Suggestions on hardware build, please?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Pinkman, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    For X570 there is only the Aorus Xtreme (~700 euros) and the ASRock Aqua (~1000 euros). The first has a massive heatsink covering the board and the second covers all board with a monoblock that of course requires a water loop.
    Surely the pricing on these is only for enthusiasts that want the very best money can buy and then again you can get very close to what those boards offer with half that money or even less depending on your needs.
    If your pockets are itchy though, the Xtreme from Gigabyte is a beast of a mobo that could hold, theoretically speaking, even a 64core cpu with np and it's arguably the most beautiful board in the AMD X570 line. Also easily the best equipped mobo with TB3, 8 Sata and more USB ports than any other board.
    Btw, you are overthinking the chipset fan, chances are you may never hear it, especially on a good mobo, the fan only spins when you push the pci-e 4 slots to the limit and this is quite unlikely to happen often on a DAW oriented machine, even with pci-e 4 ssds on full load.
    Anyway the cheaper no fan alternative is the newer B550 which -due to the Covid crisis- hasn't come as cheap as we all expected it to be, but still provides some interesting mobos, even with TB3 as i mentioned in my earlier post. B550 boards come without a fan on the chipset, i 'll give you a link with all models which also lists details and differences, pick your poison mate:
    Ps: If you like tinkering and cannot have any fan on the chipset (lol), EKW makes a chipset waterblock for 45 euros, it's only compatible with Gigabyte's Aorus boards though, and of course requires watercooling.
    Oh, i forgot, that userbenchmark website, man, the prices they put are unbelievable. They list the 10900k as a 420€ item whereas i can't find it anywhere less than 550. And for the 3900X cheapest is 400€. So the difference is much bigger than what they post.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  2. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I am not only doung DAW stuff... until then I prefer Intel . I try to reduce moving parts not add them.
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    Hehehe, while i understand the need for less moving parts, i want to see the faces on you guys when Intel finally releases a pci-e 4 capable chipset (and cpu). Unless they make it something like TSMC's new 5nm (which for Intel should be 3-5 yrs away with their pace or even more), the fan will stay on the Intel side too. But hey, let's hope i am wrong, i got nothing against healthy competition, it's always for our benefit as end users :)
    And to give you my humble opinion, your argument is this:
    Better cpu (mores cores+pci-e 4), better peripherals (pci-e 4 ssds, pci-e 4 gpus and more soon), less power consumption VS chipset fan (a fan you can't hear or you can mod to watercool or just passive heatsink given you have good airflow within your case).
    So if you don't get where i am getting at, just stick with Intel np:)
    Fan fact: A guy in my old neighbourhood insisted on driving the same Opel Kadett for 35 consecutive years. His (incorrect) opinion was : They don't make like that anymore...
  4. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I don't care about any brands INTEL AMD pff I just want a cool performant system SILENT without fecking fans. ATM I have an Intel 4770k just because it is easier o hakintosh it, but with the decreasing importance of macOS for me, the next(>1 years) might be an AMD >>IF<< there is a way to have NO moving parts
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    So you want a magic comp lol. Because the normal ones have at least one fan on the cpu. And to have only one fan would mean a passive GPU and PSU and no case fans.
    Now, the most silent cpu fan (eg. Noctua) produces 20-21db but under full or near full cpu load it should go up to ~35db. (That's why of course people use watercooling and radiators with more fans so they spin at lower rates thus keeping noise at ~24db max at all loads).
    My 7700K lives in a full tower with 7 total fans (including the gpu fans). The whole box under full load will not go beyond 25db. This means you will never hear it beyond a distance of 1 meter.
    My point is, what it takes to make a silent comp is careful selection of hardware and enough knowhow to put it properly together and not necessarily absense of fans.
    Thanks for listening:)
  6. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    or a Passive Computer case which can handle a CPU up to 140W TDP:

    Not nessisarely theses but I am sure (I hope: ) when I build my next computer there will be an suitable case.

    It is not only teh noise it is also teh dust which gest sucked into the case.
    Yeah modern fabs a silent but they get louder while they age :)

    When I build my systen I couldn't hear it at all (due to my parts choice) but now things age and fans get louder...

    I have a XXL Case and a massive CPU cooler with a big fan constant running at 800rpm. Even at 100% CPU load andything stays warm :)

    I would love to build my own housing and cooling solution, at least CPU and PSU should be passive.
    Graphicscard and maybe even teh AMDmainboard might be OK if they spin only sometimes but better would be NO spinning part and rather proper thermal design and airflow.

    Maybe I find a dealer who sells CPU blocks and Heatpipes separate :)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Calyos based on Belgium, made a computer case some years ago thathalf the case was essentially a humongus heatsink and could serve cooling the entire pc with no fans. That was significantly larger than the Turemetal case. Youtube sensation Linus had a vid on it a few years back and the case although too heavy seemed like the ideal solution for a silent pc. Thing is, i too am interested in new tech and silent computing and visit calyos oftwn to see if they have any comp cases as consumer products available but sadly,4 years later and still they haven't.
  8. Muhammad Hamza

    Muhammad Hamza Newbie

    Aug 6, 2021
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    In my opinion, you should go with MSI Z490 and Intel Core i9 10900k processor. because Core i9-10900K is billed as the world's fastest gaming processor, and that particular claim holds up in real-world use. Starting with Cinebench R20, the 10900K fared 9% better than the 9900K, and 5% better than the 3900X in single-core scores.
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