here are taking orders on the stock they have arriving with dates of when the stock is arriving.:winker:
    So price comparison still holds! :dont:
    Mr Not So Clever.:bleh: :bleh::rofl::rofl::rofl:

    @Xupito 100% joking. Knew you wouldn't mind. :rofl:
    I've had this computer for a while so don't mind waiting and also factoring in the next upgrade will be lasting me a while.
    This is what they recommended and I"m going for. I already have 64gb ram in this computer, M.2 drive and ssd drives I recently added that I'll swap over.
    You guys know more about computers then me I'm just out to make music. :)

    CPU: CPUAMD05950X | AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

    Motherboard: MBDASU25715 | ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VIII HERO (WI-FI) X570 ATX Motherboard

    AIO cooling unit: WTRASU0360 | ASUS ROG STRIX 360 ARGB All in one Liquid Cooler

    PSU: PSUEVG16900 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000W G5 80+ Gold Full Modular Power supply

    ASUS DUAL RTX 2060 SUPER Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6, GPU Up to 1725MHz, Dual Fan

  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    All good Jim ;)
    See, that's related to the "ignoring delay" I was talking. More precisely, the "additional delay due to scalpers/shortage".

    Granted, if you don't mind waiting quite more there's no difference. For me it matters because this has never happened.

    I can't like your playful humor and disagree with that at the same time in the same post. Cheater...:rofl:
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  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Taiwan, officially named Republic of China or in the past known as Taipei is not China, officially named People's Republic of China. They mostly are and speak Chinese but somehow they are a different country. China still has strong claims to the island but Taiwan is not a socialist country. From what i understand they follow a western style economy model and there is a sort of "ethical cold war" between Taiwan and the main land but both don't let this get in the way of conducting business and Taiwan's economy is thriving to say the least. Taiwan has been recognized as an independent country by many countries but it's not in the UN, if i can explain this, it must be because China has a big influence there. Of course anyone with better knowledge may come and correct me, you 're welcome. If you ask me how i know these, since i 've never been there, i met my wife as a violonist playing in a band and still consider her mainly a musician, but she has a master in political sciences and taught me a thing or two.
    @Jim Von Gucci Your build is great, the Crosshair Hero mobo is top class, one of the top3 in the x570 series. The Asus AIO CLC though is quite overpriced and not really worth the money unless you 're buying it just for the super compatible RGB bling. May i suggest a product from the masters of liquid cooling which is proven to be very efficient, operates mostly silent, reviewed as top notch and sells for less:
    Also, since all nvidias are on a shortage, you may consider ordering the newer RTX 3060 TI which should be priced a little over than a 2060 super but has the performance of a 2070 super and better temps as recent tests have shown. But this last one about the gpu stands only if you are gaming too, if not you may easily neglect it.
    PS: So now as a European i have to use VPN to even browse because normally it's become not avail to me? Boooo, fuck you newegg. Meeeehhh.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Cool, really cool stuff.
    Really a great briefing of Taiwan's situation. I knew the gist of it. I actually asked about it to a Chinese a couple years ago, and he was like "wow, how I explain this to this whitey" (in a good way, he's cool). Clearly he wasn't from Taiwan but neither seemed to have any hate for it. He just was like, dude this is too hard to explain. He's a bar co-owner here in Spain, it's very usual here since the 2010's crisis.
  6. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    During this time, Intel lowered his prices.
    Nice move AMD and scalpers, to delay sells :wink:

    Putting AMD instability with Adobe softs (lightroom ...) and ryzentosh crashes with audio softwares (protools, logic ...) in the balance ... my next PC is going to be Intel.

    Too bad, i was going to trigger a Ryzen some weeks ago ...
    Thanks AMD and scalpers for this paper launch ! :wink:
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  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hi mate. It's clear by now all companies underestimated scalpers.
    In some cases though, like 40-45 days ago, MSI (MicroStar, Inc), a well known major player in the world of computer components (and not only) were caught redhanded scalping their own products (mainly GPUs) through a subsidiary of theirs called Starlit and immediately was cried out from the press and customers. MSI reps said they didn't know about it, but all clues indicated some peeps knew, hence MSI was forced to fully or partially refund customers who paid hefty premiums over the company's official MSRP.
    As i keep building pcs and constantly checking hardware and prices with my hardware suppliers, it has become obvious to me that companies like AMD do not benefit from this situation, if only raising their "most desired" status which anyway is a stat for rich kids to follow tbh.
    On the other hand, Intel, may be rubbing their hands since many people went and bought Intel because they wouldn't find a suitable AMD cpu to build their new pc. Still, i find this a desperate solution for pros unless -like my friend Xupito- there is a mandatory need for upgrade.
    Well, not exactly desperate, since the 10900k still beats a 3800X, but not a 3900X or 3950X and no need to mention the new Zen3 series at this point, i 'm sure you 've read the reports. And to be fair the 3800X (now almost same price as the 3700X at around 320euros in Europe) destroys the still more expensive Intel i7 10700K (350 euros). And because you mentioned Lightroom, reportedly the 3900X is generally ~20% faster than the 10900K in Lightroom Classic, 30% faster in exporting. I dunno where you got this "instability" info from, Intel lol?
    Add in the factor that when you go Z490 or similar atm, you are essentially stuck with a 5 year old platform (because almost nothing changed since Z170 apart from the cpu cores) and little to no expandability depending which cpu you choose, the "scale" tips heavily towards AMD even if you have to wait a month or so.
    So yeah you are most welcome to go team blue, but the only reason i can see viable from what you said is Ryzentosh stability.
    You be well,
    EDIT: It remains unknown atm if MSI will be prone to a mass lawsuit or fined for foul play... They have to be disciplined imho, but we 'll see.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  8. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    I have no idea where you get your information but 10900k easily beats the 3900x , the only rival is the 5950x but not by much in a main daw.
    In a slave rig environment yes the amd has the number of cores advantage, but as a main daw workstation 10900k is a much better choice price/performance ratio.
    Top tier Intel is still an asio benchmark winner, who gives a damn about lightroom, people here care about how their daw will perform and to say 3900x is a better choice vs 10900k for a daw workstation is laughable.
  9. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    No, you are wrong here. You can't claim that Intel is winning in ASIO benchmarks when it clearly is not. I have been using Intel CPU's in my DAWs since late 90's, with one exception when AMD was leading. I don't care if it's Intel or AMD.

    I got an old 3950x last year when it was released (remember 3000x-series are last years model while 10900K is Intels current line!)
    3950x STILL beats Intels so-called "top tier" 10900k in multithreaded tasks (like Cubase/DAW)...

    I'm up to the challange btw. I can use Reaper or Cubase as the test base.

    The new "top tier" Intel 10900k beats the old 3900x (released 1 and half years ago) only by just a few points:

    That is not what I call price/performance win............. you can get a 3900x for a fraction of the cost of a 10900K.

    The old Ryzen 3900x beats the old 10900x by far btw.
    Check these numbers:

    If you compare Apples to Apples (latest vs latest line)... even the Ryzen 5600x beats the 10900k in single thread..

    5900x/5950x will be in stock again later in december btw. Worst case, you'll get one in january. I can use the same motherboard. With Intel you probably have to get a new motherboard as well even though you already running Intel....

    Also AMD is not as hot as Intels.. so you will easier get a quieter DAW with AMD right now. I know that my current 3950x setup is the quietest computer I ever built. This is really important in a studio (if you don't have a separate room for your computer...).
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  10. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    Crashes caused by AMD CPU's? Never heard about this issue, nor I have I seen it. What crashes?
    I've been running AMD 3950x since last year and it's fully stable with Cubase and Reaper. Why shouldn't it be? :)

    I'm using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom as well.. no crashes. Who said this, must be someone who doesn't know between crashes caused by CPU's or unstable OS/config. =)
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    What @tnc said. Truth stands within the first four words you said. I can also add that apart from scan uk there is only one really reputable system integrator, puget systems and they agree too with my claims. Check their bench's and builds. Btw i build at least 2-3 comps/month to have some idea of what i'm talking about and i'm no fanboy of anything other than performance, sadly you seem totally biased towards Intel like they pay you lol. That's ok. Btw, if you can't see how dead is the platform you 're defending there is no point in talking to you. ASIO benchmark winner :hahaha:. Perhaps under liquid nitrogen you may get a win. Under normal settings things are like this:

    DAWBench DSP SGA1566 (2020 Build)

    Worth noticing here is that the 3900X and 3950X just kill the much more expensive 18c/36t HEDT 10980XE in all buffer sizes and obviously they annilate poor old 10900K in all cases. Also, notice how close to the 10900K is the 3800X, as mentioned earlier now a 320euro part. Now the only thing to wonder about is, if there will be any Intel cpus left in this graph when DAWbench adds the Zen3 series in the equation...:rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I was speaking about DAWs / Adobe crashes on Ryzen hackintosh :wink:
    Most devs on Apple hardware use Intel ONLY instructions extensively ... because Apple use Intel only.
    And NO, they are not going to recode for ryzentosh users.

    May be i will change my mind and use a Ryzen for Windows only.
    And keep my old Intel computer for hackintosh.

    For sure, Ryzen 3 5900x 5950x kills price / power wise.
    When you get one :bleh:
    Whatever ppl like Morgonaut said, Ryzentosh S*CKS for DAW and Adobe products.
    Witch is my MAIN reason to get more power.

    Windows 10 + Ryzen 59xxx is a good option
  13. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I've had the 3950X for a year.
    It's a great CPU if expectations are reasonable. If you have a slower quad-core and think "gee, I'll be able to do 4x the stuff" you'll be disappointed.

    Depending on how your DAW is coded and your projects are set up it's still very easy for a single thread to become the bottleneck. Things like folder tracks and sends are often the culprit.

    Just a guess but I think a 12-core 5900x would perform better in most production situations than a 16-core 3950x due to the single-core IPC improvements. If there's another 15% IPC improvement on a future generation of AM4 compatible chips I'd consider an upgrade.
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  14. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    This test is only a small percentage of what matters.
    First he benches mostly in Reaper, why doesnt he bench in Pro Tools or Cubase which are not that friendly to CPUs.
    What matters to the regular Joe is, how many heavy synths and plugins he can load before asio starts to click and pop.
    Fact is a 3900x vs an older 8700k is not going to help you get more instances of Diva or Acustica plugins because, guess what plugins and synths will still mostly hang on the single/1st core, single core performance is still the achilles` heel of any cpu, well i should say the daw, because of its primitive architecture that has not been following the quick progress of multi core cpus.
    If you look carefully at any tests intel is still a single core winner with their top tier cpus.
    Would i buy an AMD? Yes, for the slave system worsktation, but not for the main comp, maybe in two years.
    Its clear as a night Intel was holding the progress back and its rightfully so that amd is becoming the leading company.
    I have built many workstations over they years for others.
    I would advise people to look at single core/gaming benchmarks if they primarily work with plugins and synths.

    Reality vs taskforce amd fanboyism.
    New, Ryzen 9 3900x CPU, but not doing any better than my old i7-4790.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
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  15. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    You are right @hackerz4life
    Heavy SINGLE track is where Intel still shine.
    Like Virtual instruments.
    And stability. And hackintosh. And ... :bleh:

    There is a good reason WHY DAW use ONE core/thread per track.

    one thread (on one core) per track will help SYNC. The audio flow from one plugin to another.
    So it is easier to sync on the same thread/core and avoid BUFFER troubles BETWEEN plugins.
    Because there is always some input buffer. And it is even worse in 96kHz. Because the same buffer size gets two times shorter.

    If DAWs spanned plugins on different tracks, one plugin should WAIT for the other, due to desync.

    Some elements here :

    To summarize : Ryzen is the best DAW option ... on PAPER
    In real life, put some Diva in "ultra" settings and see :wink:
  16. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    How many people fall into that "upgrade" trap only to waste thousands of $ to make a 360%.
  17. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Ryzen 5000 is supposed to be the last generation to support AM4. They might do an "XT" refresh, like they did with Ryzen 3000 but after that it will be the end of AM4.
  18. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Zen 3 is the LAST AM4, like @pizzafresser said

    "Threadripper" are going to be stopped, too. Because it was a "side" project, due to AM4 limitation.
    AM5 is probably going to "include" all.
  19. baszermaszer

    baszermaszer Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    One big problem with new hardware, CPU or GPU is the compatibility. Pro's in graphics still go with Intel, because new stuff always means crashes & instability.
    Audio pros ~ in their workflows - I'm curious - how are they faring with newest AMD so far?
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Just read the ps on my post on page 1 of this thread :). Also just for the record incompatibilites are set to kick in mainly when a new chipset arrives, in the case of Zen3 only the cpus are new, everything else like mobos, chipsets, ram ect have been tested thoroughly and working fine. The minor bios updates existing users have to undergo seem to all work fine atm, no strange behaviour reported so far. Btw, now that i said mobos, it is expected that AMD will release a newer mobo BIOS in January making B450 mobos Zen 3 compatible, which represents tremendous upgradability for existing owners, i hope it's not just a rumour, we 'll see.
    You guys are something else. So scan uk, puget sys, the whole web and of course me and everyone else here are "paper based" -in other words air talk or just plain bullsht so to speak- and you guys are the real deal, right ?
    Ahhh... I 'll just save you the discomfort. I'm done talking here. The only paper talk my eyes read is "run some divas and blah", that other about single thread performance importance and other Eddie Murphy stand-up comedy from 1985.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
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