Pop Acts Ripping Off Dance Artists

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catnaps, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    And a few from off the top of my head:

    Bingo Players - Cry (Just a little) / Florida - I Cry
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBpWdwXzpMk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLuWHr6-0YQ
    Sandro Silva & Quintino - Epic / will.i.am - Bang Bang
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQKsLOPK_ls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tqjl4nRSorM

    Fucking witless gits! p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. :rofl:
  3. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I know that feeling...

    us :

    ripped music video :

    We self produce and shit, we tour to our debt, we're torrented and sell very few cds/itunes/... , we have next to no radio or tv support.
    This Gibonni guy make big stadium show, has (croatian) tv and radio support... and they can't come up with ideas of their own.

    We got in touch with his management/producers/directors. (we didn't threat for legal action or ask money we just wanted to be credited in youtube videos descriptions, with name of the band and director)
    have a laugh :
    "We (Manuel and I) are both familiar with Yanic [yannick puig the director and artist of our video] work , and have great respect for his creativity. But in this case we didn't use it, or tried to "steal" it. We can say that, in therms of reference, we were influenced by it"

    "You probably know how much effort and how many hour needs to be put in creation of a animation"
    (fuck yes we do, it's a pleasure to be given a "artistic hard labor" lesson by such guys)

    (this quotes are from the director of the music video)
    (and now the producer of Gibonni guy) :

    "It always makes me sad to see situations like this (1), 'cause we are just like you (2)"
    (1) is that a fckn habit to do so???
    (2) i might not have paid all of my softwares, but we're not the same fckn specie 'bro'.

    The final one is golden :
    "Think better idea would be to support each other and collaborate instead of try to make hard work even harder..that's the role of institutions..not artists."
    wtf??? We were already collaborating, and we didn't even know... we asked once more for credits... no answer.
  4. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Hehe, you are on my fav list (youtube) - didn't expect such one here. :grooves:

    If you weren't good you wouldn't get copied.

    Sure some more respect would be nice.

    I don't now this Pop Acts (nearly) the same goes for those dance acts - except of Adam F for example.. But has he worry to has less fans or sell less records because he get copied by an Pop Act? I doubt - but sure it kind of sucks if some one earns (more) money with your idea..

  5. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    wow that song and video were amazing-!!!

    i am going to have to re-teach myself some of the new 3-d animation programs so i can make amazing videos like that, it really added alot to the song to have great visuals to compliment it

    i wish you all the best success in your music endeavors~ sorry you are having to deal with the copycat artist
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Nothing new,

    Hell, almost every second song on pop\dance radio thesedays is just like the last, with the same builds, risers, drops, beats, sounds,

    Cant fucking stand it to be honest. *no*
  7. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    16 remarkably similar EDM drops edited into a single 60 second track
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Exactly ^^ :wink:
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Don't imitate, innovate. :wink:
  10. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    It is like big producers caught using warez (there is a recent thread about this).
    Most rich ppl are rich because they are greedy bastard with no moral.

    That's how they became rich, and not you. Because they stole other ppl, one way or another. Directly or indirectly.
    So don't expect those greedy bastard spending a single dime to buy something they can get for free, or pay for royalties when they can just don't care about you and sleep well anyway.

    So, yes, innovate if you like to push boundaries.
    But you will probably never be rich and famous like those a**holes (producers, artists or whatever they are).

    Innovative artists are recognized as such...when they are dead.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's cool with me because rich doesn't mean wealthy in my view and I want to stay who I am. That's why I respect Industrial artists so much, they're so talented but yet won't see that much money in this lifetime and they still do it because anything less is bullshit. That is what art is all about. *yes*

    This is what sellouts make:

    This is what artists make:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpPw8Miy7JI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae6R9H8Q2ts

  12. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Even if it's not justifiable to rob a bank : if the bank is a big financial or a more personnal, if the thief is poor as dirt or if he's already rich and spoiled.
    The stealing is interesting with Aoki's recent case.

    Let me explain :
    1. Aoki did steal, even though the NFO say 'don't make money with warez'
    2. LEt's face it : the bedroom producers don't hurt the industry ("they wouldn't have bought sylenth1 anyway")
    3. It(2.)'s still a lie regarding (1.) : scratch the surface, putting together the first loops or scratching a few controller the bedroom producer will think : "woah if I could make it" (it doesn't have to be top40, can be perfectly indie...)
    4. Lennar isn't Native Instrument, or Microsoft
    5. THERE IS a "student effect" : AVID, Microsoft and Adobe know it pretty well. There's outrageous '-70%' and school deal on their products. A student who 'learned' his thing on photoshop, protools, or visualbasic is a future (hopefully) paying customer. Developers such as Lennar can't afford such thing. (4. ditto) :
    6. Would anyone care if it was found out that :
    a. his MS Windows is cracked.
    b. it's not his computer (Linkin Park's one maybe?)
    c. Aoki is still doing insanely good music and his set wasn't a circus.
    d. He just didn't have time.

    I'm not that sure :
    a. MS is big, Bill Gate is devil...
    b. Sylenth, even if they do this feat isn't, I suppose, for them, a main instrument as it is for Aoki.
    c. Put Aoki, Avicii, Bieber in this position , everybody hates him, put a less successful man (but still quite making it) in their place, you'll find plenty of excuses for him.
    d. This guys are on the road all the fucking time, and on a tight agenda.

    Might sound trollish, but I don't think any of the 3 (c.) are sellouts. I mean, they're very successful, but I don't think they're doing evil laughter on how they can rip money from Vevo and MTV. Just putting together a music that's enjoyable to listen to (we're all doing it since Bach) : they're not here for the money as a starter. Did Benga, Deadmau5, Skream, my bandmates, my record engineer pay all their software? I don't think so.

    At the beginning of my tl;dr I say we're all Lennar, we're all Aoki too.

    Here, in France, our major seller (supposed) have FEW sells : Alizee sold 5,000 album in 6 month, Jenifer sold 6,000 in almost a year. Ten years ago, they were golden.
    Peoples lost the habit to buy record. Do they go onto iTunes? No. Kid just make playlist on... youtube. It's easy it's free, it's almost exhaustive. Last parties I went to, people didn't even bring ipods or harddrives, just a laptop and youtube.
    It's serious problem here : The week Daft punk released and was topping itunes chart in UK, in France a prank music (Sebastien Patoche, google it) was topping in France.

    No big deal, they're kid, they don't have money.
    THAT'S A lie, and that's le Big Deal.

    Many complain about production quality going down (it is), mastering to be only lossy content and radio oriented (it's not as much as 90's EDM as far as I'm concerned)... that's not MTV evil plan , it's our lazy plan.
    MTV would have a better view on the market if we did buy some records.
    Labels tell your popularity by YT view now and FB like : not how catchy your music is, or the number of records you sold on indie circuit.

    Lennar didn't update his Sylenth1 for years : we complain.
    He would be doing more if 99% of installed Sylenth1 weren't k'ed.

    Our fans can't wait for a new video, a new (promised) record, a bigger tour : it actually doesn't take that much sells to do so. We can't for now. These stuffs costs a fucking lot of money and time, and we can't do it with a cracked Sylenth. And yes, we actually cried, when our previous record was going viral on megaupload blogs... 2 days before its release.
    We're in this position where we sound quite good and pros, and people feel we're already makin' it (it's a mixed feeling to us : we would be doing much more, and much better if we could count records sells as an income)

    Why are we all Aokis? Because we're not 'that' poor.
    If we were, the hardware section wouldn't be that active. You're not stealing you computers are you?
    We can buy cigarettes, smartphone, ISPs, hlidays, computers almost every year... and we can't afford a DAW and a few plugins ?
    Few years ago, computer were all like 200$ netbooks... some pretty cool computer music was made then, no? (the music on the video I posted is computer music from 2006. Guitar, voices, snare are real though. Rest is... Cubase stock synth and plugins... Kwoon wasn't a band then.)
    Learn your shit, sound good. You don't need 8G of RAM, you don't need i5, you don't need Logic X, you don't need massive 1.3.
    Aokis is making 1000x your money? Whatever. YOU are making 1000x the average african income.
    It's all about market : buy more records, they get better and cheaper. Same go for DAW and plugins.

    Aokis is easy target. Lennar is easy victim.
    All in all, he gets that hated for the mirror effect : he won at a game I see a LOT of people playing.
    Lennar is double victim : his synth is still good. Why should we buy it if even 1M$/yr-Aoki crack it?
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