Cubase Pro Whats the new ver going to be 11?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Pure Energy, Jun 29, 2020.

  1. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    i have cubase 5 64bit installed, it works great.
  2. bmdmix

    bmdmix Noisemaker

    Aug 21, 2020
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    can i plz have ur cubase 5 mine suck
  3. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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  4. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Your C10 license includes older versions, too. Some of them have (more or less) native support for 32-bit plugins. As far as I remember a Version around 8.5 or 9 should work fine.
  5. gorimaa

    gorimaa Noisemaker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    WOW thanks for this confidential file.... but shit i really hope this not the only new features of C11, because where are : multitrack freeze/ multitrack warp / quantize preset folder / gapless audio engine / autogain plugin and so many other years awaited features...

    here mostly we have as new feature:
    - batch export
    - sampler v2
    - new midi remote
    - midi cc/pitch bend automation improved
    - some new plugs nice but nothing new if already have 3rd party ones...

    not bad but first ones i mentioned are highly more crucial features

    in anyway thanks again for providing this PDF, and lets hope but... we sadly know steinberg now
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  6. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I use jbridge for 32bit plugs, wouldn't ever go back to v5, for me c10 runs so much better and is much more stable
  7. CMAudioz

    CMAudioz Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2019
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    I've been using Plugin Gury's Unify, allowing 32 bit plug ins, and I could swear all plugins load quicker than on Cubase when loaded via/on Unify! Cubase 8.5 was the last version supporting 32 bit.
    As for Cubase V11, interesting, as it stands, i don't think I'll be updating, nothing major there for me, got 10.5 but using v10 mainly, I find it more stable.
    To the original posters question, yes Cubase will be around! Loads of soundtrack composers use it, it's near enough the standard DAW for composers, and loads of other producers use it. It's probably the most versatile DAW out there, but might not be for the beginners, hence why many go for FL Studio, or Ableton. I have never found the licensing to be an issue, then again, I don't produce on the road. My dongle is attached to the back of the computer which doesn't move, have had it for 6-7 years, no issues with it, but yes, overall, I agree, they should get rid of the dongle as it's an additional thing that could go wrong.
    I think an option to activate it over the Internet (based on hardware ID) with limitations to how many times you can move the licence over to another machine along with the dongle would be the way to go. Steinberg did mention that they were working on a new licensing process, thought it may be introduced in v11, maybe it's a surprise! :unsure:
    I don't think they want to take the option so that it's easy to crack, although they will likely gain few extra legit customers, it's how I decided to get Cubase from my early days!
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  8. ensoniq

    ensoniq Noisemaker

    May 10, 2014
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    Cubase used to be the best DAW in cubase sx days. Now it’s the most buggy, unstable and full of half-working features
  9. ensoniq

    ensoniq Noisemaker

    May 10, 2014
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  10. Delay

    Delay Guest

    1a. performance with 10.5 is ruined compared to 10 (on macOS mojave and catalina), so most important to fix this
    1b. sandbox for VST plugins so they don't crash or lag the system
    1c. gapless audio engine

    2a. finished UI, some UI elements approx. 10% is old and unfinished , blurry and eat lot of space for nothing
    2b. can we build or use third party midi efx in 2020?

    3. why VST and EFX in media? I need separate tabs for that and my custom tabs (minor one)
    4. more integration with lower zone, efx, midi efx and generic macro controls
    5. chunks (DP)
    6. instrument combinator (s1)
    7. smarter dynamic toolbox, show action for event only

    8. artist version need bounce in place and group editing, its cheating without that
    9. auto-zoom midi event in lower zone
    10. remove all in channel strip or efx rack
    11. option to select active track from dropdown list in strip channel
    12. better eq in chan strip and controls, now is confusing and clumsy
    13. dynameter in mixer
    14. mixer follow folder tracks organisation (expand/collapse)
    15. markes for mixer faders
    16. vst rack can be more flexible
    17. mixer can be more flexible
    18. save midi event with instrument and all efx chain with audio preview to media (s1)
    17. global search any available command, efx resurce ... (mac os spotlight and DP)
    18. dynamic eq
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2020
  11. mudworm43

    mudworm43 Guest

    It'd be nice just to get a proper working version finally, they don't have to add anything new, just make it work properly.:facepalm:
  12. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I can officially reveal that the new version will be released on the sister site imminently! And will be called: Cubasement Freaks Presents Oldschool Funky Breaks Octopus Trap Part 11.
    secret: Please hassle @The Pirate via PM for installation instructions! If he gets 100 download requests he will send money to ur Bitcoin because thanks! Also because loneliness and sniffles in covid times!
  13. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I'm surprised. This update looks like it's actually going to be worth the 100 bucks.. most of the new plugins look like ripoffs of Izotope Ozone. But at least after waiting 15 years then are finally going to try and solve the pitch-bend issue we have all been complaining about.
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  14. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Just a few quick questions. Have you been in, or recorded in any of the SONY/CBS/BMG or EMI studios worldwide?
    Or any of the studios that have multiple platinum productions hanging on their wall? Or the million dollar film studios that record orchestras and large ensembles? Did you look at any of the mastering series on the sister sites as well? Or in the major instrument musicians home studios ?

    You will find ProTools, Cubase, Logic and Ableton in abundance in the million-dollar studios and major non-EDM-sequencing artists studios, i.e. real musicians who do not need a computer to write and generate music if technology collapsed.
    If you do not like it that is fine, do not use it.

    I think Fruity Loops, Reaper and Studio One are great but don't crap on something just because your friends and you use something else.
    Notator (EMAGIC) and Cubase were the first two that started as notation software and became Logic/Logic Audio(EMAGIC) Cubase VST and Cubase Pro(Steinberg) respectively that every other item you are spouting copied. SAW, ProTools and Ableton came well after. The rest built on Logic and Cubase's original ideas. If you were around then, you'd know that. Trivially, EMAGIC and Steinberg were/are German inventions. EMAGIC sold it to Apple.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2020
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  15. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yeah, that will be handy, shame there's no way AFAIK to setup PB for microtonal scales (that I've been threatening to look at but never use. =) The other interesting thing was setting up scales "properly", which should (probably maybe) make using Melodyne a bit less of a drag? But likely will just make everything crash and burn and explode.

    Wish they'd fix sidechain; when you freeze and unfreeze everything is borked and doesn't return to how it was =( would be cool and obvious if you could setup bus liek it was an insert and have it load up the (plugins) busses as well as their settings, too. Also thousands of minor annoyances that make it like an old, comfortable rocking chair that keeps poking you in the butt before tipping you face first into a furnace just as you fall asleep.

    Also, they fixed HIDPI settings. I always wondered why (ie) DMG & Fabfilter & audio export were completely borked (amongst others). Turned out they've decided to fix it. Also to tell users that it was borked! Typical Steinbug...
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  16. musicmaker777

    musicmaker777 Newbie

    May 27, 2017
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    I started using Cubase on PC since SX. Tried all DAW's. Studio One sticked for me. Very fast workflow in short time, but i chose to buy Cubase 10 since it release in March 2019. Steinberg invented VST and is the pioneer of DAW's. This DAW is focused on composers (music,tv,film) so every update/newer version has the composer in mind and not focused on selling peripherals like Presonus does with Studio One.

    To me Cubase looks sexy as heck, and i like to work in it! It has a great mixer and a most extensive MIDI editing functions of all DAW's. With expression maps, symphonic expressions are a breeze to make..

    When you set your keycommands, Cubase can be a really fast powerful editor, but at first it is most difficult to use with keycommands..

    It took me a good 6/8 months to really know the DAW with my set keycommands.. Cubase is used by many great producers ( Ian Kilpatrick,Ferry Corsten, Zedd,Mark Sixma, Gioseppe Ottoviani)
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  17. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    So then, you know someone in their marketing department that got you the sales reports and their earnings statements to prove this or are you just spouting out of your ass again like you were when you said the entire industry is ditching it?

    Funny a salesman at CompUSA in 2001 was also convinced that Apple was going under any minute when I bought my first firewire 10GB iPod..
  18. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Really that's it in a nutshell, no matter what DAW anyone prefers. You want to work in it.
    In your scenario Cubase, for others, Logic, Ableton, ProTools, Studio One, Reaper, Fruity Loops etc etc etc
    It is whatever the studio builder/owner prefers for their own workflow.
    Some DAWS record large ensembles of acoustic instruments better, Some are better for electronic music.
    They can all do similar things, it's about finding what works best for your niche.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2020
  19. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Yes, I agree with you everyone know billions-dollar studios buy hundreds of DAW licenses everyday day and make the business healthy. I once went with a friend in a famous Hollywood studio and they used to bought a new DAW for each artist, they just wanted to record the last hit with an untouched piece of software, how silly.

    Are you new to this forum? Everyone know spouting is my main activity.
  20. Hupsakee

    Hupsakee Member

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Well i also have Cubase 10.5 but there is a way to load 32bit plugins and it works pretty well! you have to replace one DLL (VSTpluginmanager.dll and add VSTbridgeApp.exe) from previous version (Cubase Elements 9.5) which allowed VSTBridgeApp to work properly. And i can confirm it works excellent in my Case. Easy to find on Youtube (not sure if i am allowed to put the link?), only to download the files is a bit shady because of the links so i did that with old laptop and all good.............. so happy to be able to load 32bit plugins!
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