0 views on youtube

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    how much promotion have you done? how many posts have you made about it on your social media accounts so that your friends/fam/strangers on those platforms know it exists? how many places have you linked it so that its an easy 1 click process for ppl to go straight to it and check it out...?

    idk anything ab tunescore or services that do similar things (im guessing its similar to like a distrokid), but i do know those aren't how you get your stuff out there. They are a tool to help with that but i would compare it to a hammer in relation to building a house, it is definitely gonna be needed here and there but you're gonna need a hell of alot more than just a hammer to complete the job.

    What is going to get you the result more than any other 1 thing though for both (getting your music heard and building a house), is lots of well organized, thought out, and tactically directed HARD WORK.

    we all wish that all you had to have was talent and write an amazing song, put it on youtube, and the world will just... well, find it. but it doesn't work that way. these days its not just ab the music (nor has it ever been). but even more so in the age of the internet and free streaming. you could write the most pleasing, perfect, musical Holy Grail of a song but if all you did was upload it to youtube and not tell anyone it would never be heard by a single person and your view count would sit at 0.
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  2. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    makes me think this would be a great topic for a dedicated forum (if its not already). trading tips and experience on marketing and promotion effectively to get your stuff out there. someone should do that:invision:

    i know if most of you guys are like me its the weakest part of my game and these days its definitely in the top 2-3 most important for success. yet i neglect the hell out of it.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    But it's been up for over 24 hours.
  4. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    o... shit. i know it was long winded but it definitely didnt take that long haha

    i have no idea why but when i clicked on the link from sister all it showed was the op with no reply beneath. my bad

    previous post EDITED. thanks for pointing it out
  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Shit in one hand... hope in the other. :chilling:

    Seriously tho.. you arent actually trying to 'make it' in the youtube music business are you? :hillbilly:
  6. PartyShit

    PartyShit Producer

    Jul 19, 2016
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  7. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    When an unboxing video gets more hits than the actual product.
    Or the best one's, reaction videos wtf? Get more hit's than the artist they are pretending to look shocked at.

    That's YT viewer habits though.
    I watch utter crap on there. This week so far, I can weld, sew trousers, parachute, do a back flip and make a sword from an old fence.

    I have music with a few hundred hits. I also have videos with 90k+ views... and yes they are utter shite but have topical subjects in them like "how to make.." or "Strings comparison". Neither of which I promoted.
  8. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    YouTube, Google, all social media are joined at the hip. THEY decide what you should listen to, eat, drink, wear, vote for. YOU aren't important.

    Mediocracy is what they look for and that's all. You don't want anything REALLY GOOD to get promoted because this would disappoint all the mediocre and they would complain and whine.

    RUBBISH is also OK, because this makes the mediocre look good, but it would be a disaster if they started promoting REAL music and REAL singers along with REAL musicians.

    I can just imagine the outcry if they started promoting something that is outstandingly good. THAT would actually make the mediocre appear to be what they are - MEDIOCRE! Mediocracy started with The Beatles. Football rattles, dope taking, tram noises, Indian Gurus, funny clothes and specs and crappy music(?). Then, naturally, you have to be contraversial, smash up hotel rooms, start fights, get arrested, be dope addicts. The folks who actually made MUSIC in that era have long been forgotten. Only the mediocre have survived the test of time.

    So stop trying to write anything good. Just wtite EDM, Hip Hop and Rap, but be sure to keep it more mediocre than it already is, because THAT is exactly what the platforms are looking for. Am I a cynic? You betcha!
  9. PartyShit

    PartyShit Producer

    Jul 19, 2016
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    When you remember MKBHD started to rent the Red Dragon camera and he strted shooting with that.
    Nobody cared about the smartphone reviews it was watchable and exciting to watch becasue the quality of the videos.
    The same thing with Stephen Colbert nobody cares about what he talks about in the monologue he is presenting it so funny and nobody cares about his guests it's all about the monologue.
  10. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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    so,that´s how they "made it"

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  11. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    @WillyA everything is mediocre depending on your tastes. What you think is fantastic is another guys meh.
    It's always been like that, YouTube is nothing new on that front. It just has stats we can see.
  12. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    Not really, when you listen to someone in a back to front baseball cap, with the crotch of his trousers around his knees, chanting obscenities, and prancing like a demented cockroach, or some female making a noise out of tune and screeching like a banshee, it shows just how bad things have become. THIS is now considered 'music'.

    These are 'Stars', musical idols that everyone must listen to and love. Who wants to listen to Rossini or Puccini. Beethoven, Mozart? Who needs singers like Pavarotti or Maria Callas? Who wants music like Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, The Shadows, The Ventures, The Spotniks, Yngwie Malmsteen, Gary Moore and musicians who make melodies? Why no-one.

    Making funny noises with your mouth, spinning on your head, gyrating like a spastic or smashing your guitar against a wall. THIS is what people want today, not music.
  13. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I disagree. I done a test using your sample data. I entered Elvis Presley and the first hit:

    Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love (Audio) 244M views
    Mozart - 202M views
    Pavarotti - 17m views

    I think you are looking for an issue that isn't there personally. I never get awful music promoted to me on YT, it's there if you look for it though.
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  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    You should seek professional help :rofl:
  15. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    It's just a shame that the DATES of the viewing aren't there. YouTube has been going for some time. I think you'll find that most of the views you refer to are from quite a couple of years back. These numbers are from old fogies like me that are dying out, lonely, separated from their families, under house arrest and those who aren't dead are just waiting to die, because the Governments in the USA, UK and Europe have taken away their will to live. I have my music, I can entertain myself with my guitar and Studio One. I don't play for money, I don't even give my music away except to a few friends. I play for MYSELF and MY enjoyment, the rest can listen and admire the Hip Hop and Rappers.

    I think if you did a statistical review on how many years old those stats are, you would get a surprise. I know lots of parents (not from my generation, but the one after), whose children ONLY listen to crap and they get mad at their parents when they play 'old' music. Those under 35 don't even tolerate music from Presley, Puccini et al. They listen to singers who rely on autotune to be able to sing(?).

    Until a few years ago, I wasn't really interested in listening to metal. Then I realised that these bands have singers who can actually SING. Some are opera trained and they perform LIVE without autotune, so today, bands like Nightwish are worth listening to because they aren't in a studio with bloody autotune. Autotune was one of the worst inventions ever, like TV and computers.

    I did some backing tracks for a 'singer'. He recorded them in his home studio. They were AWFUL, he was hardly ever 'in tune;''. Then he had them recorded in a studio. God knows how many passes of autotune it took, but the end result was mediocre, but not as awful as his actual voice.

    In another 10 or 20 years, music will be irrelevant, because most of the folks walking around in their face diapers will have SERIOUS dementia and they won't even know what planet they're on! DILLYGAF!
  16. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Data is available, here's the latest on Elvis:

    Daily Averages views 776,561
    2020-10-24 Sat +966,588 views
    Views to date 830,016,293

    It's the perception you have and not the reality. Rap and Hip Hop is also relevant as much as Elvis was when everyone was outraged when he swung his hips, and 'they' called that "crap music" back then.
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Every single bit of advertising is an exercise in self aggrandizing. It is just the way it is. One needs to be out there in order to let your audience find you, to dip their wick into what you have to offer. You seem to be saying to me, your potential audience and someone who might be willing to support you either financially or by passing on the good news to friends who would do the same, that your modesty prohibits you from actually fulfilling your supposed goal. 100 views here turn into 1,000 then into 1,000,000. Goose eggs is so far the result of this no effort at all.

    Link please. :)[/QUOTE]
  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Any historical era is steeped in mediocrity as in the past also in the present. We usually look to the past remembering only the best moments and discarding the rest: for this reason the past always seems better than it really was. Take this concept into consideration, otherwise your point of view could sounds like the usual ranting of a 40 + yo.

    Fortunately, in the history of the human being (very rarely), an enlightened artist emerges: The artist who elevates the human being from the state of a beast, to the level of pure essence: basically this is the true purpose of Art
  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    which one would that be in the past ?
    true art has no purpose imho
  20. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Are you asking for my personal ranking of all-time artists? The list is quite long but I'll give you some random ones:

    Leonardo Da Vinci, Mozart, Michelangelo, Aphex Twin, Shakespeare, Stanley Kubrick, Miles Davis, Charlie Chaplin, Beethoven, Andy Wharol….

    There must be a reason why the artist makes use of his energies on producing art:
    • Why does he put so much effort into bringing out creative output?
    • Wouldn't it be better for him to go to the beach and have a mojito?
    • What is this obsession?
    • Where does he want to get?
    • what is the purpose of so much effort?
    Gyro, I still don't understand if you are an artist: if you really are one of them, then try to give yourself some answers
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2020
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