Do you read books? recommendations?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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  2. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Not a bad list, Slaughterhouse 5 is a personal favourite and one of Vonnegut's best.
    Perdido Street Station is not a easy read though it's a fantastic book.

    I'd pick "One Hundred Years of Solitude" from Marquez and "Satanic Verses" from Rushdie.

    OP, for English these are good but none of these (apart from Marquez which is a translation) are easy reading.
  3. Academia

    Academia Producer

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Stop what you are doing and start reading "The Sound and the Fury", by William Faulkner, followed by "Sanctuary".
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  4. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I do like the fiction bias in this thread, i.e., most people recommending great fictional works.
    So I tried to pick something that was definitely not fiction instead.

    And I wanted it to precisely do both things the OP asked for...
    - Improve his English
    - 'Enchance' his mind
    I promise I'm NOT making fun of the OP's English here but that accidental dubious word 'enchance' is just so nice.
    It's like a cross between enhance and enchant. (a perfect mistake)

    Anyway, here's a book that should enchance anyone's mind if they give it a chance.
    Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (written in 1912)
    This is Russell trying to do the impossible...
    take a really huge complex subject and make it as simple as possible for the non-academic reader.
    His writing style is superb.

    The book is free (out of copyright)
    Multiple formats available here

    An extract:
    The value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason. To such a man the world tends to become definite, finite, obvious; common objects rouse no questions, and unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected. As soon as we begin to philosophize, on the contrary, we find, as we saw in our opening chapters, that even the most everyday things lead to problems to which only very incomplete answers can be given.
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  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Abraham Leon
    It will boost your brain :wink:
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  6. robotboy

    robotboy Producer

    Aug 23, 2016
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    How To Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan
    It's about the re-emergence of legitimate psychedelic research for behavioral and mood disorders.

  7. belinea2010

    belinea2010 Kapellmeister

    Feb 23, 2017
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    If you want to disappear into a book for a while I have quite a collection of music biographys.

    One that I'd recomend as a starter is the Motley Crew biog, The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band.

    You dont have to be a fan of the band or even like thier music as the book is more about all of the deborcary and wild life they had.

    Makes a good read
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  8. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I find the best and easiest is to read books about subjects that you really enjoy, because then you won't get bored with it.
  9. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    the book of psalms
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  10. KillerLoop

    KillerLoop Ultrasonic

    Dec 30, 2013
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    The Overlook Hotel
    China Miéville - The City & the City
    Frederik George Pohl - Gateway
    Dan Simmons - Hyperion
    Larry Niven - Ringworld
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  11. Epcot

    Epcot Guest

    Don't open this if you don't want to become :guru::
    100 years of European Philosophy Since the Great War
    1000 Citations philosophiques
    101 Great Philosophers
    101 Philosophy Problems (Third Edition)
    101 Philosophy Problems, 2nd Edition
    12 Modern Philosophers
    17N's Philosophy of Terror
    1984 and Philosophy
    1991_Coladant_Seismis_isolation_of_NPP_EDF philosophy.pdf
    20th Anniversary Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone - Ravenclaw Edition
    30 Rock and Philosophy
    30-Second Philosophies
    30-Second Philosophies The 50 Most Thought-Provoking Philosophies
    30-Second Philosophies The 50 Most Thought-Provoking Philosophies
    365 petits bonheurs philosophiques
    50 Philosophy Classics
    50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know
    50 Schlüsselideen Philosophie
    500 citations pour le manager philosophe - De Confucius à Wolinski
    5000 BC and other philosophical fantasies
    A beginner's history of philosophy, Vol. 1
    A Bibliography of David Hume and of Scotish Philosophy from Francis Hutcheson to Lord Balfour
    A Bibliography of Nyaya Philosophy
    A brief history of analytic philosophy
    A Brief History of Liberty (Brief Histories of Philosophy)
    A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time
    A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
    A cabinet of philosophical curiosities
    A Century of Philosophy
    A Collection of Polish Works on Philosophical Problems of Time and Spacetime
    A Commentary on Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind
    A Commentary on Hegel's Philosophy of Mind
    A Companion to African Philosophy
    A Companion to African-American Philosophy
    A Companion to Analytic Philosophy
    A Companion to Ancient Philosophy
    A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy
    A companion to applied philosophy
    A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy
    A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy
    A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy
    A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, 2 Volume Set
    A Companion to Continental Philosophy
    A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy
    A Companion to Environmental Philosophy
    A companion to experimental philosophy
    A Companion to Feminist Philosophy
    A Companion to Latin American Philosophy
    A Companion to Philosophical Logic
    A Companion to Philosophical Logic (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
    A Companion to Philosophical Logic (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
    A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand
    A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages
    A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory
    A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Second edition
    A Companion to Philosophy of Religion
    A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, Second Edition
    A Companion to Political Philosophy. Methods, Tools, Topics
    A companion to the philosophers
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Action
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Education
    A companion to the philosophy of history and historiography
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Language
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Robert Kilwardby
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Science
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology
    A Companion to the Philosophy of Time
    A Companion to World Philosophies
    A comparative history of world philosophy
    A comparative study of the Russian and German philosophies of education
    A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy
    A Concise Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Religion
    A Concise History of Mathematics for Philosophers
    A Concise Introduction to the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa
    A Course in Indian Philosophy
    A Course In Spiritual Philosophy
    A Critical Appraisal of Karl Olivecrona's Legal Philosophy
    A critical history and philosophy of psychology
    A Critical History of Greek Philosophy
    A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Gottlob Frege
    A Critical Introduction To The Philosophy Of Language
    A Critical Rationalist Aesthetics. (Series in the Philosophy of Karl R.Popper & Critical Rationalism)
    A defence of Deleuze's philosophy of multiplicity
    A Dialectical Journey Through Fashion and Philosophy
    A dictionary of Chinese philosophy with English annotations 汉英中国哲学辞典
    A Dictionary of Philosophical Logic
    A Dictionary Of Philosophy
    A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion
    A Faithful Guide to Philosophy
    A Genealogy of Marion's Philosophy of Religion
    A general view of the progress of ethical philosophy,
    A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy
    A Guide to Philosophical Writing
    A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes
    A Hegel Dictionary (Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries)
    A Heidegger Dictionary (Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries)
    A Hindu Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion
    A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
    A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (OPUS)
    A Historical Sketch of Indonesian Philosophy
    A history and philosophy of sport and physical education
    A History of Ancient Philosophy
    A History of Ancient Philosophy, Vol. 4
    A History of Buddhist Philosophy
    A history of Chinese philosophy. Volume I. The period of the philosophers (from the beginnings to circa 100 B.C.)
    A history of Chinese philosophy. Volume I. The period of the philosophers (from the beginnings to circa 100 B.C.)
    A history of Chinese philosophy. Volume II. The period of classical learning (from the second century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D.)
    A History Of Greek Philosophy
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 1
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 2
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 3, Part 1
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 3, Part 2
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 4
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 5
    A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 6
    A History of Hebrew - Its Language and Philosophy (book+video)
    A History of Indian Philosophy
    A History of Indian Philosophy (Volume IV)
    A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I.-V
    A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I.-V.
    A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume 2
    A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume I
    A History of Indian Philosophy. Vols. 1-5
    A History of Islamic Philosophy - 3rd edition
    A History of Islamic Philosophy - Third Edition
    A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages
    A History of Language Philosophies (Studies in the History of the Language Sciences)
    A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
    A History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy
    A History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy
    A history of Muslim philosophy
    A History of Natural Philosophy
    A history of philosophical systems
    A History of Philosophy
    A History of Philosophy - Ockham to the Speculative Mystics (Christian Library)
    A History of Philosophy (Part I
    A History of Philosophy [Vol II]
    A History of Philosophy [Vol IV]
    A History of Philosophy [Vol IX]
    A History of Philosophy [Vol V]
    A History of Philosophy [Vol VII]
    A History of Philosophy [Vol VIII]. Modern philosophy, empiricism, idealism, and pragmatism in Britain and America
    A History of Philosophy [Vol VIII]. Modern philosophy, empiricism, idealism, and pragmatism in Britain and America
    A History of Philosophy in America, 1720-2000
    A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, Volume 1
    A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, Volume 2
    A History of Philosophy, Vol. 1
    A History of Philosophy, Vol. 2
    A History of Philosophy, Vol. 4
    A History of Philosophy, Volume 3
    A History of Philosophy; With Especial Reference to the Formation and Development of Its Problems and Conceptions
    A History of Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy
    A History of Russian Philosophy
    A History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the 16th and 17th Centuries
    A History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century
    A History of Scottish Philosophy
    A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics
    A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy
    A History Of Western Philosophy
    A History of Western Philosophy ; The Classical Mind
    A History of Western Philosophy [poor font]
    A History of Western Philosophy and Theology
    A History of Western Philosophy, Volume 2
    A History of Women Philosophers
    A Hundred Years of English Philosophy
    A Jewish Philosopher of Baghdad
    A Journey through Philosophy in 101 Anecdotes
    A klasszikus szankhja filozofiaja Classical Samkhya Philosophy
    A Little History of Philosophy
    A Little Philosophical Lexicon of Anarchism from Proudhon to Deleuze
    A Locke Dictionary (The Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries)
    A Logical Approach to Philosophy
    A Marxist Philosophy of Language
    A Marxist Philosophy of Language (Historical Materialism)
    A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary
    A Mathematical Prelude to the Philosophy of Mathematics
    A Mystical Philosophy
    A New History of Western Philosophy
    A new history of western philosophy 2 Medieval philosophy
    A new history of western philosophy 2 Medieval philosophy
    A New History of Western Philosophy Vol 1 Ancient Philosophy
    A New History of Western Philosophy Vol 1 Ancient Philosophy
    A new history of Western philosophy. 2
    A New Philosophy Henri Bergson
    A New Philosophy of History
    A New Philosophy of Literature
    A New Philosophy of Society
    A Non-Philosophical Theory of Nature
    A Phenomenology of Love and Hate (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy)
    A Philosophers Apprentice
    A Philosopher's Notes
    A Philosopher's Story
    A Philosopher's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
    A Philosophical Analysis of Chaos Theory
    A Philosophical Analysis of Hope
    A Philosophical Approach to MOND
    A Philosophical Approach to Quantum Field Theory
    A Philosophical Autofiction
    A Philosophical Commentary on the Politics of Aristotle
    A Philosophical Commentary on these Words of The Gospel, Luke 14
    A Philosophical Companion to First-Order Logic
    A Philosophical Critique of Empirical Arguments for Postmortem Survival
    A Philosophical Dictionary
    A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful
    A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful.
    A philosophical essay on probabilities
    A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty
    A Philosophical Guide to Chance
    A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals
    A Philosophical History of German Sociology
    A Philosophical Investigation of Rape
    A Philosophical Novelist
    A Philosophical Study of the Human Mind
    A Philosophical Walking Tour with C.S. Lewis
    A Philosophy for Communism
    A philosophy for the science of well-being
    A Philosophy of Boredom
    A Philosophy of Cinematic Art
    A Philosophy of Computer Art
    A Philosophy of Criminal Attempts
    A Philosophy of Culture
    A Philosophy of Dirt
    A Philosophy of Emptiness
    A Philosophy of Evidence Law
    A Philosophy of Fear
    A Philosophy of Freedom
    A Philosophy of Gardens
    A Philosophy of Global Pluralism
    A Philosophy of Human Hope
    A Philosophy of Humour
    A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)
    A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Applied Legal Philosophy)
    A Philosophy Of International Law (New Perspectives on Law, Culture & Society)
    A Philosophy of Israel Education
    A Philosophy of Loneliness
    A Philosophy of Man
    A Philosophy of Material Culture
    A Philosophy of Nationhood and the Modern Self
    A Philosophy of Pain
    A Philosophy of Political Myth
    A Philosophy of Schooling
    A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition
    A Philosophy of Software Design
    A Philosophy of Suicide
    A Philosophy of Technology
    A philosophy of the Christian religion
    A Philosophy of the Future
    A Philosophy of the Screenplay
    A philosophy of the unsayable
    A Philosophy of Walking
    A Philosophy of War
    A Philosophy to Live By
    A Pitch of Philosophy
    A Platonic Philosophy Of Religion
    A Political Philosophy in Public Life
    A practical philosophy for the life sciences
    A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy
    A Primal Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion
    A Productive Decade of Andragogy's History and Philosophy
    A radical philosophy of Saint Paul
    A Realist Philosophy of Science
    A Realist Philosophy of Social Science
    A re-evaluation of the vocal philosophy of Dr. James Rush as based on a study of his sources
    A Russian Philosophe Alexander Radishchev 1749–1802
    A School Compendium of Natural and Experimental Philosophy
    A Semiotic Theory of Theology and Philosophy
    A Short History of African Philosophy
    A Short History of Analytic Philosophy
    A Short History of Chinese Philosophy
    A Short History of German Philosophy
    A short history of modern philosophy
    A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India
    A Slim Book about Narrow Content (Contemporary Philosophical Monographs)
    A Sneetch Is a Sneetch and Other Philosophical Discoveries
    A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy
    A Source Book in Indian Philosophy
    A Student’s Guide to Political Philosophy
    A Student's Guide to Political Philosophy (Isi Guides to the Major Disciplines)
    A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga, Revised Edition
    A Study in the Philosophy of Science
    A Study of Kant's Psychology With Reference to the Critical Philosophy
    A Study of the Development and Significance of the Idea of the ‘Image of God’ from its Origins in Genesis through its Historical-Philosophical Interpretations to Contemporary Concerns in Science and Phenomenology
    A Study of the Philosophy of International Law as Seen in Works of Latin American Writers
    A Study of Time in Indian Philosophy
    A Sustainable Philosophy—The Work of Bryan Norton
    A tale of seven scientists and a new philosophy of science
    A Teenage Philosophy of Awareness and Existence
    A Textbook Of Marxist Philosophy
    A Theory of Philosophical Fallacies
    A Theory of Public Opinion (Philosophical and Historical Studies. Institute of Philosophical and Historical Studies)
    A Theory of Public Opinion (Philosophical and Historical Studies. Institute of Philosophical and Historical Studies)
    A to Z of Philosophy
    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence
    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence,Vol. 7
    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence. Volume 8. A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Common Law World, 1600-1900
    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence. Volume 8. A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Common Law World, 1600-1900
    A Wittgenstein Dictionary (Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries)
    ʿAbd al-Latif al-Bagdadi’s Philosophical Journey From Aristotle’s Metaphysics to the ‘Metaphysical Science’
    Abenteuer im Kopf. Philosophische Gedankenexperimente
    About Bioethics, Volume 1. Philosophical and Theological Approaches
    About Philosophy
    Abrégé de la philosophie de M. Gassendi
    Abreges pour les aveugles - portraits et doctrines de philosophes anciens et modernes.
    Abriss der Philosophie
    Abschied vom Prinzipiellen. Philosophische Studien
    Abstract Particulars (Philosophical Theory)
    Abū’l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī’s Metaphysical Philosophy
    Abū’l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī’s Scientific Philosophy
    Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy
    Academic Skepticism in Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy
    Access to Religion and Philosophy. Christian Theology
    Access to Religion and Philosophy. Ethical Theory
    Access to Religion and Philosophy. Philosophy of Religion
    Access to Religion and Philosophy. Philosophy of Religion
    Acht Philosophen der Italienischen Renaissance
    Acinemas ; Lyotard's Philosophy of Film
    Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucencis. Faculta Philosophica Philologica 97-2008. Ucrainica III. Současná ukrajinistika. Problémy jazyka, literatury a kultury
    Action (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Action Philosophers! 01 - Nietzsche, Bodhidharma, & Plato
    Action Philosophers! 02 - All Sex Special - June2005
    Action Philosophers! 03 - Self Help for Stupid Ugly Losers - Sept2005
    Action Philosophers! 04 - World Domination Handbook - Dec2005
    Action Philosophers! 05 - Hate The French! - Apr2006
    Action Philosophers! 06 - The People_s Choice - June 2006
    Action Philosophers! 07 - Its all Greek to You! - October 2006
    Action Philosophers! 08 - Senseless Violence Spectacular - February 2007
    Action, Ethics, and Responsibility (Topics in Contemporary Philosophy)
    Active perception in the history of philosophy
    Active Self . A Philosophical Study of the Buddha Nature Treatise and Other Chinese Buddhist Texts
    Activity in Marx’s Philosophy
    Adam Smith and the Philosophy of Law and Economics
    Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment (Modern European Philosophy)
    Adam Smith, philosophie et économie. De la sympathie à l'échange
    Adam Smith. A moral philosopher and his political economy
    Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy
    Adam Smith's Political Philosophy
    Adaptationism and Optimality (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)
    Addition aux pensees philosophiques
    Adorno and philosophical modernism
    Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy
    Adorno and Theology (Philosophy & Theology)
    Adorno in Neapel Wie sich eine Sehnsuchtslandschaft in Philosophie verwandelt
    Adorno’s Philosophy of the Nonidentical
    Adorno's philosophy of the nonidentical
    Adorno's practical philosophy
    Advaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy
    Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
    Advanced Modal Logic (from Handbook Of Philosophical Logic)
    Advancements in the Philosophy of Design
    Advances in Experimental Philosophy and Methodology
    Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Language
    Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Mind
    Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science
    Adventure Time and philosophy
    Aesthetic in Kant (Continuum Studies in German Philosophy)
    Aesthetic Philosophy of Abhinavagupta
    Aesthetica und Anaesthetica. Philosophische Überlegungen
    Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays
    Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
    Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant's Critical Philosophy
    Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
    Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
    Aesthetics as philosophy of perception
    Aesthetics A-Z (Philosophy A-Z)
    AESTHETICS CL (Fundamentals of Philosophy)
    Affectivity and Philosophy after Spinoza and Nietzsche
    Africa, Asia, and the History of Philosophy. Racism in the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780–1830
    Africa, Asia, and the History of Philosophy. Racism in the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780–1830
    African Literature as Political Philosophy (Africa in the New Millennium)
    African Philosophical Illuminations
    African Philosophy
    African philosophy and thought systems
    African Philosophy in Search of Identity
    African Philosophy of Education Reconsidered
    African Philosophy. Traditional Yoruba Philosophy and Contemporary African Realities
    African Philosophy. Traditional Yoruba Philosophy and Contemporary African Realities
    Africa's Quest for a Philosophy of Decolonization (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 153)
    Afrophone philosophies
    Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy
    Against Equality of Opportunity (Oxford Philosophical Monographs)
    Agamben’s Philosophical Lineage
    Agency and Action (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement; 55)
    Aggression and Crimes Against Peace (Philosophical and Legal Aspects of War and Conflict)
    Agora, Academy, and the Conduct of Philosophy
    Agrippa's Occult Philosophy
    Ahmed the Philosopher
    Aims of Education (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education, 7)
    Akalanka's Criticism of Dharmakirti's Philosophy
    Akrasia in Greek Philosophy
    Akrasia in Greek Philosophy. From Socrates to Plotinus
    Al- Ghazali's Philosophical Theology
    Alasdair MacIntyre (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
    Alayavijnana - On the Origin and the Early Development of a Central Concept of Yogacara Philosophy Part II
    Albert Camus's Philosophy of Communication
    Albert Einstein als Philosoph und Naturforscher
    Alchemy Deciphered - Statistically Significant Evidence Identifying a Unified Procedure and Philosophy of Alchemy
    Alexy’s Theory of Law. Proceedings of the Special Workshop \"Alexy’s Theory of Law\" held at the 26th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Belo Horizonte, 2013
    Alexy’s Theory of Law. Proceedings of the Special Workshop \"Alexy’s Theory of Law\" held at the 26th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Belo Horizonte, 2013
    al-Farabi (Alpharabius), des arabischen Philosophen Leben und Schriften mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Geschichte der griechischen Wissenschaft unter den Arabern
    AlFarabi's Philosophische Abhandlungen
    Alfarabi's Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle
    Alfred Klemmt - Wissenschaft und Philosophie im Dritten Reich (1938, 37 S., Scan, Fraktur)
    Algebraic Methods in Philosophical Logic
    Algebraic semantics in language and philosophy
    Algebraic Semantics in Language and Philosophy (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes)
    Al-Ghazali's Philosophical Theology
    Alhacen's Theory of Visual Perception (First Three Books of Alhacen's De Aspectibus), Volume One - Introduction and Latin Text (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society)
    Alhacen's Theory of Visual Perception (First Three Books of Alhacen's De Aspectibus), Volume Two - English Translation (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society)
    Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy
    Alien and Philosophy
    Alienation and nature in environmental philosophy
    Allegory and Philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
    Altercatio Hadriani augusti et Epicteti philosophi
    Alvin Plantinga (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
    Amartya Sen (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
    America and the political philosophy of common sense
    America the Philosophical
    American Avant-Garde Cinema's Philosophy of the In-Between
    American philosophy
    American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner
    American Philosophy of Technology
    America's First Women Philosophers
    Amusement Philosophique Sur Le Langage Des Bestes (1739)
    Amy Schumer and Philosophy
    An African Philosophy of Personhood, Morality, and Politics
    An Africana Philosophy of Temporality
    An Anthology of Mysticism and Mystical Philosophy
    An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, Volume 1
    An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, Volume 2
    An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, Volume 3
    An Approach to Political Philosophy
    An Approach to Wittgenstein’s Philosophy
    An Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics
    An Audience for Moral Philosophy?
    An Eleventh-century Egyptian Guide to the Universe The Book of Curiosities, Edited with an Annotated Translation (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science)
    An Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
    An Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (Oxford Philosophical Texts)
    An Essay on Philosophical Method
    An essay, medical, philosophical, and chemical on drunkenness and its effects on the human body
    An Evaluation of the Educational Philosophy of Herman Harrell Horne
    An Examination of Logical Positivism (International Library of Psychology Philosophy and Scientific Method)
    An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
    An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy (Collected Works of John Stuart Mill - vol 09)
    An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy
    An Illustrated Brief History Of Western Philosophy, 20th Anniversary Edition
    An Important Collection of Books on Philosophy
    An inquiry into the philosophical foundations of the human sciences
    An Inquiry into the Philosophical Foundations of the Human Sciences (San Francisco State University Series in Philosophy)
    An Inquiry into the Philosophical Foundations of the Human Sciences (San Francisco State University Series in Philosophy)
    An Insight into Hindu Philosophy
    An instructor’s outline for an undergraduate course in philosophy of education
    An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy
    An Introduction to Adwaita Philosophy
    An Introduction to African Philosophy
    An Introduction to Africana Philosophy
    An Introduction to Analytic Philosophy
    An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
    An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy
    An Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy
    An Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy 2nd Ed.
    An Introduction to Comparative Philosophy
    An Introduction to Continental Philosophy
    An introduction to Daoist philosophies
    An Introduction to Feminist Philosophy
    An Introduction to Heidegger's Existential Philosophy
    An Introduction to Indian Philosophy
    An Introduction to Indonesian Philosophy
    An Introduction to Kant's Moral Philosophy
    An Introduction to Medieval Philosophy
    An Introduction to Metaphilosophy
    An Introduction to Modern European Philosophy
    An Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy
    An Introduction To Moral Philosophy
    An Introduction to Moral Philosophy and Moral Education
    An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis - Fourth Edition
    An Introduction to Philosophical Logic 2nd Ed
    An Introduction to Philosophical Methods
    An Introduction to Philosophy (A Sheed & Ward Classic)
    An Introduction to Philosophy of Education
    An Introduction to Philosophy of Education, 4th Edition
    An Introduction to Philosophy of Medicine
    An Introduction to Philosophy through Literature
    An Introduction to Political Philosophy
    An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
    An Introduction to Tantric Philosophy
    An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of History
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Induction and Probability
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Knowledge
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy)
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy)
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (Opus)
    An introduction to the philosophy of science
    An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Social Research (Social Research Today, 9)
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Time
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Time and Space
    An Introduction to the Tibetan Dzogchen (Great Perfection) Philosophy of Mind
    An Introductory Philosophy of Medicine
    An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions
    An Outline of Philosophy
    An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy
    Analogy in Indian and Western Philosophical Thought
    Analysis of the Philosophy of Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    Analytic and Continental Philosophy
    Analytic Islamic Philosophy
    Analytic Philosophy
    Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy (Mind Association Occasional)
    Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy (Mind Association Occasional)
    Analytic Philosophy And History Of Philosophy Oxford
    Analytic Philosophy And History Of Philosophy Oxford
    Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology
    Analytic philosophy and the return of Hegelian thought
    Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought (Modern European Philosophy)
    Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought (Modern European Philosophy)
    Analytic Philosophy in America
    Analytic Philosophy of Language and the Geisteswissenschaften
    Analytic Philosophy of Religion
    Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism
    Analytical Philosophy and the Study of Art
    Analytical Philosophy in Comparative Perspective
    Analytical Philosophy of Technology
    Analyticity (New Problems of Philosophy)
    Analytische Einführung in die Philosophie des Geistes
    Anarchism and Moral Philosophy
    Ancient and Hellenistic Thought (Understanding Philosophy)
    Ancient Concepts of Philosophy
    Ancient Greek Philosophers
    Ancient Greek Philosophy
    Ancient Mediterranean philosophy
    Ancient Perspectives on Aristotle's De Anima (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy) (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Series 1)
    Ancient Perspectives on Aristotle's De Anima (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy) (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Series 1)
    Ancient Philosophers
    Ancient Philosophical Poetics
    Ancient philosophy
    Ancient Philosophy (A New History of Western Philosophy - Volume 1)
    Ancient Philosophy (A New History of Western Philosophy - Volume 1)
    Ancient Philosophy of Religion
    Ancient philosophy of the self
    Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic
    Ancient Philosophy. From 600 BCE to 500 CE
    Ancient Scepticism (Ancient Philosophies)
    Ancient Western Philosophy
    Ancilla to Pre-Socratic Philosophers
    Anderson's social philosophy
    Anerkennung als Prinzip der praktischen Philosophie - Untersuchungen zu Hegels jenaer Philosophie des Geistes
    Anerkennung als Prinzip der praktischen Philosophie - Untersuchungen zu Hegels jenaer Philosophie des Geistes
    Anfang und Ursprung. Die Frage nach dem Ersten in Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaft
    Angela Carter and Western Philosophy
    Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry
    Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry. Their Function and Significance
    Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii Philosophiae consolationis libri quinque
    Animal ethics and philosophy
    Animal Philosophy
    Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy
    Animals in Tillich's Philosophical Theology
    Anime and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Anime and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Annas, Ancient Philosophy
    Another Philosophy of History and Selected Political Writings
    Anschluss Movement, 1918-1919 and the Paris Peace Conference (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society)
    Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109). Philosophical Theology and Ethics
    Anthology of Philosophical and Cultural Issues
    Anthropocentrism in Philosophy
    Anthropologie philosophique
    Anthropologie philosophique. Ecrits et conférences, 3
    Anthropology Philosophy
    Anticipatory Systems. Philosophical, Mathematical and Methodological Foundations
    Anti-Individualism and Knowledge (Contemporary Philosophical Monographs)
    Antimanuel de philosophie
    Antisthenes der Sokratiker. Das literarische Werk und die Philosophie, dargestellt am Katalog der Schriften (PhD Heidelberg)
    Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy
    Apologie des Zufälligen. Philosophische Studien
    Applications of formal philosophy
    Applications of Moral Philosophy
    Apprendre à philosopher avec Machiavel
    Approaches to Metaphysics (Studies in Philosophy and Religion)
    Approaching Philosophy of Religion
    Après Bergson / portrait de groupe avec philosophe
    Apulée, Opuscules philosophiques (Du Dieu de Socrate, Platon et sa doctrine, Du Monde) et Fragments
    Apulei Platonici Madaurensis opera quae supersunt, Vol. III De philosophia libri
    Apuleius Philosophus Platonicus
    AQA A2 Philosophy
    Aquinas (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Aquinas on Mind (Topics in Medieval Philosophy)
    Aquinas, Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion
    Aquinas’s Philosophical Commentary on the Ethics
    Aquinas’s Philosophy of Religion
    Aquinas's Philosophy of Religion
    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (ASP)
    Arabisch-islamische Philosophie
    Architectural Philosophy
    Architectural Reflections. Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture
    Architecture and Philosophy
    Architectures of Justice (Applied Legal Philosophy)
    Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie
    Arguments and Metaphors in Philosophy
    'Aristocrat'', and ''The Community'' - Two Philosophical Dialogues
    Aristote. Sa vie, son œuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie
    Aristoteles # Hughes, Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle on Ethics BB
    Aristotle (The Routledge Philosophers)
    Aristotle and His Medieval Interpreters (Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume)
    Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship
    Aristotle and the philosophy of law
    Aristotle the Philosopher (OPUS)
    Aristotle’s Ethics and Medieval Philosophy
    Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy
    Aristotle's criticism of presocratic philosophy
    Aristotle's Ethics as First Philosophy
    Aristotle's Philosophy of Action
    Aristotle's Politics Today (S U N Y Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
    Aristotle's Theory of Actuality (S U N Y Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
    Arrested Development and Philosophy
    Art and Intellect in the Philosophy of Etienne Gilson (Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy)
    Art and Intellect in the Philosophy of Etienne Gilson (Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy)
    Art and Morality (International Library of Philosophy)
    Art and philosophy in Adorno [article]
    Art, Myth and Society in Hegel's Aesthetics (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Artists, Citizens, Philosophers
    Asian philosophy
    Asian-Arab Philosophical Dialogues on War and Peace
    Aspects of Philosophical Logic
    Aspects of Scientific Explanation and other Essays in the Philosophy of Science
    Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (Live Questions in Ethics and Moral Philosophy)
    At the heart of Reason ; (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)
    At the Limits of Political Philosophy
    Atheism & Philosophy
    Atheism and Theism (Great Debates in Philosophy)
    Athénagoras d’Athènes, philosophe chrétien
    Atomism in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology
    Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
    Au moyen du Moyen Âge. Philosophies médiévales en chrétienté, judaïsme et islam
    Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie
    Auf dem Weg zur Philosophie
    Aufklärungs-Kritik und Aufklärungs-Mythen. Horkheimer und Adorno in philosophiehistorischer Perspektive
    Augustine and Philosophy
    Augustine for the Philosophers
    Augustine's Philosophy of Mind
    Ausgewählte Essays Band III (Musik und Philosophie)
    Austrian Philosophy Past and Present
    Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy
    Autobiography as Philosophy
    Autonomy in Jewish philosophy
    Autonomy, Gender, Politics (Studies in Feminist Philosophy)
    Aux origines de la philosophie indienne
    Aux origines du lexique philosophique européen
    Avatar and Philosophy
    Averroes and Hegel on Philosophy and Religion
    Avicenna Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina
    Avicenne et l’âme humaine (Philosophies) (French Edition)
    Aztec Philosophy
    Babylonian Horoscopes (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society)
    Bad Faith, Good Faith and Authenticity in Sartre's Early Philosophy
    Badiou and Philosophy
    Badiou and the German Tradition of Philosophy
    Badiou and the Philosophers
    Bantu Philosophy
    Barnett Newman and Heideggerian Philosophy
    Baroque, Venice, Theatre, Philosophy
    Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy
    Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy
    Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy (Studies in Continental Thought)
    Basic Equality and Discrimination (Applied Legal Philosophy)
    Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy
    Basic Principles of Classical Political Philosophy
    Basic Questions of Philosophy
    Basic Teachings of the Great Philosophers
    Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy
    Basketball and Philosophy
    Batman and Philosophy
    Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy
    Baumgarten’s Elements of First Practical Philosophy
    Baumgarten's Elements of First Practical Philosophy
    Bayesian Philosophy Of Science
    Beckett/ Philosophy
    Becoming within Being (Marquette Studies in Philosophy)
    Behavior Theory and Philosophy
    Being a philosopher
    Being and Knowing - Studies in Thomas Aquinas and Later Medieval Philosophers (Papers in Mediaeval Studies)
    Being and Some Philosophers
    Beiträge zur Geschichte der Griechischen Philosophie und Religion
    Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) (1936-1938)
    Belief (Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
    Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science
    Belief, Change and Forms of Life (Library of Philosophy & Religion)
    Bentham (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Berdyaev’s Philosophy of History
    Bergson (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Bergson and His Philosophy
    Bergson and Philosophy
    Bergson’s Philosophy of Self-Overcoming
    Berkeley and Irish philosophy
    Berkeley’s Philosophy of Science
    Berkeley’s Philosophy of Spirit
    Berkeley’s Renovation of Philosophy
    Berkeley's Philosophy of Mathematics
    Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of Religion
    Bernard Williams (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
    Bernard Williams (Philosophy Now Series)
    Bertrand Russell and the Edwardian Philosophers
    Bertrand Russell and the Origins of Analytical Philosophy
    Bertrand Russell’s Philosophy of Language
    Between History and Philosophy
    Between Mysticism and Philosophy
    Between Philosophy and History
    Between philosophy and literature
    Between Philosophy and Poetry
    Between philosophy and politics
    Between Philosophy and Religion
    Between Philosophy and Religion, Vol. II
    Between Philosophy and Social Science
    Between Philosophy and Theology
    Between physics and philosophy.
    Between Psychology and Philosophy
    Between the God of the Prophets and the God of the Philosophers
    Beyond Analytic Philosophy
    Beyond Brain Death - The Case Against Brain based Critieria for Human Death - Philosophy and Medicine Vol 66
    Beyond Domination (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 23)
    Beyond Good and Evil (Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future)
    Beyond good and evil; prelude to a philosophy of the future
    Beyond Measure. Modern Physics, Philosophy and the Meaning of Quantum Theory
    Beyond Philosophy
    Beyond the Philosopher's Fear (Intersections
    Beyond the Present and the Particular (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 2)
    Biblical Concepts and Our World (Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion)
    Biblical Errancy An Analysis of its philosophical roots. 2nd edition
    Biblical interpretation and philosophical hermeneutics
    Biblical Narrative in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur
    Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie
    Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie / Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy
    Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie / Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy
    Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy
    Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy
    Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy (Handbook of Oriental Studies Handbuch Der Orientalistik)
    Bibliography of the Philosophy in the Iberian Colonies of America
    Bibliotheca Chimica seu catalogus librorum philosophicorum hermeticorum
    Bildung (Grundthemen Philosophie)
    Biodiversity and Environmental Philosophy
    Biologie und Philosophie
    Biology of Life. Biochemistry, Physiology and Philosophy
    Biology, History, and Natural Philosophy
    Biopolitics and the Philosophy of Death
    BioShock and Philosophy
    Black Mirror And Philosophy
    Black Queer Ethics, Family, and Philosophical Imagination
    Black Sabbath and Philosophy
    Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics (Blackwell Philosophy Guides)
    Bled Philosophie
    Blues - Philosophy for Everyone
    Bob Dylan and Philosophy
    Boccaccio the Philosopher
    Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fur Antike und Mittelalter 5 (2000)
    Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter, 2001
    Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy
    Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae. Opuscula theologica
    Bolzano’s Theoretical Philosophy
    Bolzano's theoretical philosophy
    Books of Definition in Islamic Philosophy
    Books of Definition in Islamic Philosophy. The Limits of Words
    Borges and philosophy
    Bradley and the Structure of Knowledge (S U N Y Series in Philosophy)
    Brains, Buddhas, and Believing - The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind
    Brazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science
    Breaking Bad and Philosophy
    Brentano’s Philosophical System
    Brief History of Academic Tibetan Degrees in Buddhist Philosophy
    Brill’s companion to German romantic philosophy
    British Philosophers 1800-2000 (Dictionary of Literary Biography)
    British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century
    Broad and Narrow Interpretations of Philosophy of Technology
    Broad’s Critical Essays in Moral Philosophy.
    Buddhism and Dalits Social Philosophy and Traditions
    Buddhism as Philosophy
    Buddhist Philosophy
    Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation Practice
    Buddhist philosophy in theory and practice
    Buddhist Philosophy of Language in India
    Buddhist Philosophy of Universal Flux
    Buddhist Women Across Cultures (S U N Y Series in Feminist Philosophy)
    Bulgarian Studies in the Philosophy of Science
    Bullshit and Philosophy
    Bullshit and Philosophy Gary L. Hardcastle and George Reisch, editors Popular Culture and Philosophy Chicago
    Bullshit and Philosophy Gary L. Hardcastle and George Reisch, editors Popular Culture and Philosophy Chicago
    Business Ethics - A Philosophical and Behavioral Approach
    Business ethics and continental philosophy
    Business-Coach trifft Philosophen
    By Philosophy and Empty Deceit
    Byzantine Incursions on the Borders of Philosophy
    Byzantine Philosophy and Its Ancient Sources
    Byzantine Theology and its Philosophical Background
    Cabinets of experimental philosophy in eighteenth-century Europe
    Caitanya Vaisnava Philosophy
    Calibrating Western philosophy for India
    Calling Philosophers Names
    Cambridge Companion to Boethius (Cambridge companions to philosophy)
    Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy
    Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy
    Cambridge Translations of Renaissance Philosophical Texts. Volume 1
    Camus, Philosophe
    Can a Robot Be Human? 33 Perplexing Philosophy Puzzles
    Can Ethics Provide Answers and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy
    Can Philosophy Love?
    Canadian Cases in the Philosophy of Law
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 40, Number 4, December 2010
    Canadian philosophers
    Cannabis - Philosophy for Everyone
    Capabilities and social justice the political philosophy of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbuam
    Capitalism Beyond Mutuality- Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science
    Carnap, Kuhn, and the Philosophy of Scientific Methodology
    Carnets de captivité suivi de Écrits sur la captivité et Notes philosophiques diverses
    Cassirers politische Philosophie
    Categorial frameworks (Library of philosophy and logic)
    Categories for the Working Philosopher
    Categories, Creation and Cognition in Vaiśeṣika Philosophy
    Categorisation in Indian Philosophy
    Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy
    Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy (Springer Proceedings in Physics)
    Catherine Osborne Presocratic Philosophy. A Very Short Introduction
    Causal Learning - Psychology, Philosophy and Computation
    Causality in natural science (American lecture series, publication no. 213. American lectures in philosophy)
    Causality, Interpretation, and the Mind (Oxford Philosophical Monographs)
    Causation (Oxford Readings in Philosophy)
    Causation and Cognition in Early Modern Philosophy
    Causation and Explanation (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Causation and Explanation (Topics in Contemporary Philosophy)
    Causation and Laws of Nature (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
    Causation and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Philosophy
    Causation in Early Modern Philosophy
    Cause and Meaning in the Social Sciences (Selected Philosophical Themes)
    Central Issues of Philosophy
    Central Philosophy of Buddhism; A Study of the Madhyamika System
    Central Works of Philosophy
    Central Works of Philosophy 4
    Certain philosophical questions
    Chaeremon, Egyptian priest and Stoic philosopher
    Chance and Determinism in Avicenna and Averroes (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science)
    Chance and Necessity. An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology
    Chaos und Individuum. Robert Musils philosophischer Roman als Vision der Moderne
    Characteristics of the Greek Philosophers
    Charles Renouvier, Philosopher of Liberty
    Charles S. Peirce’s Philosophy of Signs
    Charles S. Peirce's Evolutionary Philosophy
    Charles Taylor (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
    Charles Taylor (Philosophy Now Series)
    Chemistry Education and Contributions from History and Philosophy of Science
    Childhood, Education and Philosophy
    Childhood, education, and philosophy
    Childhood, Philosophy and Open Society
    Children as Philosophers
    Children's Book of Philosophy
    Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in early Twentieth-Century German Thought
    Chinese Discourses on the Peasant, 1900-1949 (S U N Y Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
    Chinese philosophy
    Chinese Philosophy A-Z
    Chinese Philosophy in an Era of Globalization
    Chinese Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
    Christentum und Philosophie
    Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy in Late Antiquity
    Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism (Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy
    Christian Philosophical Theology
    Christian Philosophy
    Christian Philosophy (Etienne Gilson Series)
    Christian Philosophy A-Z
    Christian Philosophy A-Z (Philosophy a-Z S.)
    Christian Philosophy A-Z (Philosophy a-Z S.)
    Christian Philosophy in the Early Church
    Christianisme et Philosophie
    Christians, Gnostics and Philosophers in Late Antiquity
    Christliche Kosmologie und kaiserzeitliche Philosophie
    Christmas - Philosophy for Everyone
    Chryseidos Libri IIII sive poema de lapide philosophorum
    Chrysipps Logik in Ciceros philosophischen Schriften
    Chuang - Tzu A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of
    Chuck Klosterman and Philosophy
    Cicero the Philosopher
    Cicero’s Skepticism and His Recovery of Political Philosophy
    Ciceros Kritik der Philosophenschulen
    Cicero's Philosophy of History
    Cicero's Practical Philosophy
    Cinema, Philosophy, Bergman
    Cinematic Philosophy
    Cinquante ans de philosophie française (1)
    Cinquante ans de philosophie française (2)
    CIT Consciousness (Foundations of Philosophy in India)
    Citations philosophiques expliquées
    Citations philosophiques expliquees, 3e edition
    citoyen sujet et autres essais d’anthropologie philosophique
    Civic Republicanism (Problems of Philosophy Their Past and Present)
    Civic Republicanism (Problems of Philosophy)
    Civil Disobedience in Focus (Philosophers in Focus)
    Classic Asian Philosophy
    Classic Issues in Islamic Philosophy and Theology Today
    Classic Philosophical Questions
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    Classical Arabic Philosophy
    Classical Hollywood und kontinentale Philosophie
    Classical Indian Philosophy
    Classical Indian Philosophy of Induction
    Classical Indian Philosophy Reinterpreted
    Classical Modern Philosophers
    Classical Modern Philosophy
    Classical Philosophy
    Classical Philosophy. Collected Papers
    Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present
    Classics of Western Philosophy
    Claude Helvetius, philosopher of democracy and enlightenment
    Cliffsnotes Worldly Philosophers Notes (Cliffs Notes)
    Climate Change and Philosophy
    Climbing - Philosophy for Everyone
    Climbing--philosophy for everyone
    Clinical Psychology and the Philosophy of Science
    Coffee — Philosophy for Everyone
    Cognition and Commitment in Hume's Philosophy
    Cognition, Semantics and Philosophy
    Cognitive Aesthetics in Classical German Philosophy
    Cognitive Disability and Its Challenge to Moral Philosophy
    Cognitive Disability and Its Challenge to Moral Philosophy (Metaphilosophy Series in Philosophy)
    Cognitive Disability and Its Challenge to Moral Philosophy (Metaphilosophy Series in Philosophy)
    Cognitive Disability and Its Challenge to Moral Philosophy (Metaphilosophy Series in Philosophy)
    Coleridge and German Philosophy
    Coleridge and the philosophy of poetic form
    Coleridge, Philosophy and Religion
    Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse. 5, Philosophy, psychoanalysis and emancipation
    Collected Papers on Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and History of Philosophy
    Collected Papers on Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and History of Philosophy
    Collected papers on mathematics, logic, and philosophy
    Collected Philosophical Papers
    Collected works / 1, Philosophy and foundations of mathematics ; edited by A. Heyting
    Collection of Science, Arts and Philosophy Books for Brazilian Exams
    College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone
    Collegium Logicum 2. Logische Grundlagen der Philosophie und der Wissenschaften
    Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy)
    Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology
    Collingwood's Philosophy of History [Rev. Met. 1952]
    Color for Philosophers
    Colours in the development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy
    Comics As Philosophy
    Commentaries on the Occult Philosophy of Agrippa
    Commentary on Gabriel Marcel's the Mystery of Being (Marquette Studies in Philosophy, No 46)
    Communication and understanding (Royal Institute of Philosophy lectures, volume 10, 1975-1976)
    Community and Progress in Kant’s Moral Philosophy
    Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
    Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy (Routledge Companion Encyclopaedias)
    Companion encyclopedia of the history and philosophy of the mathematical sciences, Volume 2
    Companion encyclopedia of the history and philosophy of the mathematical sciences. Vol. 1,2
    Companion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy
    Companion to the Philosophy of Science
    Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy
    Comparative Philosophy and J.L. Shaw
    Comparative Philosophy and the Philosophy of Scholarship
    Comparative Philosophy and the Philosophy of Scholarship
    Comparative Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy
    Complete Idiot's Guide to Philosophy 2003
    Complete Works. Early Greek Philosophy
    Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues)
    Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues)
    Computation, Logic, Philosophy
    Computational Philosophy of Science
    Computing and Philosophy
    Comte after Positivism (Modern European Philosophy)
    Concept of God in the Philosophy of Kant
    Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
    Conceptions of Philosophy
    Concepts and Causes in the Philosophy of Disease
    Concepts and Reality in the History of Philosophy
    Concepts of a culturally guided philosophy of science
    Concepts of Indoctrination (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 20)
    Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy
    Concepts of Proof in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science
    Conceptual Analysis And Philosophical Naturalism
    Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism (Bradford Books)
    Conceptual Change and the Philosophy of Science
    Conceptual Roots of Mathematics (International Library of Philosophy)
    Conceptual Systems (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science)
    Concerning Natural Experimental Philosophie
    Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language
    Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language and Linguistics
    Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, Volume 2
    Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, Volume I
    Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, Volume II
    Conditions , L'Ordre philosophique
    Conditions of Rational Inquiry. A Study in the Philosophy of Value
    Condorcet, from Natural Philosophy to Social Mathematics
    Confessio Philosophi
    Confessions of a Philosopher
    Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy
    Conflicting Philosophies and International Trade Law
    Conflicting Philosophies of Education in Israel/Palestine
    Confucian Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine Asian Studies in Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine)
    Confucian Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine Asian Studies in Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine)
    Confucian Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine / Asian Studies in Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine)
    Confucian Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine / Asian Studies in Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine)
    Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind
    Connectionism and the philosophy of psychology
    Conscience in Medieval Philosophy
    Consciousness (Philosophical Issues Series No 1)
    Consciousness and Revolution in Soviet Philosophy
    Consciousness and the Great Philosophers
    Consciousness and the Philosophy of Signs
    Consciousness in Indian Philosophy
    Consent to Sexual Relations (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law)
    Conservative Reductionism (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science)
    Consolatio Philosophiae - Trost der Philosophie (lat-deu)
    Consolatio Philosophiae - Trost der Philosophie (lat-deu)
    Consolation of Philosophy
    Conspiracy Theories. The Philosophical Debate
    Constitutionalism and Legal Reasoning (Law and Philosophy Library)
    Construction d’un concept de temps mathématiquement manipulable en philosophie naturelle
    Constructive Engagement of Analytic and Continental Approaches in Philosophy
    Constructive Philosophy
    Constructivism in Practical Philosophy
    Constructivity and Computability in Historical and Philosophical Perspective
    Contemplation and philosophy
    Contemporary Chinese Philosophy
    Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy
    Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Dimensions of Philosophy Series)
    Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Dimensions of Philosophy Series)
    Contemporary Critiques of Religion (Philosophy of religion series)
    Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Negative Theology and Philosophy
    Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy 8)
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy 8)
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion
    Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science
    Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy
    Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Social Philosophy (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary Debates in Social Philosophy (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)
    Contemporary French philosophy
    Contemporary French Philosophy (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)
    Contemporary French Philosophy (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)
    Contemporary Hermeneutics. Hermeneutics as Method, Philosophy and Critique
    Contemporary Indian Philosophy (The Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
    Contemporary Indian Philosophy (The Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
    Contemporary Italian Political Philosophy
    Contemporary Moral Philosophy
    Contemporary Perspectives In Critical And Social Philosophy (Social and Critical Theory
    Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy
    Contemporary Philosophical Alternatives and the Crisis of Truth
    Contemporary Philosophical Discourse in Lithuania
    Contemporary Philosophical Naturalism and Its Implications
    Contemporary Philosophical Proposals for the University
    Contemporary Philosophical Theology
    Contemporary Philosophy
    Contemporary Philosophy in Focus
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    Contemporary Political Philosophy and Religion
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    Contemporary Research in the Foundations and Philosophy of Quantum Theory
    Contemporary Thought and Politics (Selected Philosophical Themes)
    Contemporary Yugoslav Philosophy
    Contextualism in Philosophy
    Contextualism in Philosophy - Knowledge, Meaning and Truth
    Continental philosophy
    Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
    Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
    Continental Philosophy and the Palestinian Question
    Continental philosophy of science
    Continental Philosophy of Science (Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy)
    Continental Philosophy of Science (Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy)
    Continental Philosophy of Social Science
    Continuity and Change in the Development of Russell’s Philosophy
    Contractarianism Contractualism (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy)
    Contrastivism in Philosophy
    Contributions on Tibetan and Buddhist Religion and Philosophy
    Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology
    Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)
    Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event)
    Controvert, or On the Lie, and Other Philosophical Dialogues
    Core Questions in Philosophy
    Cormac McCarthy's Philosophy
    Corporate Capitalism and Political Philosophy
    Correlations and Entropy in Classical Statistical Mechanics (International series of monographs in natural philosophy 21)
    Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Policing—Philosophical and Ethical Issues
    Cosmic philosophy
    Cosmological and Philosophical World of Dante Alighieri
    Cosmology Religion and Philosophy
    Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy
    Cosmology, Physics, and Philosophy
    Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy
    Count Michael Maier Doctor of Philosophy and of Medicine Alchemist, Rosicrucian, Mystic 1568-1622
    Cours de philosophie positive
    Cours De Philosophie Positive I Et Ii
    Cours sur la philosophie grecque - Cours IV
    Creation, Evolution And Meaning (Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology)
    Creativity and philosophy
    Creativity and the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce
    Creativity in American philosophy
    Critical Journal of Philosophy
    Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy
    Critical Pedagogy and Race (Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues)
    Critical Scientific Realism (Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy)
    Critique de la raison dialectique (Bibliothèque de philosophie)
    Critique of Hegel’s ’Philosophy Of Right’
    Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
    Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy Of Right'
    Critique of Religion and Philosophy
    Critique of Western Philosophy and Social Theory
    Critiquing Sustainability, Changing Philosophy
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    Epicurus and His Philosophy (Minnesota Archive Editions)
    Epistemological Contextualism (Grazer Philosophische Studien 69)
    Epistemologies and the Limitations of Philosophical Inquiry
    Epistemology (First Books in Philosophy)
    Epistemology and political philosophy in Gilbert Simondon
    Epistemology A-Z (Philosophy A-Z)
    Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis
    Epistemology, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science
    EPSA Philosophical Issues in the Sciences
    EPSA Philosophy of Science
    EPSA11 Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science
    Equality, Liberty and Perfectionism (Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy)
    Eriugena, al-Kindi, Nikolaus von Kues - Protagonisten einer wissenschaftsfreundlichen Wende im philosophischen und theologischen Denken
    Eriugenas negative Ontologie (Bochumer Studien Zur Philosophie)
    Erkenne dich selbst. Eine Geschichte der Philosophie II
    Erkenne die Welt. Eine Geschichte der Philosophie I
    Erkenntnis und Wissenschaft. Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters / Knowledge and Science. Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy
    Erkenntnis und Wissenschaft. Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters / Knowledge and Science. Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy
    Ernst Jünger’s Philosophy of Technology
    Eros and Socratic Political Philosophy
    Erste Philosophie (1923/24)
    Eschatological Themes in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
    Eschatological Themes in Medieval Jewish Philosophy (Aquinas Lecture)
    Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage
    Espionage, Terrorism and Subversion in an Industrial Society - An examination and philosophy of defence for management
    Esquisse d'une histoire de la philosophie indienne
    Essai d’une histoire raisonnée de la philosophie païenne
    Essai philosophique sur les probabilites
    Essai philosophique sur les probabilités
    Essai pour introduire en philosophie le concept de grandeur négative
    Essai sur la philosophie transcendantale
    Essai sur les principes d'une philosophie du cinéma
    Essais de philosophie, de science politique et d'économie
    Essais hérétiques sur la philosophie de l’histoire
    Essais philosophiques choisis, 1794-1795
    Essay on Transcendental Philosophy
    Essays concerning Hume’s Natural Philosophy
    Essays in Analytical Philosophy
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy 3
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy 4. Aristotle's Ethics
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy V
    Essays in ancient Greek philosophy, Volume 3
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Volume Two
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Volume Two
    Essays in Ancient Philosophy
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    Essays in Legal Philosophy
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    Essays in Philosophy
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    Essays in philosophy and yoga
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    Essays in the Philosophy of Chemistry
    Essays on a Polytheistic Philosophy of Religion
    Essays on Ethics and Method (British Moral Philosophers)
    Essays on Frege's Conception of Truth. (Grazer Philosophische Studien 75) (Grazer Philosophische Studien)
    Essays on Frege's Conception of Truth. (Grazer Philosophische Studien 75) (Grazer Philosophische Studien)
    Essays on Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
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    Essays on Husserl's Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics
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    Essays on Mathematical and Philosophical Logic
    Essays on Philosophical Subjects
    ESSAYS ON PHILOSOPHICAL SUBJECTS (Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith )
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    Essays on Philosophy and the Classics (Collected Works of John Stuart Mill - Vol. 11)
    Essays on Philosophy and the Classics [1828]
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    Essays on the Philosophy of George Berkeley
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    Essential Philosophy
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    Estudio de autoría de \"Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda\", \"Philosophía antigua poetica\" y \"Novelas ejemplares\"
    Eternity and Time's Flow (S U N Y Series in Philosophy)
    Ethical and Philosophical Consideration of the Dual-Use Dilemma in the Biological Sciences
    Ethical Relativity (International Library of Philosophy)
    Ethics and Educational Policy (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 21)
    Ethics and Moral Philosophy
    Ethics and Philosophical Critique in William James
    Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
    Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (Routledge Classics)
    Ethics and the philosophy of culture
    Ethics in Practice (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)
    Ethics in Practice, 2nd Edition (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)
    Ethics in the History of Western Philosophy
    Ethics of Husserl's Phenomenology (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy)
    Ethics of Maimonides (Modern Jewish Philosophy and Religion
    Ethics or Moral Philosophy
    Ethics Without Philosophy
    Ethics, Exegesis and Philosophy
    Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy
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    Ethiopian Philosophy, vol. III
    Être et agir dans la philosophie de saint Thomas
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    Etudes de philosophie ancienne et de philosophie moderne
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    Etudes d'historie des sciences et de la philosophie du moyen age
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    Etudes sur le vocabulaire philosophique du Moyen Age
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    European Philosophy of Science – Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese Heritage
    European Philosophy of Science – Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese Heritage
    European Review of Philosophy
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    Evaluating Philosophies
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    Event and World (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
    Evidence of Greek Philosophical Concepts in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian
    Evil Beyond Belief (Contemporary Perspectives on Philosophy of Religion)
    Evolution and Human Behavioural Diversity (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B)
    Evolution of Society (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B)
    Evolution, Explanation, Ethics and Aesthetics. Towards a Philosophy of Biology
    Evolutionary and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Personality (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
    Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) and Behaviour (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B) issue 1574
    Evolution's First Philosopher
    Exact Philosophy
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    Examination of the Philosophy of Bacon
    Exciting the Industry of Mankind George Berkeley’s Philosophy of Money
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    Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique
    Exhortations to Philosophy
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    Exorcising Philosophical Modernity
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    Experience Machines The Philosophy of Virtual Worlds
    Experiences Between Philosophy and Communication
    Experiment and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century Tuscany
    Experiment, Speculation And Religion In Early Modern Philosophy
    Experimental Philosophy
    Experimental Philosophy and the Birth of Empirical Science
    Experimental philosophy, in three books
    Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism
    Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy
    Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy (Volume 2)
    Exploring Marx's Capital philosophical, economic and political dimensions
    Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond (Departmental monograph Philosophy Dept., Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University)
    Exploring Philosophy of Religion
    Exploring the Philosophy of Religion
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    Expressionism in Philosophy, Spinoza
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    Externalism in the Philosophy of Mind (Avebury Series in Philosophy)
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    Faith and Philosophical Enquiry
    Faith and Philosophy
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    Faith, Philosophy and the Reflective Muslim
    Faith, reason, and philosophy
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    Falsafey jo Ibtdai Course (In Sindhi) | An Elementary Course in Philosophy
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    Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone
    Fate and Fatalism in Islam, A Philosophical Appraisal
    Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone
    Faut-il chercher aux causes une raison ? L'explication causale dans les sciences humaines (Science, histoire, philosophie)
    Feferman on foundations. Logic, mathematics, philosophy
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    Feminism and Modern Philosophy (Understanding Feminist Philosophy)
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    Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science
    Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
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    Feminist Philosophies A-Z (Philosophy A-Z)
    Feminist Philosophies A-Z (Philosophy A-Z)
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    Feminist Philosophy in Latin America and Spain. (Value Inquiry Book Series)
    Feminist Philosophy of Technology
    Feminist Politics and Human Nature (Philosophy and Society)
    Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy
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    Feyerabend Philosophy, Science and Society
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    Fichte, Marx, and the German philosophical tradition
    Fichte's Social and Political Philosophy
    Fichte's Theory of Subjectivity (Modern European Philosophy)
    Fichte's Transcendental Philosophy
    Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre of 1794 - A Commentary on Part 1 (Purdue University Series in the History of Philosophy)
    Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1804 als Kritik an der Annahme entzogener Voraussetzungen unseres Wissens und als Philosophie des Gewissseins
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    Fifty Years of Philosophy of Religion
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    Film as Philosophy
    Film as philosophy.
    Film theory and philosophy
    Film, Theory, and Philosophy
    Filosofijos kilmė ir prasmė = Ursprung und Sinn der Philosophie
    Final Fantasy and Philosophy
    Financial Crimes and Existential Philosophy
    Finding One’s Way Through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations
    First outline of a system of the philosophy of nature
    First Philosophy
    First Philosophy I
    First Philosophy, concise edition
    First Principles, Final Ends and Contemporary Philosophical Issues (Aquinas Lecture)
    Five Contributions to Natural Philosophy
    Five Thousand B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies
    Fixing Frege (Princeton Monographs in Philosophy)
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    Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature
    Florentine Codex- The General History of the Things of New Spain-Volume 6, Book 6 Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy
    Food & philosophy
    Food and Philosophy
    Food Philosophy
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    Football, the Philosophy Behind the Game
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    Formen und Felder des Philosophierens
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    Foucault and Philosophy
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    Foucault's Philosophy of Art
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    Foundations of Mind (Philosophical Essays)
    Foundations of Relational Realism-A topological approach to quantum mechanics and the philosophy of nature
    Foundations of Transcendental Philosophy (Wissenschaftslehre) Nova Methodo (1796 ~ 99)
    Four Essays on Philosophy
    Four Phenomenological Philosophers
    Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy
    Four Views on Free Will (Great Debates in Philosophy)
    Fragmenta philosophica II
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    Francis Bacon, the State and the Reform of Natural Philosophy
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    Frankenstein and Philosophy
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    Franz Rosenzweig’s Philosophy of Existence
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    Free Will (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Free Will (Oxford Readings in Philosophy)
    Free will and Continental philosophy
    Free Will and the Brain - Neuroscientific, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives
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    Frege and the Logic of Sense and Reference (Studies in Philosophy)
    Frege, Other Philosophers
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    French Philosophy of the Sixties
    French Philosophy Today
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    Freud and Philosophy
    Freud and Philosophy of Mind, Volume 1
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    Freud’s Philosophy of the Unconscious
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    Friedrich Nietzsche on the Philosophy of Right And the State
    Friedrich Schlegel and the Emergence of Romantic Philosophy
    Friedrich Schleiermacher als Philosoph
    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schellings ›Philosophische Untersuchungen über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhängenden Gegenstände‹
    Frithjof Schuon and the Perennial Philosophy
    Frog Pond Philosophy
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    From a Logical Point of View. Logico-Philosophical Essays
    From A Logical Viewpoint - Logico-Philosophical Essays
    From a Philosophical Point of View
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    From Combinatorics to Philosophy
    From Foundations to Philosophy of Mathematics
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    From Mathematics to Philosophy
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    From Modernism to Postmodernism (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)
    From Moral Theology to Moral Philosophy
    From natural philosophy to the sciences
    From philosophy to program size
    From physics to philosophy
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    From Religion to Philosophy
    From Semiotics towards Philosophical Metaphysics
    From Tyrant to Philosopher-King
    Frontiers of Science and Philosophy
    Fronto, Marc Aurel und kein Konflikt zwischen Rhetorik und Philosophie im 2. Jh. n. Chr
    Fruhstuck bei Sokrates. Philosophen ganz privat
    Fundamental Principles of Modern Theoretical Physics (International series of Monographs in Natural Philosophy volume 24)
    Fundamental Questions of Philosophy
    Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy
    Fundamentals of Philosophy
    Für eine Philosophie der Biologie | For a Philosophy of Biology
    Für eine Philosophie der Biologie | For a Philosophy of Biology
    Für eine Philosophie der Fotografie
    Für eine Philosophie von Freiheit und Streit
    Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy
    Futurama and philosophy
    Future of philosophy
    Fuzzy Pictures as Philosophical Problem and Scientific Practice
    G. E. Moore (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    G. W. Leibniz, Interrelations between Mathematics and Philosophy
    G.F. Stout and the Psychological Origins of Analytic Philosophy
    G.W. Leibniz, Interrelations between Mathematics and Philosophy
    G.W.F Hegel - Grundlinien Der Philosophie des Rechts
    Gadamer - Ein philosophisches Porträt
    Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism (Modern European Philosophy)
    Gadamer. Ein philosophisches Porträt
    Game Design Theory. A New Philosophy for Understanding Games
    Game of Thrones and Philosophy
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    Gandhi’s Political Philosophy
    Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone
    Gardens of Philosophy
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    GE Steam Turbine Design, Philosophy and Technology Pgms
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    Gems of Advaita Vedanta - Philosophy of Unity
    Gems of Wisdom from the Seventh Dalai Lama (Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy)
    Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy
    Gender in Philosophy and Law
    Genderfragen und philosophische Bildung
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    General Philosophy of Science. Focal Issues
    General Theory of Knowledge (Library of Exact Philosophy)
    General Will in Political Philosophy
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    Genres of Philosophy
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    Geometry and Monadology (Leibniz's Analysis Situs and Philosophy of Space)
    Georg Cantor - His Math. and Philosophy of the Infinite
    Georg Simmels ' Philosophie des Geldes'.
    George Berkeley Alciphron in Focus (Routledge Philosophers in Focus Series)
    Georges Canguilhem inédit. Essai sur une philosophie de l'action
    German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms - Wörterbuch philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch. Band 2 Englisch-Deutsch
    German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms - Wörterbuch philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch. Band 2 Englisch-Deutsch
    German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms Worterbuch Philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch
    German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms Worterbuch Philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch
    German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms Worterbuch Philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch Germ-Eng V1 (Routledge Bilingual Specialist Dictionaries , Vol 1)
    German Dictionary of Philosophical Terms Worterbuch Philosophischer Fachbegriffe Englisch Germ-Eng V1 (Routledge Bilingual Specialist Dictionaries , Vol 1)
    German Idealism and the Concept of Punishment (Modern European Philosophy)
    German Idealist Philosophy
    German Philosophy
    German Philosophy 1760-1860
    German Philosophy 1760–1860
    German Philosophy A Very Short Introduction
    German Philosophy and Politics
    German Philosophy in the relation to the War (1915)
    German Philosophy of Language
    German Philosophy since Kant (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)
    German Philosophy since Kant (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)
    German Political Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
    'Germinal' and Zola's Philosophical and Religious Thought
    Gesammelte Abhandlungen mathematischen und philosophischen Inhalts
    Gesammelte Kleinere Schriften zur Philosophie und Psychologie
    Gesammelte Schriften II - Zur griechischen Philosophie
    Gesammelte Schriften zur philosophischen Erkenntniswissenschaft als spekulative Logik
    Gesammelte Schriften, VIII. Band. Weltanschauungslehre. Abhandlungen zur Philosophie der Philosophie
    Gesammelte Schriften, VIII. Band. Weltanschauungslehre. Abhandlungen zur Philosophie der Philosophie
    Gesammelte Werke, 10 Bde., Bd.4, Neuere Philosophie, II
    Gesammelte Werke, 10 Bde., Bd.6, Griechische Philosophie
    Gesammelte Werke, Bd.7, Griechische Philosophie
    Gesammelte Werke, Neuere Philosophie
    Geschichte - Politik - Philosophie. Festschrift für Willem van Reijen zum 65. Geburtstag
    Geschichte der Philosophie
    Geschichte der Philosophie bis Platon
    Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquin bis Kant (Wintersemester 1926–27)
    Geschichte der Philosophie, Bd. II
    Geschichte der Philosophie. Bd. I
    Geschichte der römischen Philosophie
    Geschichte des philosophischen Begriffs der Wahrheit (De Gruyter Studienbuch)
    Gesundheitsvorsorge mit TCM. Philosophie - Krankheitslehre - Diagnostik - Therapie
    Ghazalis Theory of Virtue (Studies in Islamic Philosophy and Science)
    Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of the Transindividual
    Gilles Deleuze and the Fabulation of Philosophy
    Gilles Deleuze and the Fabulation of Philosophy, Volume 1
    Gilles Deleuze and the Theater of Philosophy
    Gilles Deleuze, Politiques de la philosophie
    Gilles Deleuze, Postcolonial Theory, and the Philosophy of Limit
    Gilles Deleuze. Cinéma et philosophie
    Gilles Deleuze’s Luminous Philosophy
    Gilles Deleuze's Philosophy of Time
    Global Philosophy
    Global Political Philosophy
    Globalisation, the Convergence of Religions and the Perennial Philosophy
    Globalization, Technology, and Philosophy
    Glück im Unglück. Philosophische Überlegungen
    Gluttony and philosophical moderation in Plato's ''Republic''
    Gnade und Eucharistie in der philosophischen Theologie des Wilhelm von Ockham
    Gnosis und spätantiker Geist, Teil 2,1. Von der Mythologie zur mystischen Philosophie
    Gnostic philosophy
    God & The Modern World (Marquette Studies in Philosophy)
    God and Evidence Problems for Theistic Philosophers
    God and Greek Philosophy
    God and Philosophy
    God and Timelessness (Study in Ethics & Philosophy of Religion)
    God in Greek philosophy to the time of Socrates
    God in Postliberal Perspective (Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology)
    God in search of man; a philosophy of Judaism
    God or Blind Nature? Philosophers Debate the Evidence (2007-2008)
    God, Philosophy, Universities
    God, the Gift, and Postmodernism (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)
    God, Time, and Knowledge (Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion)
    Godel’s Theorem in Focus (Philosophers in Focus)
    God's Philosophers
    Golding’s Metaphysics - William Golding’s Novels in the Light of Arthur Schopenhauer’s Philosophy
    Golf and philosophy
    Good Living. A Philosophy of Health
    Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism An Inquiry into the analogy of the arts, philosophy and religion in the Middle Ages
    Gottlob Frege (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Grammar And Philosophy In Late Antiquity
    Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy
    Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy (Part I)
    Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy)
    Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy)
    Grammar in Philosophy
    Grammar, Philosophy, and Logic
    Gramsci and Educational Thought (Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues)
    Grazer Philosophische Studien
    Grazer Philosophische Studien. Vol. 73 2006 (German Edition)
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    Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love
    Greatness and Philosophy
    Greek Horoscopes (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 48)
    Greek Into Arabic - Essays On Islamic Philosophy
    Greek Philosophers as Theologians
    Greek Philosophical Terms
    Greek Philosophy
    Greek Popular Religion in Greek Philosophy
    Greek Rational Medicine. Philosophy and Medicine from Alcmaeon to the Alexandrians
    Greek Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science
    Greek tragedy & political philosophy; Sophocles
    Greek tragedy political philosophy
    Green Lantern and Philosophy
    Green Peony and the Rise of the Chinese Martial Arts Novel (Chinese Philosophy and Cultures)
    Green Philosophy
    Gregor von Nyssa und die Philosophie
    Grete Hermann - Between Physics and Philosophy
    Griechisch für das Philosophiestudium
    Groundwork of Philosophy of Religion
    Group decision making in humans and animals (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B)
    Group Rights (Toronto Studies in Philosophy)
    Grund und Gegenwart als Frageziel der Früh-Griechischen Philosophie
    Grundbegriffe der analytischen Philosophie
    Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie
    Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie (Summer semester 1926)
    Grundbegriffe der aristotelischen Philosophie
    Grundfragen der Philosophie. Ausgewählte \"Probleme\" der \"Logik\" (Wintersemester 1937/38)
    Grundkurs Philosophische Anthropologie
    Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts oder Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse
    Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik
    Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Kultur aus neuen Geschichtspunkten
    Grundprobleme der antiken Philosophie
    Grundprobleme der großen Philosophen, Bd. 1. Philosophie des Altertums und des Mittelalters
    Grundprobleme der großen Philosophen, Bd. 1. Philosophie des Altertums und des Mittelalters
    Grundriß der allgemeinen Geschichte der Philosophie
    Grundzгge der Philosophie
    Guanzi. Political, Economic, and Philosophical Essays from Early China
    Günther Anders. Philosophieren im Zeitalter der technologischen Revolutionen
    Guodian The Newly Discovered Seeds of Chinese Religious and Political Philosophy
    Habermas, Modernity and Law (Philosophy and Social Criticism series)
    Halo and philosophy
    Hamilton and Philosophy
    Handbook of Analytic Philosophy of Medicine
    Handbook of History of Philosophy
    Handbook of Philosophical Logic
    Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Volume I
    Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Volume II
    Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Volume III
    Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Volume IV
    Handbook of philosophy of economics
    Handbook of philosophy of science. Vol. 16, Philosophy of medicine
    Handbook of philosophy of science. Vol. 16, Philosophy of medicine
    Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics
    Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine
    Handbook of the philosophy of science - Philosophy of Economics
    Handbook of the philosophy of science - Philosophy of Economics
    Handbook of the philosophy of science. [2] Philosophy of physics / Pt. A
    Handbook of the philosophy of science. [2] Philosophy of physics / Pt. A
    Handbook of the philosophy of science. Vol. 8, Philosophy of information
    Handbook of the philosophy of science. Vol. 8, Philosophy of information
    Handbuch Frühe Griechische Philosophie
    Handbuch Literatur und Philosophie
    Handbuch Philosophie der Kindheit
    Handelndes Lernen im Philosophieunterricht
    Handworterbuch Philosophie
    Handwörterbuch Philosophie
    Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Philosophy
    Hannah Arendt and the Search for a New Political Philosophy
    Hannah Arendt and Theology (Philosophy and Theology)
    Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy of Natality
    Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy
    Hans Kurth - Die Weltdeutung Dr. Mathilde Ludendorffs - Eine Einfuehrung in die Werke der Philosophin (1932, 67 S., Scan-Text, Fraktur)
    Happiness And Greek Ethical Thought (Thoemmes Continuum Studies in Ancient Philosophy)
    Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis
    Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis (Latin language edition)
    Harry Potter and Philosophy
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone हैरी पॉटर और पारस पत्थर
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (AUDIOBOOK 1)
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Ancient Greek Edition) (Ἅρειος Ποτὴρ καὶ ἡ τοῦ φιλοσόφου λίθος)
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Book 1)
    Hart's Legal Philosophy
    Hayek’s Social and Economic Philosophy
    Hayek's Conservative Liberalism (Political Theory and Political Philosophy)
    Hayy ben Yaqdhan. Roman philosophique d'Ibn Thofaïl. Texte arabe et traduction française
    Heads Up Philosophy
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    Hegel After Derrida (Warwick Studies in European Philosophy)
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    Hegel and the Future of Systematic Philosophy
    Hegel and the History of Philosophy
    Hegel and the History of Political Philosophy
    Hegel and the Philosophy of Nature
    Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion
    Hegel and the Transformation of Philosophical Critique
    Hegel et la Pensée Philosophique en Russie. 1830-1917
    Hegel on Ethics and Politics (The German Philosophical Tradition)
    Hegel on Philosophy in History
    Hegel on the Modern Arts (Modern European Philosophy)
    Hegel und Die heroischen Jahre der Philosophie. Eine Biographie
    Hegel, Idealism, and Analytic Philosophy
    Hegel, Le philosophe du débat et du combat
    Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy
    Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy Thinking Freedom
    Hegel, sa vie, son œuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie
    Hegel. Philosophe de l’Histoire Vivante.
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    Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of Right
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    Hegel’s Philosophy of Right; Subjectivity and Ethical Life
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit / Hegels Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit / Hegels Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes
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    Hegel's Critique of Kant (Modern Revivals in Philosophy)
    Hegel's Critique of Metaphysics (Modern European Philosophy)
    Hegel's Discovery of the Philosophy of Spirit
    Hegel's Idea of Freedom (Oxford Philosophical Monographs)
    Hegel's idea of philosophy with a new translation of Hegel's Introduction to the history of philosophy
    Hegel's idea of philosophy with a new translation of Hegel's Introduction to the history of philosophy
    Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)
    Hegels Philosophie
    Hegels Philosophie des Absoluten
    Hegels Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes / Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
    Hegels Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes / Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
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    Hegel's Philosophy of Freedom
    Hegel's Philosophy of Reality, Freedom, and God
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    Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'
    Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
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    Hegel's Practical Philosophy
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    Heidegger's contributions to philosophy
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    Heidegger's Philosophic Pedagogy (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy)
    Heidegger's Philosophic Pedagogy (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy)
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    Hellenic Philosophy
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    Hellenistic philosophy
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    Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
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    Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
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    Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
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    Historical Dictionary of Leibniz's Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
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    Historical Dictionary of Schopenhauer's Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
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    Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
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    History of Indian Philosophy, ( Vol 2)
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    History of Philosophy and Philosophical Education (Aquinas Lecture 12)
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    History Of Philosophy Vol 3 Medieval Philosophy
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    History of Philosophy, Volume 8 (Modern Philosophy)
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    Holism in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Physics
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    How philosophy begins
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    Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy (London Studies in the History of Philosophy)
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    Hume's Place in Moral Philosophy (Studies in Moral Philosophy)
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    Identity and Discrimination (Philosophical Theory)
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    Insiders and Outsiders in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy)
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    Insights and Illusions of Philosophy
    Institutes of Hydrostatics; ... with plates. To which is added, a philosophical essay on Air-Balloons and an appendix containing abstracts of ... accounts ... of air-balloon excursions, etc
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    John Dewey's Philosophy of Education
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    John Searle (Philosophy Now)
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    John Stuart Mill's Political Philosophy (Continuum Studies In British Philosophy)
    Jonathan Edwards and the Limits of Enlightenment Philosophy
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    Journal of the History of Philosophy
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 10 (Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4), 1972
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 4, Number 1, January 1966
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 5, Number 4, October 1967
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 6, Number 1, January 1968
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 6, Number 2, April 1968
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 7, Number 3, July 1969
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 7, Number 4, October 1969
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 8, Number 3, July 1970
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 8, Number 4, April 1970
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 8, Number 4, October 1970
    Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 9, Number 1, January 1971
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    Kant's Philosophy of Hope (American University Studies Series V, Philosophy)
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    Kants Theory of the Self (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth Century Philosophy)
    Kant-Studien Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft
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    Kant-Studien Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft, 89. Jahrgang, Heft 2, 1998
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    Kant-Studien Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft, 90. Jahrgang, Heft 1, 1999
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    Kant-Studien Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft, 91. Jahrgang, Heft 1, 2000
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    Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 2
    Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 3
    Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 5
    Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language. Volume 1
    Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law, Volume 2
    Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion
    Oxford studies in philosophy of religion Volume 1
    Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 1
    Oxford studies in philosophy of religion, Volume 3
    Oxford studies in philosophy of religion. Volume 7
    Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 1
    Oxford studies in political philosophy. Volume 2
    Oxford studies in political philosophy. Volume 3
    Oxford Textbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry
    Oxford Textbook of Philosophy of Psychiatry
    Pagans and philosophers
    Papers in Ethics and Social Philosophy
    Papers in Hellenistic Philosophy
    Papers in Philosophical Logic
    Paradigm Shift In Management Philosophy
    Paradigms in Mathematics, Physics, and Biology - their Philosophical Roots
    Paradox (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Paradox and Platitude in Wittgenstein's Philosophy
    Paradox lost. Logical solutions to ten puzzles of philosophy
    Paradoxes of Free Will (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, V. 92, Pt. 6)
    Parapsychology, philosophy, and spirituality
    Parceling the Globe; Philosophical Explorations in Globalization, Global Behavior, and Peace.
    Parmenides and Presocratic Philosophy
    Parmenides, Cosmos, and Being (Marquette Studies in Philosophy)
    Parmenides, Plato and Mortal Philosophy
    Parola e silenzio e altre conferenze inedite al Collège Philosophique
    Parsing the Turing Test - Philosophical and Methodological Issues in the Quest for the Thinking Computer
    Particulars in Greek Philosophy
    Pascal the Philosopher
    Passages from the life of a philosopher, by Charles Babbage, ...
    Passion, Politics, and Philosophie
    Passions in William Ockham's Philosophical Psychology (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind)
    Passions in William Ockham's Philosophical Psychology (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind)
    Past, Present, and Future Possibilities for Philosophy and History of Education
    Paul and the Thessalonians. The Philosophic Tradition of Pastoral Care
    Paul Churchland (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
    Paul Grice, Philosopher and Linguist
    Paul Ricoeur Between Theology and Philosophy
    Paul Tillich’s Philosophical Theology
    Pautas bioéticas. La industria farmacéutica entre la ciencia y el mercado (Filosofía / Philosophy) (Spanish Edition)
    Peace Philosophy in Action
    Peirce-Arg Philosophers
    Peirce's Philosophical Perspectives (American Philosophy Series , No 3)
    Peirce's Philosophical Perspectives (American Philosophy Series , No 3)
    Peirce's Philosophy of Communication
    Pensamiento, Vol. 63, num. 238 (Special Series No. 1 - ''Science, Philosophy and Religion'')
    Pensamiento, Vol. 64, num. 242 (Special Series No. 2 - ''Science, Philosophy and Religion'')
    Peoples, Cultures and Nations in Political Philosophy
    Perception (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Perception (Problems of Philosophy)
    Perelman’s New Rhetoric as Philosophy and Methodology for the Next Century
    Peripatetic Philosophy, 200 BC to AD 200
    Personal Identity (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy)
    Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy
    Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy. Empty Persons
    Personal Identity and Self-Consciousness (International Library of Philosophy)
    Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy and Philosophy
    Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy
    Persons — What Philosophers Say about You
    Perspectives in the philosophy of language
    Perspectives on Ignorance from Moral and Social Philosophy
    Perspectives on Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics
    Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy
    Perspektiven der Philosophie
    Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch. Band 31, 2005.
    Pesky Essays on the Logic of Philosophy
    Peter Strawson (Philosophy Now Series)
    Petite philosophie de nos erreurs quotidiennes
    Petite philosophie des grandes trouvailles
    Petite Philosophie des histoires drôles
    Petite philosophie du vélo
    Phänomenologie als Platonismus Zu den Platonischen Wesensmomenten der Philosophie Edmund Husserls
    Phänomenologie der Anschauung und des Ausdrucks. Theorie der philosophischen Begriffsbildung
    Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy
    Phenomenological Aspects of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy
    Phenomenology (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
    Phenomenology and existentialism in the twentieth century. / Book 1, New waves of philosophical inspirations
    Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind
    Phenomenology and the Crisis of Philosophy
    Phenomenology in a Pluralistic Context (Selected Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy)
    Phenomenology in French Philosophy
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    Phenomenology, Logic, and the Philosophy of Mathematics
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    Philia La notion d’amitié dans la philosophie antique Essai sur un problème perdu et retrouvé
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    Philo of Alexandria and Post-Aristotelian Philosophy
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    Philosopher avec Wittgenstein
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    Philosopher of the Heart
    Philosopher ou faire l'amour
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    Philosopher-Kings of Antiquity
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    Philosophers and Public Philosophy
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    Philosophers as Educational Reformers (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 10)
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    Philosophers Behaving Badly
    Philosophers Discuss Education
    Philosopher's Dog
    Philosophers in Exile
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    Philosophers Past and Present
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    Philosopher's Stone
    Philosophers take on the world
    Philosophers without gods
    Philosophers, Their Lives & Works
    Philosophes entre mots et mets
    Philosophes taoïstes
    Philosophi Abessini. 1 , Textus
    Philosophia botanica
    Philosophia Botanica in qua explicantur Fundamenta Botanica cum Definitionibus partium, Exemplis terminorum, Observationibus rariorum. Adiectis Figuris aeneis. Editio Secunda. Curante Johanne Gottlieb Gleditsch. Berlin C.F. Rimburgi. 1780
    Philosophia mirabilis
    Philosophia Perennis
    Philosophia rationalis у Києво-Могилянській академії. Компаративний аналіз могилянських курсів логіки кінця XVII - першої половини XVIII ст
    Philosophia. Dal Secondo Ottocento a oggi
    Philosophia. Dalle origini al Medioevo
    Philosophia. Étude d'un groupe de mots dans la littérature grecque, des Présocratiques au IVe siècle apres J.C.
    Philosophia. Illuminismo, Romanticismo, Idealismo
    Philosophia. L’età moderna
    Philosophia. Seminari
    Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria (Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics)
    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica 1686
    Philosophiae newtonianae institutiones, in usus academicos
    Philosophic Classics
    Philosophic Classics, Volume 1
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    Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
    Philosophic pride
    Philosophic problems of nuclear science
    Philosophic Silence and the ’One’ in Plotinus
    Philosophic Whigs
    Philosophical Analysis
    Philosophical Analysis and Education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 1)
    Philosophical Analysis and Education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 1)
    Philosophical Analysis and Human Welfare
    Philosophical Analysis in Latin America
    Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century
    Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume 1
    Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume 2
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    Philosophical Anarchism and Political Obligation
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    Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence
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    Philosophical Darwinism - On the Origin of Knowledge by Means of Natural Selection
    Philosophical Debates at Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century (Studien Und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des Mittelalters)
    Philosophical Devices, Proofs, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Sets
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    Philosophical Dimensions in Mathematics Education (Mathematics Education Library)
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    Philosophical Dimensions Of The Constitution
    Philosophical Dimensions of the Neuro-Medical Sciences
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    Philosophical elements of a theory of society, 1964
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    Philosophical Essays
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    Philosophical Essays, Volume 1
    Philosophical Essays, Volume 2
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    Philosophical Explorations of the Legacy of Alan Turing
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    Philosophical foundations of law and neuroscience
    Philosophical Foundations Of Medical Law
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    Philosophical foundations of physics. An introduction to the philosophy of science. Edited by Martin Gardner.
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    Philosophical Foundations of Quality of Life
    Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory
    Philosophical Foundations of Science
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    Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Torts
    Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Unjust Enrichment
    Philosophical Foundations of the Nature of Law
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    Philosophical Fragments
    Philosophical Fragments or a Fragment of Philosophy
    Philosophical Fragments or a Fragment of Philosophy
    Philosophical Fragments or A Fragment of Philosophy 2nd Ed.
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    Philosophical fragments, Johannes Climacus
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    Philosophical Genealogy Volume 2
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    Philosophical Historicism and the Betrayal of First Philosophy
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    Philosophical Horizons (Modern Chinese Philosophy)
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    Philosophical Investigations / Philosophische Untersuchungen
    Philosophical Investigations / Philosophische Untersuchungen
    Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom (S U N Y Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
    Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom (S U N Y Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
    Philosophical Investigations into the Nature of Human Freedom
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    Philosophical Investigations on Time, Space and the Continuum
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    Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II
    Philosophical issues in psychiatry III
    Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry IV
    Philosophical issues in psychiatry. II, Nosology
    Philosophical issues in psychiatry. III, The nature and sources of historical change
    Philosophical Issues in Tourism (Aspects of Tourism)
    Philosophical Knowledge. Its Possibility and Scope (Grazer Philosophische Studien 74)
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    Philosophical Logic (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy)
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    Philosophical Logic and Logical Philosophy
    Philosophical Logic in Poland
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    Philosophical Myths of the Fall (Princeton Monographs in Philosophy)
    Philosophical Myths of the Fall (Princeton Monographs in Philosophy)
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    Philosophical Papers Vol. 2
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    Philosophical Papers, Volume 1
    Philosophical Papers, Volume 2
    Philosophical Papers, Volume 3
    Philosophical Papers, Volume 4
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    Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics (Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights)
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    Philosophical Perspectives- History of Philosophy
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    Philosophical Problems Today / Problèmes Philosophiques d’Aujourd’hui
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    Philosophical Skepticism (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy)
    Philosophical Skepticism (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy)
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    Philosophical Studies (International Library of Philosophy)
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    Philosophical Texts (Oxford Philosophical Texts)
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    Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine (Exploring the Philosophy of Religion)
    Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine (Exploring the Philosophy of Religion)
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    Philosophical Thought In Russia In The Second Half Of The Twentieth Century
    Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture
    Philosophical Topics, Volume 34, Numbers 1 and 2
    Philosophical Topics, Volume 36, Issue 2, Fall 2008 - On Between Saying and Doing (Robert Brandom's John Locke Lectures Comments and Responses)
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    Philosophical Transactions of the royal society
    Philosophical Transactions. Alphabetic index 1781-1820
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    Philosophical Writings
    Philosophical Writings (Tillich, Paul Main Works Hauptwerke) (v. 1)
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    Philosophie (Einzelne Autoren ; Doxographica)
    Philosophie (Epikureismus, Skeptizismus, Kynismus, Orphica; Doxographica)
    Philosophie (Historische Einleitung; Platonismus)
    Philosophie (Platonismus [Forts.]; Aristotelismus)
    Philosophie (Stoizismus)
    Philosophie (Systematische Themen; Indirekte Uberlieferungen; Allgemeines; Nachtrage)
    Philosophie 1 Raison, vérité, bonheur
    Philosophie 3
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    Philosophie als Inspiration für Manager
    Philosophie als Lebenskunst
    Philosophie de l’argent
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    Philosophie der Epochenschwelle
    Philosophie der Epochenschwelle. Augustin zwischen Antike und Mittelalter (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie - Band 80)
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    Philosophie der Existenz Aktuelle Beitrage von der Ontologie bis zur Ethik
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    Philosophie des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts Grundkurs Philosophie 8,2
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    Philosophie Des Als Ob
    Philosophie des Bildes - Philosophie de l'image (Studia philosophica 69, 2010)
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    Philosophie des Bildes - Philosophie de l'image (Studia philosophica 69, 2010)
    Philosophie des Computerspiels
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    Philosophie des Jazz
    Philosophie des Mittelalters
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    Philosophie des sciences, Une introduction. 3 ed.
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    Philosophie économique
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    Philosophie et incarnation selon saint Augustin
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    Philosophie et philosophie spontanée des savants
    Philosophie et pratique de la haute magie
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    Philosophie et science au Moyen Age / Philosophy and Science in the Middle Ages
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    Philosophie hat Geschichte. Band 2
    Philosophie in Byzanz
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    Philosophie nomade
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    Philosophie première - Histoire critique des Idées
    Philosophie première II - Théorie de la réduction phénoménologique
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    Philosophie Terminales L-ES-S
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    Philosophie und Führung
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    Philosophie und kleine Geschichte der Marke
    Philosophie und Nationalsozialismus - am Beispiel Heideggers
    Philosophie und Nationalsozialismus — am Beispiel Heideggers
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    Philosophie und Physik am außerschulischen Lernort
    Philosophie und Religion
    Philosophie und Revolution. Die Französische Revolution und die Ursprüngliche Philosophie Fichtes.
    Philosophie und Revolution. Die Französische Revolution und die Ursprüngliche Philosophie Fichtes.
    Philosophie und sprachliche Ausdruck bei Demokrit, Plato und Aristoteles.
    Philosophie und Systemtheorie
    Philosophie und Weisheit
    Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen - Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen
    Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen - Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen
    Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen/Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen
    Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen/Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen
    Philosophie, Gesellschaft und Bildung in Zeiten der Globalisierung
    Philosophie, Gesellschaft und Bildung in Zeiten der Globalisierung (Studien zur Interkulturellen Philosophie 15)
    Philosophie, Gesellschaft und Bildung in Zeiten der Globalisierung (Studien zur Interkulturellen Philosophie 15)
    Philosophie, mythologie et pseudo-science
    Philosophiehistorie als Rezeptionsgeschichte
    Philosophieren mit Filmen
    Philosophieren mit Kindern
    Philosophieren unter anderen
    Philosophies and Sociologies of Bioethics
    Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice
    Philosophies de la connaissance
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    Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization
    Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization -- Articles and Reviews 2006-2016
    Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization -- Articles and Reviews 2006-2017
    Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization [Articles and Reviews 2006-2017]
    Philosophy, Humor, And The Human Condition
    Philosophy, its History and Historiography
    Philosophy, its History and Historiography (Royal Institute of Philosophy Conferences)
    Philosophy, its History and Historiography (Royal Institute of Philosophy Conferences)
    Philosophy, Language, and Artificial Intelligence
    Philosophy, Law and the Family
    Philosophy, Literature and the Human Good
    Philosophy, Literature, and Politics
    Philosophy, literature, and the dissolution of the subject
    Philosophy, literature, and the human good
    Philosophy, Mathematics and Modern Physics
    Philosophy, Mind, and Cognitive Inquiry
    Philosophy, Music and Emotion
    Philosophy, Myth and Epic Cinema
    Philosophy, myth, and epic cinema
    Philosophy, Obligation and the Law
    Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences
    Philosophy, Philology, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century China
    Philosophy, Poetry, History
    Philosophy, Politics and Society (Second Series)
    Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy
    Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation
    Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and the A-rational Mind
    Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychologism
    Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)
    Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)
    Philosophy, Religion, and the Coming World Civilization
    Philosophy, religion, and the meaning of life
    Philosophy, religion, and the question of intolerance
    Philosophy, revision, critique
    Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Sophistry in the High Roman Empire
    Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge
    Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Thomas Hobbes
    Philosophy, rhetoric, literary criticism
    Philosophy, rights and natural law
    Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports
    Philosophy, Science and Divine Action
    Philosophy, Science and Ideology in Political Thought
    Philosophy, Science and Religion for Everyone
    Philosophy, Science and Sense Perception. Historical and Critical Studies
    Philosophy, Science, and History
    Philosophy, Science, and Psychoanalysis
    Philosophy, Science, and Religion in England 1640-1700
    Philosophy, Science, Education and Culture
    Philosophy, Science, Education and Culture (Science & Technology Education Library)
    Philosophy, Sophistry, Antiphilosophy
    Philosophy, Sophistry, Antiphilosophy
    Philosophy, The Federalist, and the Constitution
    Philosophy, Theology, and Politics
    Philosophy, Travel, and Place
    Philosophy, Writing, and the Character of Thought
    Philosophy. A Text with Readings
    Philosophy's Artful Conversation
    Philosophy's future
    Philosophy's Higher Education
    Philosophy's Loss of Logic to Mathematics
    Philosophy's moods
    Philosophy's Treason
    Photography and Philosophy
    Phronesis. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. 01. N? 1-2. 1955-6
    Phronesis. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. 2. N? 1-2. 1957
    Phronesis. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. 3. N? 1-2. 1958
    Phronesis. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. 4. Nº 1-2. 1959
    Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata; sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam
    Physics & philosophy
    Physics and Metaphysics of Music and Essays on the Philosophy of Mathematics
    Physics and philosophy
    Physics and Philosophy of Nature in Greek Neoplatonism
    Physics and philosophy; the revolution in modern science
    Physics meets philosophy at the Planck scale
    Physics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
    Physics, Philosophy, and the Scientific Community
    Physics, philosophy, and theology
    Physique et philosophie de l’esprit
    Pierre Bourdieu. Un philosophe en sociologie
    Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy
    Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Science
    Pietro Pomponazzi entre traditions et innovations (Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie) (French Edition)
    Piety, Peace, and the Freedom to Philosophize
    Pink Floyd and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Pink Floyd and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Pirate Philosophy
    Planck's Philosophical Essays in English P2P Custom Ed. Vols. 1-5 [1908-1948]
    Planet of the apes and philosophy
    Plato and the Art of Philosophical Writing
    Plato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists
    Plato s Socrates As Educator (S U N Y Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
    Plato Was Wrong! Footnotes on Doing Philosophy with Young People
    Plato, Utilitarianism and Education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 3)
    Plato’s Philosophy Reaching Beyond the Limits of Reason
    Plato’s Socrates, Philosophy and Education
    Platon und die Schriftlichkeit der Philosophie. Interpretationen zu den frühen und mittleren Dialogen
    Platonische Ideen in der arabischen Philosophie
    Platonism and Christian Thought in Late Antiquity (Studies in Philosophy and Theology in Late Antiquity)
    Platonism, Music And the Listener's Share (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Platonist Philosophy 80 BC to Ad 250
    Platon-Nietzsche. L’autre manière de philosopher
    Platons theoretische Philosophie
    Plato's moral and political philosophy
    Plato's Natural Philosophy
    Plato's Philosophers
    Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics
    Plato's Philosophy of Science
    Plato's Political Philosophy
    Plato's Republic (Edinburgh Philosophical Guide)
    Playful philosophy and serious sophistry
    Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy
    Plotinus (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Plotinus and the Presocratics ; A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads )
    Plutarch in the Religious and Philosophical Discourse of Late Antiquity
    Plutarch's Maxime Cum Principibus Philosopho Esse Disserendum
    Poetry and Philosophy from Homer to Rousseau
    Poetry and Philosophy in the Middle Ages
    Poetry and the Leningrad Religious-Philosophical Seminar 1974-1980
    Poincaré and the Philosophy of Mathematics
    Poincaré, philosopher of science
    Pointing at the Moon Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy
    Poker and philosophy
    Polish Essays in the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
    Politeia in Greek and Roman Philosophy
    Political Dimensions of Aristotle's Ethics, The (S U N Y Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
    Political Ideals (Great Books in Philosophy)
    Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar
    Political Philosophy
    Political Philosophy - A Very Short Introduction
    Political Philosophy & the US Constitution
    Political Philosophy (Dimensions of Philosophy)
    Political Philosophy (Dimensions of Philosophy)
    Political Philosophy and History
    Political Philosophy and Political Action
    Political Philosophy and the Challenge of Revealed Religion
    Political Philosophy and the God of Abraham
    Political Philosophy and the Republican Future
    Political Philosophy Cross-Examined
    Political Philosophy for the Global Age
    Political Philosophy from Plato to Mao
    Political Philosophy in Japan
    Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century
    Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism
    Political Philosophy versus History?
    Political Philosophy Versus History? Contextualism and Real Politics in Contemporary Political Thought
    Political Philosophy.
    Political Theory between Philosophy and Rhetoric
    Politicized Physics in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy
    Politics and Philosophy
    Politics and Philosophy of Chinese Power
    Politics, Philosophy and Empire in the Fourth Century
    Politics, Philosophy, Culture
    Politics, Philosophy, Terror
    Politics, Philosophy, Writing
    Politische Philosophie
    Politische Philosophie im Denken Heideggers
    Politische Philosophie in der Weimarer Republik
    Politische Philosophie und die Herausforderung der Offenbarungsreligion
    Politische Philosophie versus Politische Theologie? Anmerkungen zum Verhältnis von Politik und Säkularisierung
    Por Que Filosofar?/ Why Philosophy?
    Porn - Philosophy for Everyone
    Porphyrii Philosophi fragmenta (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana)
    Porphyry Introduction (Clarendon Later Ancient Philosophers)
    Portraits and Philosophy
    Positive Philosophy
    Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, Volume I
    Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, Volume III
    Possibility (International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method)
    Possible Worlds (The Problems of Philosophy)
    Post-Analytic Tractatus (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy)
    Postcolonial African Philosophy
    Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion
    Post-Continental Philosophy
    Post-Hellenistic Philosophy
    Postmodern Philosophical Critique and the Pursuit of Knowledge in Higher Education
    Postmodern Philosophy and the Scientific Turn
    Postmodernism and Continental Philosophy
    Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography
    Post-scriptum aux miettes philosophiques
    Post-Secular Philosophy
    Poststructuralism, Philosophy, Pedagogy
    Post-War Modernist Cinema and Philosophy
    Potamo of Alexandria and the Emergence of Eclecticism in Late Hellenistic Philosophy
    Pour un humanisme technologique. Culture, technique et société dans la philosophie de Gilbert Simondon
    Poverty of Philosophy
    Powerful Learning Environments and Theologizing and Philosophizing with Children
    Practical applications of the philosophy of science
    Practical Nursing Philosophy
    Practical Philosophy
    Practical Philosophy For Your Everyday Life Stoicism
    Practical Reason Philosophical Papers Vol I
    Practicing Philosophy
    Pragmatics and Philosophy. Connections and Ramifications
    Pragmatism and classical American philosophy
    Pragmatism and Educational Research (Philosophy, Theory, and Educational Research)
    Pragmatism and Philosophical Anthropology
    Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Religion
    Pragmatism in Philosophical Inquiry
    Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy (American Philosophical Series, 11)
    Pragmatist Neurophilosophy
    Pragmatist Philosophy and Dance
    Praktische Philosophie in Fichtes Spaetwerk
    Praktische Philosophie. Grundorientierungen angewandter Ethik
    Précis de philosophie des sciences
    Preface to the philosophy of education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 24)
    Preface to the philosophy of education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 24)
    Preference And Information (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy
    Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy
    Prehistoric Settlement of the Pacific (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society)
    Preliminary discourse on philosophy in general
    Prémices philosophiques
    Presentations de la Philosophie
    Presocratic Philosophers
    Presocratic Philosophy
    Presocratics (Ancient Philosophies)
    Presuppositions of India's Philosophies
    Primates and Philosophers
    Primitive colors. A case study in neo-pragmatist metaphysics and philosophy of perception
    Primitive Man as Philosopher
    Principes d’économie politique avec leurs applications en philosophie sociale
    Principes de la philosophie du droit
    Principes fondamentaux de philosophie
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    Principes Mathematiques de la philosophie naturelle
    Principes Mathematiques de la Philosophie Naturelle - Isaac Newton [1759] [FRENCH]
    Principles of Non-Philosophy
    Principles Of Philosophy
    Principles of Philosophy, the
    Principles of the Philosophy of the Future
    Prinzipien Der Philosophie
    Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in Political Philosophy
    Probabilistic Thinking, Thermodynamics and the Interaction of the History and Philosophy of Science
    Probability in the Philosophy of Religion
    Problem of Time in Science and Philosophy
    Probleme der Philosophie
    Problèmes de Philosophie
    Problems from Philosophy
    Problems in Philosophy
    Problems in the Philosophy of Mathematics
    Problems in the Philosophy of Religion
    Problems in the Philosophy of Science
    Problems of Evil and the Power of God (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series)
    Problems of Moral Philosophy
    Problems of Philosophy
    Problems of Political Philosophy
    Problems of Religious Knowledge (Philosophy of Religion Series)
    Problems, philosophy and politics of climate science
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy , Volume XXI (2005)
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, 20 Volume XX (2004)
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XXII, 2006
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XXIII, 2007
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XXIV, 2008
    Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1961/1962
    Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1964/1966
    Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968
    Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Bucharest, 1971
    Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965
    Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965. Volume 4, Criticism and the growth of knowledge
    Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy, Vol. V
    Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind
    Process Philosophy
    Process-Relational Philosophy
    Professional Philosophy
    Projection and Realism in Hume's Philosophy
    Prolegomena to a philosophy of religion
    Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy
    Proper Study (Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures Volume 4 1969 - 1970)
    Prophets Poets & Philosopher-Kings
    Propos sur des philosophes
    Propositions. Semantic and Ontological Issues. (Grazer Philosophische Studien 72) (Grazer Philosophische Studien)
    Propositions. Semantic and Ontological Issues. (Grazer Philosophische Studien 72) (Grazer Philosophische Studien)
    Prospective Philosophy Of Software
    Protagoras and Logos. A Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric
    Protagoras and the Challenge of Relativism (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy)
    Proto Sociology VOL. 14, 2000 - Folk Psychology, Mental Concepts and the Ascription of Attitudes On Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
    Psych and Philosophy
    Psychiatry and Philosophy
    Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science (Philosophy and Science)
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    Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Mind
    Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Myth in Contemporary Culture
    Psychology and philosophy
    Psychology and Philosophy of Abstract Art
    Psychology and the Perennial Philosophy
    Psychology as Philosophy, Philosophy as Psychology - Articles and Reviews 2006-2019
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    Psychopathology and Philosophy
    Psychotherapy and the Behavioral Sciences. Contributions of the Biological, Psychological, Social and Philosophic Fields to Psychotherapeutic Theory and Process
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    Ptolemy’s Philosophy
    Public Philosophy
    Public Philosophy in a New Key
    Puer robustus - Eine Philosophie des Störenfrieds
    Punishment And The History Of Political Philosophy
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    Putting the Just-In-Time Philosophy into Practice
    Pynchon and Philosophy
    Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy
    Pythagoras, the cult of Apollo, and the birth of philosophy (M.A., California State University)
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    Qu’est-ce que la philosophie ?
    Qu’est-ce que la philosophie antique?
    Qu’est-ce que La philosophie de l’existence ?
    Quantenmechanik und Philosophie
    Quantum Electronics (The International series of monographs in natural philosophy) (v. 1)
    Quantum mechanics and objectivity. A study of the physical philosophy of Werner Heisenberg
    Quantum mechanics and the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead
    Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads - New Perspectives from History, Philosophy and Physics
    Quantum mechanics at the crossroads new perspectives from history philosophy and physics
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    Quantum mechanics at the crossroads. New perspectives from history, philosophy and physics
    Quantum mechanics, common sense and philosophical problems
    Quantum philosophy
    Quantum physics meets the philosophy of mind
    Quantum Physics Without Quantum Philosophy
    Quatre introductions à la philosophie au XIIIe siècle
    Que faire du Capital? Philosophie, économie et politique dans le Capital de Marx
    Québec Studies in the Philosophy of Science
    Queer Philosophy
    Queer social philosophy
    Quellen Philosophie - Deutscher Idealismus
    Quellen Philosophie - Empirismus, Skeptizismus, Rationalismus, Französische Aufklärung
    Quellen Philosophie - Griechisch-Römische Antike
    Quentin Tarantino and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Quentin Tarantino and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie ?
    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie antique?
    Qu'est-ce Que la Philosophie?
    Qu'est-ce qu'un système philosophique
    Questiones altere supra libros prime philosophie Aristotelis (Metaphysica i-iv). Questiones supra de plantis
    Questiones supra libros prime philosophie Aristotelis (Metaphysica i, ii, v-x)
    Questiones supra undecimum prime philosophie Aristotelis (Metaphysica xii) primae et secundae
    Questioning God (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)
    Quiddities - An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary
    Quine (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Quine, New Foundations, and the Philosophy of Set Theory
    Rabbi Akiva's Philosophy of Love
    Rabbinic Literature and Greco-Roman Philosophy. A Study of Epicurea and Rhetorica in Early Midrashic Writings
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    Race and Racism in Continental Philosophy (Studies in Continental Thought)
    Radical Enlightenment. Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750
    Radical Philosophy
    Radical Philosophy #121
    Radical Philosophy #122
    Radical Philosophy #123
    Radical Philosophy #124
    Radical Philosophy #125
    Radical Philosophy #126
    Radical Philosophy #127
    Radical Philosophy #129
    Radical Philosophy #130
    Radical Philosophy #131
    Radical Philosophy #132
    Radical Philosophy #133
    Radical Philosophy #134
    Radical Philosophy #138
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    Radical Philosophy #143
    Radical Philosophy #144
    Radical Philosophy #145
    Radical Philosophy #146
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    Radical Philosophy #154
    Radical Philosophy #155
    Radical Philosophy #156
    Radical Philosophy #158
    Radical Philosophy #160
    Radical Philosophy #161
    Radical Philosophy #162
    Radical Philosophy #163
    Radical Philosophy #164
    Radical Philosophy #165
    Radical Philosophy Issue
    Radiohead and Philosophy
    Raising the Tone of Philosophy
    Rationality and Emotions (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B)
    Rationality and feminist philosophy
    Rationality and Feminist Philosophy (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Rationality and Feminist Philosophy (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Rationality and Religious Theism (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series) (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series)
    Rationality and Religious Theism (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series) (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series)
    Rätsel Mensch - Expeditionen im Grenzbereich von Philosophie und Hirnforschung
    Rawls, Citizenship, and Education (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
    Reader in Marxist Philosophy
    Reader in Marxist Philosophy From the Writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin
    Reading Bohr Physics and Philosophy
    Reading In Philosophical Analysis
    Reading Maimonides' Philosophy in 19th Century Germany
    Reading Philosophy of Language
    Reading Philosophy, Writing Poetry
    Reading Political Philosophy
    Reading the Figural, or, Philosophy after the New Media
    Reading the Figural, or, Philosophy after the New Media (Post-Contemporary Interventions)
    Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy
    Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy
    Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy
    Readings in philosophical analysis
    Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science
    Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science (Bradford Books)
    Readings in philosophy of psychology, Volume I
    Readings in the Philosophy of Law, second edition (Broadview Readings in Philosophy)
    Readings in the Philosophy of Law, second edition (Broadview Readings in Philosophy)
    Readings in the Philosophy of Religion, second edition (Broadview Readings in Philosophy)
    Readings in the Philosophy of Religion, second edition (Broadview Readings in Philosophy)
    Readings in the Philosophy of Science
    Readings in the Philosophy of Technology
    Real Essentialism (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
    Real Metaphysics (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy)
    Realism and Anti-Realism (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Realism and Anti-Realism in the Philosophy of Science
    Realism, Philosophy and Social Science
    Reality & Impenetrability in Kant's Philosophy of Nature
    Reality and Impenetrability in Kant's Philosophy of Nature
    Reason and Analysis in Ancient Greek Philosophy
    Reason and Exsistence. Schelling's Philosophy of History
    Reason and Reality (Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, 1970-1971)
    Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy
    Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes
    Reason in Philosophy
    Reasoning After Revelation Dialogues In Postmodern Jewish Philosophy
    Reason's Nearest Kin - Philosophies of Arithmetic from Kant to Carnap
    Reassessing Marx’s social and political philosophy
    Recensionen zur Kantischen Philosophie
    Recent Catholic Philosophy
    Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science
    Recent Japanese Philosophical Thought, 1862 1996 A Survey
    Recent Perspectives in American Philosophy
    Recent Themes in the Philosophy of Science
    Recent Trends in Philosophical Logic
    Recherches philosophiques
    Recherches sur le premier Aristote (Eudeme, De la philosophie, Protreptique)
    Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants
    Rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze
    Recognizing Reality - Dharmakirti's philosophy and its Tibetan interpretations
    Reconceptualizing Confucian Philosophy in the 21st Century
    Reconfigurations Of Philosophy Of Religion
    Reconfigurations of philosophy of religion a possible future
    Reconstruction in Philosophy
    Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy
    Recueil de diverses pièces sur la philosophie, la religion naturelle, l'histoire, les mathématiques etc. Par Mrs. Leibniz, Clarke, Newton, & autres auteurs célèbres.
    Recueil de diverses pièces sur la philosophie, la religion naturelle, l'histoire, les mathématiques etc. Par Mrs. Leibniz, Clarke, Newton, & autres auteurs célèbres.
    Redefining A Philosophy for World Governance
    Reduction and Emergence in Science and Philosophy
    Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings
    Reference and Structure in the Philosophy of Language
    Reflections on Philosophy and Religion
    Reflexionen Kants zur kritischen Philosophie
    Réflexions philosophiques sur l'égalité
    Reformed Orthodoxy and Philosophy, 1625 -1750
    Reformed Orthodoxy And Philosophy, 16251750
    Reformed Orthodoxy And Philosophy, 1625-1750
    Reforming Philosophy
    Reframing the Practice of Philosophy
    Regards philosophiques sur la mondialisation
    Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie. Band 1, Geschichte, Probleme, Augaben
    Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie. Band 2, Rezeption, Argumentation, Diskussion
    Reid on Ethics (Philosophers in Depth)
    Reinventing philosophy of religion
    Relating Hegel’s Science of Logic to Contemporary Philosophy
    Relating Hegel's Science of Logic to Contemporary Philosophy
    Relation philosophy of mathematics, science, and mind
    Relation Philosophy of Mathematics, Science, and Mind – Perennial Philosophy for Mathematicians and Scientists
    Relation Philosophy of Mathematics, Science, and Mind – Perennial Philosophy for Mathematicians and Scientists
    Relativism (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Relativism (Problems of Philosophy Their Past and Present)
    Relativism (Problems of Philosophy)
    Relativism and the Foundations of Philosophy
    Relativism in Contemporary American Philosophy
    Relativistic theories of materials (Springer tracts in natural philosophy ; v. 29)
    Relativity and Geometry (Foundations and Philosophy of Science and Technology Series)
    Relativity. The Theory and its Philosophy
    Relevant Logics and Their Rivals 1 (Western Philosophy Series)
    Religion (Grundthemen Philosophie)
    Religion And Morality (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series)
    Religion and Philosophy (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, No. 31)
    Religion and Philosophy (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, No. 31)
    Religion and philosophy in Germany
    Religion as a Philosophical Matter
    Religion in liberal political philosophy
    Religion, Philosophy and Knowledge
    Religio-Philosophical Discourses in the Mediterranean World
    Religious and Philosophical Aspects of the Laozi (S U N Y Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
    Religious and Philosophical Aspects of the Laozi (S U N Y Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
    Religious Experience and the End of Metaphysics (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)
    Religious Philosophy as Multidisciplinary Comparative Inquiry
    Remaking China's Public Philosophy for the Twenty-first Century
    Remarks On The History And Philosophy Of Math
    Remarks on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
    Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy
    Renaissance Philosophy (A History of Western Philosophy)
    Renaissance Philosophy (A History of Western Philosophy)
    Renaissance Philosophy in Jewish Garb
    Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy in Focus (Philosophers in Focus)
    Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy in Focus (Philosophers in Focus)
    Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory (Literature, Culture, Theory)
    Renewing Philosophy
    Renewing Philosophy of Religion
    Repetition and Philosophical Crumbs
    Repetition and Philosophical Crumbs (Oxford World's Classics)
    Re-Politicising the Kyoto School as Philosophy (Routledge Leiden Series in Modern East Asian Politics and History)
    Representation and objects of thought in medieval philosophy
    RePresentations Philosophical Essays on the Foundations of Cognitive Science
    Représentations sans objet. Aux origines de la phénoménologie et de la philosophie analytique
    Reproduction, Race, and Gender in Philosophy and the Early Life Sciences
    Rereading Ancient Philosophy
    Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics
    Researches, Chemical and Philosophical; Chiely Concerning Nitrous Oxide, or Dephlogisticated Nitrous Air, and Its Respiration
    Response To 'Philosophical Foundations Of Neuroscience'(extract from Neuroscience And Philosophy)
    Response To 'Philosophical Foundations Of Neuroscience'(extract from Neuroscience And Philosophy)
    Responses To Students Of Philosophy Concerning The Object Of Psychoanalysis
    Responsibility and Punishment (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy)
    Ressentiment (Marquette Studies in Philosophy)
    Resurrecting Marx (Studies in social philosophy & policy)
    Rethinking Jewish Philosophy
    Rethinking Philosophy in Light of the Bible
    Rethinking Philosophy of Religion
    Rethinking Shakespeare's Political Philosophy
    Re-Thinking Time at the Interface of Physics and Philosophy
    Re-Thinking Time at the Interface of Physics and Philosophy The Forgotten Present
    Return to Philosophy
    Revise Philosophy for AS Level
    Re-visioning gender in philosophy of religion
    Revisioning Philosophy
    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science
    Rezensionen zur Kantischen Philosophie 1781-87
    Rhetoric and Philosophy in Conflict
    Richard Baxter and the mechanical philosophers
    Richard J. Bernstein and the Expansion of American Philosophy
    Richard J. Bernstein and the Pragmatist Turn in Contemporary Philosophy
    Richard Rorty (Philosophy Now)
    Rick and Morty and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Rick and Morty and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)
    Rights (Central Problems of Philosophy)
    Rights to Health Care (Philosophy and Medicine)
    Rise of Analytic Philosophy
    Risk, Ambiguity and Decision (Studies in Philosophy)
    Roald Dahl and Philosophy
    Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry
    Robert Brandom (Philosophy Now (McGill-Queen's))
    Robert Brandom (Philosophy Now)
    Robert Spaemann's Philosophy of the Human Person
    Role of God in Spinoza's Metaphysics (Continuum Studies In Philosophy)
    Roman Philosophers
    Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science
    Romanticism and Philosophy
    Romanticism, Hellenism, and the Philosophy of Nature
    Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature
    Roots of Bergson's Philosophy
    Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution
    Rosaire des philosophes MS
    Rosalind Krauss and American Philosophical Art Criticism
    Rosarium Philosophorum Band 1 Faksimile
    Rosarium Philosophorum Band 2
    Rosarium philosophorum, Donum Dei, Sol & Luna
    Rousseau (Arguments of the Philosophers)
    Rousseau and Radical Democracy (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Rousseau And the Ethics of Virtue (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Rousseau’s Economic Philosophy
    Rousseau’s Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy
    Rousseaus politische Philosophie
    Rousseau's Theory of Freedom (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
    Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy
    Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language
    Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, Parts 1-4
    Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, Parts 5-9
    Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century Philosophy
    Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (10 Volume Set)
    Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport
    Routledge History of Chinese Philosophy
    Routledge History of Philosophy
    Routledge History of Philosophy - Volume I - From the Beginning to Plato
    Routledge History of Philosophy - Volume II - From Aristotle to Augustine
    Routledge History of Philosophy Volume I
    Routledge History of Philosophy Volume V
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    The theology of the early Greek philosophers
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    Think. A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
    Think. Philosophy for Everyone Volume 10, Number 27, Spring 2011
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  14. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Generally, yes. Both. But I have also eaten a book.
    But you can't eat recommendations.

    Or have I totally misunderstood the thread title?
  16. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    +1 for anything by Russell.

    This book is genius... well, the man was a genius so it kinda follows.

    Before tackling this I'd add the essay "Why I'm not a Christian" and the book "A History of Western Philosophy" to the reading list. The first is a nice wade into the very logical way BR tackles things and the second is a very deep dive into western thought and writings.

    Also, if you're on a mathematical tip his stuff on set theory is just mindblowing.

    Why I'm not a Christian:
    A History of Western Philosophy:
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  17. Polomo

    Polomo Guest


    could have been on my list too

    Sadily many parts of the book are outdated (phreaking) and some are badly researched
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  18. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    there fixed it for ya:bow:
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  19. Some of my favorites:
    Renoise 2.8 User Manual
    Studio One 2 User Manual
    Ableton Live 7 User Manual
    Image Line's 3x OSC User Manual
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2020
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  20. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    The problem I fell with the so called `philosophers and anarchists` is that they totally miss the point...One assumes after all, they should known better, but in fact, they can`t pass their own ego...:bleh:

    If I were to recommend something to somebody I don`t know (in this case a beginner, non native English speaker), I would have asked him a bunch of questions, so I can have an idea about the person and better my chances for a solution that is tailored for him!
    You never bother to do so. You turn the subject about yourselves, about what you like. In the end, I know you better than the OP!!!

    Philosophy books are great, but I feel not appropriate in his case ( I can only guess )

    That`s a winner right there...
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