Lenny had a tantrum and is remorseful

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by Lenny Belardo, Sep 30, 2020.

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  1. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    spoken like a true
  2. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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    In my opinion, OP is opposed to many of the things that have been said here, which is why he has probably preferred to leave all comments unanswered.

    Maybe he's right. Maybe he says to himself that no one understands me, so why should I come up with ideas that will create more animosity and cause more damage.

    My friend, whatever your opinion, we all respect it. By the way, it is not opinions that keep people together, but needs. So do not be too sensitive to comments. Comments are like fingerprints and it is not possible to find two people who are 100% in agreement.:bow::mates:
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  3. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    lol. i got banned for 30 days on a sports forum for talking about covid. be glad that only your posts were deleted and not you.
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  4. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I agree 100% :dunno:
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  5. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    Zwartepiet oh shit get the admin i said something racist
    Some people here in the netherlands dont know the difference between racism and traditions those fucking people scare the shit out of 6 year old childeren
    Fucking ridicoulous
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Lenny changes topic's title more often I change pants :rofl:
    A true non-decontextualized apples to apples comparison ;)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    [double post, sorry]
  8. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I've only been sarcastic about this so far, so maybe time for an opinion.
    Just posted this comment in the thread where all the 'offences' were committed.


    I'll highlight my main personal-only opinion again...
    I think there would be good arguments for...
    - when 'not in the lounge' - be even more strict about censoring any off topic comments
    - when 'in the lounge' - consider removing all the restrictions - off topic is ok and is just normal intelligent conversation.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  9. eldarktufa

    eldarktufa Guest

    We agree...so what. We disagree...so what.

    If you really want to explore the weight of your opinions, find a beach near you on a clear, starry night, maybe after midnight. Really focus on what you see, hear, feel etc.

    Now SHOUT out your agreements and disagreements, your beliefs and opinions. Really tell the universe how it is.

    When you're done, stand back and see if the stars move for you. If you do this sincerely and honestly, it will cure you of being a windbag for the rest of your lifespan on the planet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2020
  10. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    maybe we could get trump to try this.
  11. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Love the idea and the sentiment... but a slight snag...
    As @realitybytez alludes to...
    If someone shouts their opinions out somewhere other than an isolated beach then a bunch of morons
    might listen and might respond and might f%#k things up
    Regrettably - even insane opinions do seem to matter. Not in the bigger scheme of things - but definitely in our back yards.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  12. I've had a time out and sat myself replete with dunces cap, in the "Naughty Corner" I am sorry to all for my belligerent attitude. I apologise to Olymoon, who does a very important job here and he does it well. I will offer no excuses and I accept the criticism of my original statement. It was entirely wrong. I hope all here whom I consider friends, will consider forgiving me. I have demoted myself to a mere Cardinal as penance.
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  13. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I think your apologies for your responses are gracious and well received... but
    I do agree with off topic being removed, (and the comments (mine included) were definitely off topic)
    But if those comments had been in a thread that was in the lounge then I would have objected to seeing them deleted.
    and I think these comments from you would have been the reason why I would have justified the objection...
    Those parts of what you said are precious - IN THE LOUNGE.
    The lounge should not be a kiddy safe space for snowflakes. It should be about searching for good ideas, watching bad ideas fail, and to hell with protecting bad ideas with a phoney "I am offended" indignation.
    Of course, politeness and courtesy should (as a priority) always prevail to people but deference and politeness to bad ideas just become someone believes them, is a debilitating strategy for all human progress.
    Silencing Lenny's critiques would now be a Cardinal sin :winker: (unless you self demote even further)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  14. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    so we are just to mindlessly accept this dictate, this autocratic fait accompli, which is in reality just your opinion -- your interpretations and prescriptions about what you think should be. what designation should we refer to you as? who promoted you? by what authority do you implement these decrees?

    what if someone were to argue that the multitude of other interpretations of what this or that is. as i understand it audiosex as a whole is a forum to discuss audio. the lounge is still within audiosex. a lounge does not denote what you claim it should be, in fact it explicitly states some additional rules to the contrary. maybe you could save the world over at, humanprogress <dot> com, if it concerns you so much.

    if you want to be taken seriously at least you can refrain from the hyperbolic pop culture junk like "kiddy safe space for snowflakes". not a good look for someone who seeks to dictate to a community.

    this ties into a BS narrative that "they", the other, are less than and not worth being taken seriously based on no more evidence than spinning edge cases. the further implication that anyone who objects is weak and offended. presupposed abstract simplification of any perceived resistance. sounds like a convenient way to side-step any productive conversation to me. the implications of such thinking could be just as catastrophic as any other. do not be surprised if people do not take you seriously.

    i am happy to watch your bad idea fail.
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  15. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    How convenient for you to totally ignore all the original context for my comments, where I said....
    - Where we could (and maybe should) have a fruitful debate...
    - As a personal-only opinion I think.....
    - I think there would be good arguments for...

    I guess when you find ideas you don't like and don't want to see them debated, you just had the knee-jerk reaction of branding
    the proposer of the debate as a dictator. That's a boring false accusation; an accusation that I can't take seriously.
    I suggested debate - that's all. After that it's time for opinions, and strong opinions and strong arguments should then be welcomed. Please don't confuse expressing a strong opinion in a debate as some kind of 'authority complex' - that accusation just won't cut it.

    I do like the fact that you are already proposing an alternative perspective. I do welcome the ideas being intelligently challenged.

    But, let's just take stock of the folly...
    - You accuse me of wishing to dictate - totally false
    - I accuse you of resorting to branding me as a dictator just to avoid serious debate - probably also false.
    Why not both ditch the crass narrative of tarnishing the proposer of opposing views and get back to discussing the ideas instead?

    Your comment about...
    this ties into a BS narrative that "they", the other, are less than and not worth being taken seriously based on no more evidence than spinning edge cases. the further implication that anyone who objects is weak and offended. presupposed abstract simplification of any perceived resistance. sounds like a convenient way to side-step any productive conversation to me. the implications of such thinking could be just as catastrophic as any other. do not be surprised if people do not take you seriously.
    I like your argument there and the insight it contains
    but my response to your applying those observations to me is quite simple - "not guilty".
    I will never assume that someone who objects is automatically classified as weak and offended.
    If someone objects, that is great, now let's hear the idea that underpins and validates the objection;
    otherwise it's an empty objection.
    If it's a really good objection underpinned by a better idea I will be excited and change my opinion (pretty quickly).
    But I will always notice when someone is using being offended merely as a a tool for avoiding having their views challenged.
    The difference is huge. I will usually spot accurately which is happening
    and I will rarely be sidetracked away from discussing what matters - the validity of the ideas.

    You said... "i am happy to watch your bad idea fail"
    - I am sincere about thinking the idea is good.
    - I am sincere about proposing it solely for the community benefit.
    - I am sincere about wishing to hear opposing ideas - and if they're better then so be it.
    - I don't actually care whether the idea actually fails or not. If the forum prefers bad ideas why should I lose sleep?

    This could go on and on (and maybe should - productively) - but surely enough for now.
    Thanks for your response - seriously, no sarcasm involved, thanks for your response.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Yes the lounge should have more latitude, but I don't think we should remove the training wheels completely.

    I mean, think of all the storm-troopers wannabes out there who will come here and herald the second coming of the orange toned Übermenschen on these pages and countless conspiracy theory guys that will hook up with trolls who don't really believe in anything but hey they think anyone who doesn't agree with them just got LOL NOOBZ PWNED TRIGGERED 1337 I WINZ INTERNETS. You kind of sus them out here and there with dog whistles and the light touch, but at least there is a cap on how far it will get pushed.

    I don't mind having a face to face discussion about such things because in the real world there are repercussions both legal and physical. I am able and comfortable with violence, but nobody ever wants to have those conversations with me in the real world :(

    Like I said before I don't mind being censored, it is the hosts right and it is for a good cause. Most of the time I am not even attacking anyone and I still get bonked even when my intentions are good. However I will take all that with a smile as long as some of the hate filled trolls of the past that are gone stay gone.

    I've been typing and participating a lot lately, new medication seems to have turned me into an insomniac but it's always one step forward 1/2 a step back. Doc says my system will readjust and I should be able to sleep well again soon. I'll still read but hopefully I wont have as much to say.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  17. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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    I advise both of you not to think too much. Eventually you will be depressed because of too much thought. People's minds are their greatest enemy.:shalom:
  18. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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    You do not think too much about what you have done or said. Words are not very important. It is important to have peace and health that you are likely to be harmed by discomforting thoughts.

    Thinking about actions to correct them is a religious idea that unfortunately wastes a lot of energy. Take care of your good energies.:shalom:
  19. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    can not ignore what is not there.

    look up the word 'dictate'.

    did not call you a dictator, but would have been exciting if i did.

    you did not explicitly suggest debate here. i do not know why you would when it is not a debate forum. it is not like there is no precedent to go by. how did it work out?

    "Please don't confuse expressing a strong opinion in a debate as some kind of 'authority complex' " i can not imagine why would any one do or think this. you made up an accusation in your head, and then refute it yourself. is this a joke? misdirection. irrelevant. padding.

    more padding. good for you, complementing yourself, but -- don't care.

    "folly", hah!... you can talk.

    i wrote "seeks" to dictate. it is not an accusation read it in context. if you even want to give a vague appearance of being in good faith.

    you ditch the "crass narrative" first. then i may consider it. you are making the argument. i do not have to do jack s**t. your disingenuous framing does not help the matter.

    there are no "ideas" (plural), there is only one, and it is bad, but that is just repetition on my part. would not want to bore you.

    said it was implicit, did not assume. not surprised as you probably have never even questioned the validity of your parroted cliches.

    yet more padding. (just the most basic obvious stuff -- expressed badly, to boot). don't care. i am rapidly losing faith in your abilities anyway.

    "I am sincere about thinking the idea is good." repetition. it is to be assumed, you do not have to say things like that. we know already! padding.

    more padding. more self-congratulation. more not caring on my part.

    "This could go on and on", good lord, i hope not. please, just stop -- for the sake of human progress.

    i wish you would use sarcasm, or some device, to make things more interesting.

    i will propose one idea: i could not imagine a worse member than you to propose opening this forum up as a debate forum, i suggest you get a surrogate.

    thank you for you whatever this was. i don't even know if i am serious about that, as my mind is still recovering from the blow out.
  20. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    it is how i make my living -- i would be dead.

    ffs. what is this medieval s**t? a few leeches will sort it out. it is not a problem.
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