Never install Antivirus

Discussion in 'PC' started by VroundS, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    Oh no not again those virtual std's
    Do you think that windows defender can protect you against... Incoming W32.shemallware!!!
  2. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    No computer that I've got has yet come down with Corona without antivirus - and I mean we surf everywhere - so I reckon we're looking at irrefutable immunity here :guru:
  3. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    You could get away without the need for an antivirus if you have a damn decent firewall, and a proxy that has built in virus scanning.

    Something like: or installed on a small Linux box and use the linux firewall. Install a VPN client on that (connect to something like Nord) and you should have something half way decent
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  4. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Dude, we're not securing a commercial bank or the Pentagon, just workstation PCs! :)
  5. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I wouldn't trust my data with a bank or the pentagon.

    I have one PC that I don't use, it only has hackintosh on. I might give my suggestion a try over the weekend
  6. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yeah, i know what you mean. TBH i might give your suggestion a go myself at some point, though i think having an up-to-date browser (with decent add-ons like ghostery, privacy possum etc) can thwart much of the snide that screws the innocent when surfing in the wilds nowadays.
  7. Jacob12177

    Jacob12177 Guest

    C'ked NOD32 V8 is everything you need, nothing more. I think that someone that uses the PC only to visit common websites just like Facebook, twitter, etc doesn't need AV. However, if you are going to enter unknown sites, risk sites and do strange tasks, a AV is a must have. I used everything, from Avast to Bitdefender. Nowadays AV comes full of stupid and useless things like trash and registry cleaners, making them heavy for the system. You need an Antivirus withough that overload of "features" and NOD32 is the BEST in that area. NOD is system friendly and stops pop-up adds, too. I really recommend it.
    Windows 10 updated only needs an Addblocker and an Anti-Malware (like Malwarebytes or Hitman Pro)
    Windows 8.1 or less needs and AV withough stupid stuff. That's all.
  8. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    since 7 years i dont use any av ...
    heh heh look at them av slaves comparing av with safer sex ...

  9. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    seagate firewall was a light weight firewall back in the days
  10. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    I have to agree with this. I've tried all of them, they all slow down performance and most of them, when they find a false positve and you mark "ignore", you can't load it, or they delete it anyway.

    I rely mainly on behaviour, like NEVER and I really mean NEVER open an email, unless you know who it's from and if there is any doubt, check the IP Address in the header.

    I had a mail from PayPal about my account. It looked really genuine, only one tiny problem. I don't have a PayPal account - my wife does. I checked the sender IP and it came from Vietnam.

    NEVER open a program that you downloaded without first testing it on a VMware machine or in a sandbox.

    Finally, you can setup a firewall with Smoothwall Express on an old PC that no one would use with anything higher than XP and if you are careful, you can block most of the would-be hackers.

    However, in spite of all of that, I have FREE Malware Bytes and I check everything that I download with it BEFORE I even bother to test it in a VM or sandbox. When I tell it to ignore a false positive. it actually DOES ignore it.

    IMO most of the virii are produced by the anti-virus companies, to keep you buying their product, AND I've also had a virus with a GOOGLE update as well. Computers have done far more harm than good. Just like TV.
  11. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Believe what you will, in the end, there is more than 1 source corroborating the fact that Windows Defender is a worthy, FREE, AV for win10.
    My experiences with it aren't any less positive than my experience with alternative 3rd party AV's listed as, 'premium', the likes of Kaspersky, Norton or Avast.
    And what matters to ME, most, is MY experience, with windows defender, as opposed to the next persons' preferences.
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    What do you mean, save me from shemalware? Since transitioning I'm scoring 57.6 points per game on my school's woman's basketball team as well as dating our gorgeous 6'7" tall center Big Bertha Butterbottom. I'm finally living the dream I've always wished for. Tear down your firewall and come play with me, we'll need a new starting point guard come fall as Lana Lingus is graduating this summer. She has great hands and an eye for the hoop. Don't be a pussy(cat) and go for it.


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  13. Academia

    Academia Producer

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Interesting. I ran a notebook without a antivirus for almost a year (with soft from the sister site) and never had a problem (Win 8.1). The system was always stable, no CPU spikes, all fine. But I was always waiting for something to happen. It was like a psychological thing, really. Never a problem, and I ended up installing Avast. Never, ever, a single problem, and I think Avast was playing nice with my CPU, but I canĀ“t stand the intrusiveness of those apps (and Avast is probably the less intrusive). Messages all the time, alerts all over the place...
  14. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    bim bam bummerbottom
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  15. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Ignorant people like you are so fucking annoying. You'd think by now you'd have even the slightest clue. Where have you been the past ten years? Never heard of PRISM? Vault7? The Five Eyes?

    By the end of 2016, the CIA's hacking division, which formally falls under the agency's Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), had over 5000 registered users and had produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other "weaponized" malware. Such is the scale of the CIA's undertaking that by 2016, its hackers had utilized more code than that used to run Facebook. The CIA had created, in effect, its "own NSA" with even less accountability and without publicly answering the question as to whether such a massive budgetary spend on duplicating the capacities of a rival agency could be justified.

    • The U.S. National Security Agency is rebuffing efforts by a leading Congressional critic to determine whether it is continuing to place so-called back doors into commercial technology products, in a controversial practice that critics say damages both U.S. industry and national security.
    • The NSA has long sought agreements with technology companies under which they would build special access for the spy agency into their products.
    • These so-called back doors enable the NSA and other agencies to scan large amounts of traffic without a warrant.
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  16. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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  17. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    CIA - is not AV company:rofl:
  18. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    but as an argument you cite other people's words? where is the logic? =)

    great advice! recommend an antivirus that can't even protect itself ...:facepalm:

    I see super pros are here to discuss computer security issues. are you seriously?
    here half of the users cannot install and register plugins according to the instructions, another part of the users are afraid to run the keygen, because their antivirus considers the file to be malicious. units of users can independently completely configure and optimize the system.

    by the way, the correct virus will never make the user suspicious. therefore, if you do not notice the consequences of a virus on your computer, it does not mean that there is no virus.

    before discussing which antiviruses are good and which don't work, learn a little about how windows os work. for example what is ring0. then look at what antiviruses protect the system at this privilege level. I'm sure you will have a reason to think.
  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I installed the best AV called Debian Linux for browsing. In it, I also have a VirtualBox with W7 that starts within 2-3 seconds, for different usage, like checking plugins and playing with malware and viruses. :rofl:

    All this discussion about using Windows [any version] as a main OS for making music and browsing everywhere, with AV and Windows Defender is laughable. It's not 2002 any more people. Wake up. Internet is a Wild West full of threats. Use tools that don't compromise your working music OS with any slowdowns. You just have to separate the two in some way and fullstop.

    If you like having only Windows with some AV so much, install a separate Windows with AV on a separate HD [they cost pennies these days ffs] and use that one for browsing and social whatever while you're not making music, or use a Virtual OS for browsing which is super safe and fast to start and close. Using a virtual OS also erases all the traces of what you've been doing in it forever, just remember to make a snapshot when you're satisfied with it.

    These are the only solutions that make your life so much less stressful, and browsing and music making a joy, trust me. :wink:

    as a nice p.s. you can use whatever AV or Arseguard, Swiss Cheese wall, and still get fucked right up your behind by a good hacker, virus, malware, or Crom forbid ransomware! Remember that all protections can be cracked. We should know that. AZ users... :wink:
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
  20. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    these av's operate good on script kiddie level and only find outdated signatures.
    they are a bad indexers which wont help if you got infected..

    and they are mal/spyware

    knowing your processes and webtraffic with process id's with netstat -ano and good simple firewall is much better than giving up to av
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