how do you balance the drive to be good at work with the passion to be good at your hobby?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Plainview, May 24, 2020.

  1. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    I struggle with this a lot , I realized earlier that music is a thing I love and I dont care about making money off of it , I have a 9 to 5 job that pays the bills , but I sometimes feel like balancing work and music is impossible , one of them have to win eventually which is depressing to me because I will always choose my job , Do you have any advice on how to balance them ?
  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    That’s a complicated thing.
    If you can live with less money a half or 3/4 Job could give you the time for more music making .
    I think do what you love.

    It always dependent on many factors . I for example balance things like this, I got an 11 h day 4 hours are just traveling by train from work to home. But this 4 h I use for making music on my mobile devices . (Yes they are limited but enough for a rough draft)

    If you love making music you will find the free time for it.
  4. Warning! Cautionary tale ahead. As a kid I was always drawing. Then I loved painting. When it came time to choose a career I studied graphic design. Brilliant! Combine what I enjoy with a money making job. When it became my job, it was work. Often hard work with long hours and deadlines. I'd come home weekends and the last thing I wanted to do to relax was draw. So music became my new hobby. I got good enough that I was playing live nearly every night of the week. Then I moved into recording, engineering and production. I did this almost seven days a week. I worked for others and made money. It was my job. My hobby was hard work. Now I'm retired and I can make any music I want, yet without an actual job brief, I don't have a reason to write music. Like drawing, if there's nobody to say "we need a picture of flying pigs" then the sheet of blank paper stays blank. As with a request for music to go with a short documentary about... let's say, flying pigs, the blank project on my DAW stays blank.
    The point: Not many music producers make a substantial income unless they work for a client, then you're back where you started.
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  5. coldwatrr

    coldwatrr Member

    Dec 30, 2019
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    I know exactly how you feel. Patience, saving money and a clear vision of what you are trying to do will help you out. If you put your passion or the things you want to do on 1st place you are going to find a way on how to get there. Keep working your job but also focus on doing as much music as you can. If you feel kinda burned out either from your work or your passion slow down. You need to imprint your mind with the fact that you are going to find time for things like music and this is where saving money comes into place. You want to use money to get you more time which you can use. Save money while working your Job and make a plan on how you could get out of your job and get money doing what you are passionated about. And this is where the patience comes in, you need to think longterm. My Dad always told me that I need to have a savings for about 6 months. You gotta ask yourself if you had 6 months of time without a working a job would you be able to start up a business or some way of getting money without you trading your time in a direct exchange for money? Its possible to start up a business in 6 months but you are most likely better off with more time on your hand so there is two things you can do.

    1. Keep music as your side hustle, keep working your job even tho you feel like damn and start building a plan on how you could get money without working your job.

    2. Save more money, the more money you save up the longer you can sustain yourself without a job also known as more time for you building up the business you made a plan for from point 1.

    Or you become an Uber driver, as an Uber Driver you can pick and choose the time you want to clock in.

    Also start using the weekends more productive and only watch Videos of stuff you really enjoy.
  6. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'm questioning this myself a lot of times. Working as a cook 8-10h a day, almost no free weekend
    (this whole year it was 2 free weekends til now), often 6 days a week. Sometimes it feels like I'm only
    at home to sleep but I made a decision - I'm going to quit that job as soon as I've finished some things that
    are expensive (getting new gear for music production) and then I'll take a break just for music and other
    stuff I love to do.
    In the meantime I'll do some courses and apply for another job or a second apprenticeship in the IT biz (I hope).
    I think no job is worth it having to choose between passion and income (only for a short period).
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, you'll find a way to let the music inside you flow. What other choice is there?

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  8. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    timew management im working at the moment whilst doing music whilst trainning to do 5 iron man compatitions in a week its all down to time management
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