The Most Brainfucker Track You Ever Heard?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Roject, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. But it lacked the farting, so the judges only rated it a 9.
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    The ultimate brainfk of all times is this. Try finding one normal track, you won't. Fkn genious man:
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  3. I've tried listening to that. I can't do it. It's like the time I tried listening to Scott Walkers "Tilt" with headphones as I was going to bed. I woke up and I couldn't blink for a week and ate nothing but raw meat.
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Ladies and gentleman... DJ Brainfucker with a song called "My House".
  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I remember this old compilation mix by Technical itch - Therapy Session (pirate station side project, radio record)
  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Everything of brainfucking stuff is Little Big songs
  7. DonaldTwain

    DonaldTwain Producer

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Nothing will ever top Mike Patton going mental:

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  8. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Oh man, I just recently did my annual Trout Mask relisten and it still manages to shock me. Truly a unique album still today.

    My thoughts always go from "Who the fuck wanted to record this shit and release it?" to "This is pure genius!".
  9. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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    These songs create stress instead of making you think or giving you rationality, hope, etc. Absurd and meaningless tensions that results in destruction. Of course, we also have constructive tensions that are definitely not created by these concoctions.

    I do not know if scientific research has been done on people who listen to these earsplitting combinations, but I do not think the result will be very satisfactory.
  10. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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  11. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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  12. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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  13. Brouillard

    Brouillard Noisemaker

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Hum I guess we don't have the same idea about "brainfucker"

    Here's one for me :

    And another :

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  14. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    The hope exists in the hell only. In the paradise there is no hope.
    You can give hope to a hopeless person only.
    If you stop repeating stock phrases and reflect upon it a bit you'll understand.
  15. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Yes. I can try explain it to You. It's hard but I can try.
    I think I am the right person for this because I love a lot of genres and like tracks from almost all genres.
    I'm not a specialist and native english speaker so if I make some mistakes sorry. This is how I understand it.

    First. What is music?
    Music is a looping repeating pattern consisting of various elements which combine into one whole, classified as a composition.

    Secondly. What is a music genre?
    Music genre is a composition consisting of characteristing tempo, stucture, elements, focusing on them and trying to stay within the marked characteristics.

    Thirdly. People and music.
    Human brain loves mathematics. Brain have pleasure from calculate repetitive patterns. It's our CPU. Music is like food for the brain. Song which You like is like fast food for brain. He wants more these very unhealthy food from Mc Donald's.
    People listen to music because can enjoy it. They are only one living creatures on the Earth who can enjoy it.
    Music is strongly connected with emotions.
    People feel a varied range of emotions. They're like these emotions. They like to be happy, laugh, be sad, crying, be angry, be mad. They like all the range of emotions but specific emotions at the right time.

    Fourthly. People are different.
    People are similar but every human is different. Every human has different predispositions, different tendency. Every person like different things than the others. Everyone has a hobby, work. But we all have our favourite things. You doing what you doing and You don't wanna swap with others when their job is boring for You. You liked different things. And in opposite direction someone don't wanna swap with You because Your job is boring for him. Same with music. For You this track is boring and You can't imagine how is possible to enjoy it. And this work opposite, when You enjoying some track there are people for which it's boring and they can't imagine how it is possible to someone can enjoy it.

    Fifth. Feelings, situations and music.
    A lot depends on situation when you listening to music. But our feelings about situations are strongly connected with predispositions. People react in other way and have different feelings with exact same situations. But we are similar. If You going to the church, old church You don't wanna hear Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Prodigy or Nirvana from the tiny farting speakers. You don't like it and don't wanna listen to them in this situation even if you very like them. You only wanna hear some calm, happy singing. At this particular moment You don't like nothing else. But still there are some people who prefer loud band and farting speakers without bass wouldn't bother them.

    Sixthly. Music as a tool for manipulating emotions.
    Music is like candys, bag of magic candys. We are like someone who like candys and have candys in the bag. When your organism wants to sleep You are tired. You can listen to it and go to sleep or not listen and do nothing or make opposite and drink coffee or go outside and run. Same with music. When You feel some emotion, your organism has catalgue with magic candys in memory and sometimes tells you hey buddy last time when you was angry you listen to Slipknot* and at the beginning you was more angry but it helps you throw out negative energy and after few minutes you calmed down. But buddy there is another candy, soundtrack from Portal* has empty, lonely mood, this calm you too. Loneliness can calm you. Our organism exactly know what we need at this right moment and tell us what we need to do. But the same in the opposite direction. We can use music to manipulate emotions we have at this moment and change them same as we can create emotions or strengthen them, sustain them. We can manipulate emotions using music for many different ways. This often is using in Movie, Game industry. When You play in racing game You don't wan't to hear slowly chill, lounge music, happy vocals. You want to hear some fast 160 beat per minute music, something Rock & Roll. You want to this music strengthen Your sense of speed. When You in cinema on the action movie you wanna hear some fast music too to strengthen drama and pursuit. Creators use music to manipulate emotions, create tension.
    In Portal game it's just you and the super A.I. closed in underground research facility. Music composer perfectly conveyed the feeling of emptiness, loneliness, anxiety and sadness. His music successfully brings out these emotions from us and strengthens them.

    Seventh. Point of view.
    Person who never download pirated stuff never understand person who doing it regulary. How dare you!! You stole from the author! I call the police! They don't understand that you want only test it for few days or you're addicted of collecting stuff and you probably will never even open it. When You started to using it, you liked it and if you will use this often or you start making money from it you buy it. They don't understand it. If You send message to someone like "Hi do You have these vocals, you have membership as a Patron and acces to premium stuff I'm not. Can You send me 120 bpm pack? I need them only for my own purpose. I will be thankfully! I can trade if You want. :)" He kicks your ass, be angry, send this message to the author. Because don't understand you. If You send this type of message someone here people can help You. Probably send all pack to you or trade with pleasure and they will indicate the place where you can find more because understand you.
    Same with music. When you don't listen to Drum & Bass, Dubstep, Trance, Breakbeat Electronic etc. You don't understand this music. Society about this. The history. You don't feel it. When you are a fan of some genre you see it differently. There are big society about DnB music. There are a society of people dancing DnB Step/Skank* to the DnB music. People who loved doing it. There are a big society of Trance Family. There are many subgroups of Trance. One group prefer Uplifting Trance, one Euphoric Trance, one Progressive, one Psy/Goa other one Classic Trance. Theres a huge The Prodigy fan society*. People who fighting at auction to buy Liam Howlett stuff. They had all possible albums. Rare stuff. There are many things happen here. If You are not a fan it hard to understand.

    Eighth. My Examples, preferences and conclusion.

    If I was in the woods and wild animal like big gorilla or bear start to chasing me in my mind comes some fast music. I wanna hear some fast music to increase adrenaline rush and motivate me to run. In this moment I don't wanna hear some chillout music even though I love this genre. I need some fast heavy sound. But like I mention before every human is different and prefer something different. Someone in this situation can prefer Pop, Rnb or Classic music etc. and this type of music would affected him in that same way like fast heavy music to me.

    When I am passenger and I have a long way to go I like to listen some Electronic or Trance, Chillout stuff with beat like Robert Miles - Children* or Aphex Twin - Xtal*. But some person prefer Metal, Rock, Pop or Classical and this type of music would be nice for them when traveling.

    When I wanna be moved. My organism needs tears. I need to cry. I listen to songs like Lamb - Gabriel*, Moby - Porcelain*. But someone else choose different songs.

    When I feel weird, nostalgic or I want to feel like this I listen for example to Boards of Canada* or Aphex Twin*. I love them and listening to them Makes me trip like after mushrooms. But for the other people different genre can affect like trip after mushrooms.

    When I'm angry and I'm Fuck all this cruel world. I listen to Slipknot** or KoRn*. First few minutes of listening turn me on and I'm shaking my head, dig the floor, I pound the table, it is pleasant and then all the negative energy pull down and this music calm me down. But I can use same track in different way, I can use it to energize and it affects me in a different way. For someone else it can be Classic Music, Electronic etc. All depends of preference and what kind of emotions a given type of music evokes to this person.

    When I wanna to energize myself when is morning or when I'm too lazy etc. I listen to some dark Drum & Bass or Breakbeat Electronic or some Nu Metal. But for the others this can be other type of music. Or sometimes my organism needs to shake my head, throw out negative emotions, be mad, feel blood in my mouth. Feel punch of kick in my loungs! Feel bass on my body! This is very enjoyable! But somoene else who do not expect this from music, don't need to feel punch of kick in the lungs. Even opposite, he don't like to feel and hear kicks. For him it is best if they were not there at all. His organism needs something else.

    When I want to feel inspired I listen for example to track Dead Can Dance - Song Of Sophia* and then to Raiden - Fallin'*. I love both tracks. Raiden uses vocals from Song Of Sophia. I imagine 2 guys in a basement hard working together at this track using old PC, old equipment. This reveals a whole range of emotions in me, motivation to create music, to create something like Raiden which motivates others. And I have a lot of other songs like Veracocha - Carte Blanche* which affect me and motivates in similar way. But for You it can be something different, even not a music but lifestyle of some artist, synthesizers, pictures. This motivates me too. I love some old pictures with synths, old vsts, it motivates me a lot (not to mention when I can touch the hardware from 90s <3 *.*).

    And many other emotions and songs.
    I think You get what I mean.

    Mentioned Examples Part 1/2:


    Portal Soundtrack*

    DnB Step/Skank*

    The Prodigy fan society*

    Robert Miles - Children*

    Aphex Twin - Xtal*

    Lamb - Gabriel*

    Moby - Porcelain*

    Boards of Canada*

    Aphex Twin*


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  16. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Mentioned Examples Part 2/2:

    Dead Can Dance - Song Of Sophia*

    Raiden - Fallin'*

    Veracocha - Carte Blanche*

    About Drum & Bass
    In this exact case You have much right but not quite. I think he recreate butchering a pig in a synth starting at 1:26. But drum section is not a loop of a hammer. Techno is more hammer loop and I don't like general techno, is boring for me. Drum & Bass genre focusing most on drums. Breaking loops are most common here. Variations of Amen Break. Heavy Kick and heavy Snare with Hihat fills are important here, but the most important are Ghost Snares - This is the thing that gives pleasure to me the most. I love Drum & Bass mainly because I love these ghost snares which with heavy kick and snare with hihat fills come together into an interesting whole.
    Fanu in his tutorial about making drums in DnB put it well. Breaking a loop, Broken Beat is deciding here, this makes it interesting. I can listen to variations of Amen Break loop 24/7.
    It's interesting to me and I'm enjoying it.

    Here is a Fanu tutorial:
    It's best to watch the entire video to clearly understand this but on the first 5 minutes is the most information and "Quick talk part" about Broken Beat starts at 08:10 - 10:05

  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr.. no. At least not all music is repeating. Don't get me wrong, i love clever and/or groovy repetitive tracks as funky and disco/house music are my favs. And i do like some DnB too. But since jazz happens to be another fav of mine, at least a part of it, is free from the constrictions of repetitiveness. For adventurous musicians that like challenging their emotions,brains and skill at the same time (and not only), improvisation is the last frontier. I am saddened to admit that music in the last 15-20 yrs has become a second grade skill. The art is gone and replaced by gimmicky industry constructs.
    Now i am in my 50s and i love me some Skrillex or Pentulum in the right time. But the majority of the music scene atm is untalented fkrs, who dare to call themselves artists. What's even more important, we are facing a whole generation of stupidity, apathy and ignorance who is elevating all those fkrs because that's all they 've been taught. Or rather mistaught. I try hard to find an alibi, i can't.
    And believe me i blame my generation as much too. We are all guilty of letting this happen while we were partying away during the 80s, 90s and 2ks and what ever knowledge we gathered was shared amongst few. These youngsters now are fkn clueless man. A guy that i met on holidays last week, American 24 yo, admitted to me that until he visited Greece, he thought it was a fkn tropical island.
    What's more to say.
    Ahhh, peace.
  18. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    Particularly the 2:17 part.
  19. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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  20. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    If I wrote. "Music in most cases is a repetitive pattern..." Is this will be correct? Yeah, this is not only one mistake, it was hard to me to transcribe what I mean. I didn't support myself with anything, only my own thoughts, my own words. As if the internet didn't exist. Definition of music is hard to explain. You hear and You know it is a music or not. But for explain is hard. For example I love ASMR. It relax me, I'm addicted to it. Sometimes I can't sleep without asmr. ASMR is little like Jazz, only a little. But is ASMR music? For me ASMR is not a music. For Artificial Intelligence which has transcribe definition of music, maybe? It's interesting.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
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