Bitwig Studio 3-Enter The Grid

Discussion in 'Software News' started by freefeet12, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What's New in Bitwig Studio 3.2.4 [released 03 July 2020]

    • Better precision when drawing boolean/integer automation using the pencil tool
    • Pencil tool no longer allows point selection/dragging for automation
    • Fixed lots of issues auto-zooming/scrolling the pitch ruler when selecting time/clips in Arranger
    • Follower RF Grid module: presets saved before 3.1 were missing their output connections
    • Rare crashes when disconnecting some controllers from a project
    • If a controller does not use MIDI to change parameters (e.g OSC or some other form of input) still allow it to be mapped in the mapping browser based on the logical controls it changes via the controller API
    • Plug-ins can no longer steal focus whenever the mouse moves over the plug-in window (e.g., LiquidSonics Reverberate 2), but we eventually give in to avoid fighting over window focus forever.
    • ASIO: Removing an output routing sometimes left non-silence in the output buffer
    • Crash after starting the application in demo mode, then activating while in demo mode, and then switching Display Profile or activating the engine for a project
  2. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What's New in Bitwig Studio 3.2.5 [released 17 July 2020]

    • Extension API is now at version 12, allowing finer control of specific devices and plug-ins
    Automation Streamlining
    • When automation follow is enabled, automation and MIDI both follow when Arranger clips are moved or deleted
    • Certain parameters (such as pitch bend, pedal CCs, pressure) will always clear to 0, regardless of what the value from the left side of the time range was
    • MIDI automation is recorded in a proper hold mode (avoiding inadvertent ramps)
    • When recording and not overdubbing, each MIDI parameter that already has an automation lane write a flat line
    • When recording, MIDI automation is only played back when overdubbing
    • Automation thinning is not applied to certain MIDI parameters (pedal CCs) after recording
    • Automation thinning is not applied after pencilling certain parameters (non-continuous parameters, not related to MIDI)
    • MIDI parameters that already exist are no longer added twice on record
    • Fixed some GUI repaints in the Arranger
    • Application could hang when there were very large Grid patches, in some cases
    • Changing a toggle parameter in a device now updates the status (in the window footer) immediately
    • Pressing the [DELETE] key, etc., in the plug-in host window will no longer delete project content. (Global shortcuts like controlling the transport, will still work though.)
    • Assigning shortcut to DSP Performance Graph window does not close it anymore after opening
    • Changing caps lock status in a plug-in window would not necessarily turn on note input
    • Keyboard note input did not allow some keys that weren't are used for note input to reach the plug-in (such as the arrow keys, etc.)
    • barStartPos value sent to VST 2 plug-ins would always be 0
    • Jack transport could be reported incorrectly to Jack when there were time signature changes
    • Windows: plug-ins always assumed that caps lock was used to turn on keyboard note input even, if the user disabled this in the (Shortcut preferences)
    • macOS: keyboard note input could invoke an action in a plug-in instead of playing a note in some plug-ins
    • Linux: keyboard input was not working for many plug-ins (such as u-he plug-ins, and Renoise's Redux)
    • Controller API: CursorTrack.createCursorDevice using a CursorDeviceFollowMode would not update correctly at the point a new device was inserted into the device chain

      What's New in Bitwig Studio 3.2.6 [released 18 July 2020]
    • Fixes
      • Regression in 3.2.5: If user was not activated then the login screen would crash if Caps Lock key was turned on or off
      • Regressino in 3.2.5: Custom shortcuts for Toggle Track Mute, Toggle Track Solo, Toggle Track Arm, and Toggle Device Window did not work when a plug-in window was active
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What's New in Bitwig Studio 3.2.7 [released 11 August 2020]


    Regression (since 3.2.5):
    • crash when recording a note clip over pre-existing MIDI automation when overdub and automation write were both turned off
    • Turning off automation write while recording a note clip did not stop writing automation for parameters that were recording
    • Regression: Using the Pop-up Browser to insert a sample file on a Drum Machine pad or device chain did not correctly update the displayed name of the track / pad based on the sample filename
    • Quickly selecting a sample in the Pop-up Browser (e.g double-clicking an unselected file) from within the Sampler device could close the browser without loading the sample
    • Rare crash when selecting devices in different chains within a track
    • macOS: relative mouse movements such as dragging faders or EQ nodes are not scaled correctly with system display scale settings
    • Controller API: CursorTrack.position always returned -1 when cursor was on a group track
    • Controller API: Clip.transpose would crash if the clip was an audio clip
  4. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What's New in Bitwig Studio 3.2.8 [released 21 September 2020]

    New Features
    • Added controller script for Akai MPK mini MK3
    • Added controller scripts for Nektar Impact GXP49, GXP61 & GXP88
    • When dropping files to create new tracks, more weight is now given to the primary tracks (instead of the effect tracks)
    • Generic MIDI controllers can now correctly assign MIDI to shortcuts
    • MIDI file import fixes:
      • Automation lanes are added for imported MIDI clips in a logical order
      • CC channel information is now preserved
      • Pitchbend messages are now imported
    • Improvements to various Nektar controller scripts
    • Double-clicking filters quickly in the Pop-up Browser would sometimes show the wrong device when the browser was next invoked
    • Manually-mapped MIDI could sometimes jitter when controlling parameters
    • Dragging bounced data from a temporary project could lead to missing sample files
    • Browsers no longer offer Delete option for things that can't be deleted (like content installed via the package manager)
    • XY modulator: Dot was not adapting to changed GUI scaling
    • Windows: Improved ASIO compatibility
    • Windows: WASAPI would crash when listing devices in some cases
    • Fixed some rare crashes
    • Some old controller scripts could make mappings from MIDI by mistake
    • History section of Contoller API documentation acted broken
  5. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Attached Files:

  6. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Announcing Bitwig Studio 3.3

    Just as real instruments offer expression without distraction, Bitwig Studio 3.3 aims to extend and focus the musician's workflow. For professional sound design, a hybrid modular synthesizer. For permanent access to scenes and markers, a new project Sections page. For cleaner editing, free content scaling and transient-preserving behaviors. Oh, and a world of wavetable.

    Welcome to Bitwig Studio 3.3.

    Bitwig Studio 3.3 is now in beta testing for users with an active Upgrade Plan.

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3, Beta 1 [October 15 2020]

    New Synthesizer: Polymer
    • A hot, swappable synthesizer. Streamlined for quick, distinctive sound design.
    • Hybrid modular, offering the user switchable oscillator, filter, and amplitude envelope generators from The Grid:
      • 7 oscillator options: Sine, Triangle, Pulse, Saw, Phase-1, Swarm, and Wavetable (more info below)
      • 5 filter options: Low-pass SK (Sallen-Key model), Low-pass LD (ladder model), SVF (state-variable, with low-, high-, and band-pass modes), XP (inspired by Mr Oberheim, with 15 filter configurations), and Comb
      • 4 envelope generator options: ADSR, AR, AD (with a looping option), and Pluck (exponential string-style decay), with a modulator routing option for controlling additional parameters
    • Other front panel parameters include:
      • Sub oscillator with waveform, octave, and blend controls
      • Noise blend control
      • Filter envelope generator (FEG) with ADSR controls, free modulator routing button, and toggle to also envelope the sub oscillator and noise generator outputs
      • High-pass filter cutoff
      • A nested Note FX chain, Pitch, Glide, Velocity Sensitivity, Gain (pre-FX chain), Panning, and Output level (post-FX chain)
    • For detail controls and a schematic view, the Expanded Device View shows a performance view of the underlying Grid patch with all module panel controls exposed and modulatable
    • Any Polymer patch can be converted to a fully editable Poly Grid patch (right-click on the device header)
    • Modulators like LFOs, sequencers, or sidechains can target any parameter of Polymer, same as for every Bitwig device and plug-in
    • Polymer can be stacked in Instrument Layer or Selector devices, or can use Bitwig's voice stacking to create instant layers
    New Grid module: Wavetable (Oscillator)
    • New oscillator for playing back and modulating wavetables
    • Embedded graphic shows the full table contents with the current interpolated output on top
    • Clicking on the display loads a visual wavetable browser, showing previews of all files, side by side
    • Bitwig 3.3 beta library includes 120+ wavetables (WT files) across five categories:
      • Acoustic (39) - Based on real-world instruments & sounds
      • Analog (30) - Using analog techniques and sources
      • Digital (24) - Using digital techniques and sources
      • Fractal (18) - Spectra that grow recursively
      • Harmonics (15) - Basic wave morphs and harmonic series
    • Included for beta are three Polymer presets (Wavetable Plucky, Wavetable Steppy, and Wavetable Wavy), intended for browsing the wavetable files using preconfigured articulations
    • Any WT file (Surge format) can be read, as well as Serum- and WaveEdit-compatible WAV files, etc.
    • All in ports are fully stereo including Table Index, so the left and right channels can read different parts of the same wavetable
    • Three unique unison modes:
      • Fat, for stacking detuned voices flatly
      • Focused, keeping in-tune voices more center and loud
      • Complex, producing polyrhythms between voices (and providing smoother retriggering)
    • Standard assortment of pitch controls, including stereo detune
    Free Content Scaling
    • Notes and audio can be freely stretched by mouse interaction or by typing in a percentage
    • This works for selected note and audio clips, selected note and audio events, automation points, or any time selection
    • [ALT]-dragging the selection's border on the right edge scales all items relative to the left boundary, and vice versa
    • Scale 50% and Scale 200% functions stretch the selected events in time
    • Scale Each 50% and Scale Each 200% functions stretch the selected events but preserve their start times
    • Scale… allows the user to enter an exact percentage for stretching, with an option for preserving start times or not
    • Holding [SHIFT] toggles snapping, and holding [CTL] (Windows) or [CMD] (Mac) toggle preserves individual event start positions
    Project Panel gained a Sections page
    • New Sections page shows all Arranger cue markers and Launcher scenes in one list
    • Provides full access to the project, even when something else (maybe a mixer, plug-in, or Grid patch) is taking most of the screen
    • Displays the name and color of each marker/scene, as well as the position (for cue markers) and the number of contained clips (for scenes)
    • Clicking a cue marker or scene selects it in the project. Pressing return triggers it.
    • With one or more cue markers selected, right-click or use the key command to set and enable the Arranger Loop for that duration
    Improved Clip/Event Editing
    • New gesture to adjust an audio event's Gain expression by clicking near the object's header and dragging up or down
      • Available both in the Arranger and the Detail Editor Panel
    • New gesture to slide clip/event edits, moving end and start times of abutting objects simultaneously
    • New gesture to create pre-fades into edits by dragging the fade control on the start of an event further to the left
      • Dragging the fade control to the right still fades in from the current edit point
    • Separating crossfaded events maintains the previous fade in with a new pre-fade before the editing point
    • Improved handles for changing length of or moving crossfades
    New Modulator Mapping Options
    • For each modulation connection, seven various curves are available for either reshaping the signal or having it only respond to certain portions of the range (or knob it is assigned to):
      • Linear - Flat response
      • Positives - Proportional response to positive values
      • Negatives - Proportional response to negative values
      • Absolute - Magnitude-only response
      • Toward Zero - Increases on approach to zero
      • Exponential - Increasing slope away from zero
      • Logarithmic - Decreasing slope away from zero
    • Each modulation connection can now accept one modulator source to directly scale it
      • When in a modulator's mapping mode, go to the Inspector Panel and click on an existing modulation to scale it
      • This allows amount control of each modulation routing
      • Most modulators still have an Amount parameter, if you affect all modulations from a single source
    New Features
    • New modulator: Vibrato (LFO), a musical LFO whose amount can be normalled to mod wheel or (poly) pressure
    • New modulator: Ramp (Envelope), a simple ramp generator with switchable direction, curve, and optional looping
    • New Grid module: Sub (Oscillator), simplified bass-oriented oscillator with octave switch and waveform chooser
    • New Grid module: Velo Mult (Level), an attenuator controlled by note velocity messages, with Sensitivity range and a smoothing control
    • New Grid module: Octaver (Pitch), for transposing incoming pitch signals by octaves (±3), with a control for which stereo channels to affect
    • New Grid module: Ratio (Pitch), for transposing incoming pitch signals by ratio, with a control for which stereo channels to affect
    • New Grid module: Pan (Level), panning placement control for one signal
    • New Grid module: Gain In (I/O), providing polyphonic note gain expressions as signals
    • New Grid module: Pan In (I/O), providing polyphonic note pan expressions as signals
    • New Grid module: Ø Split (Phase), equally distributes a phase signal across up to eight out ports
    • New optimized AVX2 audio engine, for processors that can take advantage of it
    • Optimized handling of audio in Sampler, with improved performance for larger multisamples and file loads
    • Ableton Link sync method now offers a millisecond Offset, to shift forward or backward in time
    • Arpeggiator (Note FX) device: Each step now has a Step Skip toggle, for jumping past that step when it is reached next. A nice touch for mixing things up when using the Transposition sliders to create melodies or bass lines.
    • Micro-pitch (Note FX) device: Now has an EDO mode
      • Allows dividing an Interval into a set number of Divisions around a Root Key
      • EDO mode can visualize up to 24 Divisions (although Divisions can be set much higher)
      • Original behavior is now in the 12 Notes mode, unchanged
    • Dice & Chance (Random) Grid modules : Both now have pre-cords to update their random outputs on each note
    • Bend (Level) and Ø Bend, Ø Shift, & Ø Skew (Phase) Grid modules: All have Stereo-ize parameters, for applying the inverse amount of processing to the right channel and putting more stereo play into any signal
    • Ø Reverse (Phase) Grid module: Has a Stereo-ness parameter, for controlling which stereo channels are affected
    • Poly Grid device: Automatically applies note gain and pan expressions at the device output (pre-FX chain)
    • Modulators (there are 36 now) have been reorganized into clearer categories:
      • Audio-driven (4) - devices that convert audio into a modulator signal
      • Envelope (5) - aperiodic generators triggered by note ons or offs
      • Interface (8) - providing panel elements for better/unique control
      • LFO (5) - regularly repeating patterns or noise
      • Modifier (5) - processor modulators
      • Note-driven (6) - devices triggered by notes or MIDI
      • Sequence (3) - step-/segment-based modulations
    • Raw audio event playback doesn't take tempo automation into account anymore
    • Layer and Selector devices: Now properly respect MIDI channels and each layer's channel settings (in the Inspector Panel)
    • Copying or duplicating Grid modules no longer copies their input connections
    • EQ-2 and EQ-5 devices: When upgrading to EQ+, spectrum analyzers are now toggled on
    • EQ-5 device: When upgrading to EQ+, sidechain-style modulators no longer lose their routing
    • FX Layer device: Now passes audio through when no layers are present
    • Frequency spectrum displays throughout the program are now calibrated for peak sine
  7. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Thought I'd toss this in here. It's written by a user on KVR: "So, we have a dedicated wavetable module! At first glance it looks a little rudimentary, but by applying Bitwig's clever phase tools we can actually reproduce nearly all of the warp modes in Serum - and we're not restricted to just one at a time."

  8. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3, Beta 2 [October 22 2020]

    • Fade-ins were painted with incorrect lengths when previewing time stretch mouse interaction for audio time selections
    • Fade handles don't snap anymore when [SHIFT] is pressed
    • Fixed crash when trying to Scale… Launcher clips
    • Scale Each functions could misplace notes in Launcher clips
    • Wavetable Browser now defaults to a minimal column set (right-click to change what panels are shown)
    • New gain handle now appears in the standard two-row track height
    • Track loading indicators (a spinning circle in the track header) would sometimes keep spinning
    • New modulator mapping options (these): Work for VST plug-ins now too
    • New modulator mapping options: Presets using these options are now saved and loaded better
    • Presets/projects using new direct modulator scaling should open properly
    • Drawing a velocity ramp (with the pen tool in the Detail Editor Panel) now cancels cleanly when [ESC] is pressed, etc.
    • Browser Panel: The Files page was not listing, well, files
    • Ramp modulator: Looping mode is better behaved, as is general performance
    • Ramp modulator: Time is now updated immediately
    • ADSR Grid module: Was breaking with Attack and Decay at zero and Sustain at max.
    • Ø Reverse Grid module: Properly opens old patches/project with Stereo-ness set to Center
    • A/B crossfade wasn't working well
    • Peak values shown in the meters are accurate again
    • Multiple polyphonic modulations on the same target did not work correctly
    • No longer crashes when selecting Project Panel Section content while clipboard contains timeline content
    • Blur (Audio FX) device: The Stereoizer preset was silencing the engine
    • Other various crashes have been fixed
  9. anthony walker

    anthony walker Noisemaker

    Jan 16, 2017
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  10. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Not sure what DM update you're thinking about but it has been updated since 2019. Also, I use the pads on the Akai MPK2 controller (with a proper script) and it works as expected. 16 pads on the controller for the 16 pads in focus on Bitwig's DM. What would you like changed on the mixer?
  11. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3, Beta 3 [October 30 2020]

    New Features
    • New Grid module: Ø Pinch (Phase), imposes an S-curve onto a phase signal, with Stereo-ize option
    • New Auto-crossfade command, for creating anti-click prefades/crossfades
    • Wavetable Grid/Polymer module: Option to disable Table Index interpolation, so that only tables in the loaded file are available
    • Ramp modulator: Now has an option to set time in tempo-synced 16th note values
    • Ramp modulator: Time parameter now updates immediately
    • Scale… time dialog remembers last used settings
    • Works on Windows 7 again
    • Deleting plug-in instances should no longer crash the audio engine
    • Gain handle didn't work for multi-selections
    • Wasn't possible to create pre-fades in the Inspector; now works by setting the Fade-in time to a negative value
    • Clip pre-fade didn't show waveform when clip was looped and content start was at or after loop start
    • New modulator mapping options (these): All parameters types can now use these options
    • X–Y device controls (such as EQ points or filter cutoff–resonance pairs) are now recorded properly in all automation modes
    • Polymer & FX Grid devices: Oscillator Retrigger pre-cords didn't work correctly
    • Polymer device: Drop-down menus for swapping modules now work with touch screens
    • FX Layer device: Doesn't pass audio through when no layers are present, again (reversion to 3.2.x behavior)
    • FX Layer device: Default device preset now includes one empty layer
    • S/H LFO Grid module: Retrigger pre-cord was broken
    • Various Grid modules that have trigger inputs coupled with pre-cords now have proper trigger behavior, even with sustained signals. This includes:
      • Pulse, Sawtooth, Sine, Triangle, Wavetable, Sub, Phase-1, and Swarm (Oscillator)
      • LFO and Clock (LFO)
      • S/H LFO and Dice(Random)
      • Ø Reset (Phase)
      • Ramp modulator: Now loops properly in all cases
    • VST3 regression with Infected Mushroom's Wider plugin
  12. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3, Beta 4 [November 13 2020]

    New Features
    • Wavetable Grid/Polymer module: Has new post-processing options
      • Harmonic Phases parameter, for affecting the loaded wavetable:
        • Aligned - All harmonics use the same phase (for a "focused" sound)
        • Diffuse - All phases are randomized (for a "blurred" sound)
        • Original - Original wavetable file's values are preserved
      • Spread Unison Phases option, which gives a different phase offset for each unison voice, resulting in a smoother unison sound with less beating
      • Both parameters are in the Inspector of the Grid module and on the face of the Polymer module
    • Now requires a CPU capable of SSE 4.1
    • Wavetable Grid/Polymer module: Improved CPU performance
    • Wavetable Grid/Polymer module: Improved, context-specific anti-aliasing is now applied
    • Sampler device: Dragging a multisample file into the multisample editor now merges with the current context (rather than replacing it)
    • Sampler device: Dragging a multisample file onto the Device Panel interface of Sampler allows it to be merged with the existing multisample content if the merge modifier is held
    • Dragging a MIDI file into Clip Launcher enables Looping by default
    • Clicking a modulation routing button no longer selects the modulator
    • Audio clips/events with pre-fades are now painted correctly
    • When dragging the left border of a Raw audio Arranger clip, an incorrect area of the waveform was shown if tempo automation is present
    • Dragging a time selection of clip automation did not allow moving the automation (and the quantize time modifier was inverted)
    • Stretching first/last segment of audio event by dragging start/end in waveform area of audio editor (stretch mode) is not possible anymore
    • Could no longer drag project tracks from the top part of the Browser Panel's Files tab
    • Polymer device: Wasn't reacting to pan expression
    • Replacer device: Filter monitor broke between 3.1 and 3.2
    • Amp device: Was putting out silence when receiving right channel only
    • Ladder device: Was, well, broken
    • 4-Stage modulator: Is more robust with stages of duration 0
    • LFO modulator: Now starts with a randomized phase when in Free running mode
    • X/Y Grid module: The dot is properly updated when resizing the module
    • Grid modules: Various Replace With additions are suggested for different modules
    • Converting devices would lose sidechain inputs of modulators
    • After deleting polyphonic modulation mapping to discrete parameters, setting the value would no longer work
    • When loading a broken file in the Pop-up Browser, it was possible that the browser could never be closed
    • Crash when having remote controls editor open, switching display profiles, and then closing the editor window
    • Crash when dragging MIDI clips containing lots of automation points
    • Now notify VST 3 plug-ins when we render offline for bouncing
    • MCU controller scripts would sometimes crash when updating the display during pre-roll
    • Nektar Panorama controller scripts could not start anymore (since 3.3 Beta 3)
    • Windows: Fixed crash when navigating into drives in the Files tab of the Browser
    • Linux: Fixed rare crash or audio system hang when using Pulse audio backend
    • Linux: Some plugins (such as Surge) that dynamically linked to certain libraries (xkb, for example) would crash when not hosted within Bitwig
    • Vengeance's VPS Avenger plug-in: Was crashing when changing presets
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  13. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3, Beta 5 [November 19 2020]

    New Features
    • Controller scripts added for Kenton KillaMix, Devine VersaKey, and Ez Creator Key series
    • Modulations can now be deactivated (read: bypassed) by [SHIFT]-clicking their text in the Inspector Panel or where shown in context menus
    • Modulator names in the Inspector Panel can also be [SHIFT]-clicked to toggle the (de)activated state of all its mappings
    Wavetable Grid/Polymer module Improvements
    • Anti-aliasing now works properly when in unison mode
    • Stereo Table Index modulation in port works in all modes
    • Stereo Pitch modulation in port works in all modes
    • Better performance
    • Recording touch automation when looping clips (or the arrangement) now stops only after the control has been released
    • [RIGHT ARROW] to preview samples in browser did not work anymore
    • Adjusting boundary between two clips did not snap to original position
    • Event selection time range was not updated correctly when stretching events individually
    • Stretching adjacent notes individually (keeping position) overwrites the beginning of some of the stretched notes
    • Standby time selection was not shown correctly while making a rectangular selection
    • Time selection range was not quantized correctly when created by making an empty rectangular selection
    • Was possible to get a stuck buffer when turning solo on/off if a nested device layer used a send
    • Send routings could clicks when switching solo on/off
    • Using solo in parent group mutes FX layer in child group
    • Regarding the new modulation scaling feature:
      • In the Grid, could previously crash when exchanging modules (and modulation assignments with these connections are now preserved)
      • The transfer function is now applied before the modulation scaling
      • Polyphonic mappings should work now
    • Copying and moving modulations now behave similarly in the Inspector's source and destination views
    • Available actions (shown in the window footer) now include mouse gestures for modulation assignments
    • Exchanging Grid/Polymer modules duplicated modulations
    • Polymer device: Filter envelope no longer keeps voices alive
    • Samplerdevice: State of Keytracking parameter is now preserved when hotswapping or draggoing in a sample
    • HW Instrument device: Playback timing was off after changing block size, as latency wasn't recalculated
    • Phasor Grid module: Was running one octave too high
    • macOS: Arturia Analog Lab 4 VST3 was silent after changing presets
    • macOS 10.15 (Catalina): Window would show empty when a plug-in makes invalid calls to OpenGL
  14. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3, Beta 6 [November 24 2020]

    • Keytrack modulator: Absolute mode allows setting the minimum and maximum notes. By default, they are set to A-1 and C7, which are the previous fixed values (and the 88-key range of the modern piano).
    • Don't allow Bitwig Studio to be started on a processor that doesn't have SSE 4.1 as this is now required (Windows shows an error dialog , and Linux writes a message to the stderr )
    • Fixed performance regressions in disk streaming
    • Sample and Hold modulator: Wasn't changing value instantly when smooth was set to 0%
    • If the delay compensation limit is exceeded, a notification is shown (rather than the audio engine crashing)
    • Buffer was freezing in send channels when soloing a layer
    • Modulation mappings that were disabled were still applied when the target was a parameter of a plug-in
    • Projects saved while within a group track sometimes couldn't navigate back out on reopen
    • Wasn't possible to add and delete bookmarks in the Browser Panel's Files tab
    • VST: After deactivating and activating a plug-in, modulated parameters are set to the correct values
    • VST3: Now call the ModuleExit function (and unloads plug-in libraries) three seconds after a plug-ins last instance is deleted
    • Making time selections in the Arranger using touch was too slow
    • Fixed various crashes related to touch input
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3 [released 26 Nov 2020]

    New Synthesizer: Polymer
    • A hybrid modular synthesizer. Streamlined for quick, distinctive sound design. Hot, swappable.
    • Uses switchable oscillator, filter, and amplitude envelope generators from The Grid:
      • 7 oscillator options: Sine, Triangle, Pulse, Saw, Phase-1, Swarm, and Wavetable (see below)
      • 5 filter options: Low-pass SK (Sallen-Key model), Low-pass LD (ladder model), SVF (state-variable, with low-, high-, and band-pass modes), XP (inspired by Mr Oberheim, with 15 filter configurations), and Comb
      • 4 envelope generator options: ADSR, AR, AD (with a looping option), and Pluck (exponential string-style decay), with a modulator routing option for controlling additional parameters
    • Other front panel parameters include:
      • Sub oscillator with waveform, octave, and blend controls
      • Noise blend control
      • Filter envelope (FEG) generator with ADSR controls, free modulator routing button, and toggle to also envelope the sub oscillator and noise generator outputs
      • High-pass filter cutoff
      • A nested Note FX chain, Pitch, Glide, Velocity Sensitivity, Gain (pre-FX chain), Panning, and Output level (post-FX chain)
    • For detail controls and a schematic view, the Expanded Device View shows a performance view of the underlying Grid patch with all module panel controls exposed and modulatable
    • Any Polymer patch can be converted to a fully editable Poly Grid patch (right-click on the device header)
    • Modulators like LFOs, sequencers, or sidechains can target any parameter of Polymer, same as for every Bitwig device and plug-in
    • Polymer can be stacked in Instrument Layer or Selector devices, or can use Bitwig's voice stacking to create instant layers

    New Grid module: Wavetable (Oscillator)
    • New oscillator for playing back and modulating wavetables
    • Embedded graphic shows the full table contents with the current interpolated output on top
    • Clicking on the display loads a visual wavetable browser, showing previews of all files, side by side
    • Includes 139 wavetables (WT files) across five categories:
      • Acoustic (42) - Based on real-world instruments & sounds
      • Analog (33) - Using analog techniques and sources
      • Digital (31) - Using digital techniques and sources
      • Fractal (18) - Spectra that grow recursively
      • Harmonics (15) - Basic wave morphs and harmonic series
    • Any WT file (Surge format) can be read, as well as Serum- and WaveEdit-compatible WAV files, etc.
    • All in ports are fully stereo including Table Index, so the left and right channels can read different parts of the same wavetable
      • Defaults to interpolating the loaded wavetable for smooth transitions, but has an option to disable this (so that only tables in the loaded file are available)
    • Three unique unison modes:
      • Fat, for stacking detuned voices flatly
      • Focused, keeping in-tune voices more center and loud
      • Complex, producing polyrhythms between voices (and providing smoother retriggering)
    • Spread Unison Phases option, which gives a different phase offset for each unison voice, resulting in a smoother unison sound with less beating
    • Harmonic Phases post-processing option, with different modes for affecting the loaded wavetable:
      • Aligned - All harmonics use the same phase (for a "focused" sound)
      • Diffuse - All phases are randomized (for a "blurred" sound)
      • Original - Original wavetable file's values are preserved
    • Context-specific anti-aliasing is applied on playback
    • Standard assortment of pitch controls, including stereo detune

    Free Content Scaling
    • Notes and audio can be freely stretched by mouse interaction or by typing in a percentage (with the Scale… function)
    • This works for selected note and audio clips, selected note and audio events, automation points, or any time selection
    • [ALT]-dragging the selection's border on the right edge scales all items relative to the left boundary, and vice versa
    • Scale 50% and Scale 200% functions stretch the selected events in time
    • [ALT]-dragging the right edge of one selected events scales all items relative to the left boundary but preserves their start times, and vice versa
    • Scale Each 50% and Scale Each 200% functions stretch the selected events but preserve their start times
    • Scale… allows the user to enter an exact percentage for stretching, with an option for preserving start times or not
    • Holding [SHIFT] toggles snapping
    Project Panel gained a Sections page
    • New Sections tab shows all Arranger cue markers and Launcher scenes in one list
    • Provides full access to the project, even when something else (maybe a mixer, plug-in, or Grid patch) is taking most of the screen
    • Displays the name and color of each marker/scene, as well as the position (for cue markers) and the number of contained clips (for scenes)
    • Clicking a cue marker or scene selects it in the project. Pressing return triggers it.
    • With one or more cue markers selected, right-click or use the key command to set and enable the Arranger Loop for that duration
    Improved Clip/Event Editing
    • New gesture to adjust an audio event's Gain expression by clicking near the object's header and dragging up or down
      • Available both in the Arranger and the Detail Editor Panel
    • New gesture to slide clip/event edits, moving end and start times of abutting objects simultaneously
    • New gesture to create pre-fades into edits by dragging the fade control on the start of an event further to the left
      • A pre-fade can also be created by entering a negative Fade in time in the Inspector
      • Dragging the fade control to the right still fades in from the current edit point
    • Separating crossfaded events maintains the previous fade in with a new pre-fade before the editing point
    • Improved handles for changing length of or moving crossfades
    New Modulator Mapping Options
    • For each modulation connection, seven various curves are available for either reshaping the signal or having it only respond to certain portions of the range (or the knob it is assigned to):
      • Linear - Flat response
      • Positives - Proportional response to positive values
      • Negatives - Proportional response to negative values
      • Absolute - Magnitude-only response
      • Toward Zero - Increases on approach to zero
      • Exponential - Increasing slope away from zero
      • Logarithmic - Decreasing slope away from zero
    • Each modulation connection can now accept one modulator source to directly scale it
      • When in a modulator's mapping mode, go to the Inspector Panel and click on an existing modulation to scale it
      • This allows amount control of each modulation routing
      • Most modulators still have an Amount parameter, if you affect all modulations from a single source
    • Modulations can now be bypassed (or deactivated) either by:
      • [SHIFT]-clicking each modulation's text in the Inspector Panel (or where shown in context menus)
      • [SHIFT]-clicking the modulator's name in the Inspector Panel, to toggle the (de)activated state of all its mappings
    New Features
    • New modulator: Vibrato (LFO), a musical LFO whose amount can be normalled to mod wheel or (poly) pressure
    • New modulator: Ramp (Envelope), a simple ramp generator whose length can be set in time or beats, with switchable direction, curve, and optional looping
    • New Grid module: Sub (Oscillator), simplified bass-oriented oscillator with octave switch and waveform chooser
    • New Grid module: Velo Mult (Level), an attenuator controlled by note velocity messages, with Sensitivity range and a smoothing control
    • New Grid module: Octaver (Pitch), for transposing incoming pitch signals by octaves (±3), with a control for which stereo channels to affect
    • New Grid module: Ratio (Pitch), for transposing incoming pitch signals by ratio, with a control for which stereo channels to affect
    • New Grid module: Pan (Level), panning placement control for one signal
    • New Grid module: Gain In (I/O), providing polyphonic note gain expressions as signals
    • New Grid module: Pan In (I/O), providing polyphonic note pan expressions as signals
    • New Grid module: Ø Pinch (Phase), imposes an S-curve onto a phase signal, with Stereo-ize option
    • New Grid module: Ø Split (Phase), equally distributes a phase signal across up to eight out ports
    • New Auto-crossfade command, for creating anti-click pre-fades & crossfades
    • Controller scripts added for Kenton KillaMix, Devine VersaKey, and Ez Creator Key series
    • New optimized AVX2 audio engine, for processors that can take advantage of it
    • To use better optimizations for most processors, Bitwig now requires a CPU capable of SSE 4.1 (if this criterion isn't met, Windows shows an error dialog, and Linux writes a message to the stderr)
    • Ableton Link sync method now offers a millisecond Offset, to shift forward or backward in time
    • Arpeggiator (Note FX) device: Each step now has a Step Skip toggle, for jumping past that step when it is next reached. A nice touch for mixing things up when using the Transposition sliders to create melodies or bass lines.
    • Micro-pitch (Note FX) device: Now has an EDO mode
      • Allows dividing an Interval into a set number of Divisions around a Root Key
      • EDO mode can visualize up to 24 Divisions (although Divisions can be set much higher)
      • Original behavior is now in the 12 Notes mode, unchanged
    • Sampler device: Dragging a multisample file into the multisample editor now merges with the current context (rather than replacing it)
    • Sampler device: Dragging a multisample file onto the Device Panel interface of Sampler allows it to be merged with the existing multisample content if the merge modifier is held
    • Keytrack modulator: Absolute mode allows setting the minimum and maximum notes. By default, they are set to A-1 and C7, which are the previous unchangeable values (and the 88-key range of the modern piano).
    • Dice & Chance (Random) Grid modules : Both now have pre-cords to update their random outputs on each note
    • Bend (Level) and Ø Bend, Ø Shift, & Ø Skew (Phase) Grid modules: All have Stereo-ize parameters, for applying the inverse amount of processing to the right channel and putting more stereo play into any signal
    • Ø Reverse (Phase) Grid module: Has a Stereo-ness parameter, for controlling which stereo channels are affected
    • Dragging a MIDI file into Clip Launcher enables Looping by default
    • Clicking a modulation routing button no longer selects the modulator
    • Poly Grid device: Automatically applies note gain and pan expressions at the device output (pre-FX chain)
    • Modulators (there are 36 now) have been reorganized into clearer categories:
      • Audio-driven (4) - devices that convert audio into a modulator signal
      • Envelope (5) - aperiodic generators triggered by note ons or offs
      • Interface (8) - providing panel elements for better/unique control
      • LFO (5) - regularly repeating patterns or noise
      • Modifier (5) - processor modulators
      • Note-driven (6) - devices triggered by notes or MIDI
      • Sequence (3) - step-/segment-based modulations
    • Playing a Raw audio event from the middle could start at the wrong position if tempo-automation was present
    • When dragging the left border of a Raw audio Arranger clip, an incorrect area of the waveform was shown if tempo automation is present
    • Recording touch automation when looping clips (or the arrangement) now stops only after the control has been released
    • Dragging a time selection of clip automation did not allow moving the automation (and the quantize time modifier was inverted)
    • Was possible to get a stuck buffer when turning solo on/off if a nested device layer used a send
    • Send routings could cause clicks when switching solo on/off
    • Using solo in parent group muted FX layer in child group
    • Layer and Selector devices: Now properly respect MIDI channels and each layer's channel settings (in the Inspector Panel)
    • EQ-2 and EQ-5 devices: When upgrading to EQ+, spectrum analyzers are now toggled on
    • Samplerdevice: State of Keytracking parameter is now preserved when swapping or dragging in a sample
    • HW Instrument device: Playback timing was off after changing block size, as latency wasn't recalculated
    • Replacer device: Filter monitor broke between 3.1 and 3.2
    • Amp device: Was producing silence when receiving right channel only
    • FX Layer device: Default device preset now includes one empty layer
    • 4-Stage modulator: Is more robust with stages of duration 0
    • LFO modulator: Now starts with a randomized phase when in Free running mode
    • ADSR Grid module: Was breaking with Attack and Decay at zero and Sustain at max
    • X/Y Grid module: The dot is properly updated when resizing the module
    • Various Grid modules that have trigger inputs coupled with pre-cords now have proper trigger behavior, even with sustained signals. This includes:
      • Pulse, Sawtooth, Sine, Triangle, Wavetable, Sub, Phase-1, and Swarm (Oscillator)
      • LFO and Clock (LFO)
      • S/H LFO and Dice(Random)
      • Ø Reset (Phase)
    • X–Y device controls (such as EQ points or filter cutoff–resonance pairs) are now recorded properly in all automation modes
    • If the delay compensation limit is exceeded, a notification is shown rather that the audio engine crashing
    • Converting devices would lose sidechain inputs of modulators
    • After deleting polyphonic modulation mapping to discrete parameters, setting the value would no longer work
    • Copying or duplicating Grid modules no longer copies their input connections
    • Copying and moving modulations now behave similarly in the Inspector's source and destination views
    • Available actions (shown in the window footer) now include mouse gestures for modulation assignments
    • VST3: We now notify plug-ins when we render offline for bouncing
    • VST: After deactivating and activating a plug-in, modulated parameters are set to the correct values
    • VST3: Improved plug-in unloading
    • Vengeance's VPS Avenger plug-in: Was crashing when changing presets
    • macOS: Arturia Analog Lab 4 VST3 was silent after changing presets
    • MCU controller scripts would sometimes crash when updating the display during pre-roll
    • Making time selections in the Arranger using touch was too slow
    • Fixed various crashes related to touch input
    • Track loading indicators (a spinning circle in the track header) would sometimes keep spinning
    • Standby time selection was not shown correctly while making a rectangular selection
    • Time selection range was not quantized correctly when created by making an empty rectangular selection
    • Drawing a velocity ramp (with the pen tool in the Detail Editor Panel) now cancels cleanly when [ESC] is pressed, etc.
    • Frequency spectrum displays throughout the program are now calibrated for peak sine
    • Projects saved while within a group track sometimes couldn't navigate back out on reopen
    • Sometimes crashed when dragging note clips containing lots of automation points
    • When loading a broken file in the Pop-up Browser, it was possible that the browser could never be closed
    • Crashed when having remote controls editor open, switching display profiles, and then closing the editor window
    • Windows: Fixed crash when navigating into drives in the Files tab of the Browser
    • Linux: Fixed rare crash or audio system hang when using Pulse audio backend
    • Linux: Some plugins (such as Surge) that dynamically linked to certain libraries (xkb, for example) would crash when not hosted within Bitwig

      System Requirements
      • Windows - Windows 7, 8, or 10 (all in 64-bit)
      • Mac - macOS 10.13 ("High Sierra") or above
      • Linux - Ubuntu 17.04 or later
      • a CPU capable of SSE 4.1
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
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  16. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3.1 Beta 1 [released 09 December 2020]

    • Zoom to Fit Selection shortcut (by double-clicking a scrollbar, or often the [Z] key) centers around the playback region when nothing is selected
    • The Project Panel now restores the tab last open of your project
    • Improved multi core performance for Bitwig instruments
    • Clip stretching wasn't available for the full clip height (hold [ALT] for the interaction)
    • When stretching sloped Arranger automation, the preview (on drag) looked broken
    • Drum Machine device: Return chains weren't correctly delay-compensated
    • Tap tempo didn't work while Ableton Link was active
    • It wasn't possible to record with pre-roll while Ableton Link was active
    • Some keys on the numeric keypad could not be used for shortcut mappings on Linux and macOS
    • Audio engine could crash after deleting automation data under certain circumstances
    • Rare crashes were occurring when canceling an audio bounce
    • Linux: Some plug-ins were randomly crashing or behaving strangely on Linux systems. To fix this, the oldest support version is now Ubuntu 18.04.
    • Toggle record keyboard shortcut now works when a plugin window is focused
  17. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3.1 [released 15 December 2020]

    • Improved multi core performance for Bitwig instruments
    • Zoom to Fit Selection shortcut (by double-clicking a scrollbar, or often the [Z] key) centers around the playback region when nothing is selected
    • The Project Panel now restores the tab last open of your project
    • Mono monitoring function (available in the Studio I/O Panel) is no longer restored when relaunching Bitwig Studio. To avoid confusion.
    • Clip stretching wasn't available for the full clip height (hold [ALT] for the interaction)
    • When stretching sloped Arranger automation, the preview (on drag) looked broken
    • Drum Machine device: Return chains weren't correctly delay-compensated
    • Tap tempo didn't work while Ableton Link was active
    • It wasn't possible to record with pre-roll while Ableton Link was active
    • Waveform in Detail Editor Panel wasn't always painted correctly while recording
    • Fixed a crash when adding a modulation scaling to a plug-in parameter that was not yet loaded by the audio engine
    • Some keys on the numeric keypad could not be used for shortcut mappings on Linux and macOS
    • Audio engine could crash after deleting automation data under certain circumstances
    • Fixed issue with disk streaming
    • Rare crashes were occurring when canceling an audio bounce
    • Linux: Some plug-ins were randomly crashing or behaving strangely on Linux systems. To fix this, the oldest support version is now Ubuntu 18.04.
  18. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3.2 [released 28 January 2021]

    • We now restore fractional values when dragging a parameter to the extremes and back by higher units (like bars or integers) [24443]
    • New preference to receive notifications about "Early Access" releases (pre-releases and beta versions) [25198]
    • Audio drop-outs when adding devices (regression since 3.3) [24956]
    • Grid modules dragged in from the palette were not fully selected [21569]
    • Audio event expressions were not played back correctly if two events were both at time zero [23508]
    • Consolidate did not always take fades into account [24883]
    • Splitting a raw audio event when tempo automation was present set the wrong waveform start position in the second event [25057]
    • Crash when bouncing a Launcher clip while the Arranger record toggle was on [23823]
    • Dragging a time selection from a single Arranger track to the Browser Panel now saves an audio or instrument clip (instead of a BWSCENE file) [25107]
    • Deactivating a layer device with an active FX send created hanging buffer noise [23433]
    • Crash when saving project due to some invalidated modulation scaling mappings [24953]
    • EQ+ device: Would break undo history/function when dragging a point and pressing more than one mouse button [25159]
    • Spectrum Analyzer device: Crash when using Huge block size with sample rate of 192kHz [24406]
    • Polymer device: Modulation routings from the amplitude envelope generator didn't appear when right-clicking the modulation routing button [24733]
    • Arpeggiator device: Did not correctly visualize skipped steps after step 9 [24923]
    • Polynom modulator: Engine was crashing on Intel CPUs with Skylake architecture [24915]
    • Mod Delay (Delay) Grid module: Caused noise/aliasing when following the transport tempo [23865]
    • Follower (Envelope) Grid module: Was missing some help descriptions [24793]
    • AD (Envelope) Grid/Polymer module: Had some jumbled help descriptions [24951]
    • macOS: MIDI SysEx output was slow on Catalina and Big Sur [25191]
    • Windows: [ESC] key did not close grid editor window [24955]
    • Windows: Some numpad keys were not mappable as Shortcuts [24860]
    • Windows: Dragging a plug-in window between displays with different resolutions now notifies the plug-in (if it supports scaling factor changes) [24936]
    • VST3: Was crashing if loading a Bitwig preset with modulation scaling while the audio engine was offline [24953]
    • VST 2: We now support "infinite" tail sizes for sequencer-style plug-ins that should never sleep. (This behavior was never explicitly specified in VST 2, but it follows conventions from VST3 & JUCE.)
    • Waves Studio Rack plug-in: Changing presets would sometimes result in the wrong settings for parameters [24808]
  19. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3.3 [released 08 February 2021]

    Pitch and Formant parameters in Audio Event inspector didn't respond correctly to mouse input (regression since 3.3.2) [25244]
  20. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3.5 [released 18 March 2021]


    Pasting notes put them in a wrong position, under certain conditions [24036]
    Muted clips sometimes didn't immediately display as muted [25340]
    Layered note editor was jumping to the audio editor when changing note length in certain cases [24023]
    When deleting all tempo automation points during playback, tempo jumped to 0 BPM [20952]
    Copy and pasting a scene that has tempo automation would lose the tempo automation in the pasted scene [24829]
    Saving a clip from the master track to the library that contained tempo automation would not save the tempo automation [25453]
    Value boxes for entering parameter values were too small (regression since v3.3.4) [25425]
    Quick Slice function: beat grid subdivision shown in window footer was incorrect [25195]
    Hover info text was not shown in some cases where it should have been [25426, 25422, 25423]
    Windows: Audio file import works again (regression since v3.3.4) [25448]
    Linux: Splash screen was enormous on a hi-res monitor when a custom scaling factor was used
    Multi-touch: Set play start marker when selection clips / time on Arranger option didn't work
    Multi-touch: Moving large multi-track time-selections was extremely slow [25424]
    Multi-touch: No longer need to wait for the menu to show up in order to move Arranger clips/time to the left
    FabFilter Pro-Q3/VST3 did not show the side chain signal if there was no input [25383]
    VST3 plug-ins: barPositionMusic reported zero at all times
    LinnStrument controller script: Now defaults to a Pitch Bend range of 48 semitones, to reflect a change in the recent 2.2.2 firmware update.
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