WAP - Cardi B

Discussion in 'Music' started by Lenny Belardo, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    maybe lil wayne cant play guitar but he is one of the very best rappers out there , whenever i dont listen to his music...
    BTW check lil wayne on blm on yt....
    this music industry is like it is to make humanity dumber and dumber , not hard to find out
    its a similar tool as this polarizing msm which cut out the whole story and just post a the right bit to trigger the masses

    all have become a joke....and its like always ...all good things in life and on earth is and was turned into shit...hip hop was never bout money,sex and drugz like it is today...

    this is what half of the kids get raised from....and they all hate themselfs for not looking like photoshoped like in fancy videos...
    they dont kno shit bout history,nature,humanity and life . rhey only kno my house my bout my wallet my barbie my ken

    and for the rec : cardi b was no porn star , she was a stripper before she made it in the music industry
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
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  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I 'll have to disagree. On his best day he's nothing but an evil hobbit (with no offense meant to small people), i am quite familiar with his "work" and he hasn't got any skillz whatsoever, no speed, no content, just a junkie look and similar wording. His impro is terrible, every second word is fuck and motherfuckers this, mofos that and so on.
    To summarize this, rappers, just like normal singers have a signature that makes 'em artists and stand out from the crowd. Snoop Dog has his trademark laid back smoothness, KRS-One has his political/cauterizing word, Busta Rhymes has his tremendous speed and so on for anyone who was talented enough to leave some "classics" behind them. Now i ask you and please think carefully before you answer, what attribute makes LilWayne a serious rapper and what "classic" does Lil Wayne leave behind him? The collab with Justin Bieber lol?
    To me and i am saddened to say so, showbiz, especially in the US, has become an output for money laundring. Every other drug dealer who's made enough cash, suddenly appears as a rapper with their own label and studio, like they know what to do with the latter, except terrible 4 track beats. Of course they have the money to promote themselves to death and here they are, reminding us every day that they 're the best.
    Sorry bro, but fuck them all. And it's not just that they 're not artists in any kind of sense but they are also the worse kind of cowards. People with real self esteem don't need to promote their superiority in every other track lol. Leave your woosey ass guns at the table and we 'll see who's best bitch.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
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  3. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    ok.:winker::yes:..i must admit i said that cause of his amount of output which is the most of all rappers and cause of master p said its best rapper in the world...but i never liked both
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    At about the era of the end of hiphop's/rap "second wave" came NWA. And whether some like it or not, they hit on society's nerve and left their trademark forever. Lamers like DJ Khaled, Lil Wayne and even worse (yes there is that too!) Lil Pump and their likes are effortlessly capitalizing on what those generations built with much effort and trouble and piece by piece are tearing down whatever foundation was left from those times or even the 90s if you like, with the majority of listeners accepting their half baked prison-gangsta recipee like its the best cake ever.
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  5. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    in germany the hip hop sounds now like german hitmix 2.0 :woot::crazy:
    such stupid ova-autotune pop trash while rapping from how gangster they are and what huge clan familys or biker clubs they have behind...and they really stealing from 80ies 90ies tunes all the time...
    sampling can be creative and good but them are just biting
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  6. So, is it a new kind of art as described by critics? Italics are mine.

    Jon Caramanica of The New York Times deemed it "an event record that transcends the event itself". Mikael Wood of Los Angeles Times deemed it a "savage, sex-positive triumph" Shannon Miller stated that "the anthemic salute to total, unabashed sexual agency" shows both rappers with a "straightforward delivery and collective vibrancy" that "exudes a spirit that is as rebellious as it is fun."
    Brianna Holt of Complex wrote, "Both Cardi and Megan are powerhouses of female sexuality, independence, and dominance," and deemed the song "the epitome of female empowerment", adding, "Art like 'WAP' could not be more valuable and necessary during a time when people are actively trying to unlearn their own biases and recognizing ways that they contribute to the neglect of Black women." Susanne Ramírez de Arellano called the song "the triumph of delicious filth", writing, "with rapid-fire flow and endlessly quotable one-liners, the two hip hop stars create a female sex-positive anthem. She added that "it is as honest and tasteful as a song can get" when it is about something like the explicitness of female pleasure and female desire. Taylor Crumpton deemed both rappers "women leading the genre into a new era of unification"

    So a new era has dawned. Oh joy.
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  7. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Cardi B does the devil's work... She not out there hoeing, yet benefitting & sending her kids to college with a song like that... she's in the industry to mislead the youth...
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I hear you. That's what you get from media nowadays. Man, journalism has become the major way of mass manipulation. To the inferno the whole lot of them. I hope at least they 're getting paid to write these lol.
    Yeah omit the "delicious" and i wholeheartedly agree :) And for the love of everything musical, this track is the shittiest "anthemic" one bar loop with some hihat variations. Just fk off and die to the producer whoever it is, i 've had enough of all these fkn assholes.
    What was the other one said ? Let's ask Shannon Miller how stating being a cocksucker with a wet pussy over and over is rebellious. Perhaps she knows better. Or perhaps as the lyrics say, she wants a "king cobra too, not a garter snake" that her husband has.
    I have never heard more nonsense in one sentence. I mean from the start this is all wrong. Art like WAP ? Yeah WAP and fkn Botticelli.
    And hell people have real probs, like starvation, homelessness, there's people that don't even have drinking water, not to mention Covid19 will take a big portion of us to the other life or whatever. And here we are, with these morons praising as valuable and necessary what can only be described as third grade junior high lyrics after 4-5 joints with no-music-at-all and that's an exaggeration for the better. What is valuable and necessary is the world gets rid of you all sick fuckers. I wish to all those "journalists" that next up it's their daughter singing similar songs pumping her boobs with silicone to the max. See how revolutionary that is lol. But i guess they all belong to the category which when you spit at them they say its raining. Nuff said.
    Aaaahh sorry for the rant, i tried to keep it civil but i just can't, and thanks @Lenny Belardo for revealing what the press said 'bout this.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
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  9. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    smart and original gets no support in the music business, rarely , its the usual simpletons that can be controlled that get the money, the dumber the merrier.
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  10. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I just hope my wife is down for this:hifive:
  11. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I just hope my wife is down for this:hifive:
  12. Seecret

    Seecret Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Really there is nothing to paise about this song, since most people watching it dont care about the music or the lyrics. its so sad how mainstream is praising those artists with no talent, just cuz they are making money from them, its really frustrating. lol kinda feel more of Eminem's frustration about the state of what they are calling their RAP
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  13. Snipes3000

    Snipes3000 Noisemaker

    Aug 8, 2019
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    This music does not represent society as a whole, but rather a certain social level of society. Some people refer to it as the lower class. It is only a part of society but definitely not representing society as a whole. Most of the rappers come from lower class backgrounds and these people commonly have developed a very different mindset with different standards than say a person who grew up in middelclass circumstances. In real life I don't listen to people who have nothing in common with me, so why should I listen to them when they are on the record?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Ice Cube, Eazy-E, Arabian Prince, DJ Yella and Dr. Dre have all made "fuck me, suck me, I fucked more bitches than there are gains of sand on all beaches in the world songs." Their proteges Snoop Dog, Eminem, Coolio, etc... have all made... It's been going on for a long time and it isn't just going to keep happening.

    And every-time you call them out and say they are prostitutes or porno bitches it just makes those people believe more in what they are saying. Just remember that prostitutes don't fuck for pleasure, they fuck because they want or the need the money, the same goes for porno starlets. The best way to treat this kind of thing is just to yawn, and tune into something else. If you do that, then there is no validation for the premise that a promiscuous man and virile man is symbol of power, but a promiscuous and erotic woman is a shambles of shame.

    It's just cultural programing, like blondes have more fun, or brunettes are smarter, Asian women want to please their men in bed... Don't fall into the trap at the end of the day it does nothing and changes nothing. You go down the rabbit hole and the only thing that suffers is your blood pressure.
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  15. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I don't recognize it as an important song in regard to how it is being lauded as the soundtrack of "The Newly Empowered Woman's Movement". It however does seem to wish to rob the seeming power of men to lord over woman with the negativity of men's choice of descriptive words that tend to be derogatory. The hope implied to me seems that the words used in the song are now too the property of woman, and which now rob men of their power to lord over them and to use them as swords, to conquer as well as to inflict...emotionally. Like the word nigger or negro when used by "black" people to use in conversation amongst themselves, the associated connotation of wrongness is diluted and the very power of those words are claimed by the past victims. The problem is that the struggle isn't about men vs woman, black vs white, left vs right, but rather it is a class struggle of the coming tragedy of poverty that the system will levy against the majority of Earth's inhabitants in favor of the ruling elite. Cardi B isn't any longer black or a woman, she is a wealthy entrepreneur who is reaping greater wealth that songs like this which misdirect from what is actually important and which separate people instead if bringing them together can rake in. Art can cleave or embrace, her's is the former.

    Just more divide and conquer bullshit.

    How her song empowers woman is beyond me.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
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  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    It's a pop song. I assume it's popular enough to be discussed everywhere? Mission accomplished ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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  17. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    yung talent adressing interesting topics. I'm so proud of her :yes:
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  18. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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  19. breadd

    breadd Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2020
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    I think its surprisingly degrading even for Cardi B, Meghan the Stallion should know better, I don't think anyone will want their old used baloons anymore no matter how wet they are
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr they may have, i haven't heard Ice Cube neither Eminem boasting how many bitches they fuck etc etc., but perhaps i am mistaken, if you can showcase where they did that... Whatever the case and how rap "evolved", nothing can beat the fact that NWA have contributed in a positive way to change the political scenery and social status of certain minorities by just "pointing the finger where it hurts", and so i humbly tried to do with my post. Now if you tell me what radical change Cardi B seeks to bring, i 'll shut up and thank you.
    Snoop Dog may have done that but could be excusable because it's done in a satirical way, hence the sex tapes etc., plus he's a stoner alright, it's all done under the million joints influence but it's no excuse either so again, could be.
    For real? That's why they keep doing what they 're doing while people are yawning pathetically without taking a stance. Speechless sheep enduring whatever is thrown at them on the way to slaughter. Yawning is silently admittting they have a right to speak, when they don't. And mind you, i am against any kind of discrimination and censorship when someone has an artistic message to send. But this carries nothing but lame sexism and hell it's not even funny. No excuse for existing as any kind of artform.
    In the past society has been healthy enough to isolate, corner and condemn this kind of "art", right now they 're just yawning? ... I wonder what's next.
    You be well.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020