Tips for making Psytrance.

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by urOk, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Hi guys, i am new here and newb with making psychedelic trance music. If anyone could help me what VSTi are perfect for this kind of music, all help appreciated. I work with FL Studio. Thanx in advance ! And sorry for my bad English grammar :D Is not my mother tongue. Also if any templates to see how i should construct etc. would be great.

    Thank you.
  3. djmonkeystyle

    djmonkeystyle Newbie

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Sonic Academy has a Tutorial Module for this..

    Sonic Academy - How to Make Peak Time Trance

    maybe that will do..

  4. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Thx for the reply, yes i've seen this already at YT but actually it doesn't helps a lot, i've been trying demo Ableton Live and i really dont like it in my opinion is very complicated for beginners. I've got used to FL and I've been watching also "Get that sound - Psy Trance" and seriously if i had to pay for this tutorial i will kill my self after that, those people doesn't explain at all how to do it, it's just a simple talk. Like everyone should understand everything from the first look at all stuff what this guy doing in this tutor :) Anyway if you know any helpful VST for this kind of music could you plz give me some names, thx !
  5. djmonkeystyle

    djmonkeystyle Newbie

    Jun 26, 2011
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    VIRUS Synth is Popular...

    i think there are lots of VST there who simulate it...

    Groove 3 - Producing House With Ableton Live Arragement And FX

    is also nice..dont be fooled by the title its not about applies to all
    ( but the DAW in the tutorial is Ableton again)

    if reading is not tedious to can try the book..

    Dance Music Manual 2nd Edition by rick Snoman...

    there are lots of PDF floating around..


    The Trance Experience : An Introduction to Electronic Dance Music

    covers on using Plugins on how to creatively use them..


    goodluck on your endeavor ..Trance is KOOL :grooves:
  6. federico

    federico Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    Hi, if you want to make serious psy-trance, forget about FL Studio, use Logic or Cubase. Then the main real synths used are Access Virus, Nordlead 2, Nordwave, Waldorf synths, and old analogues, sh101 and ms20 mainly.. If you can't afford them : then almost just as good (and sometimes better like for sharp bass are : lennard digital Sylenth (GREAT), Rob Papen : Albino, Blue, Predator,etc. / Disco Discovery , which is a virtual Nordlead 2. And some good sample librairies for kick drums and snares and hats. And use lots of effects, eq, compression, but especially delays and echoes, and put lots of reverb on everything, only the kick drum and bass need to be kept dry. FL studio won't allow you to do some subtle programming needed on breaks for exemples. And the sound is better in Cubase and Logic. Use Reason for rex loops and some granular sounds and send it in a bus in Logic or Cubase cos Reason mixer is shit. Good luck. There is no other way if you really want that top quality sound that your favorite psy-trance artists got.
  7. telekom

    telekom Member

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Oh come on man! Thats the biggest myth ever! Cubase and Logic does not have a "better" sound than FL Studio, maybe back in the day, but not anymore. Their are plenty of professional(by pro I mean artist who actually get gigs!) psy artists using FL. And FL WILL allow you to do subtle programming, very very precise programming (not just midi, audio too!) you just have to know what your doing. You see, FL is a completely different type of workflow than both Cubase and Logic, and people who are well versed in those programs only say this kind of thing when they open it up and are not used to working in a way that FL is setup. Its really all about workflow anymore man. Ive used Cubase, FL, and finally came around to Ableton which im completely comfortable with using, not because it "sounds better" but because ive gotten used to the workflow in it. I actually haven't used it since 7, but I dld 10 just to see how much its changed and the sound engine has gotten A LOT better, crispier, cleaner, and its great on CPU resources and the stock instruments have definitely gotten a lot better. A great mix can be performed on all platforms, just like a terrible mix can be made in Pro Tools! Just learn synthesis, learn your DAW inside and out, experiment with EQing various frequencies and run for the hills with them, the rest is up to your imagination! Hardware isnt really a necessity anymore either but more of a luxury. I guess if you're looking for a certain sounding analog filter, then go drop a few thousand on a 40 yr old analog gear, but nowadays most artist get by using just software. Oh! And theirs always this website, that has some neat tutorials on it, kind of basic, but it gives you want you need to get started!
    P.S. I do agree, Reason mixer is complete pile of shit!
  8. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I disagree. FL-Studio is perfect to make Psy-trance. It has great flexibilities to make break and change time-signature for patterns and it's outstanding to chop/strum/flame and well make great envelopes(can be very complex as well) and both have global automation and individual automation-tracks.
    However the VSTis you mentioned are awesome to get that psytrance feeling. I just don't think your argument is in context and I quote [if you want to mane serious psy-trance, forget about FL Studio], it is very empty and has to response. My point is this dude is all ready using FL-Studio as his sequencer and all ready declared that is his main-sequencer also he asked for plugins that can help him. FL-Studio has awesome sound and well the mixer(internally speaking), is one of the best. Also many established artists do consider FL-Studio to be the topnotch sequencer to make house, trance, goa..etc.
    To achieve a specific sound is more about to understand the soundscape/soundimage -how waveforms, oscillators, filters, envelopes, modulators and effects are working and effecting a sound and has very little to do with what sequencer you're using.
    Shine on you crazy diamond, :)
    /Xiny6581 :mates:
  9. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    ^ Everything Xiny6581 said.
  10. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Thanx guys for answers !

    @Monkeystylle thx for your help. Really like this The Trance Experience : An Introduction to Electronic Dance Music, appreciate !

    @telekom thx mate for link.

    Hi federico :) Mate i know the rumors that only PRO's use Logic and Cubase :) I dont like it, also i dont like Ableton. I've really got used to FL and i like work with it, I have learn a lot how to use this soft and now if i had to change on new one and learn all from the beginning...Will waste my time :))

    sorry for my english :))
  11. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    There are many good tutorials on the web that explains how to make music and how to achieve a certain style or a specific sound. Even if a tutorial is based on what you find inside Live, for instance. Don't let that get in the way to be creative. Analyze what they speak about and move the spotlight on the techniques and the understanding of how the fundamental pieces are working. Sometimes a "built in" in Live is just about the same as an "built-in" synth inside FL-Studio they just come with different names and flavors :)

    Also Live is horizontal based, while FL-Studio is vertical based. So the way you stack effects and chains in Live can be done just the same way in FL-Studio, you just need to "think" different. Hey sometimes I draw a explicit chain on paper, just to get an overview on what the fridge I am doing, and then I apply each and one effect in order inside FL-Studio, to crystallize the whole “mess of effects”. But yeah we have different ways to work around :)
    If you have any questions "how to sound like" or "what plug-in do I need for that", just let us know and we might be able to help you out.
    Remember they are no stupid questions - there are only stupid answers! :thumbsup:
    CheerZ mate :grooves:
  12. Horsemen

    Horsemen Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The best videos to learn Psy-Trance is this one

    The Art Of Psy-Trance Production

  13. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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  14. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Go on parties assimilte the feel.

    Start reading here:
  15. federico

    federico Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    Hi , to everyone who advocate FL Studio agst me . . The famous psy-trance artists that i had the chance to meet all have Macs and Logic and i've just never seen FL studio in a real studio, whether it's rock or techno oriented studio. Maybe it's good for stupid Russian psychotic psytrance, as they call it, (by the way , thank you all to have ripped off Parasence and killed real psychadelic trance for years , the trippy melodies and sounds and all, and turning the most beautiful form of music into "Listen, I've just flushed the toilets", no it's over off you are, prog psy has taken over) . No, back to the problem , Logic audio have editors and various fonctions like good reverbs , great effects, easy side chaining, and the best package of high quality plug-ins, that crush Cubase and others. The ES2 is one of the very best software synth ever. And all the effects are very good , good enough to produce a perfect track. Even at the IRCAM they played tracks compressed by wave plugs, real ssl, ssl duendo, and logic native comp. One out of 20 students could tell the difference. I agree that they all use a bit of Reason and now much more Ableton Live cos you can do with Live , in a second, things simply impossible with other sequencers. Unfortunately, after a few lessons with a friend of mine who is an expert on Live and who explains things very clearly, I never get to understand the fucking link with the 2 differents windows, then it took me 2 weeks to find where the midi scroll editor was, and I gave up Live before the urge of smashing the computer would take hold of me. I think it depends on the logic you fonction. For me Logic is the more, hum, heu....LOGIC. Ableton is total absurd nonsense reasoning to me, I know my limits and that I'm too dumb for it. FL Studio is dark and obscure. You just can fiddle with loops . I used to like Cubase but they have added so many fonctions that you get lost easy. I would agree on one thing , Logic has a terrible problem. You cannot send midi out at all from a vst (well AU) instruments. Because no channel has the simple midi in fonction for a virtual synth that would send send arpeggios in midi, for exemple. Logic users have complained about this for billions of years, and it's like the vst for Reason. Those fuckers just don't want to implement simple fonctions. I would like using FL because I know it transmits midi notes internally. Maybe I'm wrong about the sound quality. Maybe sound quality is the thing of the past. And yet , play your own tracks through various sequencers and you'll hear they all have their sound. Logic being the best for me and for psy-trance, with a certain particular quality to it. Cubase sounds the clearest. Ableton Live still sound a bit "metalic " and "gritty" to my ears , which you certainly don't want for prog/psy trance ; but much better than five years ago where it sounded plain horrible. Reason , if they had accepted vst implementation, a decent mixer, and the window adaptable to the screen, would have been the perfect all in one solution and I have no doubt they would have swept the market and destroy all competition. They went stuborn and decided to stay in their niche, and decided to sell it again and again at each update. For me those people are stubborn bastards. And now their next con is : oh, ok we made a descent mixer but put it on another program that is linked to Reason , buy it again , just to make it simple. Those people are mad because of too much programming. But doc Rex is a killer and the new drumachine as well. Anyway, bye and good luck to you. Ha yeah, as you all know, anybody can come up with a good hook, engaging rythm, nice melody, etc, but to put it all together and structure it is the difficult part of it, and psy-trance track are long. The best way to train structuring is to put in your sequencer a track you like and follow it , following its changes ,understanding where and why it changes. And as for structuring a track , the most difficult part, called the "arrengment", a big sequencer like Logic or Cubase is much better, bigger, clearer. How can you see and follow everything at a glance in FL? Anyway, enough arguing, time to act and do some music. Good luck to all of you. And on the net you can see studios of lots of artists, they all have macs and logic and tons of real synth. Check the list of machines from the GMS site for exemple. Do you really think without joking you can get the GMS or Sphongle/Hallucinogen, or Etnica sound quality with FL Studio and vst only? If so You're really fooling yourself .No , you'll need a least Virus, and a Nordlead, and lots of other machines, an Eventide H5000 for exemple, nice pre-amps , etc, in a word : a real studio.. That's a fact. That's not my fault. That's the way it's made. I know what I'm talking about on this particular subject because I've been doing psy-trance since 1994, then Goa trance, I was young and naive, I thought you could get away with a Groovebox. Now i've got a real studio and I'm very happy with it but had I known it was that difficult I would not have started, so a little bit of naivety is good to start. Bye and good luck to you all fellow psy-trancers.
  16. federico

    federico Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    Hi again, I would be very interresteed if someone could send me a link to a good track done by a famous artist using FL only.
  17. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity

    First of all, I don't care which software use Hallucinogen or GMS because I am not Hallucinogen and I said it before I dont like workflow on Live and Cubase. ----------------> Future Music 245 Autumn 2011 <------------------ There you can find interview with guy who is using FL in professional studio.

    And one more important thing, if someone makes good music and people like then who cares on which software was made it ?
  18. avva

    avva Newbie

    Jun 22, 2011
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    psytrance.... first, get a good sidechained groove goin` with your kick and bass.... then try experimenting with pads, 16/1 - 8/1 arp`s and some delay.... see some good ole` scifi movies and rip some good dialogue... put that on top and listen....
  19. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Could you guys tell me what you think about this loop i've made
  20. avva

    avva Newbie

    Jun 22, 2011
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    your kick-bass was tight... did`nt like the snare though.... only thing missing is a bit of grit.... nice one.... :)
  21. telekom

    telekom Member

    Aug 27, 2011
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    nuff said!
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