IK Multimedia releases MixBox

Discussion in 'Software News' started by devilorcracker, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    MixBox packs 70 award-winning mixing processors and creative effects into a convenient 500-series style plug-in. Create, compare and save your own custom channel strips or multiFX chains, or choose from over 600 presets to give your creativity a kickstart. Whether in your favorite DAW or stand-alone, MixBox combines a massive range of effects and powerful workflow to supercharge your mixes.

    Derived from IK's award-winning T-RackS, AmpliTube and SampleTank plug-ins, every processor offers immaculate sound, from powerful digital effects to warm, authentic physical models of classic analog gear. And for reverb, MixBox offers 4 all-new, massively improved algorithms for hall, room, plate and inverse.

    MixBox supercharges your workflow, keeping every parameter immediately at hand in a compact, efficient, and easily editable GUI. No more juggling plug-in windows to adjust two or more effects at once.

    Whether you're tracking vocals, warming up virtual instruments, customizing a Splice groove or diving deep into sound design, MixBox will always have the right effect for you. Together with the typical EQ Dynamics and Channel Strip processor you would expect to find, you also will have Filters, Modulation, Saturation, Reverbs, Delays, Distortion, and Amps.

    Packed with both individual processor and whole-chain presets, covering a range of uses, styles, genres and more. Plus, you can easily save and recall your own presets for future use. Offering individual gain and dry/wet controls for each processor, letting you precisely control gain staging just like you would with real hardware. An additional sidechain input lets you trigger effects like compression from a second signal, to tighten up kick drums and basses, or pump your master bus.

    Stand-alone mode gives you a complete mixing experience, with up to 8 separate racks of 8 processors each. Just feed audio into your computer from any source, whether a digital mixer or audio interface, and you'll have a highly optimized mixing environment to meet the needs of virtually any mixing situation.

    The main panel gives you control over all 8 racks at once. Load rack presets, add or remove processors from each rack, activate side-chain and manage input/output channels and gain for each rack, all from one panel.

    Everything you need to create complex mixes in one easy-to-use window.

    Key Features:

    • Create your own custom channel strips.
    • 70 FX from T-RackS, AmpliTube & SampleTank.
    • Dynamics, EQs, Filters, Modulation, Channel Strips, Saturation, Reverbs, Delays, Distortion and Amps.
    • 4 all-new algorithms for hall, room, plate and inverse reverbs.
    • Chain up to 8 processors in a single instance.
    • Lightning-fast workflow with all controls at your fingertips.
    • Save and recall entire chains, instantly.
    • Over 600 presets for every situation, including single processor and whole-chain presets.
    • Stand-alone hosts up to 8 full racks for live mixing.
    Price (MSRP)
    € / $ 149.99 (Intro pricing)

    More info: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/mixbox/
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  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    A whole new learning curve for me, i love it, i trust IK-M stuff and their plugins is probably the best, at least to m years, they're musical they have what i call a personality, and they WORK, i hope the new FXs are of equal quality to their predecessor...

    i'm legit exited.
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  4. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Problem will be that the mixbox shell will probably be a CPU hog just like the T-Racks 5 shell.
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  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Maybe not a whole new learning curve for you seeing as you've used them before. :wink:
  6. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    If its less of a hog than AmpliTube, thats enough for me!
    Gonna demo it and check it out, just what I was thinking IK should do except just their stompboxes
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    If you read through gearslutz post by IK teammates, there is said that there are many new stuff not find in Amplitube, T-racks. But some known modules are reworked and have another behaviour, character, sound. As with PSP InfiniStrip, some modules rewritten, reworked, refreshed, improved,.... "based on" previous ones, but bit reworked. Slightly another. So, it is a minimized modules, but rereleased into megabundle with some changes and new additions. Extra must have) extra flexibility, workflow, rack-style effect modular. Another infinistrip.
    By the way, PSP InfiniStrip by PSPaudioware is zero latency, with no oversampling (use higher smple rates, ddmf metaplugin3 with oversampling etc).

    Also, what do you think?
    Tube/tape/1176/LA2A/SSL emulations era slightly coming to end, and All-Developer'sPlugins-Go-Into-One-Rack-Strip began?
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  8. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Yea, i had a look at the modules and i dont like it. Way too much stuff id never use, barely any stompboxes included. no Rat?
    Bland half assed section for the distortions, great
    Dont know what pedals "crusher" or "distortion" are, but overscream is easy to guess.

    Why in the hell would i be opening MixBox for a lush reverb or a vintage compressor? wheres all the guitar pedals?!:sad:

    @mild pump milk i see it more like its popular to develop a channelstrip, and companies with big portfolios of software can bundle neutered collections of their stuff as a new product
  9. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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    ...well, I'd open Mixbox FOR a lush reverb or a vintage delay. You can use Amplitube to get yer distortions and such like guitar-specific fx. And prolly... like other IK stuff... the processor hit happens with the more items you add... not from the shell itself (being empty). Looks cool... and I like the progress they've been doing. Can't wait to... er,... 'try before I buy"...
  10. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Dont you have 8 other verbs you would prefer first?
    Nah unfortunately the whole amplitube shell is pretty heavy, totally empty it takes 2x as long to show/hide window for example compared to small plugins (not that it is very long in reality it doesnt matter)

    Its pretty cool, every dev wants a channel strip/plugin mixer plugin, but im now only interested in it for any module that is new/exclusive to MixBox
    Anyone know what those are?
  11. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Didn't mean it that way, besides the FXs from T-racks such as EQ and compressors, this will include a ton new FXs like chorus and vers and delays (i think) and that's why I'm referring too, as i mentioned, stuff from IK usually works, and i'm pretty sure i'll be using the new stuff, i just need to make room in my go to list.
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Very good observation. Definitely seems this way.
    This too.
    Hence why I won't jump to update my Waves just for Kaleidoscope.
    I'm pretty old school with my approach, and I do like using lots of different plugins to acheive what I want.
    I was reluctant to accept iZotope into my life 10 years ago, and they still aren't a 'go-to', (except RX), yet I will sometimes choose to use Ozone now. So I am changing!
    When the 'Mix' knob started appearing, I even thought "but we can just parallel sidechain etc in the original way", "Just set up an aux channel" etc, yet here I am now and most plugs have this feature! And it's so much quicker, obviously.
  13. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Introducing oversampling with Metaplugin isn't going to change the processing inherent to a plugin that doesn't have an oversampling option.
  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Don't know. Tried to clip sinesweeps and oversampling works fine, even with/without clipper's oversampling. Even metaplugin 4x OS inside another metaplugin 4x OS (means 16x OS) works fine, but CPU killing. More oversampling inside clipper starts to work worse though. So, i find 8x OS (metaplugin 4x with metaplugin 2x) seems to be maximum of the best. But some gearslutz guys say there is not the best OS implementation there.
    More effective - use higher sample rates such as 88.2k or 96k with oversampled plugins, src should be done with perfect src algos for 44.1k samples to make them 96k upsampled (otherwise, the DAW will do it automatically, and you might know that not all DAWs have good/fine src algo). Not an improvement soundwise, but less aliasing and nyquist warping, cramping (freq and phase).
  15. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    That's true but shouldn't matter. A plugin without oversampling works at the DAW's SR. If the MixBox samples the input up, all plugins inside the MixBox are fed with a higher SR.
  16. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    looks interesting, especially for 150 bucks. good deal for a mixing beginner. i don't really need it. already have plenty of plugins to choose from.
  17. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    So now that Mixbox has been here for a couple weeks, how are you enjoying it?
  18. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    I found it pretty slow like other IK products, not amazing channel strip plugins, so i deleted it
  19. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Agreed, I find it a little clunky but have achieved some decent results... I'll play with it a little more but I find it's not really any faster than my current workflow. I definitely couldn't strap this across the board due to CPU munching.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  20. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Tried to get a usable sound on different studio multi track sessions. The free & Beta of Analog Obseesion 'Loaded' does what I wanted.
    A mix that sounds solid & defined.

    For a commercial/retail plugin, I would probably choose teh PSPAudioware Infinity Strip.