mixing in mono question

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by GDM, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. GDM

    GDM Newbie

    Sep 2, 2020
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    I've made music in the past but I never really placed much emphasis on my mixes. I recently bought a pair of active CLA-10's (basically, new NS-10s). My mixes improved greatly as expected. But then I learned the power of mono mixing. And like a fool I mixed in mono on TWO different speakers at the same time and realized how silly that was because there was always something off with my mixes. I was mixing with a phantom stereo image that was distorting things. So then I started to mix in mono with 1 speaker... 1 CLA-10. And the results were much further in the direction that I wanted to go. I was pleased.

    I should note that I use Ableton Live and put the Utility effect on the master channel and switch it to mono there.

    I have two questions:

    * Should I be mixing in mono on one CLA-10 speaker? Is this the right practice, or should I be mixing on a single Avantone Mixcube? Are there issues inherent in mixing in mono on one hi-fi speaker that has a tweeter?

    * Mixing in mono on one speaker, especially on something like the CLA-10, FEELS like it should be enough to create a good mix. Yet, when I switch back to stereo, while I have clear separation and clarity in my sounds - the OVERALL mix - sounds a bit displeasing to my ears. There are harsh frequencies in the aggregate. I know that these are things that will get fixed in the master, but why does this even happen when my mixes sound good in mono in the first place?
  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    You could reference (not actually mix) on any mono speaker. I have both a shitty fullrange speaker as well as an active mono speaker. I know how they sound and I get a good balance on the Mid channel. I also listen (reference) to the Sides channel on the mono speaker, as both Sides and Mid plays a part in the overall stereo mix.

    Personally i fucking hate the NS10 speakers and would never work with them again. I owned them briefly but sold them within a week of use. Horrible things when you are not used to the nasality, cross-over design flaw and lacking low-end. But people who know them, know them. But then again, you could probably make great mixes on pingpong balls glued to piezo speakers if you only had those.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  4. GDM

    GDM Newbie

    Sep 2, 2020
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    What is the mono speaker that you use? Agreed that I can take any speaker and run a mono signal through it for reference. But what would I use to actually MIX. I would think the NS-10s would be sufficient for this? Or should I invest in a Avantone mixcube perhaps? And use the NS-10s as a reference for my overall stereo mix?

    I actually like the NS-10s. Not sure why I do... the NS-10s really hit that mid-range better than anything else I've heard. Agreed that they lack on the low end but I have been figuring out how to work with it and am growing accustomed to it at this point.
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Everyone hates them.
    NS10 are well known to be the standard of any recording studio, certainly not because they are good speakers (they are not) but precisely because they simulate the final listening of bookshelf hi-fi speakers quite well. There is also another reason: it happens that in the recording studios, the sound engineers have turnover and they need a reference, being in front of unknown speakers can lead to terrible mistakes in mixing. I see the NS10 as the McDonald menu: no matter how bad it is, It has the same taste anywhere in the world.
    I also often use iPods as a reference: they give excellent feedback on what the final product will be
  6. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    I don't see why you think that mixing in mono is some kind of universal recipe for mixing - in 2020 you want good stereo mix, not good mono mix (it's not 1980 anymore, yo). IF you are after big stadium concert/club music success, you may think twice about making your mixes super wide, but whatever...

    They are certainly not bad, they are more honest in some areas than most entry and even many mid-tier price range speakers...
    Still, there are better speakers in 2020 than that for sure, especially, if you have decent budget.
  7. GDM

    GDM Newbie

    Sep 2, 2020
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    That's a fair point. I think I put too much faith and emphasis on mono mixing. I just noticed that when I switched to mono, my sounds had the kind of clarity and distinction in space that I always sought after. But I think it's foolish of me to think that mixing in mono on one speaker is some sort of assured recipe for success.

    That being said, I probably need to switch more often in mono and stereo and assure myself that the mix sounds good in both.

    I think the worst part of this is that even after I'm done mixing, I have to worry about mastering. But I am trying to nail the mix so the mastering needed is minimal.
  8. recycle

    recycle Guest

    There is a lot of out-of-phase information in the stereo mix, it will largely be lost when listening to the mid signal only
    Excellent results are obtained with multiband stereo width controllers, I use them and generally below 200hz I put everything in mono. A great mix sound big in stereo AND in mono
    Do yourself a favor and always check your mix in mono: you will discover hidden sides of it that you didn't think existed ...
  9. TheMoss

    TheMoss Producer

    Dec 29, 2019
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    which amplifier you used for ns-10 s? I heard ns 10 sounds horrible with wrong kind of amplifier (with transperent ones). With a strong and saturated amplifier, NS-10s will sound perfect. And what was their product date? They fixed treble issues on late 80's early 90's.
  10. GDM

    GDM Newbie

    Sep 2, 2020
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    I should clarify that these are CLA-10s. I call them NS-10s because they are essentially a remake of the NS-10s, or as close as possible and its easier to reference those rather than say CLA-10's. There is a new active version of the CLA-10s that doesn't need an amplifier. I assume that the built-in amp is the best possible amp...

    It is worth mentioning that so far every review I have seen of the CLA-10's compares it to the NS-10s almost flawlessly. Though, I have yet to see a review of the active version.
  11. TheMoss

    TheMoss Producer

    Dec 29, 2019
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    i was mentioning his opinion about ns-10s while he was using it. I know CLA 10s ofc.

    About your question. Only check in mono. Mixing in mono is good practice but not mandatory. Work on stereo, check mono, print it and check it in real mono system (phone, laptop speaker etc.)

    Some places which are playing on mono systems, taking a stereo track and use one channel like left or right. (that is what i've heard at least)
  12. bmdmix

    bmdmix Noisemaker

    Aug 21, 2020
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    well two mix
    mono vs stereo sound different but they are still mixing

    for me i record in mono and throw in stereo plugins am done listening to songs in d middle its boring widen that shit but dont over do it then again theres no rules in mixing soooo ur call.

    but mixing with one speaker that's a no no
  13. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I don't know many engineers mixing in mono on one speaker.Why the hell would you want to mix on one speaker?You check your mixes in mono for compatibility,but you mix the music in stereo.
    Avantone monitors are for checking your mixes usually.Mix on Adam,Genelec,Focal,Dynaudio,Neumann,etc.

    If you find that your stereo mixes doesn't sound good,maybe narrow the stereo image of some tracks?Reverbs,delays,choruses.
    For me a 100% mono mix sounds dull,not exciting.
  14. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    The best advice regarding this:
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  15. recycle

    recycle Guest

    I deeply agree with everything he said
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @recycle Yeah, I've been all over his channel since it started. Great vids. Great plugins.
  17. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I have a DIY speaker with a Fostex or Polk Audio woofer (don't know the model) that I made many years ago. It sounds "ok" but I know how it sounds and can dial in the things I need to fix. I also have a JBL Go2.

    Yeah, get an Avantone mixcube or similar for mono, and the yucky NS10 for stereo. ;)
  18. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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  19. GDM

    GDM Newbie

    Sep 2, 2020
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    That seems like the route I am going to go... thx
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