Shutdown Win 10 Update After Two Days Of Tyrannical Domination.

Discussion in 'PC' started by Kluster, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hi all,

    Yesterday and today my computer has been getting filled with so much Microsoft update data (I prefer the term excrement) that it has been all but unavailable to me.
    Today, I pulled an end task command on the Modem Setup Tool so I can have some quiet time with my computer.
    It's so nice...
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  3. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    99.8 % shit and 0,2% usefull stuff in these updates...get a good build , mod it and never update !
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  4. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    @Gyro Gearloose Do you know of any good Win10 light builds. Dropped in here to see if there was any good tips on the forum. Am just checking out a Spectre 2004 build but as with many of them tehre are some issues with getting USB driver to load drivers correctly and so on. So if you know of any good Light builds preferible 3004 or later it would be awesome.. Stay safe all
  5. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    google oprekin
  6. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    Just download Win10, Add W10 Privacy, block EVERYTHING including updates and you are good to go.

    Don't use it for email, don't use it to download shit. Have another low spec PC for that, don't install ant-virus, they suck up CPU and memory. Just use it for music and throw as much memory at it as you can afford.
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  7. Epidemico

    Epidemico Producer

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Alano di Piave (BL), Italy
    You can try this too:
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  8. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Typical of Ayatolah Bil Gates' Microsoft terrorist activities, take away useful features from previous winsdows and load the new version up mostly with tons of useless garbage and privacy invading and tracking tracking spyware. I personally only want an OS to be as basic as possible to be powerful, efficient and stripped of everything but absolutely essential software into which I can choose and install any additional windws based software programs that I require for myself. I wish the developer of React OS would develop a lot quicker and needs help to get it fully completed. it uses windows drivers for hardware and enables you to use windows based software natively, Check it out
  9. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    As soon as another OS looks like becomomg a competitor, Microsoft will take them to Court and tie them up for years in legal litigation until they are either bankrupt or sell to a Microsoft affiliate company.

    In 1992, Novell was installed on 87% of the world's servers. When Microsoft released (the amazingly bad) Windows NT, Jack Straw in Reading UK, boasted that within 5 years, Novell would be out of business. It took a bit longer than that, but Novell was never hacked, it was more secure, it was much faster, but it didn't have a pretty GUI interface. Today, apart from a few diehards (like me), NetWare 6.5 no longer exists, thanks to Bill Gates.

    Over the years, there has been some amazing advances in software for business, but they have all been bankrupted or taken over by Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe and they are all in it together. NO other independent apps or OS are allowed.
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  10. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Did you hear about Linux?
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  11. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I know about Linux but You have to use wine to load Windows programs, REACT OS natively loads windows programs and drivers without an intermediary loader, the main creator of React was a troubleshooter for microcrap whenever things went wrong he was called in to fix the issues and then saw the need for another OS to be free of Gates' tyranny. Besides Gates wasn't the creator of the first original of windows environment it was called GEOS for Commodore Computers in 1986 and was developed by Berkeley Software, thief gates' stole it and called it windows 3 in 1990, I used GEOS way back then when it came out in '86, it cost $100 at the timei and was way better than Windows 3
  12. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    GEOS wasn't the first one either: it all started at Xerox Corp.

    Unfortunately for them, they didn't saw/understand the potential of a GUI and sold it to Apple who then released it in the Lisa (before the first Mac).

    After this, Berkeley Softworks ported it to the commodore 64, which was a big accomplishment due to the hardware limitations of the machine at the time.
  13. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Novell is now owned by a company in Newbury, UK. The same company that recently sold SUSE
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  14. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    All that remains of Novell, is Identity Manager and eDirectory (SuSe and Windows options) and a few other bits which are no threat to Microsoft. The flagship unhackable (up to its demise) NetWare 6.5 no longer exists as a supported product. A few companies have retained it and have their own in-house Novell people. I used to work for Novell, so I have the expertise (and all the software and licences to maintain my own in-house system for my servers and MySQL database servers. There were NO backdoors in any of the old Novell products, another reason why Microsoft were allowed to get rid of them.
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  15. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    Before Microsoft stole NT, it was LANManager and if you have NT, Windows 2000, WinXP, and if you look at the compiled code with a Hex Editor, you'll find LANManager all over the place. I think by now, they've renamed all the instances of LAN Manager. LAN Manager was an IBM product.

    OS2 was never allowed to get off the ground. I attended one of the big launch demos and someone (probably from M$) had put a bouncing ball virus on the demo machine and had wiped the hard drive on their backup. I belive there was lots of litigation that went on as well. I remember we all walked out of the demo laughing fit to bust.

    Then there was an OS called BeOS that got sued out of existance by Gates, befoere it ever got off the ground.

    Linux will never be a real threat, there are too many versions and developers aren't going to waste time developing the same app for SuSE, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Mint . . . the list goes on and none of them are completely compatible with each other. Divide and rule. That's precisely the trap that Linux has fallen into. I wouldn't tough SuSE with a very long barge pole. Open Source, my ass!

    At one stage Novell bought the Source Code of UNIX from AT&T and then SantaClara was suing AT&T and Microsoft for years, claiming it was theirs. I'm not sure what the final outcome of that was if there ever was one.
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  16. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    So...if you guys hate so much Windows, why don't you just buy a Apple?
    I do updates and never had a single problem.
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  17. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    You obviously approve of theft, monopolies, and Bill Gates.

    Apple priced their hardware out of the market, hence Hackintosh and do you REALLY think Apple's shady practices are any better than Microsoft? Go buy an Apple off the shelf with 64GB RAM and 4 x 2TB Hard drives. Even if you could, what would it cost? Mine cost me less than 1,000 Euros to make a Hackintosh with the above spec. I also built it myself, so I can replace anything that fails and install whatever i like on it.

    The second worst invention to ever hit planet Earth was ALL computers and the first was TV. Without computers there would be less cyber fraud, less election rigging, less time spent rebooting, changing passwords, installing anti-virus, and there would be PRIVACY.

    Without TV, we would still be out playing sport, watching sport, swimming, talking, reading, actually PLAYING instruments, people wouldnt be so obese and people would actually TALK to each other and enjoy discussions like this, without having to sit on their butt typing messages.

    The next in the list of bad inventions was PLASTIC.
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  18. Aspirin

    Aspirin Guest

    I disagree. Inventions are always neccessary and good, it's up to the people how they use them. It's like blaming social media platforms for being a cesspool. No, social media could have been used for great things but majority of people decided to use them for ego boost. Same with computers and plastic, they are all great but it's up to the people how they are using them. But obviously I understand your point and you are right, I just feel like we can't blame the invention itself or it's inventors.
  19. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    It depends on what the invention is for. Sure computers are useful, but the damage caused outweighs the usefulness. Without computers there would be NO Social Media.

    Plastics contain phthalates, phthalates cause untold damage to the body. Increase estrogen, lower testosterone, possibly cause cancer. EVERYTHING is wrapped in plastic or in plastic containers. Plastic is fine to package parts but NOT for food or drink. The problem is that ALL the aforementioned plastics are not bio-degradable, so not only do we damage the human body, we damage the environment as well.

    Look at the pharmaceutical conglomerates, medicines which have more side effects than the problem they are ALLEGED to cure. One friend got pills for stress after a breakdown. One of the side effects was "may give rise to thoughts of suicide". Are these 'GOOD' inventions or are they purely to make MONEY.

    For thousands of years, people used plants and herbs to cure problems. These are now either banned or ridiculed. Now we are expected to take a vaccine, developed to prevent a virus which has never been isolated or in fact proved to exist and THAT is on the CDC website if you look for it. So if the 'virus' has never been isolated, what is the vaccine going to be preventing????? Is THIS a 'GOOD' invention?

    Why are doctors being paid to write Covid-19 on death certificates? Why are hospitals being paid to admit patients with ANY respiratory problem as Covid-19? Why aren't there more people actually dying of 'covid-19' than the average 'flu season?

    The answer is simple THERE IS NO DEADLY VIRUS. Just another bad 'flu season. If the average pills that your doctor prescribes for KNOWN diseases have more side effects than the disease. What side effects will this vaccine supposededly to prevent a virus which hasn't been proved to exist have?

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  20. rah

    rah Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Maybe , maybe not
    MS are not as powerful overseas as they once were.

    The city of Munich( Germany) a few years ago got so sick of paying more and more for nothing( e.g. updates) from MS that they decided to go cold turkey and switch to non MS products.

    it makes sober reading as to how it possible to kick MS to the curb.
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  21. vstdeep

    vstdeep Kapellmeister

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Came here for win10 slam session but got history lesson instead. My first pc was a Commodore 64 then Vic20 then an Atari game console, then a cheap used acoustic guitar, then....Good stuff, good times.
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