Just a warning for Big Sur User

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by groove, Nov 14, 2020.

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  1. FrequencyModulation

    FrequencyModulation Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2020
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    USB ports, battery, sound/wifi cards, display, ram, GPU is up to manufacturer of laptop, it has nothing to do with AMD. You can find Ryzen laptops with decent IOs, and powerful enough replaceble battery (battery life actually is better with Ryzen CPUs then current Intel offers, look up tests).

    And i agree with you about Apple "glue" politics about their computers.
    Newest ARM laptops for example are not ram upgradable because guess what..it's soldered.:no:
    Macbook "Pro" capped with 16GB of ram in 2020:dunno:
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2020
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  2. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I always smile when i hear this kind of patronising putdown - probably the greatest cerebral coups of the postmodern age is the general auto-tinhat labelling of anyone who expresses due skepticism in the face of self-evident collusion - truly, there are none so deaf as do not wish to hear.

    FYI governments across the world (keenly aware of the very real practice of private, undisclosed agreement between self-interested parties for mutual gain) have for many years been compelled to vociferously legislate against precisely this kind of nefarious activity, entirely because it has happened many times in the past and, unchecked, would be even worse today than it is.

    The only thing stopping Microsoft from doing just the same as Apple is that western governments cannot (so far) compel asian motherboard manufacturers to facilitate this degree of despicably instrusive, low-level 'security' - although frankly i fully expect to see heavy pressure applied to this effect over the next couple of years to try to fix this 'deficiency'... :snuffy:

    EDIT: fixed typos
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2020
  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Please go back read my lines again.

    I never said anything against AMD

    It´s the 4xxx series (same goes for the Intel ix-11xxx ) and ever newer device
    Ryzen 4xxx laptops few USB ports no replaceable battery

    (For all non german speakers ) There are 385 devices with Ryzen 4xxx and
    385 got Non-Replaceable batteries . (100% non-replaceable)

    Ryzen 4xxx + replaceable batteries 0 results

    But it's just a Trend today
    From all 5735 offered Laptops on this site

    (the rest is not defined by their Data)
    Only 198 are replaceable ones .( mostly models before 2018)

    (Ok this one is a more personal opinion what are too few USB ports .)
    (Most got 2-3 Ports only one (in 10 Variations ) got 4 Ports )

    Source :
    price comparison site

    So don't get me wrong it's an overall bad trend we see here
    The 4xxx was just an example (which was in my head from searches some days ago, that every f... companies does the same BS )
    that’s why I wrote
    Interessting in this context
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2020
  4. FrequencyModulation

    FrequencyModulation Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2020
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    I get what you saying about current tendency towards less ports/unupgradable ram/no storage extendability nonsense.
    BUT, it is mostly true about those slim average powered laptops that are more aimed towards low/mid demanding tasks.
    Since we are on music forum i' m leaning more towards mid/upper range models. They are usually packed with decent IOs, easily accessible upgradable ram slots (some models have ram access panels separate from whole back cover). additional M.2 slots + traditional 2.5s for storage.
    And about battery topic, models that i' m talking about are also have "replaceable battery", it is there just laying inside laptop chassis, all you need is unplug it and plug a new one.
    Once again i agree with you about "general use" laptops with like 1 USB, combined mic/headphone jack and soldered ram, but the ones we are interested are not that bad even nowadays.
  5. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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  6. depijp_HSK

    depijp_HSK Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2020
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    It was more of a general question whether you guys here have any good lists of processes which are optional/recommended to block because we as music producers don't really need them (saving bandwidth/cpu cycles whatever).. not specifically aiming at this situation. I've read the article and it seems it's partly accurate only, check the last article posted above me ;)
  7. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    *Skepticism* is one thing - healthy skepticism is generally a good way to be for an interested and inquisitive person.

    A conspiracy theory is when you see some behaviour, and automatically decide the reason must be the worst case situation you can think of because it confirms what you already believe about the world.

    When I read the OP, I thought "huh that's weird" and I hadn't heard about these issues at the time. I firstly thought, based on what I know about Apple's technical stuff that this is probably related to notarization (a security issue, which isn't itself much of a privacy concern the way it's implemented) and I read around the issues to get a feel for what happened and what might be causing it, in case it has some impact on me. There was clearly something going on, and it's right to look into it.

    That's skepticism at work.

    What I didn't do is immediately jump to the conclusion that this is clearly government and big tech conspiring to stamp on my privacy etc etc as claimed in the first post.

    You've conflated my very real skepticism of the OP's claims with being stupid or "deaf" because I don't conform to your world view.

    TL;DR; - Skepticism is good. Jumping to conclusions without investigating the evidence isn't.

    (Oh, and it turns out "skepticism" is a challenging word to repeatedly spell correctly... gah!)
  8. justanengineer

    justanengineer Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Most are on Facebook/Instagram etc. posting their everyday lives, allowing the apps to track them, pinning themselves and friends in photos wherever they go and allowing Zuckerbergs algorithms to determine their overall happiness. In the grand scheme of things, Apple knowing what apps you open isn't that bad.
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  9. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    They won't do anything as long as they can get all the info as well.

    I think banning everything that can't be repaired is a really fantastic idea.My wife bought an electric frying pan. It wasn't cheap. After 2 years (and the warranty had expired of course) the element stopped working. The EU say we should protect the planet by repairing everything. I opened it up.

    First, you can't buy a spare element that would even get close to fitting
    Second the element was welded in, in such a way that to remove it would break the entire thing.

    Built-in redundancy. Buy one, as soon as the warranty is over, it breaks and the only thing you can do is either buy a new one or go back to NOT having an electric frying pan. The second idea sounded soooo much better, so that's where we are today.

    How many Apples can you open up and repair? How many cars today can you take out the engine, restore it and put it back?

    I've got a washing machine, three years old, stopped working. NO spares available only newer models. I have a Bosch Hedge trimmer, motor burned out after a year (warranty was a year). three letters to Bosch asking for a replacement. NO ANSWER. Visit Bosch shop. They don't sell spares for that model. The later models are better. No more Bosch for me.
  10. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    However, Intel Management Engine... is a funny little thing. ;) Not even running Linux can do much about it. Having said that, I want my computers to be all mine, and just mine. :mad:
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  11. Whispaz

    Whispaz Member

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Apple’s also created a new pathway for malware:
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  12. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    The matrix has you.
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    And we ain't Neo, fuck!! :rofl:
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  14. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Well, your bias appears to suggest that anyone who challanges Apple's integrity must be an anti-establishment crank with an automatic hatred of the corporate status quo, whereas for me this is merely yet another example of a snide, systemic diminishment of civil privacy - an alarming trend that's been building for decades now and gets more shameless, year-on-year. FYI the NSA have a long history of direct collusion with Big Tech. Here's some info relating to the renouned 'backdoor' in Microsoft Windows in case it slipped your memory:


    If Apple are aggressively engaged in surrepticious user profiling (now to the point that it is hardware-set to make it near-impossible to close it off) you should hardly expect Apple to pubicly brag about it.

    If you believe that Apple are honest brokers just trying to keep end-users safe and warm in front of their uber-kit, you are of course entitled to hold that view. The fact remains that Apple is a tyrannical mega-corporation that is all about marketing glitzy, overpriced kit to smug punters for huge yields on behalf of wealthy shareholders and absolutely NOTHING to do with justice, social or otherwise.

    I honestly couldn't agree more. :mates:

    EDIT: Damn my typo's to the deepest pits of hell...
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    That didn't take long for this thread to go completely off the rails.

    trust daemon (trustd) checks the hash on known and notated apps to see if something was capable of changing the app without the OS noticing as changing a part of the app packaged would produce a different hash.

    If you ever use the hash info to verify warez, releases usually include it so you can see if install was repackaged with something else especially when using torrent.

    Weather or not Apple stores the data sent by trustd is unknown, they would have to dedicate a lot of space to store every hash and app you launch across multiple devices but it is possible. You can always block any URI or FDQN strongly and without fail:

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  16. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    So Little Snitch has become pretty useless now…
  17. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    So, what do you put in there, http://ocsp.apple.com or what?
  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    This thread is going political. so it's closed.
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