2 PC 1 Output

Discussion in 'Studio' started by koschke, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hi guys,

    I have a problem in my home studio I have a windows Pc and and in a few days a Hackintosh when everything goes well but my problem is how can connect them to my monitor speakers without switching every time the cables.
    Maybe one of you can give me a good and a cheap help or advice.
    By the way I have also a Yamaha MW 12 CX that I did not use, but you have to connect it through usb and that could be problem.

  3. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    There are splitters available for every type of cable. Are you switching the cable that goes to an audio interface, or are you using Desktop Speakers? Anyhow, whatever I/O you are using on the back of your computer/s can use a splitter. Might not be good for recording while both your computers are on and sharing the same connection between your speakers/monitors though.
  4. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    1 Simple option that allows you other options down the track is to use a patchbay i usually can have up to 4 (or more) PC's running through it when needed as well as other duties.​
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    a cable splitter is ok but you will lose audio quality if both pc's are running at the same time. Have you googled for "audio switch box" or "audio cable switch box"?
  6. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hello guys

    Thank you for the response.
    The audio cable switch box is a good idea and really easy to use but I can’t put into my 19 rack.
    The Patch bay sounds interesting and I saw tutorials in YouTube and it would fit into my rack but how can I put two audio inputs in it with one main out without switching the channels?
    My System setup is going to be like this.

    Mike 1 rode nt1-a → Behringer ULTRAGAIN PRO MIC2200 2 MIC Preamp → Win7 Pc 64x Audio Interface emu 1212m PCIe → Splitter or Switchbox → Behringer HA4700 Headphone Preamp → Active speakers

    Mike 2 AT4040 → Golden Age Project Pre-73 MK2 MIC Preamp → RME fireface 400 UC
    → Splitter or Switchbox →Behringer HA4700 Headphone Preamp → Active speakers.

    I did not buy the golden age and the Behringer ULTRAGAIN PRO MIC2200 2 ultra gain but I am going for it this week but if you have any other suggestion or ideas how I can setup this just tell me.
    What I also have is the Yamaha MW 12 CX maybe if that could also be helpful for the switching problem than I can save some money. I never used it and I got from a friend.
  7. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    It sounds like all you want is both systems to share the same speakers so you can hear the output from both your computers. If that's the case you want to "merge" 4 signals to 2. Most people want to do the opposite, and I think most of the info you are looking up pertains more to the opposite. So what will happen if you plug a Y cable into the back of each monitor so you can merge your two left signals and two right signals? It may work. If so you'd have to keep a very cautious tab on how hot the signal gets if you feed both ends because they are separate, and one will not limit the output of the other. You would need to route the 4 signals to a single/global limiting amp first, and then out to your 2 monitors to be safeguarded.
  8. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hey Dbmuzik,

    Yeah you’re right that I have to pay attention when I am using the Y cable I also have found the y cable that I need
    So I will try it with that one first before I am thinking about a limiting amp....
    Thanks for the help guys.

    Just one more question what do you think about my setup. Is it ok or do you have a better idea with other hardware.

    thx to all
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