WAP - Cardi B

Discussion in 'Music' started by Lenny Belardo, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Glad you enjoyed!
    ...and nice shades your sporting there, SLS would approve. :winker:
  2. AudioDesigner

    AudioDesigner Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2015
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  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    The thing is, even if one doesn't like it and finds it reprehensible, immoral, deplorable, worthless, harmful, degenerate and just plain bad, it is art by any definition that you choose to access. It is expressing an idea in a creative form and uses multimedia to convey those ideas, in this case prose, music and visually by moving image. Disgusting, immoral and any other pin or hashtag someone would deny it with is a slippery slope and a moving target. Who feels that woman need obey their husband's without disobedience or should not wear a skirt above their ankles? Or how about woman having sex before marriage or walking down the street unchaperoned? Or what of mixing of the races in marriage, or heaven forbid, having a child out of wedlock? HOMOSEXUALITY! WAR!! Foisting notions on new generations to reign them into the status quo usually only ignites their passions to be less like the old and to own the new. LSD and Marijuana turned on a generation to create great music and art that the previous generations held to be less than what they had produced and dangerous to society to boot. It's always seems like the end of correctness but isn't at all. Expressing one's sexuality is liberating. What's wrong with talking about it out in the open, in song, on the canvas, in film and literature. Sexual mores, carnality, eroticism and reproductive rights, like the times, they are a'changing. Are these concepts moving their center ground for the better or the worse? Destiny is fate, and moment to moment we find ourselves at what we believe is the most important time that there ever was and at a crossroad with what people will feel is a choice between the good vs the evil and which road our course is set. But think about your own behavior and how through the eyes of another could itself be described as immoral, decadent and evil.

    What we do to ourselves is our own damn business. What we listen to, read, watch, who and how we fuck, what we smoke, create in art and the rest of it are none of any body else's business. If something offends then look the other way or change the channel. Telling me what I can and cannot access is full on rank censorship.

    Raise your children with respect and teach them well. They are bound to make mistakes just like we their elder generation(s) did. Things are constantly changing, not for the better or the worse, just changing like they always have with those on top and those at the bottom, those with fortunate circumstance and those with misery. It's always been this way and always will. The bottom line is any behavior is within bounds as long as it doesn't hurt another or demonizes a group.

    If sexual openness was the norm, than not expressing it would seem odd and alien. Maybe just get used to it. Cardi B may not be your favorite artist but she probably gives one hell of a blowjob. Imagine that.

    PS. Hilariously I queried my 16 yo daughter on the great controversy swirling around this song. She came back at me with the fact that people are realizing how terrible a rapper that Cardi B is compared to Megan and the insuring arguments, totally raising her eyebrow when I mentioned the lyrical content like WTF am I talking about.

    HR Giger's Frankenchrist, the man who brought you the incredible sets of the Alien film series.


    Lois Lane is 61 years old, is an artist, a husband and a father, smokes weed daily doesn't drink but when he does it's a good Tequilla and an occasional Belgian Beer. He plays guitar, bass, keyboards, hand drums and percussion, harmonica, trumpet, Native American flute and of course sings and composes. He has painted and worked with clay for years but music is his first true love.

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  4. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    you know what shit is about today's music music platforms should develop a anti autotune algorithym and take down all those ridiculous autotune tracks
  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I'm not sure if Megan Thee Markle is calling the president a WAP, or just crying out for something (bigger and better) than the "no problem there.. stable genius" Big D, but to me, every line is dripping with current symbolism.

    I feel a bit like Quentin Tarantino explaining that Like A Virgin is a big dick song, except in reverse!

    "Big D(onald) stands for big demean-er"

    Which is a clean, wholesome, decent pun.

    "Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes.. I'm lookin' for a beatin'.. I wanna gag, I wanna choke"

    No reference to George Floyd or justice whatsoever.

    "I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me"

    No reference to Weinstein, #metoo

    Not rly. As an anarchist, you prolly appreciate the sophistication of that boyband The Sex Pistols? I'm just looking at the lyrics and the deeper, sophisticated, well-hidden meaning. It's a meaning shouted in your face, not like it's subtle - seems obvious to me! But I guess Megan Thee Markle is trying to be controversial and create noise. I wonder why that also resonates, who that reminds you of?
    I appreciate, too, that the song has razor-sharp political criticism wrapped in the very blunt sexsexsexitsobviouslynotaboutsex surface. Hats off.
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  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And calling members of a religion "stoned"?
    "sacré bleu!"
  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Best Answer
    The world is really fucked up if the only thing people have to talk about in the year 2020 is their own cunt.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2020
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And no joke, singing one's love for another's cunt isn't even half as bad, I now realise.
  9. Okay, so we have your manifesto on freedom of expression. I disagree with nothing you have said. And you said it well. And because of your eloquence I suggest the following:
    Let me propose a hypothetical. I have called you from Rolling Stone Magazine and asked you to critique this song. What are you going to write?
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  10. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    HipHop is a genre where the artist relies heavily on vocabulary, wordplay and phonetics to portray an expression. More musical genres like rock might be able to convey an expression by using melodies and instrumentation. Some rappers like Cardi thrive on a more of a lighthearted party vibe which is comprised of predominately hard-hitting punch-lines throughout and these kind of off-the-wall obscene lyrics really sell the punch-lines. Personally I'd rather hear about Cardi's wet snatch then another song about drinking shots or money racks but I don't have any children to worry about.
  11. So you may be worried if your 11 year old daughter came to you and asked "when will I be old enough to have a wet ass pussy? because I want to be like Cardi B and fuck guys with big dicks.....what? What did say that's wrong? It's a hit song. All the kids are talking about it. Why is what I said wrong?"

    Note: I have no children either and I couldn't care personally if any artist has a hit expounding the virtues of an almost orgasmic bowel movement. I am playing devils advocate since this is an age where media has changed. You don't just change the channel. Videos like the one accompanying this song are ubiquitous in an age where any content on YouTube can easily viewed by anyone.
    And no. I do not support censorship. However, I think it is upon us all to apply self censorship rather than chasing the money and market share at any cost. That is a slippery slope too.
  12. doctorG

    doctorG Kapellmeister

    May 4, 2018
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    The Maltese
    The World has become de-evolutionary.....there is NO evolution in their present day so called Revolution.

    There will never be enough sand in the word to take the Slip off the Slope!!
  13. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    When I hear that kind of hook I don't interpret the literal meaning. This song is all about swagger and vibe so a lyric like wet ass pussy and stuff about punching boxes with manacondas I interpret as someone comedically expressing that they are generally dope as fuck, ...So dope that they have a wet ass pussy that brings the boys to the yard. Cardi is married and I don't think she is rapping to her husband so I'm probably right. Is there any demographic that listens to this for inspiration on their way to a pole squatting event? My guess is fans of the genre and Cardi approach explicit content like standup comedy or an R rated movie. BTW the 11 year old would probably have just as many ponderings after a stand-up comedy show.

    If my 11 year old daughter approached me expressing desires to smash all kinds of dongs I will know that I have failed as a parent up to that point. My daughter will know that if she ever says wet pussy to me I will cry and vomit at the same time. My spawn will already have a firm knowledge of the purpose of the righteous moral code and if they decide to do anything outside of that they will already understand and be ready for the negative/natural repercussions.

    My comment about not having any kids to worry about meant that this sort of discussion hasn't crossed my brain yet.

    We share similar concerns about the condition of society but where is the line drawn? Goth, Industrial and other subgenres have all had a history of obscene lyrics gradually getting worse, and movies/tv have become much more obscene and violent. I think the issues made in this thread is conceptually similar to the contrast of film storylines in media features of past and present. Today the themes have all become way more intricate as the classic story with a Sixth Sense surprise ending aren't interesting or surprising anymore as they have become too predictable. As someone who spent decades as an avid hiphop fan I find a lot of rap lyrics very boring now so outrageous phrases like WAP kind of prick the earholes a bit.
  14. Your words are always appreciated KungPaoFist. This topic has taken some predictable and some unexpected turns and I had to remind myself why I posted it and asked the community for their thoughts. It is not the content of the track itself. Nothing could shock me and I am quite sure I was doing things that would make most people blush before she was born. I am no prude and I do not endorse censorship in any way. My reason for the post was the critical adoration being piled on the song. That it was being heralded as some kind of breakthrough. A new artform. A woman spearheading a renaissance in popular music. This is what I didn't understand. Some people here have shone some light on why that is. Some have seen it as crass and deliberately designed to simply get downloads. It has succeeded in being provocative.
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  15. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    That explains it. You have no way of getting on the same page as the younger generation at that age. I can see how this disturbs you.

    Im also 39 btw (that stands for by the way)
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  16. Do you like Bob Marley? If you weren't born in Jamaica or are Rastafarian, you have no right to listen to him.
    Also your condescendion does you no favours. Being young is not a choice just as it isn't to be old. Youth doesn't make you superior.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2020
  17. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I never said I was superior. I'm also not condescending.

    How could you relate to what the youth relates to? I can see how this song disturbs you.

    You can vibe to Bob Marley if you are white, brown, yellow. But you cant relate to him fully if you haven't gone through his struggles.

    In the case of WAP even if you don't have a wet ass pussy you can still vibe to the music.
  18. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I'm done defending current music on here.

    I just find it funny that people are offended by a song that promotes sex on a forum called Audio Sex
  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Because we've all been young? Otherwise, you can't relate to it at 39.
    Plus they relate to whatever they are fed, unfortunately.
    Very malleable at that age.
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well... You are absolutely right with one exception. Your previous attempt at generalizing on modern hiphop/rnb with the WAP track being the hook of the spear is hit and miss. This track is not about sex in artistic way, it's just crude-in-your-face-porn and probably should have never been released. Tracks like this mean to attract spotlight by just provoking, because as "songs" they have nothing to show for. If you went a little bit more deep perhaps you would understand this, reason why i said this is not a song. Change the lyrics and again it's would be just a bullsht track, know what i mean now ?
    As for considering who we are in order to criticize it, bro, this is a forum. We 're just talking about it, sharing thoughts. It's what we do here. We 're not journalists. Our opinions and views are personal and have no effect on the public opinion. You though, on the other hand, should consider who you are in order to be implying to others what to think or not.
    As for how many ages we carry, i may be an older person, but my mind is crystal clear, try me. And since i maybe the age of your mom or dad, you should consider how "proud" you'd be if it was your mom "singing" this. I would love to stand from afar and see your friends' reactions on the hood, social media and the likes and the (negative) effect it would have on you.

    Like i said. Shittiest clubs. You may accuse me of being a snob or elitist or both, at the very least i know it and accept it. Why is it so bad to expect some finesse from the younger generations man. We expect you to be better than us and all i can sum from you guys is you stubbornly try to prove the opposite with an apathetic stance to everything. This not about who's right or wrong.
    You 've been in this thread and all you try to do is set boundaries in what essentially is an open discussion. Talk about music man, this is what we do. Fucking notes and lyrics. And this sucks in music and in lyrics is... lol. So...
    FYI, proper DJs of any school and style, are not only there to play the entertainer role, playing hits one after the other. You don't need skillz to play the Billboard chart. DJs are meant to educate their crowd and present them with fresh music, tracks and remixes they never heard and so on. Now, if you find this fresh, good for you. This doesn't mean it is though, it's just your opinion.
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