Sleep meditation music by using Native instrument straylight

Discussion in 'Music' started by shivang, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. shivang

    shivang Ultrasonic

    Mar 21, 2016
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    This track is specially created in 432 hz. It's a relaxation music for deep sleeping, insomnia and also it is excellent as dream music, background for Meditation, Chi healing, lucid dreaming, Yoga, Calm Massage, Pregnancy. Totally relax your mind and body and heal your soul. Tune yourself to the heartbeat of our planet Natural healing with 432Hz. 432Hz is the harmonic intonation of nature. So, playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432Hz would make your body, and the organic world which surrounds it, resonate in a natural way. This would fill you with a sense of peace and well-being, regardless of the kind of song chosen to play or listen to. Opening your ears for music that has been tuned to the “scientific” 432Hz frequency would benefit the entire planet and everyone who lives on it. Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness and energy ascension. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way. So, have a perfect relaxation.
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  3. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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  4. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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  5. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    binaural stuff is no scifi , its very old facts
  6. shivang

    shivang Ultrasonic

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Premieres in 2 hours. Please let me know if you all like it.
  7. Arjan

    Arjan Noisemaker

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Sounds beautiful and just love this track, great work!!!
  8. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    This 432hz stuff is complete bunk. Don't mislead people.
  9. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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  10. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    Strange how Antonio Stradivari, who lived between 1600 and 1700, was able to build violins in resonant proportions of the harmonic scale that sees A=432Hz (ask a luthier how the proportions of an instrument have to do with the tension of the strings and their vibrational frequency), for example...

    Strange how Pythagoras with his monochord was using frequencies concerning the mathematics of 8, using as a reference the8 Hz (third octave above the starting point of 1Hz, from where climbing some octaves up the ladder we get a frequency of 256Hz, which corresponds to a C in the scale where A has a frequency of 432Hz) for therapeutic purposes... In ancient Greece, as already earlier in ancient China, sound was used as medicine, and not for entertainment purposes as today (while we are (re)discovering more and more the therapeutic sound power)...

    Strange how in ancient Egypt they were able to build the great Pyramid of in the proportions of the harmonics of 432, and used stones that resonate at 432Hz, like those of many other prehistoric constructions such as Stonegenge or african sound stones...

    These are just three examples (everyone is free to make their own research), but it is clear that even before the invention of the tonometer and the modern possibility to measure cycles per second,, thanks to astronomical observations, mathematics, or other, some cultures found a way to measure sound, or to define it, and check its effect on living beings and matter…

    The implications and parallels between the microcosm at the molecular and atomic level, and the macrocosm in relation to the measures and distances of the planets and, through the discovery of Cymatics, with sacred geometry and the platonic solids, have only been rediscovered in modern times, but several great cultures of the past already had this knowledge!

    Tuning systems such as the Equal Temperament and others, are applicable starting from a pitch of note, as is the A, at any frequency arbitrarily established, while the 432Hz Concert Pitch is called "Scientific Tuning" because of its correlations with mathematics, nature and the universe.

    Consider that in the past, every family that was building musical instruments, before the mass production started, had its own pitch of intonation, as I was told by a musicologist, which varied from one family to another, according to what each luthier felt to be more correct... For example, some tuned their instruments to the singing of the birds. Every time a new instrument was built, it was tune to the previous one so that they could play together!

    Giuseppe Verdi at one point decided to tune the note A to 432Hz because he had understood its mathematical and scientific implications (and not for cosmic and / or spiritual reasons)...

    At a certain point of history, with the beginning of globalization on a musical level, and the development of industrial mass production of musical instruments, an international standardization was necessary, so that musicians of different nations could play together.
    PS: See the intonation of Spanish Baroque music that was even at 415Hz... ;)

    It is true that the brainwaves show a wide range of frequencies, but it is at 8Hz that the left and right hemispheres are working in perfect sync ...

    Cymatics do not provide proof images that 432Hz is the frequency of the water or the universe (as written in the article).
    It simply makes the effect of sound on matter visible, and the fact that certain harmonic frequencies form more precise patterns than other frequencies.., be they water waves or sand / salt designs on a metal plate.

    It is curious that the global trend among orchestra musicians is to further raise the intonation frequency: In the US they are using frequencies between 444 and 450Hz, which implies, for example, that Pianos need to be reinforced of the with steel plates (to resist to the string's higher tension), and the life-span of concert Harps is reduced to a few years (as the extreme tension of the strings shortens the column)… In fact, we notice how the wood used to build these instruments, shows us the frequency of the natural concert pitch that should be used!

    In the same way, a higher concert pitch frequency affects the vocal cords of the lyric singers, that see their vocal chords irreparably damaged after only a few years (and singers that can produce such high-pitched sounds are rare).

    However music is also a personal experience and a matter of taste, hearing and individual sensitivity.

    I personally prefer music tuned to A = 423Hz :) and I also have been able to notice a big difference for its calming and centering effect on hyperactive and autistic children…

    apart from 432hz thing
    binaural audio content for getting energy or getting calm and sleep is sold as fck for good money to managers,banksters,etc high stress ppl or athlete's...but my point is bankmanagers dont blv in esotherics or get easily frauded
    but its always used with headphones
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
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  11. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Nobody ever believed in this 432hz thing, neither who plays it nor who listens to it, but in the end it is an harmless fake news
  12. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yeah our man of vast reading knows so much bout this topic sho
    and again...your totalitaire bout speak for yourself and BTW not blv'ing in something must not be mean blv in something and vice versa bout some reading or even test so you must not live in believe you actualy could determine for for one or the other site

    op and others think there is something bout 432 but its mainly bout his music piece he posted .
    do you think to op opened this thread to have foster just keep it and move your way if this thread is not for you...

    i dont have experience with 432hz
    but with binaural stuff over headphones and this stuff does what it says it does

    and hindu shakras playing over night very very silent while sleeping does something too...may be just imagination but for the binaural stuff i lay my hand into fire
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  13. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Love this Ambient mix. Thanks for sharing :mates:
  14. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    In exploring the 432 Hz debate at Ask.Audio, we soon realised this topic wasn't going to be resolved in one article. Here Assaf Dar Sagol explores the fact and fiction behind tuning to 432 Hz. Music Theory: Exploring The 432 Hz Tuning Debate.

    432 Hz. The magic number everybody is talking about. It is said to be the natural frequency of the universe, to have cosmic healing powers and to attract masses of audience to our music. Just by tuning our music less than a semitone below our standard A=440Hz we are promised direct access to the universe's hidden treasures.

    There are many articles presenting so-called “scientific evidence” in favor of 432 Hz. But how much of what are being presented with is fact, and how much of it is fiction? Let’s find out!

    Fact #1
    Fiction: Ancient instruments such as Tibetan bowls, Pythagoras monochord, ancient flutes, have been found to use 432 Hz as their base pitch.

    Fact: Hertz is a modern term coined in 1930. Before that it was referred as “Cycles Per Second”. The first time “Cycles Per Second” could be accurately measured was in 1834, when two instruments were invented: the (remodeled) Savart Wheel by Félix Savart, and the Tonometer by Johann Scheibler.

    Further than that—the measurement of Seconds has only begun during the late 16th century.

    Ancient Tibetans, Pythagoras and anyone before 1834 could not have intentionally tuned their instrument to measure 432 Hz as this frequency scale simply did not exist at the time. As for evidence, I could not find a single solid evidence for ancient flutes or bowls tuned to 432 Hz. If you find some - please let me know!

    Pythagoras was born 1500 years before the idea of a second was conceived.


    Fact #2
    Fiction: Pythagoras’ A was 432 Hz.

    Fact: Pythagoras’ tuning system is ratio based. It is not based on an absolute pitch, but rather on the relations from an arbitrary reference pitch. We already know Pythagoras could not have known what a second is, so he could not know what Hz meant. Indeed 432 is a multiplication of the ratio between C and A, where C is 1 and A is 27/16 which is the same as 432/256—however this applies to any base frequency and has nothing to do with a specific Hz.

    Pythagoras’s tuning system was based on cycling perfect fifths. However, cycling fifths will never get you to complete a circle—unless one of the fifths is diminished. In other words, the Pythagorean scale has to be 'tuned-down' a little each octave in order to maintain its consistency. This makes the temperament uneven and sound “off” when playing music with complex harmonies, and this is exactly the reason it was abandoned.

    The monochord

    Listen for yourself:


    Fact #3
    Fiction: Mozart used 432 Hz for all of his music.

    Fact: The only evidence for Mozart’s A comes from an ancient tuning fork from 1780 with the tone of A=421.6 Hz. This tuning fork belonged to the Viennese piano builder Johann Andreas Stein, the leading piano maker in Vienna at the time, who was responsible for Mozart's pianos as well as Haydn’s and Beethoven’s. It is likely that they have all used A=421.6Hz.

    Handel’s personal pitch fork was found 30 years earlier in England and was tuned to A=422.5Hz - pretty close to Mozart! and pretty far from 432 Hz.


    Antique Tuning Fork

    Fact #4
    Fiction: Verdi has used 432 Hz for all his music.

    Fact: Verdi used several tunings across his life. As an opera composer he was aware of the pitch inflation (pitch standards rapidly rising to achieve a brighter orchestral sound) that was happening in his time, and was concerned it was putting a strain on singers voices as they struggle to hit the high notes on a score.

    Verdi has requested his Requiem to be tuned to 435 Hz (according to the 1859 French “diapason normal” standard) and in a later letter he has expressed a slight preference for 432 Hz. Verdi is the only known composer to even hint towards 432 Hz, and it was obviously for completely different reasons than cosmic spirituality.


    Fact #5
    Fiction: 432 Hz is the way everybody used to tune in the past, but we have now forgotten the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.

    Fact: Musicologist Alexander John Ellis has searched, measured and documented ancient pipe organs and tuning forks. Here is a graph representing his most important findings—as you can see the only mention of 432 Hz was proposed in Italy in 1880 (by Verdi), and we already know that this was done for practical reasons rather than spiritual ones. The fact is that before standardization, the pitch of A fluctuated heavily between 400 Hz and 460 Hz.

    Historic tunings graph.


    Fact #6
    Fiction: 432 Hz is the frequency of the heart / brain / earth / sun / water

    Fact: The frequency of the heart fluctuates between approximately 1 Hz to 2.5Hz. It does not have a steady frequency that can be multiplied to achieve 432 Hz.

    Brainwaves or Neural Oscillations range between approximately 1 Hz and 70 Hz and are not tuned to 8 Hz or other divisions of 432 Hz in any way.

    The Schumann resonance is a set of electromagnetic oscillations that originate from earth. One of them currently resonates at an average of 7.83Hz and not 8 Hz. which if multiplied by 55 gives us an A=430.65 Hz. Close, but no cigar.

    Astronomers at Stanford have recorded super sonic oscillations from the sun at around 5.964 GHz. They had to slow them down (change their pitch) by 42,000 times to accidentally hit the frequency of 142 Hz - and not 144 as claimed by some which would again bring us a frequency of A=426Hz.

    Water molecules can vibrate in a wide band of extremely high frequencies close to the infrared spectrum (90–110 Tera Hz). The band is wide enough to not favor any specific frequency, let alone 432 Hz.

    Natural frequencies.


    Fact #7
    Fiction: Goebbels and the Nazis tried to take over the world with A440Hz.

    Fact: In fact, it was the British Standards Institute who arranged an international conference in London 1939 where it was internationally agreed for A=440Hz to be the standard.


    Fact #8
    Fiction: Cymatics—the unexplored scientific realm, provides images as proof for 432 Hz being the frequency of water/universe.

    Fact: There have been several videos and images out there presenting beautiful cymatic imagery as proof for the 432 Hz theory. However these images are produced by resonant bodies (water or metal plates) which can be tuned to resonate at different frequencies.

    Chladni Plate

    This means that metal plates or bodies of water that are tuned to resonate at 440 Hz (just like a string on a guitar) will produce lovely cymatic shapes at… you guessed it, 440 Hz!

    The geometric shapes are created due to a well known phenomena called standing waves.


    Fact #9
    Fiction: Your music will sound better at A=432Hz

    Fact: Musical aesthetics is a flexible thing. Musicians are not obligated to use 440 Hz as their base frequencies, and many orchestras around the world use different pitches according to the music they are about to play. It is generally agreed that baroque music is to be played at around A 415Hz, classical and early romantic eras at around 425 Hz and later repertoire at 440 Hz and up.

    Tuning to different pitches has subtle effects on the timbre of acoustic instruments, but makes no difference to electronically generated sounds.


    In Conclusion
    432 Hz seems to be just another number without any special significance over others. Tuning your music to a specific frequency will not unlock cosmic powers, or make your music sound better or worse. Having said that, there is no rule or law that requires musicians to stick to the standard tuning of A=440Hz. Serious musicians should all use alternate tunings for viable reasons such as the instruments timbre and build, the musical demands and the historic background of the composition.

    On a personal note, while working in Polyverse Music, I have been receiving requests to enable 432 Hz in our new plug-in “I Wish”. Even though I do not believe in 432 Hz, I do believe that musicians should be able to tune to any base frequency they like, which is why we have decided our next update will include a master tuning setting. After all, i see no reason not to tune to 432 Hz.

    Have fun, create and experiment, and don’t let standards hold you back!

    read the comments on that article here is the source
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  15. recycle

    recycle Guest

    @Gyro Gearloose
    It is very romantic indeed to think that a frequency connected with nature and the universe can come out of our musical instrument, going further we could say that behind all this 432hz myth there is perhaps a search for spirituality. Even more intriguing to think that there are strong powers who do not want this frequency to be used because it could be destabilizing.

    There are more concrete reasons that historically led to choose 440hz as the standard for orchestras, I recommend you go to more trusted sites (or books) and read up on it: it is a fascinating story that every music lover should know

    Broadly speaking this is the history of pitch:

    I assure you that there was no conspiracy

    Gyro: be careful what you copy/paste, what you have proposed is the ramblings of some delusional flat-earther / 432Hertzer, please use common sense, using the FACT prefix in front of a bullshit doesn't make it a truth
  16. eureka_05

    eureka_05 Newbie

    Jan 27, 2012
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    Marseille (France)
    This is not 432 hz

    <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="">
  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    recycle we see how biased you are comming up with flatearth dumbism....
    and after the second post the most from what i have posted was against 432hz but what ever mate ...sleep on

    you like a conventional eu farmer who really thinks there is no other fertilizer than artificial salt and slurry

    and fck

    the ultimate flat earther site :rofl:
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  18. shivang

    shivang Ultrasonic

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Thank you
  19. xsound

    xsound Member

    May 6, 2013
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    I am sorry for excavation.

    There are some sleeping tones available and many, many people are using it for... simply falling asleep. It is a good market place, for common problem - insomnia, you know? Helped many people such blissfull tones. But when I read some stuff about binaural tones, and frequencies below 20Hz, it got me thinking, you really won't even feel it, when it goes on tv or computer speakers, cause you need a really good headphones, and they are not few hundred bucks... let alone falling asleep with them.
    Anyhow, i think its more about peace at tonality, calmness, repetitions, that allows us to drift away eventually..
    And with the frequency, who knows, maybe we are still too stupid to understand certain things and look at things wrongly - thinking it does not have any connection, when it might have impact. Everything matters at some point.