problems installing any spectrasonics - including keyscape standalone

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by kindleman, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Ive really tried my best but no luck ... spent 6 hours on this, been looking everywhere on our websites, read possibly all the instructions, comments, tried everything but still same problem please help! : /

    when i try to open omnisphere or keyscape standalone i always get this :

    "Error loading Keyscape AU plugin
    The Keyscape.component plugin exists at the correct location, but cannot be loaded.
    Restarting your system may resolve this issue."

    also tried to make trilian work on its own and this is what i get
    Screenshot 2020-11-25 at 01.13.28.png

    im trying to install the spectrasonics from scratch on a new laptop using the STEAM libraries i have copied on an external hard drives . when I go to instal the library updates it does find the right path on its own

    thanks a lot!!
  3. ballinthejack

    ballinthejack Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    On sister site search for all main and update Spectrasonics releases. Then read and follow posts by 'pirate' (advice) EXACTLY. He knows all.
  4. diazz100

    diazz100 Noisemaker

    Jan 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The Netherlands
  5. diazz100

    diazz100 Noisemaker

    Jan 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The Netherlands
    this worked for me
    Omnisphere 2 Installation via USB

    Step 1: Connect the Omnisphere installation drive into a USB port. Open the drive 'Spectrasonics Omnisphere.url.'

    Step 2: Double-click the file 'Omnisphere 2 Installation.url.'

    Step 3: Log in to your Spectrasonics user account and select the 'DOWNLOAD' button to download the current installers to your Mac.

    Step 4: From your Mac's Downloads folder open the 'Omnisphere_2_Installation' folder, then open the 'Step 1 - Installer' folder.

    Step 5: Open the 'Mac' folder inside of 'Step 1 - Installer.' Double-click 'Omnisphere 2 Installer.pkg' to begin the installation of Omnisphere.

    Step 6: The installer might need to quit and re-open to ensure support for older versions of OS X, so just click 'OK.'

    Step 7: Follow the steps as you're guided through the installation process. Make sure to review the Installation Info and Licensing FAQ. Then at the 'Destination Select' step, choose the option 'Install for all Users of this computer.' After the Installation Type information you'll enter your system password to start the install process.

    Step 8: The plugin files will then be installed on your Mac's system drive.

    Step 9: Then at the Preparation step, you'll select where to install the large core library files. By default they will be installed to your system drive or you may choose a secondary drive by selecting the 'Choose Location' button.

    Step 10: The large data files will now be copied to your selected drive. Allow for 30-60 minutes to install all of the data.

    Step 11: After the installation of Step 1 is complete, select 'Close.'

    Step 12: From the Omnisphere_2_Installation folder open the 'Step 2 - Data Updater' folder and then open the 'Mac' folder.

    Step 13: Run the 'Omnisphere_Data_Updater.pkg' from inside the 'Mac' folder.

    Step 14: Follow the default steps of the data updater, making sure that it locates your STEAM folder.
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