S1 V5 and Akai MPK249 transport controlls nolonger work properly

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by marbles, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. marbles

    marbles Noisemaker

    Oct 20, 2016
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    anybody here using S1 v5 with an Akai mpk 249?
    the transport controls used to work fine on v4 but now they're all screwy.
    RWD, FFW & Play buttons work ok.
    the record button just plays the project so it duplicates the play button.
    Hitting the stop button sends the time line back to the start of the project instead of where is lasted played from. ('return to start on stop' is selected in the S1).
    But if the metronome precount is activated the record button works correctly.
    i've re-added the MPK249 to the External Devices list in S1 but no change.
    MPK249 is set to MMC but always was in the past.
    Everything works fine is Ableton Live so it's not the MPK.
    Any suggestions on what to do to get it working properly?
  3. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Did you manage to re-assign the transport buttons in S1?Maybe the s1 developpers have changed the name of these functions.
    I have an Akai Advance midi keyboard and all works fine.
  4. marbles

    marbles Noisemaker

    Oct 20, 2016
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    yes, i created a 'controller' in external devices, set the MPK to MIDI CC and mapped the transport buttons to it & it works.
    but now i get annoying automation lines embedded in the midi event which i don't want to be there.
    this never happened when MCC worked in v4.
    And removing them is a PITA.

    so many bugs as well..
    they still haven't fixed midi quantisation where the note fails to move to the nearest quantization point but instead moves to one further way..

    it would be good to get MMC working again just to avoid the ugly lines drawn in the events.
  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Sorry I don't know what MMC means.
    I just noticed some automations are created in the midi editor too...On top of that that's impossible to remove them.
    The most annoying bug for me when you press solo,it doesn't mute all the monitored tracks.Anyways all bugs shouldn't be there.
  6. marbles

    marbles Noisemaker

    Oct 20, 2016
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    MMC is Midi Machine Control.
    Now that 5.0.2 is out they've fixed it (release notes didn't say anything about it unless i missed it).
    So i'm back to that and it's all working again without the annoying midi automation embedded in the events.

    To get rid of that automation.. do the following:
    right click the event -> Instrument part -> remove part automation.
    that will strip out any embedded midi automation in the event but leaves DAW automation in. (in their own track lanes)
    problem is if you had some automation you wanted to keep you can't pick and choose.. all or nothing.

    but the thing i really hate the most is that you can't really disable the snapping when left-click dragging to make a lasoo selection around midi notes or events etc.. i feels so cluncky and often selects thing syou didn't want if they hang over the bar/beat line and overlap.
  7. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Thank you for your recommendations but
    doesn't work.I will have to get used of this thing in the midi editor :(

    I almost always set the 'Timebase' to 'Bar' and the 'Snap' to 'Snap to grid' and 'Adaptive' isn't it ok?This setting makes your selection easier.
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