i'm looking for a device that will trigger midi drum sounds via feet

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by samsome, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    i'm looking for a device that will trigger midi drum sounds via feet

    basically i'm trying to recreate what this does (in the following link) cheaply. In link its real acoustic drum sounds but i look for a cheap way to do it via midi.


    it doesn't need to be professional i just wanted to practice a bit to see if its something i like

    i would need about 4 different sounds as options
  3. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    4 sounds? You mean you need 4 pedals, sound each or what?
  4. Clayton123

    Clayton123 Producer

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Ah, I've done this before. It's pretty fun. I think we're talking about the same thing. I've done it with an Ableton Max for Live device called Trigger, but Apulsoft also has a plugin called Trigger (available on the sister site) that does more or less the same thing. The way I did it, is hook up a few mics, one in front of each of my feet and hands, and hook up a gate to each mic, so it only turns on when I stomp my feet or hands, and run it into Trigger, so that i can trigger drum sounds with my feet and hands. I suppose you could do it with just feet, and hook up a few mics down on the floor, the trick is that all the mics have to be far enough apart so that they only get triggered by the foot that's directly in front of it. The gate helps with that.

    Hope this helps!

    Another way you could do this, is to buy 4 of these type of things https://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-KU100...1&keywords=kick+trigger&qid=1600292096&sr=8-2

    And hook the 1/4 inch jack into your interface, which should just generate a blip of noise when triggered, and use that blip to Trigger your samples. It's essentially the same way electric drum kits work. They make cheaper kick triggers but this is the first one that came up on Amazon.
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  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yo. I see you are talking about a device, and I don't know. Alesis may be the cheapest.
    But I think it may be useful to know that any cheap non-latching footswitch like we use for the sustain pedal for keys will trigger the note-on/note-off that you need. But they aren't velocity sensitive, although you can set random velocity on the other end in the device. And they can be just £5 each!
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  6. samsome

    samsome Guest

    i mean 1 kick, 1 snare, 1 crash, 1 hi hat

    i don't have microphones so i guess i'll have to go with the second kind of option

    yes this seems to be what i should be looking for.......

    if second option above is not found cheaper i'll have to go with something like this

    thanks guys!
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I mentioned the pedals, because a drummer I worked with last year had his acoustic kit and a Roland drum machine with pads that I thought had some good features.
    It could send a click to his cans seperate from the main outs, and apart from the pads he had some pedals to trigger other things.
    It can trigger whole longer pieces of audio than just one shot hits, and also just chain bpm'd loops together in a pattern.
    Takes a USB key for samples, reads them off there if you don't want to load them in.
    The software for it was bad though. But he got it secondhand for cheap.
  8. LetsNotReuseUserNames

    LetsNotReuseUserNames Newbie

    Oct 22, 2020
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    My plan is to buy a very cheap kids walk-on Piano and hook it up to Imitone. I'll then use the MIDI option to trigger drum sounds.
    I have to say though that I'm worried Imitone doesn't do beat triggers nearly as good as Dubler, even though the tone is very clear with a keyboard.
    Also, I need to find a walk on keyboard that has audio out / a headphone socket and get that into a Mac book... hopefully using the 3.5mm 3pin headphone/mic in one port on the side.

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