Porn addiction - Cam sites etc....just a religion thought

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Oct 9, 2020.

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  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    Posted 9th October
    first of all this is just a religion thought (i have eastern orthodox christian background)
    I've been struggling with cam sites lately, porn. I've spend quite a bit lately on cam sites but anyway.
    So this is the equation i wanted to mention
    Doing another sin Vs wanting to be forgiven for all my past sins
    and considering which has more weight
    also note that up to 2 days ago or so i was still in cam sites.....but i'm trying to reinforce that equation in my head lately and understand its importance

    Update 14th october:
    haven't masturbated or visited cam sites since i posted this thread (still very early though)
    The equation seems to work up to now
    i've gone up to a week or two before, maybe up to 3-4 weeks (this was rare), it will show.......
    i am also 35 so..........i have one more reason to get my head together due to that
    the good thing about this equation is that choosing "all sins to be forgiven" each time, feels like you're actually trying, showing desire to be forgiven.
    Many times i did things i shouldn't and that i consider bad, so its a good deal to me. I hate looking back at my past.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2020
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  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    To know, yet still choose self-destructive ways, is choosing ignorance over The Way.
    ie. To abuse yourself anyway, regardless of what God will do in our future.
    It's your choice.
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  4. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    You ain't alone on this sort of thing. You having this thought process is a good step. God knows us better then we know ourselves, I think if we have genuine repentence with the desire to stay good while staying honest with ourselves and God nothing will be held against you.
  5. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    If there was no porn, this world would be a far better place.

    That stuff is very bad for you - I hope you manage to kick the habit soon. Wishing you strength.
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  6. samsome

    samsome Guest

    i'm wondering how long did it take you to reinforce this inside you, or if you always had a negative view towards porn? did you ever get addicted to it in the first place?

    just seeing how you overcame it and realized its bad

  7. scarsstiches

    scarsstiches Producer

    Mar 24, 2018
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  8. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    I found overwhelming evidence on its negative effects on health. For a man it is very depleting to ejaculate, especially on a regular basis. Every successful athlete knows this, as do many scientists and thinkers. It prevents you from performing 100%.

    Apart from that, the psychological effects are arguably worse: One begins to view the opposite sex as objects to be used, regular sex starts to have no pleasure as a normal woman can’t compare to the thousands of fetishes out there. Side effects include erectile dysfunction, which has risen hand in hand with the proliferation of pornography.

    I know people go insane on forums when someone alludes to political matters, so I won’t go into how pornography is weaponized to demoralize and desensitize generations.

    I hope these observations give you reason enough to abstain from this meaningless practice. I was never very into pornography as it felt I was a weirdo watching two strangers getting it on. Nonetheless, I realized how pernicious even irregular viewing can be.

    I’d like to close by mentioning that I have also found my way back to God after a nasty, misguided atheistic spat. I grew up Eastern Orthodox like you and came to realize it’s great wisdom & truth.

    This is not meant to belittle atheists, as I was a vehement one myself; I do believe abstaining from meaningless hedonism has helped me grow spiritually.

    Feel free to ask me anything my friend. All the best.
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  9. samsome

    samsome Guest

    thats really good you never really got addicted to less burden.

    I was also very ignorant of faith and atheist as well, until i noticed that i was destroying myself in many ways, i then bothered to read the bible to see what its all i opened the bible and started reading just to get the core idea of it.

    People talk about 10 commandments and all sort of things of old testament but Jesus summarized all he wants us to do in the gospel as two things. First and most important he said to love God, and the second is to love others. This is everything basically, but of course reading the gospels/bible in whole help get the overall picture
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2020
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  10. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    humans can get addicted to anything. Social media, drugs, sex........

    Try a dopamine detox it really helps get a baseline and its easier to resist urges.

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  11. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Nailed it dude .........................
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  12. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    The wave of the future, Dude. One hundred percent electronic!

    I mean.....

    Yeah well, I still jerk off manually.

  13. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    As for your guilt. Society and religion projects guilt on us to behave. If you realize the religion you choose is a set of rules to live by and not control you, Enlightenment will follow.
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  14. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I just wasted 30 seconds of my life trying to kill that gnat...........
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  15. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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  16. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I disagree.
    It is OBVIOUS that types are driven by money.
    That is: It is JUST LIKE MUSIC.
    What is marketed is what the producers THINK the consumer wants,
    and the CONSUMER THINKS they want what is produced.
    Surely it is a spectrum like nearly everything else, from low quality trash to high quality art, despite being fairly subjective.

    To think porn is being used as a way to take over the society or country is a pathetic conspiracy theory.
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  17. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    You mean 30 minutes?

    Oh. Yeah .. i wasted 30 seconds too.
  18. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Dont want to wander off topic and hijack samsome's post but
    Totally agree
    Its not about taking over , its about control , its very real and in no way a theory
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  19. samsome

    samsome Guest

    so if you sit all night chatting to a prostitute and basically wasting your life away....does society or religion need to tell you not to do so? or feel like they're not acting on your best interest

    don't get me wrong, i like it very much!

    of course we can all waste our lives but, there's also heroin for that,a much better high i heard, actually the best high on earth everyone says, people sell everyone for that and also kill themleves on it for it being so awesome.

    will you go against society or religion on that too?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2020
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  20. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Well, you an obvious option:

  21. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Sorry, imho this is the totally wrong board for threads like that.
    Imagine I would post in one of my favorite atheism boards something like
    "what compressors do you use and why". See? Wouldn't work.
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