Brand new Track - Power

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Master Of Disaster, Nov 15, 2020.

  1. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Evening everyone!

    This track has taken me so long and so much energy to make it's my favourite one to date I've done

    I would absolutely love feedback on this one (Hasn't been mastered yet if the audio sounds off)
  3. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Can I please get some feedback I posted this over 14 hours ago
  4. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    I like the vibe. Groovy as hell. Nice one! Good use of drops and FX. Would dance on it when it was played in a club. The sound is a bit harsh.
    A good mastering would help.
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  5. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Thanks mate I can't wait to master it tomorrow!

    Also I wasn't quite happy with some beats and I've beefed up the lead a bit more take a nosey at the revised version
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You need to check your sig to SC. It's wrong. The j...
    Doesn't go to your account.
    Strangely, the audio is what we would actually listen to, yeah.
    So, you can just say "it".
    Also the expression "brand new" is related to items that come from a company, usually a physical product too.
  7. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Sorry bud the groove is way off.Sometimes it sounds like when a DJ is mixing in another track and the other beat comes in out of time. It sounds like things really are off. You really hear it at 1.24. Crashes and fx are too loud. The kick doesn't have that thing in the low mids. A lot of things clashing. Some things sounds out of tune? Somehow the claps go off?
    A track should sound 90-95% there without mastering.
    Really needs stripping back. Has some good things there but it needs work.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Why are the claps ahead of the beat at 1:18?
    If you are going to use the MPC MIDI grooves or 'Groove quantization' you need to use them in a way that works. And not on everything, or else there is no context for the groove!
    To be honest, the whole track sounds like misuse of groove quantization, imo.
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm UK too, and so I remember someone posting a track with a Danny Dyer sample in it.
    Was that you too?
    Either way, lose the vocal snippet, imo.

    Otherwise, some good melodic ideas in here. :like:
    But these timing things will only sound worse after 'mastering'.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  9. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Nice song ideas... Beat seems slightly early and not locked in.
  10. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I was the guy sampling danny dyer

    I've just looked at the FL playlist and they are in time here is screen shot of the track upload_2020-11-17_18-33-51.png

    Also what does Groove Quantization mean? I've not used anything Midi related I made a few samples for the melody etc on Nexus.

    Appreciate the feedback
  11. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Hi mate! Thanks for feedback again on another track, it's designed to be the short version I'm putting out a 5 minute 30 version of this track as well
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well, your daw is based on MIDI! It's a MIDI sequencer that also sequences audio.
    But straight away, is that a kashmere clap at the top?
    I can see that the transient IS ahead of the beat!
    And in fact, none of the samples below it seem in line with the top one as far as sample start and transients are concerned.
    Nexus Bass, Counter Melody, and Kick 3 are all MIDI too, obviously.
    Maybe the top 3 tracks are clap, snare, and another clap, in that order?
    How they are synced with the MIDI doesn't seem right, mate.
    I can hear it, and now I think I can see it too.
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  13. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    You need to make it listenable for half a minute before you make a 5 minute 30 version.
    Screenshot 2.40. It looks like your trying to make things off grid to add groove but it's just making it a mess and making things sound out of time. The constant string tone is also too loud.
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Seeing as the word groove doesn't seem to be in the vocab, it's probably nicely flammed claps that we're seeing, around a snare that's on it.
    But obvs those claps are audibly early, and now visually too, I think.
  15. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Bit of a harsh remark to be fair concerning the half minute thing and doesn't help at all just is a put down
  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Mate, sort your sig out! I already mentioned it!
  17. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I wish there was more than a thumbs up on your post I could give I was deaf to that mistiming but I found the fault straight away so huge thank you!!
  18. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Cool! It does sound good, and now it will sound even more gooder! haha.
    If you look at MIDI files from say the MPC boxes, you will work out why we were using them so much in House back in the day.
    In Logic, we add those MIDI files which contain pretty much just what appears to be hi-hat note data to a folder and hide it in our blank template, and then they show up in our quantization options.
    In Live, it's called the Groove Pool or something.
    Most daws do come with these MPC data in their quantization options nowadays.
    Back in the day (late 90s, early 00s) there was DNA, which were a company that painstakingly converted audio beats etc to MIDI, and so we could have the 'feel' of MJ's Beat It drum track, or whatever.
    It's interesting to look at them and study them.
    If you play an instrument already, this push/pull should be already known.
    But in House and Garage we just use MPC MIDI grooves on a per bar basis really.
    I learnt a lot from various people in the early 00s whilst doing session keys for some stuff that eventually went to Hed Kandi.
  19. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    It's easy to notice right away. The kick is the problem that sticks out like a sore thumb.. more than anything else. Just using a low-pass filter and cutting that overly wet ambience off the top of it until you find the sweet spot more in the mid range. You'll know you're close when you first hear the musical instruments sound like they are closer to you than the kick is. You'll find the kick seems to have air despite cutting the high end because it is now essentially breathing out the other instruments.

    That alone will improve the clocking of your groove a great deal as well. And it should be very apparent to your ears at that point if you need to move the kick track or any other track back or forward some time in milliseconds to clock and finalize the overall groove. SC triggering is one thing when it comes to forcing something to follow the clock of another. But nothing beats getting transients to clock well together in a way that sounds natural.
  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Aside from MPC MIDI grooves, this^ is a thing! And always was.
    Well mentioned!
  21. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Yea the claps aren't helping but I can see he's also doing it on other things in his midi as well.

    Only if you choose to take it that way. It's actually less then half a minute.
    If you can make a loop sound good you are half way there.
    I just had a go making a quick loop in FLStudio so you guys can roast me back.
    This is just made in one pattern. So it's nearly a 4 second loop pattern and I've looped it 8 times.

    If you swing something make sure that every other hit also hits on the same swing, e.g if you put a ghost snare before the clap and something else also hits there e.g a hi-hat then sync them all to the same time. I wouldn't ever move the main four four kick though as everything is timed to the kick.
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