Stupid newbie question: Can latest AMD PC systems only run Win10 64 bit?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by eldarktufa, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. eldarktufa

    eldarktufa Guest

    What, if any, other Win OS can they run? I used to be addicted to Intel but maybe it's time for a change.
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  3. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    not stupid question I heard the intel gen 10 chips only run 64bit not sure its true google it
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    It is the same case as with Intel gear. If by other Os you mean other Windows versions, you can install Win7 (or Win 8/8.1) but having all mobo subsystems correctly recognized by the OS is quite tricky, you need to have experience and skill to succesfully make it happen. Inexperienced people should follow guides like the ones i post in the end, or else they may not get past even the starting "loading Windows" installer screen.
    For different OS than Windows, you can install any Linux or Unix or other OS. Anything that runs with x86 cpus will run. Hackintosh with Ryzen though is still on the experimental stage, some people have had success some not.

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I guess you can't workaround only-64bit limitations, but I'm not updated on that.
    For older Windows what @taskforce says. Challenging and no guarantees.

    There's also Windows Server but I think it's not what you're asking.
  6. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Yes. In fact AMD beat Intel to 64-bit support many years ago. That's why some people still refer to 64-bit x86 as AMD64.
  7. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i run 2 different systems WIN7 Ultimate from an SSD and WIN 10 from a NVME. I decide in the boot manager what i wanna boot up.
    Both work perfect! The NVME is not recognized by the WIN7 tho.
    ASUS A370 Prime Board, Ryzen1700X, 64GBRAM
    no problem at all
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Most likely because you have Win10 on it and it has locked the partition or you haven't properly installed the nvme drivers on Win7.
    If you have indeed installed the drivers correctly,
    it may be as simple as going to control panel/administrative tools/computer management /disk management and importing a foreign partition if the nvme drive appears there.
    A mandatory step for NVME to work on Win 7 is to disable any Safe Boot option from the BIOS on any modern mobo.
    Boot modes like Legacy mode or UEFI also affect this. You should choose Legacy+UEFI if available. If again the drive is not recognized, you should try just Legacy but then your Win10 most likely won't boot.
    If you format the nvme drive, erase all traces of the previous win10 installation on all drives, disable safe boot on the BIOS and install the win7 drivers for the nvme drive it should be just fine. If there are no Win7 drivers for your NVME drive, just try to install the Win10 drivers and see what gives. There may be more steps to this depending on the mobo and nvme ssd brand drivers but in general that's the way to go. For example, at home i have an i3 8100 on a Gigabyte board, it boots Win7 from a Samsung 970 EVO, np.
    A guide for win 7 with nvme as boot drive:
    PS: At the OP, there is no reason to install any 32bit OS, since any 32bit app runs just fine in a 64bit OS. In fact many handy Windows apps that a lot of people use everyday, are still 32bit. As for what @pizzafresser said, not only AMD was first in the 64bit race but they also patented it, so Intel has to use a license for their 64bit cpus.
    What less people know is, the two companies have an agreement many years now which allows them -up to a point of course, but in some certain cases (monopolies etc) forces them also- to share resources, but both companies, over the years, have broken this agreement (mostly Intel lol) which has led to numerous lawsuits from each other, which some of them are probably still ongoing.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
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  9. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Hmmmm its the old motherboard and bios even if you plug into a slot with a card But I have not read the whole thread
    maybe I should :( my bad
  10. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Its 2020, Win 10 is the sane choice.
  11. syntesys

    syntesys Guest

    I don't know why the people has so many problems with windows 10 and need to go to Windows 7; I have a notebook MSI GE63 8RF Raider, I use it for music production, gaming, work, navigation and other, have a lot of programs, IDEs for programming, games, DAWs and VST installed but I don't have problems: Windows 10 last version is running perfectly.
    Adapting new hardware to old software is not a good choice for music production: using beta drivers or adapted drivers (like showed in the videos posted on the thread) could harm or crash your computer. I won't attach a USB sound card to a PC with a USB modified driver, it could works bad or create pops/cracks in the tracks.
    Do you need a clean installation of Windows 10 without apps or other? Use the LTSC or the Enterprise version.
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Errrr... because they like their privacy and hate being at MS mercy with every new Win10 update? :)
    With that said, out of the box Win10 for laptops may give better battery life and system responsiveness, things that are needed since most peeps buy laptops in the 500-1000$ category.
    Desktops though don't have batteries and their responsiveness is down to whatever system tweaks the user may perform. For advanced users who mainly want an offline music workstation, Win7 may still be the perfect OS.
    Lastly, Win 10 LTSC is an Enterprise version. If anything, LTSC is surely not an OS for inexperienced users, but could be useful because it lacks the bloatware consumer Win10 versions come with. LTSC doesn't get the Win version updates like normal Win10 though, a new LTSC is released every 3 years, so you may get some individual updates but your core OS build will be the same for 3 years with all the good and the bad that comes with such a version.
  13. syntesys

    syntesys Guest

    The problem is that we speak about privacy with Windows 10, but we do not worry when we create Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or any other account of a social network or related; we sell our souls when post an image, but the problem is Windows 10 that with a telemetry setting sends only diagnostic data (not personal) to their servers.

    I installed on my mother's Microsoft Surface Pro the LTSC and she does not have any sort of problem; the critical updates are released, so LTSC is updated without recommended updates (and new features). But if you think to install Windows 7, the last released feature is your last think.
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    The way I see it, it's not about having 100% control of our privacy, because that's impossible. It's about reducing the loss of it.

    We can't help that Google, Apple, social networks make money with our private data. That being said, it doesn't hurt to remove most of the data collection bundled with Windows 10. As always, there's no black or white and extremes always are bad. No obsession about it.
  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You are registered for ages here, yet i don't recall seeing you in any of similar threads in the past. You would know then, that personally i am strongly against any or all of these tracking "services" like Google etc. and i recommend safe and anonymous browsing to say the least. Historically, Google was the first to use a smarter algorithm to find out what people are interested in and after that everyone who's someone in the tech world wants a piece of that pie as well.
    My point is you can't force people to use a different search engine than Google or socialize with Facebook etc.
    You can always though try to educate them about what lies behind a FB account, a Google account, an MS or Apple account etc etc. And part of that education is what OS is less intrusive. To this extent, i could go on and praise Linux all day but it's still after all these years a "geek OS" and not really user friendly in order to have spread as it should have according to its numerous merits vs WinOses.
    Whatever the case, you shouldn't bet that keeping telemetry with a minimal setting is less intrusive. MS logs even what you write on the dam notebook app. I mean wtf, for 5 years now, they 've been releasing specific "security" updates for Win7,8 and 8.1 which secretly contain MS telemetry lol.
    So imho, Win 10 users are much better installing one of those "Kill Win10 telemetry" apps than relying on a minimal setting.
  16. eldarktufa

    eldarktufa Guest

    Thanks to everyone for your replies - in particular @taskforce.
    Very useful info. I don't mind if my OS etc is not the fastest zing-blat-splat on the planet. I do mind the software hardware pack rats thinking they own the planet. They don't. Just because you're fed it doesn't mean you have to swallow it. Spit it out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2020