Terrorist theory

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by FellIVTheFake, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. FellIVTheFake

    FellIVTheFake Noisemaker

    Nov 9, 2012
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    NOTE:This is meant for OPEN MINDED people that can think for themselves!!! and mainly for US citizens :mates:

    Some insight. so OUR govt has been telling us for years now that terrorist. MUSLIM terrorist are bad,evil attacking us,want us dead hate our freedom...right now most people hate them. alot of right wingers and patriots to name the select. NOW what IF based on history going back to the 50s the so called "terrorist" are really just the Resistance against the NWO/World Govt. i mean that live in a very holy land they have more knowledge of the unfolding of the last days than we do, its very plausible theory and the BS U.S. Govt story doesn't add up to anything so what do you really have left?
  3. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    very interesting theory...

    NOW what IF based on history going back to the 40s - what if frankenstein killed hitler?

  4. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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  5. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Muslim extremists don't have knowledge, they proliferate in situation where you have ignorance, so it's quite the opposite, they have almost no knowledge (they stick to middle age dogma and refuse science), beside the fact you just need to open your eyes to see the facts, Iran isnt a nice place despite being demonized by Us Gov, they have no freedom, women are enslaved, gay are killed, u can't drink, science is subjugated to ignorance.. nah..
  6. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    We (NWO section 7) tried to send Wolverine to kill Hitler but he forgot the mission and we failed..
  7. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    they have no freedom, women are enslaved, gay are killed, u can't drink, science is subjugated to ignorance.. nah. :bleh:

    are you sure you are not talking about some counties in Texas or North Carolina :rofl:

    Hitler was the luckiest animated piece of crap to walk the planet; he just did not know when to stop

    I would like to see Galactus, Godzilla,and Betty Boop, go back in time and get that bastard :snuffy:

    They can take a shot or two at Stalin while they are there :wink:
  8. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Well i'm not familiar with US, but yeah the stereotypes about Texas make it look similar to Iran (both are strictly religious places after all..)
  9. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Muslim fundamentalists (and I said fundamentalists, not every muslim!) hate people who are different then themselves. They hate you when you don't believe what they believe. The ultimate narrowmindedness. They can't handle freedom of thought and speech.
  10. BoomBEZEL

    BoomBEZEL Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Well I'm not taking sides but ugh we all fucked! instead of joining/coming together to create something we go against each others neck over jealously or "pure fun", and i ain't saying its every human's intentions but our "BOSS" runs the shots so we are toys for the rich ready to get "replaced" :( BUT ITS NO OVER :mates:
  11. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    terrorist comes from "territory" "Territorium", now that we all know that let's take a look at those who always want invade and occupy Countries etc..because of resources or other profits.
    I would say the Governments itself are the Terrorists those runs the Wars!
  12. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    not really, it comes from terreur (fear in french) a word that comes from latin "terreo" (to shake, thrill)
  13. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    frito zanzibar
    I think that picture is photoshopped or something. Hitler never looked that strong and healthy.

    Just cause you hate the the gov doesn't mean you have to like some other guys who are even worse.
    Personally I don't get why radical muslims try so hard to make attacks on our countries (USA+EU). If they just sit back and wait we will do the job for them. We came pretty close just a few years ago and the next financial meltdown will probably destroy our society.
  14. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    A: It's called marketing. Just like crap at Walmart that says "natural" it's a brand name. It doesn't mean there is natural anything in it. Same thing with "terrorist" it's a brand name to sell a product. The product being Regicide and resource theft.

    B: It's all perspective. "good/Evil" "right/wrong" "up/down" all made up concepts. They hold no actual tangible meaning. What doesn't help is the pseudo-religious war aspect of this where those man made concepts are all absolute, even though they are not in anyway.

    C: The hate our freedom rightwing retard crap is just that. "Right" means more religious more fundemental. THat crap is spewed for the jesus loving bible thumpers to buy into. Again it's just marketing.

    A: Stop taking history lessons for wikipedia. Terrorism is a fighting style and while we may no have invented it in the U.S. we perfected it. And resistance to what. If your talking about Iran we killed their government because we built oil rigs there [like the british did 50 years before] and they decided they wanted to keep them and kill all of our people there [like they did with the british 50 years prior]. You can say they were fighting off resource theft, but resistance against the NWO in the 1950?

    B: NWO isn't practical or needed and at this point in history the only way to do that is by theists destroy all secular society in order to surpress enough thought in the masses to take on something so idiotic. Rich people want it, but they also get that at this point in 1st world countries the most wouldn't accept it. American's would never accept being ruled by the same people who rule over france or whatever country. But that's why Republicans have this huge push for Christianity in America. If they can obtain religious control over the US, and kill just enough muslims.. Point is you're not going to see the NWO in your life time, And if it does happen, it won't last for very long. Our government can barely keep a single country going, I don't see a body the size of our government keeping the world going.

    A; LOL, sorry but the only end days our world will experience is one of our own making. No magical birdmen, or sky gods are doing anything. "very holy land" is just a place some events happened a long time ago in a time where a Bic Lighter would make you seem as a god. Point is that whole thought is fantasy. If you want to know about end times, ask our government or Russia or China. If there is an end to all of this 1 of these 3 countries if not all will be to blame.

    B: Do you believe simply living in a certain place on the planet makes you smarter? Gives you knowledge other's don't? Sorry you give me a street hustler and a isreal priest and I'll trust the street hustler at least he doesnt' front like it's not a scam.

    Of course it doesn't but more realistic than some things. But you don't combat lies with insantiy. You do it with reason. Terrorism is about selling the idea of "muslims are bad guys" so we can thin there numbers out for christians and take their crap without just sneaking into a country and trying to take their oil during the night.

    Reality is amazing enough with out needing creative help. You over complicate it too much it still sounds amazing, but isn't accurate in the least.
  15. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    terreo = ground-floor! Please don't take it personal, but i know where i come from! and maybe yes, they use it because it comes fear at closest. It's a Global Word that is important for those Globalist suckers.
  16. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    USA not only terrorize foreign countries they also terrorize their own citizen and their own land just for profit. If you dont have an health insurance you wont get medical help, and you die! They allow weapons so that people kill eachother and the killers got to jail (also a very profitable businesssector) or get self on electric chair (so you kill 2 birds with one stone). You dont have welfaresystem, because you want to get more poor people that will join the military for necessity so that you can send them to kill the enemy you can exploit. In roder to do that and also to get your weapons bought to make profit, you have to create an enemy. It can be Hitler, or Kommunism, or Saddam or Ossama or Asad (which were brought up by USA). aNd if your president does not act so as you want,you USA, just kill him (JFK).

    Think about it.

    Now that Anti-Asad Free Syrian Army (Whos members are from everywhere from the world but not from Syria)admitted that they throw the poison gas, (which was delivered from Saudi Arabia under control of MI6 an CIA) onto the civilians do you really believe USA would attac FSA then?

    Dont you learned from US wars?

    How many people killed the Ossamas gang El-Kaida (is a CIA breed)? In order to kill just in Iraq war 2.000.000 people, El-kaida must really work hard to reach this number. USA created the war between IRAQ and IRan which lasted 8 years and cost 20.000.000 people life. USA supported Saddam to fight against Iran.

    So imagine: in USA a company named Monsanto creates genfood. So think about it who terrorize the humans on this earth really.

    Oficial news are that what they want you to believe.

    I recommend everyone to whatch the film "Why we fight" from Eugene Jarecki


  17. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Al Qaeda = NWO whores.
  18. FellIVTheFake

    FellIVTheFake Noisemaker

    Nov 9, 2012
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    good stuff guys i dont have time for a proper response at the moment but by the 50s i ment the cia take over of Iran. ill post more later! ps i dont hate the govt i just hate what has happened to the govt. perverted into tyranny.
  19. BoomBEZEL

    BoomBEZEL Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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  20. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwluC6GoKLE :bleh:

    Boys and Girls watch this , you will understand all :bow:

    *yes* :wink: :thumbsup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwluC6GoKLE *yes* :wink: :thumbsup:
  21. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    no, sorry, i know latin.
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