Active Members Only: All Mac related Problems with Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Hey @jazzzz my version is really ok (6.0.4) and it works 99% of the time. I cant go higher (6.2) at the moment cause my os wont let me.

    I think i figured out the main problem where some Libraries that worked before stopped working. Its because i bought a new harddisk for my libs and formated it as journaled with case sensitive while my disk before was journaled but non case sensitive. So the Main Problem was the case of namings....

    Nucleus.... ist for K6.1 omg sorry please.... forgive me
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  2. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    1) ipartition and just turn you disk back to non case sensitive
    2) make symbolic links and when kontakt search vor files or .nict just rename them (.nict to .NICT for example)
  3. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    did you still have the initial nki files? the current version runs only on kontakt 6.3 or higher while the origin one also works on lower kontakt versions.
  4. thuglife69

    thuglife69 Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    I'm experiencing a weird problem I never had before. I did a clean install of Mojave and now after adding with 5.6.0, some of my Libraries do show up as "Library content not found. Click locate to set the content." If I relocate, it says that the ncint file is missing, however the file is there!! And it's the same file that always worked on earlier systems. One of these problem libraries is external (Rise and Hit) and the others are with self made ncints. The SNIPDs are matching and not overlapping other libraries. I have no clue what causes this behaviour. Interestingly I found out that one of those 4 custom libraries that has this problem, does show up correctly on v5.8.1, but doesn't at 5.6.0 and the plugin version of 6.3.1 (the others don't show up in any version).

    Also, Kontakt 5.6.0 won't store xml files at Service Center after adding a library, but it creates a temporary trash file on my desktop, which is basically the xml. I just have to rename the file and put it into Service Center folder. This didn't affect all the other libraries I managed to get working with this method, I just wanted to mention this problem as well. I am sure it has to do with the fact, that I the Application Support/NI/Service Center folder is protected and I have to enter my password every time I change or copy something in it. Any ideas how I can disable the protection?

    However, the first problem is really driving me crazy. I hope anyone has some suggestions for me. :)
  5. thuglife69

    thuglife69 Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    Just saw that you had the same issue. Maybe the drive format is my problem as well? I was on Journaled and Sierra before, and now swiched to Mojave and NTFS with Tuxera. Rise and Hit is the only Library that I'm having this "locate library" issues with. Other than in your case, the "1" would not change to "0" if I show Kontakt the folder, and the issue happens with ALL K5/K6 versions I tested. It's just ignoring the fact, that the .ncint IS there. What exaclty to you mean with "symbolic links"? I tried renaming the nicnt but it didn't work. Also tried creating a new ncint, but then I would get the "need to register the library" errors when loading patches (SNPID of nicnt and xml were matched of course).
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Sounds like there is actually a legit .nicnt file for "Rise and Hit" that you didn't get when you downloaded the library. If there was a factory-created .nicnt file that was included, replacing it with a homemade .nicnt -- no matter how you do it or how you manipulate the SNPID number -- will result in Kontakt not recognizing the library. I just had this problem with the new version of Jaeger, where I replaced the included .nicnt with my own and while it showed up in my Library tab, I couldn't open any instruments or batch re-save. You can't add or replace a .nicnt to a library that actually has a legit one. My advice would be to scout around for either another full download of "Rise and Hit" that includes a factory .nicnt file, or ask around if somebody has the factory .nicnt.

    By the way, I'm on Mojave and had also converted from HFS+ to APFS -- I don't think that really has anything to do with it, other than possibly moving the Service Center folder and causing hiccups in registering libraries (resulting in those desktop files that you have to rename and move to the Service Center folder manually). After running OnyX and TTP on my system a few times, it seems to have straightened out for me and the .xmls are showing up again in the right place with the right suffix.

    (Edit: I just looked into it -- "Rise and Hit" is an NI library, so it DEFINITELY came with a factory .nicnt file. Your homemade .nicnts won't work. The good news is, all you need to do is find somebody with a link to Native Access and download Rise and Hit v1.2.0 directly from NI. After that, just throw out your old "Rise and Hit" library and run the v1.2.0 installer. It'll install the library directly into whatever folder you choose, as well as automatically add the library for you, so all you'll have to do is open Kontakt v5.8 or v6.x and it will already be waiting for you in your Library tab.)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Rise And Hit = SNPID of 325.
  8. thuglife69

    thuglife69 Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    Thanks for your reply. :)

    I have done a few tests and realized a couple more things, so that I'm almost sure that the issue is due to NTFS and Tuxerra. I simply moved the Rise and Hit library as it was to an ExFat drive and the issue was suddenly gone. (Don't ask me why I haven't tried this earlier :unsure:)
    However, I also realized that a lot of my libraries that were showing in my library tab would ask for the sample paths when loading a patch, and providing the right path wouldn't solve the problem. It just wouldn't find any of the samples, even though they were all there. This happened on a few custom made libraries as well. Very rare. However, if I would direct to the same library on my ExFat drive, it would load all the samples.

    So after having this figured out, I will try some tests with Paragon and hope this solves the issue. Otherwise I have to get rid of NTFS and my dual compatibility system.

    And I also got another question and I feel quite stupid about asking because it's the most common issue that I was able to solve by myself some years ago. It's Hans Zimmer Percussion not loading due to encryption error on Kontakt 5.8.1, and loading the patch but without any samples (0 MB on RAM) in Kontakt 6. I know I was able to solve this issue with a new nicnt back then, but on my new Hackintosh system it's just not working with neither of the nicnts (still working fine on my MacBook). I'm also not able to find any download of HZ01. Maybe, if the nicnt is really the issue there, someone could upload the file for me? That would be super nice! Even though it wouldn't explain why the library is still working on my other machine..
  9. bobhoskins

    bobhoskins Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Have you seen this post from a while back re: HZ01?
  10. bobhoskins

    bobhoskins Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    There is some confusion here.

    The Hans Zimmer library IS a Kontakt Player library, but it does NOT include a .nicnt file.

    Instead of a .nicnt file it has these files:

    HZ Percussion_info.nkx (714kb)
    HZPercussion_2013_12_15.nkr (4.55mb)

    This is equivalent to the .nicnt file.

    1. Remove everything from the registry as you did before.
    2. Go back to your source download and make sure those two files are placed, and NO .nicnt file is present, then re-add the library.

    Also, to clear up some confusion .nicnt files are for Kontakt 5 Player libraries. The Hanz Zimmer HZ01 library is a Kontakt 4 Player library, where they used to use .nkx/.nkr files.
  11. bobhoskins

    bobhoskins Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Apologies for my awful quoting skills
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And also the fact that SF didn't pay the fee to show up in lib tab.
    ie. No .nicnt file.
  13. thuglife69

    thuglife69 Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    Hey thanks a lot again. That helped me to fix the issue. :)

    And regarding the NTFS thing, I guess there aren't many things I could try out to prevent this behavior, like for example checking permission issues? Because from a logical point of view, it makes so little sense that Kontakt wouldn't be able to search for/find (only SOME) library files on a NTFS drive. :dunno:
  14. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Sonofa ...

    Just opened Kontakt 6.4.0 today in Hosting AU and got the "BETA" warning with 9 days left before v6.4.0 stops working. As everybody probably knows, it's not a k issue (the plugs and app show up as "registered" and are definitely patched) but a fuckup on NI's part: they released a time-sensitive BETA as a legit update. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I got no BETA message after I first installed 6.4.0 (I assume it was five days ago) and everything seemed to work great, so I batch re-saved all my libraries immediately. This is the first time since I installed it that I've gotten a warning message. Thankfully, I had also TM'd my drive after installing v6.3.2, so it should be easy to roll back Kontakt ... not so easy to roll back my entire Kontakt library folder. Or I can keep my fingers crossed that v6.4.1 for Mac gets released on the sister site in the next week or so (and assume that it won't ALSO be a BETA version). This isn't really a Mac issue, it's a Kontakt issue, as both Mac and Windoze users (legit or non-legit) all got a nasty surprise after installing v6.4.0. What the fuck, NI?!?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  15. northwinds

    northwinds Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Yep - my 6.4.0 beta has expired and won't load at all now - just like my newest serum! - so fingers crossed for an update soon!
  16. tu11ym0n

    tu11ym0n Noisemaker

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Hey all. I've been trying to install the Luftrum Bioscape and Lunaris libraries but can't get them working at all. I keep getting the "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed" error when attempting to open up the library within the k'd version of Kontakt 5.8.1. I added the libraries via the k'd Kontakt 5.6.0 after I updated each of the ncint files using the latest version of Kontakted (4.5). When I try to open the file in 5.6.0 it says the file is corrupt -- is that to be expected?
    I've spent many hours trying to resolve this and followed all the steps listed on the sticky of this thread (i.e., deleted all Kontakt and Service Center plists, deleted my registered version of Kontakt 5 app, deleted all xml files for Kontakt 5 and Service Center (as well as for the Bioscape and Lunaris libraries), yet each time I go through the process I get the same error in Kontakt 5.8.1 k'd: "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed"
    Is it possible the ncint file created by Kontakted is not correct? Is there another method to creating/changing an ncint file for a library on Mac?
    I was so happy to read the clear instructions from the pinned post of this thread, but it seems like there must still be one step missing?
    Many thanks in advance!
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Why do you think you even need to edit .nicnt files?
    Bad idea.
    The thing is, this is common and is dealt with usually with one simple move.
    And it isn't to bork the .nicnt file!
  18. tu11ym0n

    tu11ym0n Noisemaker

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Oh really? DOH! I was under the impression that the ncint file had the authentication related information and was told on another forum that I needed to change the ncint file to krack the library. Dear God if I truly am able to skip that step that would have saved my hours and hours of researching how to edit an ncint file.

    I'll try to do this all again with the libaries' default ncint files and see what happens. If it works I owe you a keg of beer :)
  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    A library is not "cracked"! It's a "share", and needs a cracked Kontakt!
    I'd like to help you with this. PM me if you need any help.
    Although I'll be back in a few hours.
    Yes, start over again.
    Delete any .xml files for libraries you have tried, in Native Instruments/Service Centre first.
  20. tu11ym0n

    tu11ym0n Noisemaker

    Sep 17, 2020
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    I can't express how grateful I am to @Smoove Grooves for his time, effort, kindness and patience in helping me understand the process and getting me unstuck on how to get my libraries imported and working on my Mac. I'd been struggling with this for days, and a Google search brought me to this forum. I honestly thought it was a long shot for a first time poster to get any helpful response, so I'm really just amazed at how quickly I got a response, and how DETAILED and HELPFUL his responses were. If @Smoove Grooves represents the kind of people on this site, then this is truly an amazing community!!!
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