Never install Antivirus

Discussion in 'PC' started by VroundS, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Antivirus is the worst offender in your computer performance and I gave up 10 years ago from "anti virus" and I never had problems with viruses and shit.
    My system is faster than ever. PC working beautifully.
    I can't even imagine having AV installed on my computer. It never did anything but responding to false positives like cracked software.
    Do yourself a favour and uninstall the AV Virus. You won't regret it.
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  3. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    It doesn't matter 10 different av's or non
    windows is full of vulnerabilities 0dayz or still unknown shit internet is so big there are so many clever coders hackers that can bypass all security settings u need to be an ict nerd or hacker to protect your system and no matter what they will find you believe me
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  4. caveman

    caveman Producer

    Nov 22, 2018
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    That really depends on your usage, if you are going to sites you probably should or your PC may come into contact with suspicious files I would definitely still use a 3rd party antivirus like Bullguard, Avira, Avast etc. ... Do I need antivirus for windows? If you're looking for an impartial answer, you're not likely to find one......
  5. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Nah, I will always suggest to have an antivirus. You just need a good one like Kaspersky. Others like AVG and Avast are not so good and really sensitive to false signals imo. I have been running Kaspersky for years without any issues. My pc still runs perfectly and fast. They also come out as the best antivirus in different tests.
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  6. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Windows Defender comes with Win10 and is rated as one of the best, I have no performance issues, and false positives I simply, just 'allow' on my system through windows defender.
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  7. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    this is funniest joke! L.O.L.!!!:hahaha:

    you made my day =)
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  8. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    This is like saying: "Hey guys, don't use a condom. I never used a condom and I haven't received any STD's." - And I would respond: "Hey, that's because you don't have any sex". But jokes aside...

    Only because you've allegedly made it this far without AV - doesn't mean other people will because every user's behavior and situation is different from yours. Your "advice" may put users at unnecessary risk. Example: Their hard work, backups and confidential data such as passwords, photos, documents and more might get leaked.

    Upgrade that potato of yours to a real computer and it won't succumb to an AV program.

    Edit: The Windows Defender comment above made me laugh. :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2020
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  9. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Well since i stopped installing warez from softwares like Adobe Office and other shitty appz you never ever need anyway as there is good free stuff out there i never had any problems.
    And i began with that in 2010 i think before that i installed alot of crap and also had alot of problems so i had to do format c: and reinstall windows
    But after i decided to just go for audio appz and no AV only a good firewall i never had any problems.
    Oh and my girfriend hasn't either she only surfs on dog sites i uninstall here kaspersky in 2008 when she was asked to renew the subscription she was getting 30 spam mail everyday and her PC blinked like a christmas tree with warnings your PC is not infected bla bla (well not really i
    exaggerate a little) but after i uninstall the shitty AV and i also had to do alot of cleaning in registry and stuff before the bloody AV was uninstalled she didnt get any spam emails anymore well that said it for me.
    Guess who is making money to make you scaired?
    If there wasnt any threats about infected PC,s for "normal" PC users their only customers would be company authoritys governments etc etc
    So why not make the "common people" afraid
    I say that over 98% of all worms and shit is made by the AV comapany themself.
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  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    First of there is not something like absolute security.
    A/V often only pretends a security that is not there in reality. In the past, I had viruses despite of running an A/V, which then could not be removed by A/V either.
    The only thing that is really for sure is that an A/V slows down the PC massively. The advice to buy a faster PC to get around this problem is nonsense!
    The actual benefit of an A/V in terms of security is small or non-existent compared to a secure behaviour.

    I have not used A/V for a long time and less problems than before. But this has required some preparation and clear procedures to be safe

    1. separation of programs and data: Programs are on the PCs sys drive, data on another data drive.
    2. at least the data is backed up continuously (at least daily) to a medium not connected to the network. The backup medium (NAS in my case) is started only for backup and is shut down after the backup.
    3. the operating system and installed programs are backed up once a week and before every significant change (e.g. Win update).
    4. programs are first tested in a secure environment and only then installed on productive machines. The use of a sandbox is the minimum.

    A good Firewall is a must by the way.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
  11. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Is Windows Defender good enough to secure Windows 10?
    It used to be the case that Windows suffered badly from security vulnerabilities and malware attacks that only third-party antivirus software could protect against. However, over the years Microsoft has made a concerted effort to improve the security of Windows, not least with the inclusion of Windows Defender by default in Windows 10.

    That said, in the past, Windows Defender has been regarded as a fairly poor security solution, and simply a ‘better than nothing’ option. That isn’t true anymore, though: in fact, Windows Defender now holds its own. One independent antivirus testing lab, AV-Test, rates Microsoft’s solution highly, although AV-Comparatives isn’t so enthusiastic, merely giving Windows Defender a ‘standard’ rating for malware protection in its most recent tests.

    That’s still solid protection, though, and of course Windows Defender has the added advantage of being a hassle-free solution which comes already integrated with Windows 10, and it’s free. If you just want basic protection which works, Defender is all you need.

    However, the additional security and privacy features that other third-party antivirus apps provide can make them very attractive choices in their own right.

    Your system is secure with Windows Defender, but if you want added peace of mind, it’s likely worth investing in the additional protection – the top-rated antivirus engines, extra anti-ransomware capabilities and other features – that Bitdefender Antivirus Plus and the other best Windows 10 antivirus packages afford.
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No, but your brain is, if you use it. :yes:
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
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  13. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    again this conspiracy nonsense ...
    will you provide evidence? of course not. no such evidence exists. anonymous stories on forms from the series "my ex-girlfriend's brother knew one dude" and blah blah blah - this is not proof.
    so calm your paranoia and do not spread these lies among people.
  14. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    20201105_183233.jpg I have weird issues with win7
    Im not online and my external drive is completly shared
    I never configured my drive to share files and it doesnt make sense because im always offline
    Iv checked the default shares but there is nothing then a IPC$ admin share which i cannot remove
    So i stopped the server service in services.msc
    Now i get a message server service not started when i go to the shares
    but the problem is my complete drive is still shared
  15. Meteo Xavier

    Meteo Xavier Ultrasonic

    Nov 6, 2019
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    "Never install an antivirus!"
    "Never wash your fruit before eating it!"
    "Never wear a condom when you're out screwing every prostitute in an 8-mile radius of the city!"
    "Never make a budget and actually check if you can afford shit before just spending every last cent you have on that shit!"

    "And now, let's follow up that wonderful advice with some glib, condescending Europeans and their bullshit when mentioning a common operating system:"
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  16. U-Kadian

    U-Kadian Kapellmeister

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Malwarebytes for me.. free version.. never an issue.. AV and Norton too heavy on the system and a pain in the ass .. been using malwatebytes for over 7 years and does a pretty good job :guru:WIN 10 running via my Nokia phone :rofl:
  17. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    If there's some 'condescending' people here,I think you're the winner.Your insults towards billions of Europeans and your arrogant comment and sig show it clearly.
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  18. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    do you believe any paid promotional material? =)))
    such publications only push what they are paid for.
  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I was using only Windows Defender for protection, but after visiting Pornhub for the very first time contracted both Syphilis and Gonorrhea. Now I'm paying the price.
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  20. ProJay

    ProJay Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2019
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    Welp, for past 7 years I have not used any anti-virus on my OS. Never got any issues and yeah you got to be smart to be running without an AV. Don't visit clickbait websites and such. And don't search on google how to download RAM...XD
  21. ProJay

    ProJay Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2019
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    Use AdGuard adblocker extension and you will be thanking me.