Could you help me to validate my future home studio PC build please?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Batteruno, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. Batteruno

    Batteruno Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Hi everyone!

    I will be using mainly libraries, a few Diva synths and a bit of mixing (and i want it to last that's why I go for the 3900)..

    So :

    - AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT // 3900X

    - Gigabyte B550 Vision D // (Asus TUF Gaming X570-Plus)

    - 32 Go Ballistix DDR4 3200 MHz CL16

    - Be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 650W // (Corsair RM650x Gold)

    - Noctua NH D15

    - Fractal Design Define R5

    - Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB

    - Other SSD, the same? 500 Go PCIe 4.0 (Samsung 980 Pro)?

    - GeForce GTX 1650

    - Motu M2

    Thanks in advance for helping!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
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  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    So that you can see the plugins? Which are all getting bigger and becoming HD visually anyway.
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  3. Batteruno

    Batteruno Member

    May 29, 2020
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    lol, you got a point mate! :)

    Wasn't thinking it was at this point demanding... So I will put a middle class one if it's needed (like 150 euros)!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020
  4. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Hi, i strongly recommend you water refrigeration with that rig. AMD 3900x and 3950x tends to have strange spikes in temp (i. e. going from 44 to 58 for no discernible reason), and with air refrigeration the fan will be speeding and stoping around like crazy. Belive me you don´t want that while making music.
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  5. Batteruno

    Batteruno Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Hi DKDNZIA, thank you for warning me!

    I have spent all my day working on the build with a few hours considering the water cooling solution.. I guess you are or was experimenting this problem yourself? With which ventirad/case?
    Because the Noctua NH D15 seems to work fine with the 3900X :

    It's just that I'm not sure about water cooling and it seems that a lot of people is using 3900x with air cooling without problems, maybe you experimented a problem with airflow inside the case?
    If you went for water cooling what are you using?

    Otherwise I liked this video about real time performance very much (I found it on another thread on the forum) :

    Stressing the importance of drivers compatibilities of devices locking on the CPU when processing the buffer informations (and video card was the first :) ), creating cracks and pops on setups with amazing performances.. (latency is my main concern with this build)

    And I changed my first choice of PSU for a Corsair RM650x thank to @taskforce, opted for the Fractal Design Define R5 for better airflow and more silence with sound-dampening material and for the motherboard I found a few better ideas than the MSI but didn't decide yet..
  6. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I can help you with the case. I have the Fractal R6 though, which I read it isolates sound better (not with the acrillic window) even than the R7. It's very easy to mount your system on it it's pretty modular. You might get a little more temperatures going, but that's the trade.
  7. easy_kid

    easy_kid Ultrasonic

    Nov 18, 2020
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    with the fans speeding up, and the temperature spikes i have made two things that worked for me.
    if you like to know it, i can reply to you.

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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes please.
    That's what this place is for!
    Welcome to AS!
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  9. easy_kid

    easy_kid Ultrasonic

    Nov 18, 2020
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    ok im on my mac here at my parents house.

    next time im at my home, where my main rig is with my AMD cpu
    i can look how i made it. its two things, which removed the spikes for me.

  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes, I got that.
  11. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I got those pikes even in iddle so i got an corsair h100i pro for watercooling.

    Now i´m waiting for easy_kid to stop holding up valuable info like this is some kind of netflix cliffhanger. "In my next answer i will be nearer my PC and you will be closest to know what are those two thingy things i did, cheers"

    Nah, just kidding. But, yeah, please tell me waht are those two thingy things you did, easy_kid.
  12. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    Here is the other video he did that is very interesting
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  13. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I am in the middle of what you are doing right now, I will say if you want thunderbolt Or M.2 on the AMD side be careful.
    Pay attention to on how the M.2 slots affect Thunderbolt or even Sata ports.
    B550 boards have a hard time supporting more than 4 drives

    I grabbed this last night
    Just released X570 PG Velocita from buildapcsales , I just wanted a good board to start with. PG Velocita/

    Has more than I need 8 Satas, 2 m.2 with heatsinks and alot of features. Its a pricey board at $264 but its actually made for the new Ryzen series. Ive read some of the old patched boards are quirky and the bios updates need to be tweaked some more.

    D15 Cooler
    32gb Team Vulcan 3200 $89
    Crucial M.2 P2 1 TB $84

    CPU will probably be a 5600x($300) or maybe a 5900x ($550)I don't know yet. 5600x is more than enough horsepower.

    Computers are expensive ffs!!!!
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  14. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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  15. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    CPU: The 3900XT is similar to the 3900X in Power if the difference in Price is less than 20€ it's ok more is just scamming

    Asus TUF Gaming X570-Plus best IO (more PCe more SATA and an USB-C )

    RAM: Ok

    Power : I would go for the be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 650W (it´s better (full modular) and cheaper at least where I come from )

    Noctua NH D15 :ok I would go for the be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black cost the half is quite and good enough. If Overclooking only full water cooling is an option.

    Fractal Design Define R5 is better if you want to use lots of Drives (and like you wrote mainly libraries, so storage is the key :winker:)

    GPU : GeForce GTX 1650
    So a GPU is needed for things like :


    Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB as main Drive ok
    But also consider some additional 1-4 TB SSD for big
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2020
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  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Recently installed a 3900X with NH-D15. Works just fine with cpu factory settings, no oc. On cpu stress test/full load it's not absolutely silent as i would like it. And if you ask me what i consider silent, it's operation under 30db. Which means if the comp is like half a meter away from your ears you won't hear it.
    A premium solution at around 150 euros for liquid AIO made by the kings of water cooling EKW is here, i think R5 can take a triple radiator on top of the case or at least a dual one :
    PS: Some X570 Gigabyte boards have a header for TB3 add-on cards, it may come handy. Also the newer B550 Vision-D from Gigabyte has onboard TB3.
  17. easy_kid

    easy_kid Ultrasonic

    Nov 18, 2020
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    hi guys the thing is i wanted to look specifically what i have done, because i cannot remember exactly.
    didn't want to offend somebody. im not that guy.

    first thing i did was to make a custom fan curve: i did this in MSI command center, because my mainboard
    is an MSI B450. there i didn't let the fans become louder than 30% when the CPU tumble around 50-55 degrees celsius.
    600rpm in IDLE is what you are looking for, at least for my ears this is not hearable in dampened case.

    i am sure that every mainboard manufacturer have some kind of tool like that, or you can do it in your BIOS.
    i think everyone knows how to get into BIOS.
    most UEFI BIOS let the user to design a custom fan curve.

    the second thing which removed it completely for me, is under power management settings on windows.
    there you want to select the AMD power balanced plan. i think that every power plan has this settings.
    this is installed when you install the chipset driver from AMD site. i highly recommend doing this.

    there you have another options to tweak the AMD balanced power plan.
    its relatively one of the lower tabs of the settings.
    there you go under minimum processor state and set it to like 10%
    the middle one you let alone.
    and then you go under cpu maximum processor state and set it to 99%.

    this was the game changer for me, because then the cpu don't spike up to 100%
    when I'm in idle on desktop. i mean when you are gaming with your friends and have
    a headset on your head, you can change the power plan to highest setting because
    the fans will blow there up anyway. i will make screenshots of it when i come to my win pc.

    hope somebody learned something from it, and this was no BS you knew before.
    and sorry for bad english, no native speaker.

    bye easy_kid :))
  18. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    My pc:
    i7-3770k, 16GB RAM, about 2 TB HDD, zalman z9+ box, esi juli@/m-audio avid c400 fast track with latest drivers and asio4all 2.13, win7 x64, not new (2012 pc), with built-in graphics (intel hd4000 or smth like that).
    Using lots of Diva instances, sylenth1, spire, serum, many other synths sometimes, and tons of cpu-killing vst processing plugins with 2x-32x oversampling etc, sometimes work at 96k (with less oversampling), nebula/acqua stuff, REAPER 6.1x, so, overloaded big projects.
    And almost no problems here or no problems at all.
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  19. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I just checked, all 3 mobos are compatible with the NH-D15, a small notice you need cooler package from 2019/2020 or else the mounting bracket for AM4 socket is not included,
    also since I have Define R5 myself, I can confirm NH-D15 will fit since the case is gloriously spacious,
    which graphics card will you use? something simple, like GTX 1050 Ti maybe?
    and which audio interface, planning to go for some PCIe RME card?
  20. Batteruno

    Batteruno Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Wow, thank you everyone for those valuable informations, it's so great to have such experimented advices, thank you so much!

    I changed the Noctua NH 15 for the Be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black thanks to @Polomo great recommendations : twice cheaper and this fan is only producing 26.8dB (against 38dB for the NH15) at full usage (1500/minute)!
    I chose the be quiet! PSU too as it is platinium and the GPU GTX 1650 that seems perfect to me for the cost.
    And thank to @taskforce I think I'm definitely done with the Gigabyte B550 Vision D as I'm trying to anticipate at maximum the years to come and I was wandering about Thunderbolt since the beginning, this way even if in 5 or 10 years I wanna buy a TB interface I can do it with this motherboard so that's great! And it seems to stay quite cool too which is cool because I'm feeling a bit concerned about heat with the 3900!

    And I'm going for a second SSD too, I will sell my samsung T5 1TB portable SSD and add an internal one for better workflow.

    So I was wandering about this second SSD and I thought, why not using those new PCIe 4.0 as they seem so fast?!

    They are pretty new though as I think the Samsung 980 PRO came out in september but I was thinking I could take a 500 Go for the same price I'm selling my portable, and maybe using it for the system if it's better to use the faster one this way?
    And I could put in there all my daily used libraries for maximum speed and on the other one I store all the libs I'm using less often or the biggest ones, and if I want to keep others I would store them on an external HDD.

    I think 1.5TB would be enough for me as I'm planing to restrain myself on the number of libs I'm using into my music, and if in a few years libs are becoming too big for my setup I will just add another SSD and problem's gone!

    What do you think about that?
    One thing to consider may be that those PCIe 4.0 seem to be quite hot and I don't want to overheat my case, but I'm not sure at which point they are and if this feature really worth it either...

    But the Gigabyte B550 Vision D doesn't have a fan featured!

    So otherwise I could just take another 1Tb SSD, maybe a second 970 EVO plus? And all will work fluently so not sure if that 980 PRO is a good idea..

    About the audio interface as @tzzsmk pointed I was thinking to buy a Motu M2 ( as my budget will be overkilled and I can buy one with one of my band closing out budget (found this reference in here again :) )..

    Sorry for the very long text,

    PS : Not important : as I'm kind of curious I was wandering about the video I published (about real time performance) : if those multicore CPU are such killers in multitasking why the hell are all those cores totally locked in by a stupid video card driver? I was thinking CPU should have a lot of free cores to process the buffer information anyway, isn't it?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
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