Ken tamplin vocal academy pro account

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Hamza ahmed, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Hamza ahmed

    Hamza ahmed Newbie

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Hey guys i dont know if this is the right platform to ask this but i am doing this program and i am stuck right now and i want a pro student account to check out some students videos on site but i cant afford it so if anyone has the account i will greatly benefit from that and will be thankful so please DM me the account please!!
  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I find this program to be super confusing, frustrating and often self contradictory. He tells you to do "little boy voice" so as to not carry all that extra weight up but in the exercises he doesn't sound like he's doing "little boy voice" at all. He tells you in a video to set the vowel like you're going down a run way, only ever modifying it to get into the higher rangers but again, in the exercises it doesn't sound like that's what he's doing and without an explanation of what's he's actually doing, well you're screwed. He often sounds like he's straining in the exercises, just as a side note. He doesn't even tell you how to do that either.

    Volume two has audio exercises he doesn't discuss or go over or show you how to do in the Volumes 1 or 2 videos, for example. You have to go to volume 3 to find the exercise, for example the inverted scale, but then he only does them in chest, which is not the same as trying to bridge from chest to head in the volume 2 inverted scales exercise. Same with the Major scales, introduced, out of nowhere, in volume 2 audio exercises, no example or explanation on how to actually do them, and in volume 3 its all chest, the same. You have guess and or apply, on your own with no explanation, the triad exercise to the scale one as if they're somehow the same. They're not.

    The only thing he really is ever super clear on is the vowels AH, AA, EE ect on simple triads.

    The part that really gets me is that in one video he goes on to say how he likes instrumentalist as student's because they get how this training stuff works, and I agree, but his program doesn't work that way. There's tons of guess work and that's because it's not laid out in a clear concise way. I just don't understand why not. It seems really simple to me:

    Video demonstration: slow, medium and fast > Thorough explanation, step by step explaining how to do it. Note by note if he has to> Exercises corresponding to what you just learned exactly.

    Everything in the program should follow this simple obvious rule. Then, and only after then, should you have to use the forum for whatever reason. demonstration> explanation> exercise. WHY did he not do that?

    Instead you have to go through hours, sometimes, of video trying to find a spot where he even mentions what you're looking for and you'll be lucky if he actually explains it. Protip: he does not, so don't bother.

    Frankly, the program to me comes off as lazy. In fact I noticed that in 2.0 Volume two, he didn't even bother remaking the audio exercises, it's the same from 1.0. Lazy AF and still doesn't correct the fact he doesn't show you how to do several of the exercises. At the very least, ill thought out. I don't blame you for wanting a login, though this is probably not the place. I'd like one myself just to see what the forum offers, if anything. To see if that at least is worth the money.

    I'd be pissed if I paid for this program. They don't even have the decency of telling you what's in it and or what's missing before you buy. You have to take an expensive leap of faith. Fuck that. I don't do faith.

    Unfortunately it's also the only program I've found so far that's even worth trying. So unfortunate. For people that can't afford an actual instructor you're pretty much screwed. Just have to guess your way through it I suppose.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  4. Hamza ahmed

    Hamza ahmed Newbie

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Yes you are absolutely right he doesn't explain stuff clearly and probably because he wants people to take Skype lessons with him to get more money but the problem I that I want to increase my belting and mix voice range and his course is the only one that actually touches that all the other courses just go over it a bit and just try to build your headvoice and falsetto which is cool for some styles but not mine that's why IAM trying to figure stuff out despite the unclear explainations ..
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