Supreme Court Orders RapidShare To Police The Internet

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Catalyst, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  3. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    This could be precedent for all the other filehosting services. oops. Dark times hit Germany.
  4. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Since when can the USA give orders to Switzerland? Rapidshare's resident is in switzerland.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    RapidShare was originally German as they had a .de domain but later added .com, their operations are run from Switzerland though. By the way you're also misunderstanding the article because they're referring to the Supreme Court in Germany but either way there can always be influence by American laws, mostly by threatening sanctions until a country promises to make sweeping legislative reforms. This is actually why the Russian government recently initiated their version of SOPA. You can probably find somewhere in AudioSex where I talk about this in detail. It's the same story with Spain and their recent reforms...behind the scenes there is a puppet master.
  6. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    In old times, we would just have revolution, Boris and I would have to kill many people

    at least it was honest , if we won we lived, if we lost we died

    Now it is like, worm of intestine, grow slowly inch by inch, let you live just enough , to make it strong

    you live so it can live , it controls you , and gives you illusion , that you are free and in control

    they let you think, you are winning you are not , they have all the time, money and power

    now time for Vodka
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Very true my friend, we think alike. :mates:

    And it's always time for vodka. :rofl:
  8. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Next Supreme Court requests for hosting services:
    1. Clean your room.
    2. Take the *ucking rubbish out!
  9. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Just the other day i asked a friend of mine during a conversation ... "How is it that a worker from the very moment he or she has a power position (whatever it can be) over other fellow workers automatically forgets that he or she was also an abused worker before ?". So, my real question is: are we so much different from "they" ? ... And, is the real solution to "have revolution" and "kill many people" to change things ?. OF COURSE NOT!, the real solution is "time for Vodka", isn't it ?! ... HA!

    I was just wondering now if there's someone out there really willing to find out which is the real cause why the world, after thousands of years, still has not changed (more when the world/society is not something different from ourselves).
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You can't put two people in a room without one trying to rule the other, it's the nature of the human condition. In order for society to change we have to change. However on a smaller scale hopefully SAiNT and I have proven that it doesn't have to be this way. It's time for the human race to evolve. *yes*
  11. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I don't think this is "human nature". Otherwise we would have been extinct by now. Truth is, if people really want to cooperate, they can and better than all other species. It appears from recent researches that informed people are less likely to commit crimes, abuses and similar stuff. My guess is that we're still learning how to live together instead and the form (states) is more likely to change in the future.

    (This is the happy ending, you don't wanna know the other one) :bleh:
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Human beings have survived out of necessity not love, just enough to keep the species alive. If you want to see a microcosm simply look at online forums a tiny subset of the world and there are constantly battles over the most ridiculous of minutiae. People often only work together out of self-interest not out of a desire to improve everyone's situation and I have to say I have seen this firsthand in all the people I know in real life. True friends have become a rare thing in this day and age and it's because everyone is just out for themselves with little concern for their neighbor. Though there is hope because morality seems to be woven into the fabric of our DNA and that is what has allowed us to make such great advances in such little time. Take the United States: in less than 100 years there have been drastic changes such as the end of segregation, women's suffrage, etc. This gives me hope but then look at people like Manning and Snowden...the only reason these people have to sacrifice their lives is because the rest of the population sits idly by and does nothing. So in some ways things have changed drastically and on the other we're still not doing anything for our world and for each other.

  13. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    revolutions are honest one side or the other

    present day government are sneaky creatures in the back ground twisting things into a death of a thousand cuts

    Where the Annunaki Gods, dam space meddlers did a bad DNA patch job on some friendly hominid and set up this I am better than you system

    Savanna evolution same mentality and life style you have today in Africa (screw the other guy over before he screws you,what is in it for me,maybe this is everywhere)

    always the top 1% think they are better than us and want to control us

    The real question is, what is the point of it all

    not this senseless busy work we do to let time pass, if such a thing as time exists

    Reality is a prick/bitch, what you see or understand, is never what is really going on

    Sorry about this, starting to sober up , need more vodka :rofl: :rofl: :bleh:
  14. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Mr. Chopin4525 has said it already: "I don't think this is "human nature". Otherwise we would have been extinct by now". It seems to me (and please don't take this as an offense as we're merely inquiring), that it is as if you "would knew" already how a human being is but i question that human being is that way just because you had firsthand personal experiences with the people around you ... You say that "human beings have survived out of necessity not love" ... now, i would like you to evolve what you mean exactly by "necessity" ... Would you say that the mother that jumps right onto the river to save her children is she doing it out of necessity ?. Is it love ? ... Because "necessity" implies a thought "I need this or that". Now, would you say that that mother thinks anything before jumping right onto the river ? ... Or she simply sees her son in danger and hence her quick acting ?.

    Now the question is: why do you think that we don't see that we human beings as a whole (have been), are, (and will be) in danger too, the same way that the mother's son is ?. Why are we not acting like that mother jumping right onto live to save our fellow beings WITHOUT thinking ?. Is it because we are not able to see human kind as whole, to see that basically i am you and you are me ?. Is it because we separate ourselves from others THINKING "i'm Spanish and you are American" ?. Look, parents say that they love their children, but then they send them to wars and despite their suffering when they know that their beloved son is dead their still feel proud because he or she died for their country, their flag, or whatever ... which are merely ideas. They send their sons to death and then they feel proud of it out of love?!. So, why, after all those million years, we still don't see that the suffering of all those anonymous people we all see on TV sets everyday is also our own suffering, why are we still so attached to ideas that bring only suffering and more suffering to us and others. WHY are we still wanting to solve the conflict through IDEAS when we perfectly know that IDEAS never have solved any conflict beyond a certain period of time. Why are we so attached to ideas not seeing that they are the cause for all the conflict ?.

    In short, what do you think is that "something" that prevents us to see the suffering of our neighbors as our own suffering ?
    Because we all only need just that to change all that mess ... We don't need at all more ideas about how we are going to perform the next changing, for God's sake!.

    Could you explain what do you and SAiNT think that you have solved ? Please! Do you really think that "warnings, threats or repression" (please note the quotes) can be the substitute (even in a smaller scale) for an individual deep inner change ?. Sorry but it's widely proved that this system never works at least the person "warned, threatened or repressed" realizes deeply in him/herself the consequences of his/her actions on him/herself and others, which will bring about a deep change in him/herself. Otherwise it's useless.

    Yes, but this human race will never evolve if it continues thinking as American, Spanish, French, ... Muslim, Cristian, Buddhist, ... Catalyst, fraggle83, Chopin4525 ... or whatever else.
    Someone said "you are the world and the world is you" ... until we all see that fact i say that there will be no evolution at all but more suffering for ourselves and others.
  15. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Never mentioned love, in fact I was probably thinking of "compassion" in the original meaning of the term (cum+patior, suffering together). Collaboration works because each single member gets something out of it (the last compelling example being the CERN) and you have huge benefits for a smaller work. The problem only arise when somebody thinks is better than the rest (it's interesting to read Lucretius on this point) but again, this is unlikely to happen in a system where information are shared. Also please consider that a century is really a small amount of time to judge events that most likely require more (in pure genetics as in politics[*pun intended]) to become reality and yet in the last 50 years we've done a lot in term of knowledge and social equality. Something will clearly change in the future and nobody has the magic ball to tell anything about it. I felt like sharing the "positive side" that emerges from researches.

    Take care. :wink:
  16. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Martin Luther King, Jr

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation
    where they will not be judged by the color of their skin
    but by the content of their character.

    this is the problem

    the content of their character.

    For all humans, the covering or gender is meaningless

    The content of their character.

    Is what really matters

    It is this content that creates the Light and the Darkness

    It would be nice if we could create more Light

    Vodka more now yes :mates:
  17. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    And do you think that "this content" is it inherent to the person or it is merely acquired ?
  18. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Let's become all Luciferi. :bow:
