Second attempt at something. Hopefully improving in some way!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by elvisxxl, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    I had some good feedback on my first track so thanks....This track has took me a lot less time to "finish". (A week, compared to 6 weeks for the first one haha)

    Hopefully there are improvements each time I try this mixing, mastering thing.

    Anyways...Here's "Who's got the music?".

    Have a listen if you like...


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  3. samsome

    samsome Guest

    its very good dude takes a lot of hard work to reach this........but i was wondering if you already try to license these songs to a music library or whats ur approach?
  4. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Hi ..thanks. I really haven't thought about that side of this. I wouldn't know the first thing about it I'm afraid. Sorry.

    Is it something you're looking into? Are you hoping to make money from music production? I'm doing this as a hobby really so don't expect to go that far !
  5. samsome

    samsome Guest

    yes i even registered to (quite expensive but anyway at least it forced me to get some decent monitors finally) i submitted couple of tracks but comments were like "Not current sounding" and some things like that....and i'm not in the mood to sit down and figure out exactly what they ask for right now. also they like organic instrumentation most of the times i guess thrown into the tracks...mine were very synth sounding
    don't have vocals though......i did only some instrumental

    yours sound like a full production there..keep it up
  6. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Hi thanks. I'd never heard of to be honest. They don't seem to tell you the price before you sign up. I doubt they'd find my offerings current sounding either! The only instruments I played on my track were Guitar and bass. The rest was me playing midi instruments. (drums and a trumpet)

    I don't know how long you've been making music but I'd say to anyone doing this not to give up. I really wouldn't want to be mainstream myself but understand others striving to be recognised. What I have learned the last few years is there are a huge number of very talented people out there making and producing and sharing their music and they're getting no-where in the sense of getting recognised as valid artists. Then again there are bands and artists who have a big following online only via places like youtube etc. But I doubt they make much money from it all. At least not the ones I listen too!

    Good luck..
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I like the song and your production value but will get nitpicky about the staid tentativeness that I hear on the guitar part. It seems to... bite a bit behind the beat when to my feeling it could be lesding, edgier and be the emotional storyteller to support the lyrics. It's just a rough sketch to my ear and begs some balls.
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  8. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Haha. Thanks for your honesty. You've probably picked up on something that I didn't mention and that was that almost all of that guitar part was improvised in one take apart from the last few bars/fade out. I recorded it before the vocals and bass and was trying to go for a laid back kinda groove. I liked what I played so kept it because I really couldn't be bothered to go back and work out what I'd played haha...

    I did have it further "forward" in the mix initially but it got in the way a bit.

    I've got to admit I have a slightly "lax" approach to all this...But that's just how I like my music sometimes. It doesn't help though that I'm doing all this in my living room, usually with 2 screaming kids running around. Need to build a hut or something!

    Thanks for the feedback...
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