My new song called Out of Nothing

Discussion in 'Music' started by Coronazi, Oct 7, 2020.

  1. Coronazi

    Coronazi Kapellmeister

    Sep 1, 2020
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  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You put this up before, yeah? But this has some extra ingredients now.
    I remember commenting on it last time.
    Hmm. But maybe your prior account?
  4. Coronazi

    Coronazi Kapellmeister

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Really, show me.
  5. mAher20

    mAher20 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Barcelona, Spain
    It's not my style of music, it's not a song I'd listen to in my spare time, but I can give you some advice on mixing.
    Have you done the production, mixing, or both?

    Too much stereo information in> 200hz.
    The voice and synthesizer are boxed in the center.
    The elements of the battery do not have a defined space, everything is too tight and stuck.

    In short, if you are looking for a professional result, the mixture is not good. You have to keep practicing.
    I recommend you study mid / side EQ techniques, stereo image and the correct use of the compressor.

    Thanks for sharing.
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  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @Coronazi This track has been posted before. End of.
    Maybe I'll go through hundreds of my comments in my history, but I don't feel I need to prove it.
    I even commented about the "light in the sky" line, and implied that the writer had been abducted before!
    And it was definitely before this account of yours existed.
    I'm not making this up, but you know this already.
    Because you either have borrowed someone's song, or they borrowed yours before you got here, or you had another account that was deleted.
    The extra atmos fx and synth bits sound good on this mix, and it's more finished than the version before.

    I think it's easier we wait, and hopefully others will remember and concur with me. :winker:
  7. Coronazi

    Coronazi Kapellmeister

    Sep 1, 2020
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    When has a song ever been "new" :)
    Songs that have been created are timeless.
  8. mAher20

    mAher20 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Barcelona, Spain
    My headphones do not need any correction, and neither does my monitoring equipment, but thanks for the recommendation, I hope it can be of use to other users who follow the comments of this thread.

    Don't be offended, but the song doesn't sound professional. It sounds just like the music of the 80's, with the professional standards of 40 years ago, I can't argue with that. We have come a long way since then...
    I've taken the time to analyze your song with my tools. I'll be a little more technical if that can help you.

    The song has a built-in RMS on the loud parts of -8db, with a crest factor of 4.3db. This means that the song is completely squashed, there is no dynamics. This is due to misuse of compression (among other things).

    Frequencies below> 200hz are totally out of phase. The image shown on the goniometer is a completely round sphere. You want to see the shape of a drop of water, where the lateral information is concentrated between 200hz and 4,000hz. This is due to misuse of the focused tools for that purpose. If the correct use of the mid/side EQ and reverb is not within your reach for whatever reasons, at least put an HPF with a slope of 12/db at 150hz.

    I don't know if it's a live-recorded drum kit or it's a synthesizer. In any case, the spatial arrangement for the percussive elements is an important key if you want your music to sound professional.

    About music and about any art there is a part that can be measured by technical tools, that is why music can be accurately analyzed in some aspects.
    I have not come to judge his musical creation in the expressive sense, I do not think he has that right, I prefer that other people are the people who judge your work on the personal taste of each one. But hey, you asked us for advice ...
    These are mixing tips that have proven valuable and accurate over the years, why? Well, pleasure comes first. The better it sounds, the more we enjoy. And on this basis we have been able to objectify certain "rules".

    Ultimately, your song could be more pleasant for our ears if sonic tools were used in a proper way.

    Again, thanks for sharing your work. ;)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
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  9. mAher20

    mAher20 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Barcelona, Spain
    When you ask for advice in a specialized audio forum, it is normal and convenient to receive a technical criticism. Don't you want to take it? Do you want your music to sound like it does? Well, no problem, but again ... why do you ask for advice? Honestly, you asked for comments, I took the trouble to listen to your song and give you my most honest opinion on the only thing that is possible to judge from art: technique.

    When the offense is disguised as arrogance, this is the result.

    Regards :)
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  10. Coronazi

    Coronazi Kapellmeister

    Sep 1, 2020
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    "why do you ask for advice? Honestly, you asked for comments"
    No i did not. Don't twist my words.
    "Thank you for listening, comments are welcome."
    Now stfu pos.
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Dat's not nice, bruuuh...
  13. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    As long as i like them.. If negative i will be very upset.. In other words i did not ask for any advice or comments in how to get this to sound better..
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  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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  15. mAher20

    mAher20 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Barcelona, Spain

    Exact. To a large extent this is the attitude of all those who do not advance or improve their productions.
    When it sounds fantastic I'll tell you: hey, it sounds fantastic!
    But frankly ... it sounds bad and can be improved, and there are specific tools to make it sound better and more enjoyable.

    Why is it an offense to you?
    Why don't you take the advice of someone who knows more than you gratefully?
    No one is judging your artistic intention or the reason why you express yourself artistically as you please. Therefore, there is no reason to be offended.

    It is simply immaturity.

    I do not get it.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
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  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Because Coronazi is Rorer!
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  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    would love to hear your version
    cause im not sure what i would like more...the 80ies version or the 2020 mix/master pro version ?
  18. mAher20

    mAher20 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Barcelona, Spain
    If you provide me with the stems, I would be happy to make the mix myself without obligation. :)

    You may like his version more or you may like mine more. Does matters? This is not the discussion. Even so, if you like squashed music, without dynamics, with a lot of mud and with an unbalanced stereo image, you may like their version more, because the ears get used to what they hear quickly.

    Personally, I would bring clarity to this mix, I would find the right place for each instrument to breathe without masking the others, which would surely take me to an earlier stage to make a good arrangement. It would eliminate the annoying mud that exists in the 200hz zone ... the list of tasks could be endless, as with any artistic process. You decide where to finish the job since there is always room for improvement no matter how small.

    I'm just trying to find solutions to make this song sound better and more enjoyable. It is not an easy task, it requires knowledge and effort, but some members of this forum call themselves professionals and it does not seem that they have put too much effort into understanding the general fundamentals of sound.
    My opinion is that it can be done better, nothing more.

    Make yourself a / b comparison of the song with some reference mixed and mastered by a professional, and let us know if you notice the difference. Billie Jean from Michael Jackson for example? It doesn't have to be recent. We may also have different perceptions of what it is to be a professional.

    I'm still not a professional if you ask me, but I know for sure that this is not the result of someone who knows what they are doing in a mixing session.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
  19. Coronazi

    Coronazi Kapellmeister

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Relax, it's the "new normal" to snitch.
    Nowdays you get payed for it :)
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  20. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    the track is nice, but then again it all depends on where on the scale you put it. when a rookie "beat-maker" posts a beat, then the feedback will mostly be "good job" and some tips since everyone is glad a beginner put together something.

    now, when the quality of the track rises then the feedback is also more demanding, you should understand that and refrain from petty defensive comments i think.

    now imho, the track is ok, as a demo.
    the mix and overall composition is interesting but not as in a commercially competitive track.
    if thats what you are after of course, but that is up to you to clarify when do the darn post!

    that way you dont waste a good members time who really made an effort to give you his/her honest feedback.


    now, foster/krusk you compulsive spammer, this thread is not about your tens of accounts you keep making here after getting banned time after time.

    save that it for your next gobbledygook-thread!
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  21. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    WTF is going on here? I thought someone had taken someone else's song initially!
    Coronazi didn't believe me:
    So I showed him. So either someone took someone else's song, or Rorer is Coronazi.
    Huh? So you rate my comment "Coronazi is Rorer" as Nasty? Why?
    IS IT RORER???
    And if it is, why in the world did he ask me to prove it? :deep_facepalm: Idiocy!
    If I'm a "snitch", it's by entrapment! Ffs, Gyro.
    What? Somebody stealing my music?
    Or me posting the same track in an early
    form, 9 months earlier, with a different account, and not expecting any fucker to notice?
    Yeah, like I'm gonna do that. :hahaha:

    If Rorer just left and wasn't banned ( I don't know?) and came back as Coronazi, I do not see a problem.
    Yet, I am still not a "snitch", even if he was banned and has come back.
    He challenged me to prove it, and I did.

    This is all making me laugh so much now! Thank you all.
    And to quote a now-seemingly-more-sane member: "That really cranked me up!" :rofl:

    Okay, I get it: Wasgedn is Gyro is Rorer is Coronazi is The Pirate.
    Who gives a toss?
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