reFX Nexus Is Scam

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by maxjon, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    @Olymoon would be interested in you for insulting legit users in your post ,not to mention you have 1 warning already )

    you are just another kid begging that nexus 3 should be cracked and trashing the company owner as bonus insult
    you should simply go back to the old r2r version and be happy with it
    without insulting legit users of nexus or any other legit users , simply visit sister site and get your fix ,produce a song,collab
    just dont insult us as legit users

    personally i totally dont agree what you stated that ''the ones whos using bla bla must be an idiot
    then go on on begging R2R TO CRACK and take down another jackass owner of software
    and wish them bankruptcy /slow death financially ,thats total BS

    if you dont like it then dont bother insult legit users
    and you know you will get in trouble with admins here ..( been there done that )

    i dont like the word hate ,but i used to hate refx alot in the past ,every time someone mentions
    refx i would jump on the hate ''nexus is stupid rompler and it should be cracked and refx are BS '' bandwagon every post
    like @audiozuser76 did here ,

    even today i dont like them for the overprice new expansions and too many bug fixes updates
    (you have to wait for their black friday discount thats the only way to get good prices)
  2. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    one of the comment on BBB
    Their products are solid, but the company can be hostile toward customers. Before making any purchases with them read about the experiences their loyal customers had when trying to get help through tech support. In particular, the guy who runs the company, Michael H******* is a ********** guy. If a customer disagrees with him, he may well ban them from his site. I had to deal with him yesterday. Apparently ReFX has a company policy that if your ********* key breaks and you lose your authorization code, you have to send the key to Canada for them to verify you are not ripping off the company. When I complained and asked for his help, ******** *** * ******* ***** This is what he said: "We have over 100,000 customers, I simply can’t deal with everyone personally ******* **** **** * ***** ** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ** *** ******"

    if they had over 100,000 customers .. why would they even need one single customer to send the key? .. stupid policy, their reason is always "ripping off" .. come on!! do the logic ...their server can always check license,and revoked it .. what a nonsense!! .. the owner is paranoid, actually i am waiting for Xmas sale .. and let's see my experience w Nexus
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
  3. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    I love the way most of the people bitching on here about ReFX are mostly just pissed off that they can't have a cracked version of Nexus3 yet :rofl:

    At the end of the day the Op seems to have clearly ACTIVATED 3 copies on 3 machines (i.e. had it open on 3 machines at once), most likely shared his license key with a friend and is now bitching about it because he's got caught. I have Nexus 3 installed on two different machines in two different countries constantly without any issues whatsoever - the only actual pain in using it is often that I use it so rarely that I often have to update the plugin version when I use it, but the process is extremely painless. I'll take cloud authentication over a shitty dongle any day of the week - any dongle protection is a PITA.

    I actually only upgraded Nexus2 (which I rarely used anyway) to get rid of the dongle.
  4. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    The sad part is that "cool hardware synths" that you can buy, won't help you much or at all, if you are after quick and productive EDM career in comparison to Nexus.
    Nerds may think it's cool sitting in the studio for hours, designing (the same old) sounds, most people just play whatever preset and get out in the sunlight.
    Rompler popularity is not something new, they basically dominate professional music scene since early 90s (actually '88 when M1 was released). Even older, real synths were mostly used by the mass of musicians as factory sounds playback machines with unmodified presets.
    That's why seeing people trashing Refx is so funny, they may be the biggest scumbags in the industry, but they have the most successful business model and probably biggest profits, considering they don't need much staff unlike bigger companies.
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  5. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Exactly - people specifically bought the M1, D50, DX7, Kawai K1 etc just for the factory presets.
  6. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    It seems like you totally misunderstand my statement about reFX/Nexus.
    Read again my post and focus on the word "consciously"!

    I was never mentioned Nexus by itself, here are addressed the fraudulent art of licensing.
    You pay for a perpetual license but you get just a subscription license who make you tie on the reFX Company & being online leash.

    What's so hard to understand about such fraud, unfair and deceptive trade practices?
    And before you want (cowardly move from your side by the way) to threat me with @Olymoon, try to understand the meaning of my statement.

    By the way, I was never badmouthed about Nexus, point me where!
    I own also Nexus 2 with 47 purchased expansions!
    And before I make myself depend on of being online every month, I keep the old version protected by e-Licenser dongle.
    So what do you want actually from me???
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    The problem in your statement is the "must be an idiot" part. People make choices, not necessarily the one you agree nor understand, but that does not make them idiots.

    There is also no need to go personal here.

    At the end of the day, given that company's bad policy, I even forgot Nexus existed.
    And there are so much better alternative that it's not needed
    We don't need it to be cracked.
    With bad companies, the best is when they end up forgotten.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
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  8. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    No hate.. I'll just leave a few thoughts here

    I will most probably spend quite some money on SW in next weeks ..and (for now) I would be able to afford this nexus thing quite easily. But it is an investment and I'll be careful with my money.. So, yes, I'm a target customer for this Sch ..whatever guy. I will definitely not buy it and here is why:

    If he really said 'There is No Such Thing as Bad Publicity' - that might be true for kardashians.. but it doesn't apply to brake failure on car models and.. oh yeah - software(!) e.g. buggy, not well supported, protection schemes that punish legit users...

    Though I don't care much about 'who uses what' YT commercials, indeed I remember years ago every second EDM producer/beatmaker/.. was pulling on screen that white nexus thing (that's ver. 2, right?). Honestly can't remember seeing more than a couple vids bout v.3

    So I checked the Equipboard link posted here. That's a Nexus 2 thing as far as I can tell.. so I typed Nexus 3 aaand there are 3 'notable users', lol (damn, you can just pay those artists to say they use any shit you want). I even went to YT and started typing 'nexus 3' plus garrix, armin, deadmau5,.. then some top producers like Kirkpatrick, Max Martin,.. there's almost nothing going on. There are usual suspects listed on their website, but I think that testimonies are ancient also. And you can find the same guys on about every softsynth page..

    ..I feel like this is not as attractive as it was even for 'kids that want to sound like their idols'.

    I (always) take an OP post about x-company with a grain of salt, but even if I take just 1/4 of posts seriously, there is something fishy about this soft. Also, it really feels kind of ..not much going on. I have a bad feeling about it and that's enough to ...pass.
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  9. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    If you really want the "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow" than buy U-HE Zebra2.
    This synth sounds just great and extremely versatile.
    The creator/developer are Mr. Urs Heckmann from Berlin.
    Great small Company, great service, great products and the copy protection are just a simple serial combined with your name.
    You can install, activate and use this software even in 100 years because you are not depend on this company or being online.

    Here the website:

    By the way, I own all products from U-HE and was never regretted any purchase!
  10. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Well, the market is oversaturated with good sounding and cheap instruments.

    The only must have is probably Kontakt along some libraries, but that's not for electronic music.
    I feel that 80s synth sounds trend is probably coming to an end soon and 90s shitty digital sound will become the new "cool stuff" and that's pretty easy to do with older vsts, wow.
  11. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    @TaxiDriver that is the whole point of this, how shockingly the customer support reps in reFX have treated customers.

    The comment about publicity is retarded as you stated, and makes me furious as if reFX thinks they are Paris Hilton and a video of them sucking cock would boost their public socialite persona :rofl:

    Some people here buy reFX stuff and they wanna debate reasons to justify that, but this isnt about how shitty an overpriced rompler is in 2020, its about these poor users getting f##ked from the other side of the world by reFX.

    and if @audiozuser76 thinks people who buy are idiots, that is his opinion and he is entitled to it. I hope his opinion stops someone somewhere from buying nexus3!
    That would make only 2 xmas sales for the team in reFX offices, nice work guys! :rofl:

    @Bitmonkey that argument is like the standard response to threads concerning uncracked softs, the problem is this is about horrible company practice coming back to bite them on the ass.

    And the Reason That Nexus3 is not cracked is because there is no point, its a waste of time as no one wants it k'd, wasting space on their HDD!
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  12. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I see a lot of feedback in this thread but did the OP actually respond to clarify a bit more? :woot:
    Anyway, I owned Nexus 2 with a few expansion packs in the past but didn't use it a lot so sold it again in 2015 (same for the E-licenser). But as far as I can remember there were no issues with the support section. But maybe I'm prejudiced because I've won a Vengeance sample pack in one of their FB competitions at that time. :cool:
  13. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    maunel schleiss and dice
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I can fully believe anything about devs that use dongles, they seem entitled af. My experience w/ Steinbug is very similar to this, so I can fully believe what happened. It seems like they advertise Nexus as being activatable on 3 machines, then changed that suddenly to 2 machines and started a ban for "annoying" users who didn't sign up for this. Seems like they're making it up as they go along. Which isn't a good look for a EULA, or company. I tried Nexus 2 but it is rompler garbage w/ nice fx.
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  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I do not wish for Nexus to be cracked by anyone.
    I avoid using such notorious programs, if there are others to use.
  16. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    but many wish it for manuel
  17. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    You're comparing apples vs pears though. I own almost all U-He synths as well but Nexus (1, 2 or 3) are romplers with very basic editing functions not a complex synth but they do give you a breadth of easy to use sounds which Zebra 2 couldn't give you. You cannot for example make realistic choirs or pianos on Zebra2 for starters which you have in Nexus.

    If you actually want to compare something Omnisphere is far closer to a fully fledged synth version of Nexus far more than Zebra 2 can ever be.
  18. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    FWIW: Totally agree.
  19. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Yeah 'entitled af' because they want to protect their IP from crackers. I doubt you'll see the irony of your own post though.
  20. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    Is there actually a manuel available?
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