AKJB- NLS MIXED - 1st try

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by paradise_hell, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. paradise_hell

    paradise_hell Newbie

    Feb 9, 2012
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    This is my first try with Waves NLS, i don't know if the way i do it is correct. So below is what i do

    1. all mono chanel i put NLS mono and assign them with group 1-4.
    2. i got 4 buss and i assigned them with diff color from NLS.
    3. All EQ done with cubase preset with a little adjustment.

    Question : Is this correct way or there is the proper..Seems the youtube not help me much or i just don;t know where to look.

    Other question.
    Anyone can help me out how to put a TRAP kind a thing in this music. how to create that nowadays sound. I just want to add a little in my mix.

    My link

  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Well, i never tried to use full summing through NLS. I used the NLS Channel for drive color for some particular tracks that i wanted to thicken up and also on busses, but i never made the conection between them. You wanna do the full summing i guess, right?
  4. elucidation

    elucidation Newbie

    Jul 4, 2012
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    Cool mix, but I'd advise using some type of further smearing of your FX sends. Throw on a Dimension-D emulation to affect your reverbs* and delays, to further provide a sense of movement and spacial depth. You'll be pleasantly surprised. If you already did what I'm suggesting, then it's not conspicuous enough. Crank it up a little more.

    Once again, cool mix.

    And I'm not sure why you want "trap" anything for this record. It's already good, as it is. Nice work.
  5. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    there are a few ways to use nls. the recommended ways are as a summing plugin or as console emulation plugin.

    to use it like a summing plugin, insert it as the last plugin on each channel you want summed, them insert a nls buss as the first plugin on the 2-bus, or master output. your audio channels in your daw, must be routed to this 2-bus or master output for this to work.

    to use it like a console, insert nls channel on every channel, nls buss on every aux/buss and nls buss on the 2-buss or master output.

    with either method you can use vca groups if you like. the vca groups are not buses, no audio is routed through them they only provide a means to control a group of nls channels or busses.

    and then there is whatever sounds good to you. nls is a coloring plugin, meaning that you can just use it as a creative effect. because you can switch between different console emulations and the channels of each console emulation. you can use them as you see fit. whatever sounds good to you. for instance, use nls nevo channel 5 on your kick track only. for the rest of your tracks, use other plugins.