WAP - Cardi B

Discussion in 'Music' started by Lenny Belardo, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. There have been some reviewers giving this track praise for its 'core message' I have read the lyrics and I don't feel adequately informed to make a comment in this introductory sentence. I have my views but I wonder what the community here thinks.

  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well, my Italian friends in NY don't like it, for some reason...
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Ah, I see.
    They rap something about "macaroni in a pot".
    That's probably why.
  5. Well, it seems this hasn't taken anybody's interest. So I'll talk to myself.
    This. This is what pop music has to say to us as a society. This is what pop music chooses to express at this moment in history. This song was composed in 2020. When history looks back and asks what were people thinking about during the year of the greatest upheaval of society at that time, should they look to music, they won't find any reference to the state of the world. They will see a self obsessed, hedonistic society.
    How it is that this is critically acclaimed as a statement of feminist power escapes me. If that were true, then a reversal of this from a man's perspective would be equally lauded as some kind of bold statement of a man asserting his sexual drives.

    Whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house (Hol' up)
    I said certified freak, seven days a week
    Wet-ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, you fuckin' with some wet-ass pussy
    Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy
    Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy

    Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge
    Extra large and extra hard
    Put this pussy right in your face
    Swipe your nose like a credit card
    Hop on top, I wanna ride
    I do a kegel while it's inside
    Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes
    This pussy is wet, come take a dive
    Tie me up like I'm surprised
    Let's roleplay, I'll wear a disguise
    I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage
    Make it cream, make me scream
    Out in public, make a scene
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  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I wouldn't be too surprised if this Cardy b (or whatever her name is) would end up in Pornhub.

    Reminds me of Madonna at the beginning of the 80s when everything was geared at provoking. It worked for her back then, let's see how it goes for this pornstar wannabe.
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  7. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Actually its the reverse situation - she went from porn to music

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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Here is my take on it.
    It's a semi-parody of songs with the same message sent out by the opposite gender. It is intended to make people uncomfortable with the idea of a sexually predatory female, and then those females will ask why the same type of songs preformed by men do not have the same effect.

    Lil Wayne-Pussy Monster

    Girl you're cold,
    Girl you're cool
    You herd of salt and pepper,
    But girl you food
    Girl you're hot like a bowl of stew
    And I just stood over my stew and just blew
    And when there was no more you in the soup,
    I remove my spoon and drank you juice
    You wanna do me do what wanna do
    If my job is to blow you can bet she's blew
    Mike Check 1-2
    How's about 1-2
    P-L-A-Y because I don't have a clue
    But when I found out I'm gonna show and tell you
    When I lift my top lip I can still smell you
    When I swallow my spit I can still taste you
    Put that pussy in my face you
    It goes P-U-S-S-Y because,
    It's the reason I am alive
    Mama I need just to survive
    It's like I got to eat to stay alive
    Hi I'm the pussy monster
    The pussy monster
    The pussy monster
    And you better feed me pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy
    Now let me get back to her
    She call me Dracula
    And I vacuum (her)
    Cat fish
    That fish
    That cat tuna
    I spank it up
    Flip it like a spacula
    Lil Chris said "Run it" and I tackled you
    Baby can I the worm in you apple butt
    Na gonna back it up
    And if you back it up
    I suck the front of that pussy from the back of you
    My taste buds set on a black assivus
    I told action
    And the is looking
    And I hope she make me eat my words
    'cause my words is pussy, pussy pussy pussy
    Pussy pussy pussy
    Hi I'm the pussy monster
    The pussy monster
    The pussy monster
    And you better feed me pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy
    I got pussy coming to pussy
    Show me that pussy I'm gonna show where to put it
    You know I make it rain I the hurricane's son
    And I can make it rain with my hurricane tongue
    Like la la la la la la la la la,
    La la la la la la la la,
    La la la la la la la la
    Imagine if I did that with you pearl on my tongue

    Or if that doesn't do the trick, any song by 2LiveCrew, Akinyele, etc...

    For me, it's meh w/e same old shit different day.

    The thing about being pissed off is we don't all have to be pissed out about the same thing, that's okay, but it really helps if we are all pissed off at the same people. The problem occurs when everyone is competing to be the most pissed off or to have the most worthy cause and that all other causes are a worthless waste of time. The truth of it is that we can all be pissed off about many things at the same time, it is like walking, with the dog, chewing gun, singing and listening to music all at the same time. I am sure there are people that can not do it, but most of us humans can.

    If evyerone just argues about who is worthy and who is not worth listening to even if they are all mad at THE MAN, they'll turn on each other and then - the THE MAN and honkies from the CIA - always win.

    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
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  9. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Back in the day you had artist like this


    now today you have (note that i left out the word artist)

    Cardi is just selling sex and sex has always been #1 commodity since day 1. It's just in your face pussy talk as opposed to "i wanna dance with somebody" 80's style.
    There really is a trend of lyrics that are strictly based on "poor me" or "I am so great" or " I am empowered" as opposed to "WTF is going on around here"
    No social or political concepts in lyrics for a while.
    When you do it's fake like Beyonce or her husband cashing in on and exploiting situations like BLM for there own profit.
    or this one was classic
    he's literally a 1% percenter. It's all biz no heart.
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  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    One thing i 'll say to all those "artists". Stick those lyrics and your (absent) music up your ... and crawl back to your holes. What we have been living all these past years is a disgrace to the entire human race. How low can someone calling themselves artists can go and even worse how low can an audience be to accept these mostrocities as anything but "put your own word here" attempts to make rhymes.
    I mean wtf, 50 Cent (66 IMDB credits as actor) my cat is a better actor. I wonder how they haven't given him an Oscar yet, err... sorry, that should be how he hasn't bought one yet. Now that will be a first that i am patiently waiting for. And yeah i know, blah blah, it's easy to dismiss. Well, i don't even have to do so, these guys dismiss themselves with their "musical output" and even worse when they dare step into other arts as well.
    My wife says there should be Music Police and i feel her, arrest those fools and forbid them from ever touching a mic or a musical instrument ever for the rest of their natural lives. We don't forget, we will never forget:
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  11. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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  12. The Mazeman

    The Mazeman Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Wet Ass P-word FTW !!!!!!
  13. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I fuck with rap. Most popular rap is chauvinistic. This is the female version of that. Its doing the inverse of what most rap does and empowers the women. No more no less. It's not Common, it's not kendrick, it's not chance. It's that good ole pop-rap. It's not meant to make you think deeply.

    Even the Uncle Luke sample of "there's some hoes in this house" is just a club record at the end of the day to get you on the dance floor with a booty on you.
  14. So does it help or hinder the stance of women in music? It's a female version of men treating women as their own personal amusent Park. Does it achieve anything to say "we can be just as detached and treat men as objects too?" Or does it say,"your mind can be in the gutter, but so can ours" either way, women don't come out of this as beacons of pride and dignity. Maybe I'm wrong. Women have fought for decades to be equal to men. Perhaps now they are. But the truth is they should have aimed higher.
  15. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Yeah, those vibes pretty much ended with the end of the 80's.
    That list represents a time in art and popular music that no longer really exists (for sure not top 40)
    In 1980, BIko ( a song bringing attention to Stephen Biko- an anti-apartheid activist ) hit 38 in the UK. Today- no way man!
    Pop is more of a genre now than just meaning popular. Pre-2000's the styles of music you heard on the radio were much more diverse
    in lyrical content and musicianship.
  16. At the top of that list were many recent songs, certainly post 1980. But more to the point, why are there no songs that reflect relevant topics that affect us all. Why are songs all about sex and self adoration? Why has nobody got anything to say? Is this just a vacuous generation? Raised in night clubs where the 110db 808 dulled their brains?
  17. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Word. May i answer with a lyric from a (real) song: “Don’t ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.”

    For real, i can picture some representatives of the female kind fornicating under modern rap music telling them they 're hoes 50 times per minute. But these should be prostitutes brah. Every other female that would accept this kind of depreciation should be excused from the human species.
    But of course you have these examples from the not so far past. Can never go wrong with something like :
    "Me love ya, fuck me like you own me,
    Me love ya, come fuck me! "
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
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  19. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020