Keyscape not loading sound source!

Discussion in 'Software' started by SeriousSamsonOnTheBeat, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Yes but you are in wrong thread to discuss Cakewalk. Either create new thread or send me a PM
  2. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    hi everyone. thank you the pirate and everyone else. i have successfully installed on catalina but i get the classic issue of omnisphere cannot load sound source. i understand that the next step is to update. however how do i update? i tried updating directly thru spectrasonics and i registered but they are requiring a serial to download the updates. any advice would greatly be appreciated. thanks again.

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  3. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    you should be able to find latest or most recent enough updates for all four spectrasonics instruments, on the sister site or on ru track er org. apply or reapply updates, making sure that shortcuts (pc) or alias files (mac), as well as the actual sage/steam folders, have full read/write permissions (mac) or not read only (pc) directories :)
  4. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    thanks for the reply. may i request a PM to the sister site? thanks again!
  5. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    also, i am a unclear if i have to install all updates leading up to 2.6.3...

    my current version is 2.6.0. can i install the update 2.6.3 directly, or must i install all the updates inbetween (2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.6.3)

    thanks again
  6. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    ok, so i was able to update everything except for the moog library for now. and still i get the same error that says "cannot load sound source" anytime i select a patch. and also, ABLETON no longer sees the plugin, where it at least was able to recognize it when i had 2.6.0.

    any ideas ?

    so frustrating to get this far and still not a single sound.

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2020

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  7. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    16 didn't mention if you are on mac or win? with latest updates, again - make sure permissions on the sage/steam folders is correct. if mac, try codesign the plugins, then restart machine, and re-scan in your daw. in live, in preferences/plugins, hit the rescan button. if you are on windows, again make sure the steam folder/directory is not "read only". also, if pc, make sure the latest updates you applies, overwrite the older directories properly. if the update installer isn't working right or your not sure, do the update to steam folders manually! again, make sure peremissions correct, after update, and rescan plugins in daw again.
  8. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    sorry, just saw catalina, mac. yea, catalina is a pain. make sure directories have full read/write permissions, and that codesign the plugins. then restart, and rescan in daw. your directory should be (hard drive)/users/(username)/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/STEAM... wether you host the full content there, or the STEAM is an alias file, pointing to the content, elsewhere. sounds like permissions, make sure ././././Spectrasonics/ folder has full read/write.
  9. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    so i did ensure the top folder and all subfolders are read/write permissions. what do you mean by "codesign the plugins" and how is that done?

    i have restarted and i have not changed the location of the STEAM folder at all.

    to recap, before i updated, the DAW could at least see the plugin. after update, it does not see it, AND the original issue of "cannot load source" persists.

    i have rescanned the browser infinitely to no avail. quite a wormhole of a pain indeed.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
  10. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    #1 you need to make sure you patched the au and vst plugins, with the 2048 keygen. drag new plugin to desktop, select patch in the keygen and choose the plugin from desktop. after successful patch, replace plugin to plugins folder. do this for AU and VST.

    2. you will need xcode for this next step. you will need to google to get specific catalina xcode tools, as it is not simply available by terminal command anymore... once you have xcode tools for catalina installed, codesign plugin in terminal.

    3. open terminal and do codesign on both au and vst plugins:

    sudo codesign -f -s -

    make sure to leave space after last dash. drag the plugin into the terminal window at the end of the line there, and hit enter. when asked, type password and hit enter. if successful, it will just go back to another prompt. if not, it will give an error.

    4. when done patching and codesign, then rescan in daw and should all work.
  11. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    if you're plugin works after patch, and without codesign, then you should be fine for plugin and not need codesign it. pretty sure your main problem with sounds not working is either you didn't apply the updates properly so the new patch sounds are in the right folder properly, or again, you don't have permissions set on both Application Support/Spectrasonics folders. both

    /Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/


    /Users/(user name)/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/

    need full read/write permissions. right-click on each, and "Get Info". unlock the bottom lock, and make sure all three user(me)/staff/everyone has read & write set. click the gear at bottom and Apply to all enclosed. when done, re-lock it.

    if all that still doesn't work, you don't have the full sounds installed, most likely. make sure you have the full installer and make sure all soundsources/patches/wavetables, etc, is all installed properly
  12. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    1. i definitely used the 2048 keygen. i don't think it would have gotten this far otherwise. everytime i installed the additional update, i had to repatch otherwise it kept giving an error saying that i wasn't authorized. so i believe i did the patching correct all the way up to this point and it has been confirmed that i have the latest updates on all of the software 2.6.3c, Soundsources 2.6.1c, Patches, 2.6.3c
    (see screenshot)
    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.47.36 PM.png

    2. i installed xcode successfully and codesigned the files.

    i'm not sure what you mean by AU, as the only things i can think to codesign were the "Omnisphere.vst" in VST folder, and "Omnisphere.component" in the Components folder. i went ahead and did it for both.
    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.45.13 PM.png

    now, when i went back to the DAW (ableton, i was able to see the AU omnisphere, BUT STILL NOTHING in the VST
    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.51.02 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.51.13 PM.png

    and i am still getting same error when i try to load sounds in both standalone and in dAW
    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.52.44 PM.png
  13. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    yep, i made sure to give all permissions just like you have shown and applied to all enclosed folders:

    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.54.02 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.55.17 PM.png

    after all of that, still same error initial error.

    again, there was 1% of progress with it now showing up in the AU folder in DAW, but what could explain it not showing up in VST folder?

    given your last guess as to what the issue is of incomplete installer, i don't think it would be able to get this far if it was an incomplete installer? but i have here some diagnostics from standalone screen that could help confirm if in fact i am missing something? :
    Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.43.11 PM.png

    also, a huge thank you for your patience and willingness to assist. this is hands down one of the most difficult installs i have ever encountered and having gotten this far i feel like i am so close yet there is a feeling that this could be the first time that there is no solution.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  14. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    AU or audio unit, is component, same thing. the actual installation is really not that difficult, it's just a pain for most people from the original installers and for dumb spots, like this, to get caught up in. great, you have made full permissions, and even codesigned! you're certainly not caught up there, then. so i've realized what your actual problem is.

    your zmap and index files are bad, and need to be replaced. there are a few each, per instrument content folder. this happens, esp when transferring the content STEAM folders from one drive to another. happens alot, for some reason. i transfer this folder to other systems all the time, and this is a common issue. the zmap and index files are super small, but there are several zmap files and locations. i don't have a steam content folder in front of me atm, i can try and post the steam locations for them, later. you should get those files directly from update installers, and get them manually from the Data folder in update installer, as the zmap/index files relate to latest version of content, installed. or get them from a known working steam folder setup - although, that working steam folder setup needs to have update versions matching, as that is what the zmap/index files are for - to tell the software what exact versions of patch/soundsources are installed in steam directory.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  15. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    also, versions of ableton after 10.1.2 need codesign or even deep codesign, to work in newer versions as VST. logic has started similar issue with au in 10.5.1, as well. try deep codesign on vst, and rescan in live. or just use the au lol
  16. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    there's hope after all! ok so its a bit fuzzy still, but from what i can understand, i have to retrieve good working zmap files and replace them.
    i went back to the original installer .iso and opened up the soundsources folder... in there is listed every instrument / patch. there must be hundreds.

    and so i have to manually copy over each .zmap from each patch? do i understand that correctly? Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 11.09.57 AM.png

    you mentioned the update installers, but none of the update installers have .zmap. they're all just .pkgs.
    there is a zmap index in Omnisphere Soundsource Library Update v2.6.1c
    Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 11.15.38 AM.png

    is that what i should replacing too?
  17. ochef

    ochef Newbie

    Nov 8, 2020
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    so yes, i have ableton 10.1.25 ...

    what does deep codesign mean?

    and this may be basic question but what is the difference between using it as an AU or a VST ?
    i am new to this so please forgive.

    thanks again!
  18. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    *slaps face*....

    just realized i'm in a thread, regarding soundsource issues, and of course... it's all related to the zmap, version and preference files, folks! so for any and everyone going forward, mac or pc - after any update, go back to update installer and replace these few, small files again, if getting errors - it should be all that is necessary!

    if you are doing updates, and you get this issue, it is because the during the update install or transfer, the following files didn't copy/install correctly. and omnisphere/keyscape/trillian think they are "corrupted". again, they are super small. but you need these files that relate to the latest patch/soundsource update you did, for the current software version plugin, to understand and utilize the latest patch/soundsoure updates...

    it's really not difficult, just confusing af, and honestly, the developer should somehow make this process a bit easier, as i'm sure their own support is overwhelmed with this silly issue.

    all you guys can surely give all of us helpers in this thread helping you all, lots of likes and love on each help post lol <3
  19. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    deep codesign is a terminal command, just like codesign, but adjusts permissions even deeper, i guess? like a diver, versus a deep diver! lol, i dfknknw, really! ah...

    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign -

    AU, VST, VST3, RTAS, AAX... these are all plugin formats. some DAW applications use a specific one, like pro tools used to only be RTAS, now it is only AAX. Logic reads only AU (or component). some daw see both AU, VST, VST3, like ableton, FL, etc.... just different formats for the same thing, really
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  20. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    so, if getting errors - go back to update installer, and manually copy and replace the following files from the update installer, and replace into your current steam folder directories. the update installer should come with updates for both mac and win, and should also include a DATA folder, so you can do this manually yourself, without having to run the win exe or mac pkg installers. sometimes those installers have errors or don't work, which is prob why you're in the predicament you're in! so get the full update installer, that includes the DATA folder, to do the update manually - i always do updates manually, to avoid these issues!!!!

    manually copy and paste/replace these files:


    stay safe, enjoy life, make good music :)
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