ProTools 12 CPU overload error on soloing and unsoloing a track

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by gorantovic, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. gorantovic

    gorantovic Member

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Hi guys,

    I'd like to ask if someone has the same strange behavior, and if someone found a solution for it.

    ProTools 12.5, Win10.
    i9-9900K, 64 GB RAM

    No matter if I have a couple of tracks, or a full multitrack with 30-50% cpu. When I solo a track, and unsolo it, ProTools almost always stops with CPU overload message.
    One thing I noticed is that this happens only when the Solo mode is on Solo in Place mode (Options - Solo Mode). When I switch to AFL (After Fader Listen) or PFL (Pre Fader Listen) this strange behavior disappears, but these two modes aren't going through my masterbuss, so they aren't suitable for soloing in mixing environment, and I have to stick to Solo in Place mode.

    A friend of mine has the same software setup on his laptop, and he has the same problem. I'd like to note that we didn't have this problem on Win7, with the same DAW and the same plugins.

    If someone has a similar experience, please share it, so we could think together and hopefully solve it.

    All the best!
  3. gorantovic

    gorantovic Member

    Aug 16, 2015
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    No one?
  4. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Hi Gorantovic,
    I got the same problem. Never found a solution.
    I still have a dream to see a new PT version on sister site.....
    Best whishes!
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