Need help with studio setup PC/MAC/Wiring

Discussion in 'Studio' started by macciemaccie, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. macciemaccie

    macciemaccie Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Hello fellow music creators, producers and everyone else.
    Avid reader here, posting for the first time. So first of all, a warm Hello. Hope everyone is safe and healthy!

    I'm finally building my set and trying to get everything together. I've come across a few problems and hope that I've solved it already but I need reassurance from pros like you.

    Is Option2 feasible or will I need the Big Knob from Option 1?
    How is the wiring? (I realize that I need XLR to TRS cables not TRS to TRS for the rokits)

    1 PC + 1 Mac + 1 Audio Interface + Monitor Speakers
    PC is for Music Production and Gaming
    Mac is for Everyday Use

    OPTION 1
    I will connect my monitor speakers to my PC along with the Audio Interface as I need this for Music Production. I also want the sound of my Mac to be output to the monitor speakers.

    My question: Is the setup I've scribbled together in the graphic the right one? Did I do the wiring correctly?

    After googling for hours I've run across the Mackie Big Knob which sounded like a good and cheaper solution to me prior to buying something like the iConnectAudio+ which can share the Audio Interface with Mac AND PC simultaneously.

    OPTION 2
    Meanwhile, I've had another thought:
    Do I need the Mackie Big Knob or can I just use the other line input from my audio interface? That way, I would connect the mac to the line in from the interface. But I'd need to know if the PC will output via USB (if that's possible).

    Thanks so much for any help... I appreciate it much!
    Stay safe and healthy.

    OPTION 1 (With Mackie Big Knob)

    OPTION 2: Without Mackie Big Knob
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  3. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    I guess for option 2, when using the Mac, your PC needs be turned on, and have a USB connection to the interface.
    So if you don't want that (energy bill?) - you'll need a monitor controller like the Big Knob (or just any mixer really) in front of the interface.

    I have no experience with that iConnect device.
  4. macciemaccie

    macciemaccie Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Thanks so much for the reply.
    I haven't thought of that. How about, I use the power adapter instead of powering it via USB?
    Or connect it to a USB Hub which is powered by external power?
    Would Option 2 then be feasible without having the PC on all the time?

    I managed to find a power adapter. It works when the power is plugged in. I can route the sound from the mac to my phones.
    So Option 2 is feasible. Wonderful! Though I have the feeling that I'll get a knob soon enough, anyway.

    Thank you so much for your input.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Since you managed to test the audio interface in standalone mode and it works, it's really up to you if you need the Big Knob or not. I can't think of any reason why you would need it, except maybe for that big knob. :) Less wiring, and less devices in the audio path is always better. My only grope would be those "crockits..." There are much better options for just a tad more dough.

    Enjoy making music! :headbang:
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  6. macciemaccie

    macciemaccie Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Yeah, you've got a point there. I chose Option 2 for now. Don't want any more clutter on my desk and don't really need it yet.
    Thank you, each and every one of you for looking into this.

    My cables will arrive today and my monitor speakers will hopefully arrive until Monday, Tuesday.

    Can't wait.
    Stay safe, healthy and keep doing what enriches you all!
  7. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    I'm not sure if I'm breaking the rules with this post. I hope not

    I have an eQuip KVMA Switch that I use to connect My Hackintosh, a Windows 7, a Windows 10 and an HP Proliant server. I have Logic Pro on the Hack, Studio One on Win 10 and Mixcraft on Win 7. I can record my guitar on all of them. It supports Keyboard, Video, Mouse as well as Audio Speakers and Microphone (many of the newer ones only support speakers).

    This one is a spare bit of kit now, this one was my daughters who now has her laptop on Wireless and a single Hackintosh. Complete with all cables for 4 computers.

    It's for PS2, but it works with a PS2 to USB adapter. If it would help, you can have it for 45 Euros, plus postage. The new KVMA switches are hundreds of Euros.
  8. macciemaccie

    macciemaccie Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    How super nice of your. Thakn you for your offer.
    I'm good with the above pictures setup as I don't need to record on my Mac. I only record on my windows machine.

    But thanks for the kind offer!
    Stay safe and keep making music!