WAP - Cardi B

Discussion in 'Music' started by Lenny Belardo, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. If you bothered to read a few paragraphs above you would see I admitted that this form of music is foreign to me. You are quite right when you say I don't want to know about this music. But then I would presume to say I know a lot more about music of the 20th century than you do.
  2. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    So in other words, you just wanted a soapbox to talk shit, gotcha! Since you are admitting you don't even care "what pop music has to say to us as a society" SMH. Like I said, BS.
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  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    For the love of anything precious hell no. I consider meself a peaceful anarchist if anything as i find all kinds of flaws left, right and in the middle heh.
    What's sure is i have no beef with you, i always considered you open minded. You keep talking about a video that i haven't watched, but really even if i had, when it comes to a song i tend to stick with what i hear. The art of the moving picture can be quite deceiving. We 've had the pretentious track from Beyonce & JayZ at the Louvre and now this is about politics. I will give you a notch up since i think we 're friends and i 'll watch the vid.
    So now i 've watched the vid, this track has nothing to do with politics and what you say is so far fetched that is absolutely inexplainable to me how you came to this conclusion. Because they entered a white house? Sweet Jesus and Mary Chain, the symbolism is staggering...
    Where on earth in the lyrics is a message other than a bitch with a wet ass pussy. If Cardi B has anything political, it came out of her ass (now this is a metaphor). Ιmho, you should refrain from trying to beautify this mostrocity of a song with words/phrases CArdiB has never heard in her life (et al, ad infinitum etc.). It's like trying to expand on Pythagoras' theorem with Lil Wayne.
    The only political about this realistically speaking, is this vid costs about 1000 times the music cost. This does speak some politics to me, but all the wrong ones, dear.
    Wanna talk politics, i 'll give you my "political" opinion. Since whores and drug pushers are now The Artists, laundring their money through "charity" and "productions" , promoting themselves ad infinitum (pun intended) to make even more money (and add more silicon prosthetics in the case of good ol CardiB) are we expected to accept this ? Oh i know, we should become the lackees of The Artists or their ghost producers if we 're lucky, right? Or even better become fishermen or bakers instead of the musicians we are because hey- these are The Artists... Well, no no and no. I refuse to give in.
    This track and the likes of it are the typical lame attempts at crowd control. Show some titties, show some butts twerking, say fuck and pussy 100 times and you keep 'em hypnotized. All fine and dandy and give us the next one. Hell, now that i think about it i guess i 'm gonna start a new label, i ' ll name it something truly original like... Xhamster Records :hahaha: Now that's a political statement alright :)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2020
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  4. May I remind you about the specific topic I posted. You gave no opinion based on that song. It's my thread my topic. Don't tell me that anybody who disagrees with you talks shit. As the Smiths sang "You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby"
  5. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Its not about you disagreeing with me, Its about you dogging something under the pretense of what its saying about society in this moment in time, but you don't really give a shit about what its saying or care to entertain examples in the same genre that are saying a whole lot about society. Hence, you just wanted to talk shit about this song in particular. Just own the fact that you are hating, instead of pretending you were lobbing up some insightful conversation about the state of music.
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  6. How would you react if I gave you a list of jazz greats from the 1950's and told you that you were being stubbornly ignorant by stating they had no significance to your life? You would be quite right to think that way. Why then is it different for me, at my age to say that rap does not address anything of value in my country?
    Now...are you going to share your views on WAP?
  7. Here I had previously directed members to a list of social and political songs of recent times, so I am not oblivious to songs that make social commentary.
    Just because I am uninterested in Kanye West and his ilk doesn't mean my brain has stopped functioning.
  8. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    A more accurate analogy would be if I said: "have you guys heard this trash by Sarah Vaughan called Lover Man. Who cares that she can't find a man, doesn't she realize the Korean's are at war and we're about to go to Vietnam".... And then later saying, "honestly I could care less about Sarah or Jazz for that matter".

    As a fan of Jazz, your gut reaction would be: well why are you talking about it then.

    My point is that if you are not a fan of something (say an entire genre of music), then who are you to critique it. Your opinion of something which you don't partake in the culture, have no interest in even trying to ingest or relate to, is irrelevant. The same would apply to me commenting on a genre I have no knowledge of or connection to. That would be very ignorant of me. Pretending I was saying something thought-provoking when I'm really just bashing for bashing sake would be even worse. And someone else who does relate, would have every right to call me on my ignorance and not even entertain my initial conversation.

    Plus you are now trying to spin this as I'm not even engaging in your conversation about WAP, when in reality, if you follow the path of our dialogue, I initially commented on the very first point YOU made about the song #shrugs. But then when you said 'you don't even care about that', then I retorted with 'well why are you even talking then' is an extremely valid point.
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  9. daddytang

    daddytang Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Birmingham Alabamastan
    Do yall really want me to post something that will get me kicked out? Its fucking hot down here in Birmingham Alabama!
  10. Who am I to critique? I am a musician and a lyricist. Have been for over 40 years. I think this qualifies me to assess the value of other people's work. You label me as irrelevant. That is a harsh assessment. You dismiss me absolutley? My views have no merit? You know nothing of my musical background but you judge me as worthless because I asked the community for their views on a hit song that is highly prominent at present. You don't need to be a fan of this music to have knowledge of its presence. And if you see and hear it, it is hard not to question it's dubious content, whether you know the culture or not.
  11. You are quite correct here on this point and I admit I was wrong when I stated that recent music is incapable of reflecting the times. The failing is mine. I don't listen to music very much any more. I would rather make music. Accept my apology.
  12. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    “If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.“
    - Confucius

    The song is garbage. But it unfortunately represents popular western culture to the T....
  13. Confucius say "You can make a silk purse out of a sows ear, but it’ll look like bacon with handles"
  14. Stanley Deviant

    Stanley Deviant Newbie

    Aug 19, 2020
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    Hi, Guys.
    I hope it won't be off topic though here You were talking about social and political message so I just thought of gratefully asking for your feedback about these lines:
    Super heroes gonna turn into firebrands
    They gonna fuel up riot blazing idle heads
    Zoomer heroes never tried zooming out them brands
    They gonna kneel zooming black logo playing blind unrest

    Verse 1:
    All the paradise in drowned in ablaze devil
    All them blinded eyes got down on amazing lethatl
    Looting, looting, looting. Wow!
    Ruin, ruin, ruin. Eah!
    White fingaz tag BLM signing in wasted their country
    night triggers flag to stitches diving in masquerade bloody
    Some looting snaggletooth muzzle impacted between picks
    to rob own home of kill everything white in walls of this

    Verse 2:
    Who said of rasizm? It hazes all colors, go figure
    I found out someone's vocabular count is one word bigger
    Shook out of vascular outbust flipping over vigor
    Look, I was bouncing of pronouncing it trying in eager
    Every selected one is dropping bait from Luluniverse
    You gladly take it, puppet strings pull all o' your nerves
    You take one week of robbery building, damn!, ages o' dirt
    Your rage got served another mad filthy plan, ready to burn.

    Thank You anyway.
  15. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    TBH this video made my WAP dry right up.

    People get old & turn into their parents. The world keeps progressing.

    Its 2020. We have to acknowledge that sex in music, social media, and the entire internet will always be there an the older generations will complain about how bad it's getting. Just like previous ones complained about our generation. Its nothing new. Let cardi get the gWAP $$.

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  16. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    "(not a song)" lol! It's sound that creates an emotional reaction (as well as a forum thread). I would consider that a song.

    Just because it doesn't fit into your box of what something should be doesn't mean its not right? Everyone has their own experiences in life and views of the world.

    As for the "shittiest clubs" - I've been to some of the most lit clubs in Atlanta that this would go off in!!

    People in this thread take a moment to look at yourselves. See if the projecting on other peoples way of living is based on your lack of empathy and perspective of what another persons journey is in this life. Be secure with yourself, who you are, and what the world is.
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  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'd like to thank the Noble Prize committee for recognizing my work and am deeply honored. To stand behind the same podium as my hero and mentor Bob Dylan once gazed outward in this beautiful room is truly like a dream come true. I have been asked to read a passage from my work, and so I will do so...an excerpt from my Grammy winning Best Song, Bang Bang

    Suck my dick
    Stick it in deep
    Gag, bitch
    Drain my balls
    And then I'll go to sleep
    Just dream of you
    With your pussy so cute
    Then I'll stick it there
    Deep down to the root
    Then I'll take my hands
    And squeeze your fucking throat
    Then flip you around
    Pull the trigger when I shoot
    Bang Bang,

    Bah Bang, Bang Bang
    Cut you down in yo prime
    Bang Bang
    I'm the pimp you da bitch
    Budda Bang Bang Bang
    I'm the fucking KING of the rhyme
    The fucking KING of the rhyme
    Fucking KING of the rhyme
    Bang Bang

    Have my babies when I say
    Take a pill when I say
    Rip it out when I say
    Get the fuck, go away

    Get the fuck out my face, BITCH

    Thank you and good night, praise God, Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2020
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  18. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I skimmed over this and saw Bob Dylan and read the lyrics and read them in a bob dylan voice. That made my night
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  19. Okay, let's not mess about now. How old are you? Do you have children? I was born before the Beatles. I have seen adults in a fit because Elvis was going to corrupt their children because he gyrated on stage. They thought long hair was a sign of the devil.
    This! This WAP bullshit is far more insidious. If this is the new accepted normality that children with malleable minds think is the way we should see themselves then this is a problem. If you find yourself thinking this is art and and a celebration of female expression, then it is you who will reap the consequences of the next generation. Not me.
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  20. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    30 years ago today, Timmy Mallett hit number one in the UK charts with "Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini". WAP can't move past number 4. These trash girls can't even compete with one of the worst songs in UK history. Even the Chicken Song from Spitting Image has better lyrics
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2020
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