best software for metadata

Discussion in 'Software' started by luc14, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    hi guys
    can anyone recommend me a professional metadata program?
    i tried Mp3tag, but I'm looking for a more complete one and with the possibility of changing more tags!
    thanks and sorry my bad english! :)
    ps. for Windows os...
  3. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    The real deal is something like soundminer or basehead.
    But soundminer is a bitch, it's like avid. Basehead comes basically with the same functionality, and it's way less expensive.
    The light version should do for your needs.
    I don't know what you're after, but if you want to edit i.e. description tags in broadcast wav files those two are the only ones on windows that do batch changes and stuff like that.
  4. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    hi Plendix, thanks for the reply!
    i'm looking for a program like Mp3tag, but with the ability to change many more tags! url, bpm, etc.. for finished songs to be published! "sorry my english"
  5. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Depends what you want tagging, and if you want custom metadata fields.

    My music collection has a lot of custom tags
    • sub genre (hard house, deep techno etc)
    • Source (studio, compilation, live....)
    • album type (studio, remix, remaster)
    • type (album, 12", single)
    • quality
    and a lot more.

    I use JRiver media center to mass tag everything
  6. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    i would like a program with the ability to create all possible tags! i don't know if there is a list of the number of possible tags to create, however I would like a "complete" one. i don't speak English well, but i hope i made myself clear! :)
  7. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Software like Tag&Rename will use and display the standard ID2 and ID3 metadata tags, I add my own custom tags

    For a list of ID3 tags see here:
  8. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    thanks for the list Haliax, i didn't understand how do you add custom tags!
  9. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    i just found this list on Mp3tag, where I can add many more tags!
    now i have a doubt... if this free software gives me the possibility to add all the metadata, what do paid software have more?
  10. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Jriver is a media center, seriously fast searching of multiple tags to create structure in a lot of media. Want to group all of your compilations? Live albums?
  11. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    no, i would like to add tags to a song before release!
  12. ADiSH

    ADiSH Kapellmeister

    Jan 25, 2019
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    its been a while since i sorted my mp3 folder but years ago i found media monkey to be the best for that
  13. Epcot

    Epcot Guest

  14. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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  15. luc14

    luc14 Guest

    thanks everyone for the answers.. :)
  16. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    For mp3s - I use beaTunes, and Serato
    For my Sample Library - Loopcloud cant be beat. But samplism is a close second