Neww Album out ! (Orchestral) - Rey Anderson

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by reyanderson, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest


    I just wanted to let you guys know I have finished my latest orchestral / filmscore oriented album.
    I would love any input. The weird mastering is because I suck at mastering.

    I hope you enjoy it !

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  3. bobsadino

    bobsadino Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Very cool pieces indeed
    i think the loudness is good enough

    bro i have a question
    so i have a kontakt lib
    but the volume of instrument is not loud
    do i need to compress it???
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
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  4. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Excellent work man! I loved all tracks. My favourite one is Young Birds Arrive With Snow.

    Congrats on a job well done! :like:
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  5. TimJackman

    TimJackman Kapellmeister

    May 19, 2019
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    Woah! Very nice music, loved the tracks. Maybe Clo's Garden was the best.

    Keep it up!
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  6. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Wow, this is real music... full of talent and inspiration! I loved your tracks. You write for media, obviously, so keep up the great work.

    In addition, when I hear this kind of talent and I realize that music for the current media have been neglecting this type of engagement/approach, blunted by Uncle Hans's clones, it really saddens me.

    I hope you get hired by a big studio soon! All the best to you pal, always!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
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  7. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Not really it's quite good for "suck at it" :winker:
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  8. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Wow. This is a masterpiece. Not hearing anything wrong with the final mastering at all. I love traditional orchestral compositions like this. Their becoming few and far between anymore, but this was a refreshing pleasant surprise! Thank you for sharing, and in my opinion you should be writing scores for a living. BTW, what orchestral libraries did you use?
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  9. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    Wow thank you so much everyone I appreciate so much the input, I really do make music just for the pleasure that it could give to other people, so thanks again !

    For the Libraries I used a lot of different setups, sometimes spitfire, my favourite orchestra is the Berlin one, and for the perc I love CinePerc and CineHarps !

    God bless y'all
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  10. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    Thanks man !
    You should adjust your volume faders in the mixing board ! or in kontakt on the top right you have some volume faders :) hope that helps
  11. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    Love the John Williams avatar lmfao
    I actually don't write for media, just my friends and pals like you... I don't know how to get into that great circus!

    Thanks again !!!
  12. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    It was written in a Beethovenian style (if I may say so, which I probably don't) for an old lover :)
    Thanks man !!!!
  13. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Speechless here listening and telling myself these are vi. How long does it take you to write one of these songs?
  14. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    all are easy on the ear spirit lifting compositions. great work and very enjoyable.
    my only modest advise is more dynamic contrast but it might be i wasn't listening at high enough volume
    there are quite a few i liked especially: Clo's garden, the fox and radioactive
    best of luck
    on a side note it would be nice if you checked my music posted here or on soundcloud
  15. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @reyanderson you are very talented, I hope someone in the movie industry notice you :like:
  16. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    Hey man I hope you're doing okay ! It usually takes from between two days to a month and a half, because I have studies and sometimes I'll hum something and write a full 30 bars of something over a night. Also I have to believe it is available to modify, mutate, transform, and try new combinations of notes and/or orchestration. But yeah usually I spend a month on a track because I'm a bit of a perfectionist!
    Thanks again for your comment,
  17. SpyFx ✪

    SpyFx ✪ Guest

    ^ congratulations & thank you for sharing :) :bow:
    ^ i did :yes: nice body of work,nice project :bow:
    ^ Although it can feel like a circus sometimes due to deadlines,
    remember that the film industry/composing music for media is also a community :bow:(and i can tell you from personal experience a friendly one)
    which ^ leads me to these friendly tips/things to consider :wink: since you said :bow: :
    friendly tips/things to consider :bow: :
    1.If you want to do this as your main job,create a very focused showreel,with your own unique voice & above all work hard to create true personal relationships with the people involved in this industry (actors,music editors,audio guys(foley artists/dubbing/mixing engineers )
    2.From all your above work the one that stands out for me is the "Radioactive Concerto" _---> focus on taking the coloring of this composition & expanding on this,creating a demo showreel of similar,yet focused compositions of your own unique style( think of : what can you bring on the table,that another composer has not already ?) :bow:
    3.I know you had fun creating the album cover & thank you for sharing :bow:,but imho this concept(cover) does not fit well with the music :bow:
    4.Be aware what reverb does to your tracks,especially when mixing different libraries,there is too much reverb on your tracks.
    Always remember/consider the room that the libraries where recorded in,you are re-triggering samples that already have reverb,so try to avoid reverb refractions/mud & if the libraries have reverb(here i'm talking about a reverb built in kontakt) try not to use that but one reverb on your aux bus (room or hall,depending if you're going for a chamber or concert feeling),eq & low cut your reverb/compress it.
    5.The tracks that have crashes/cymbals sound harsh eq them/bring them down in the mix :bow:
    6.Try to avoid as much as you can repetitive percussion.Percussion is there to emphasize certain moments/accents in a composition.
    All the above is said in a friendly/helpful manner & in my humble opinion :bow:
    Be well :wink:,take care :) spyfx :bow:
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  18. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    Thank you so much for your comments, they have made me quite faster and with higher quality. You can listen here if you'd be so kind to tell me what you think about it:
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  19. Russi

    Russi Noisemaker

    Oct 24, 2020
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    Some fabulous tunes here Rey I give this collection a 10 outa 10
  20. ilbro2

    ilbro2 Noisemaker

    Nov 27, 2020
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    Wow, this track stands out, how does it differ from the others? What did you tweak that you didn't in the other tracks (reverb, EQ, etc...)? Just asking because I am curios. Thank you!
  21. reyanderson

    reyanderson Guest

    This track took me forever tbh, I hadn't composed in quite some time before this track came along. So I guess my composition skills got better by taking a break ? (Does it do the same for others ?) And to answer your question yes there is a lot of mixing tricks (EQ (Fabfilter), some UAD, and loads of other stuff going on!). I hope this helps, and if you have any other questions you're more than welcome to ask !


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