Suggestions on hardware build, please?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Pinkman, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    We have talked about it extensively. But just as you can run VEP with 2-3 comps, you can also run 1 or more instances of VEP in one comp splitting the cpu load. My personal work rig is almost just like yours but i love the idea of integrating it all in one monster machine.
    Yep lying Intel fanboys.
    Making assumptions out of thin air and blah. Show us your findings with facts please. Who, what, where and how.
    I try hard to understand this, but excuse me, this kind of misinformation is excruciating. Ahhh wth, at least you didn't recommend a Celeron like a guy in another thread. And AMD fanboys ... like really man ? I have a dozen Intel comps, literally.
    I don't know how you assume this. One core is not one thread and vice versa. Anyway, typically each track on a DAW runs from one core and so do the plugs loaded on the particular track. So if you want -let's say- 500 plugins on one track you will have a hard time splitting the cpu load because usually it all runs from one core no matter how many you have. But because this is never the case with multitrack recording/producing/creating, more cores is better than a slight boost of a few hundred megahertz. AMD's 3000 series cpus outperform Intel clock for clock, the only thing left -as i mentioned earlier- is Intel's slightly higher clock & turbo boost at the expense of much worse power consumption.
    And here's some useful info:
    Those Intel 10xx series just like the 9xx series before them, are just re-hashed Skylakes with more cores, something that the original 12nm design never intended to have on the mainstream desktop platform. By what Intel was telling 6-7 years ago, they should be on 10nm lithography about 3 yrs ago and on 7nm about 18-12 months ago. Tom's hardware and Anandtech report that Intel maybe facing a mass lawsuit from its investors for the inability to keep up with their alleged timetable chip evolution and postponing the 7nm process to late 2022- early 2023.
    Bottom line:
    5 years now Intel is selling the very same core design and the only changes were for the worse because they had to patch Meltdown and another 200+ exploits. So what started as a wonderful 95W, 4core-8threads @ 4.0 ghz performance chip like the 6700K, came to become the 10core 10900K monster, which when drawing full power reaches 145-150 watts and this is without any oc. In an attempt to squeeze every bit of performance out of the chip and trying to stay competitive, Intel have raised their cpu thermal limit from 125W which was until recently with the 9xx series, to 250W for the 10xx series lol. Adding more oil to the fire in this subject, mobo vendors, who all still sell Intel like hotcakes to gamers, have gone a similar way and most Intel Z490 mobos just ignore the -already doubled- cpu thermal limit whatsoever. Now what kind of practice is this and how safe it is, only time will tell, Intel chips have a rep to be robust, i never had any break down on me under normal circumstances. But the thing is, the situation with 10xxx series and Z490 is anything but normal from the get go.
    Cheers :)
    PS: I hear from a good source of mine that the upcoming AMD's Zen 3 Ryzen 4xxx desktop series will still slide on the AM4 slot. So buying X570 may very well have a good future too, but we 'll just have to wait for confirmation by the likes of official tech reporters.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
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  2. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I'm not gonna waste my time on fanboys
  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Can anyone with Ryzentosh success give a pointer to a working guide plz?
  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    @Pinkman How does your "real world usage" look like?
    What kind of arrangement is it that usually pushes your current CPU to the limits?
  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Thorough & honest Hickintosh info - Morgonaut

    Snazzy Labs
    Snazzy Labs - Make a Mac Pro for Under $2,000!
    (Hackintosh machines are often considered unreliable by those who don't know what they're doing or haven't done due diligence on building their own configuration file. In this video tutorial, Snazzy Labs will show you how to make your own AMD hackintosh using the OpenCore bootloader.)

    AMD Ryzentosh MacOS Catalina 10.15.4 OpenCore 0.5.6 Easiest Full Installation Guide (Ryzentosh 7.0)

    Just a few of the better information sources
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
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  6. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Well, I am active in 4 different hackintosh forums and everybody using hackintoshes for audio/media production advised against going AMD for music production due to compatibility concerns. Some installers don't work (like waves), Logic does have stability/performance issues. You need extra patches for Davinci resolve and Adobe products if you use them.

    And there are hardware compatibility issues as well. On most AMD builds sleep and wake don't work and CPU power management seems to be an issue as well. There are issues with DRM content not playing back if it is not configured correctly. Mapping USB ports is also much more complicated than on Intel.

    I found a review on YouTube about a guy who used hackintoshes for years for music who built a Ryzentosh and at the end he reverted back to Intel.

    But you could register at and check for yourself who uses amd builts for music. Last tine I checked I couldn't find many guys using Ryzentoses for music production and that tells a story, too. The Community is also not very active. This means a lesser chance of support if you need it. I've been using Hackintoshes for 6 years now and can built a working opencore config but at the end of the day if there's a kernel panic and the system doesn't start I'm still f'd. So you need to get a board where there is at least the one guy who wrote a thorough installation/setup guide for it. And with intel you get that for almost any chipset, cpu and board combiation.

    The thing is, if you don't use your hackintosh for work, try AMD. But if you need a 100% compatibile and reliable system for macOS you'll be on the safe side with intel.
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  7. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    :goodpost::hahaha: :crazy: :rofl:
  9. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Quite a while back I had a AMD 64 x2 it was good for Audio I did not have any issues, Of course that was many years ago. I upgraded from that to a 4790k which is still going strong. Would I go AMD again most likely. My only concern is that I want Thunderbolt 4 and Intel seems to be the only one that is going to offer it unless things change.
    I know there are quite a few in here will say to get thunderbolt 3 but Thunderbolt 4 is going to have tighter specs and will be much better in capability . If you research you will see that. Also I will be going to Thunderbolt 4 for my Audio interface since the latency is very low.
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Thanks for your input. You are not wrong, surely going Ryzentosh has its limitations but it's new, it is evolving faster than expected. If you just want Hackintosh with complete compatibility, Intel is the way to go and still needs tinkering. For what it's worth i have seen Thunderbolt working in Ryzentosh, so this is a step to the right direction. If i find the link i will post.
    Again correct. Haven't tried yet but maybe backing down on older macOS like Mojave may solve this ?
    SnazzyLabs had a vid on Ryzentosh. Although his content is generic and without much detail, i think it's informative:

    TB4 will have the same bandwidth as TB3 - 40gbps max, difference is it can go up to 32gbps on one uplink.
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes it's the same Bandwidth but the specs are now 2 4 k displays or one 8 k and also they tightened the specs because people had compatibility issues with TB 3.

    I just hope they open it up to AMD so there are more TB 4 choices.
  12. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    i kno you kno your shit well most of the time daskeladden but our ovaprofessor taskforce knows all OS's , pc/mac/linux/etc , amd / intel , etc in and out since ~1970
    for real
  13. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I like Snazzylabs channel and know this video. But: does Snazzy produce music? No. ;)

    Thanks for the link – very interesting. Maybe I just wait for next gen Intel? I mean, I still get around 1.200 in single and 5.100 point in multicore in geekbench with my current system (i7 6700k). That's faster than a 6-Core imac from 2019. LOL. But on the other hand, I don't own any Thunderbolt devices yet.

    Extracting the Waves plugins via Pacifist to the install location could be a workaround for Waves plugins, but: is it guarnteed that the work correctly after that? No! I know plugin alliances makes sure that it runs on Intel and AMD, but Waves? I don't know.

    I know Thunderbolt 3 works on the Z490 Vision D (hot-plugging included). As far as TB4 is concerned – it's all about Apple – they have to implement it in the OS first. And as far as implementing newest tech they are always slow. Thunderbolt already caues headaches on Intel Boards that use the same chipsets than Apple. And I doubt that it will work well with AMD builds.

    If you want complete compatibility you have to go intel. AMD will be incorporating new instruction sets but Apple wil not incorporate any AMD and Ryzen-specific instructions into macOS. There will always be issues with on-board Bluetooth and Wireless cards if these work on Intel chips Usually you have to use a fenvi card if you want to use wifi or bluetoth. But that goes for both, Intel and AMD.

    Another informative channel if you want to find possible builds with EFI downloads is technolli's Youtube channel (3950x with Logic Benchmark included):

  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    That's the guy I was talking about earlier. He's explaing why he switched back fron AMD to Intel on his Hackintosh.

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  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Watched the vid, the guy is obviously an amateur capturing his digital "adventures" on cam. Np with that but the whole deal he talks about is wrong. I don't mean to sound like a smartass so here goes:
    1) The ASRock Creator wouldn't run properly so he went for the cheapo MSI and expected it to work. You don't get that MSI mobo for either 3950X and/or Hackintosh, not even for Windows heh, he would have better luck with something like an Aorus Master which has a TB3 header as well. Who on earth told him it would work properly beats me. But really, if him and his mates couldn't get the x570 Creator to work, they wouldn't make any other board to work with Ryzen & Hackintosh , period.
    2) He's talking about building an audio workstation and then starts making a subject about how his webcam freezes. I mean nc just lol.
    3) Talks about building the ultimate Hackintosh with an Edirol DAC... May i suggest him a Behringer. For the love of God.
    4) Then he talks about the 3950X perhaps having too many cores for macOS. Like the Mac Pro with a 28c/56t Xeon doesn't exist and macOs has a problem adjusting with all those cores.
    5) This is not something he was wrong about, in fact he was correct to inform us that the shipped Intel cooler that comes with the cpus is crap. First time i hear this, good to know. :rofl:
    And to sum this, here is a guy who made it work:
    And don't tell me it's because of the cpu hehehe...
    PS: And for the WiFi that didn't work on the reddit guy :
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
  16. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Well, the guy is a bit all over the place and irritating at times. But: he is a music producer who shares his experiences with amd vs intel.

    I asked a question in the amd-osx forum about amd systems for audio 2 days ago again as I did weeks before that – not a single response. That's how inactive that forum is. I bet most of these guys are gamers who just want to do some benchmarks on mac os and that's about it. They only talk about Thunderbolt, the size of the displays, gpus, resolution and framerates = gamers or video guys.

    And also: nobody claimed building a Ryzentosh was impossible. I only said building a reliable, compatible system for audio production is problematic. A reddit post about a successful 3950x build doesn't say much about reliability of DAWs and Plugins, does it? Find one by somebody who uses it as a daily driver for audio production. Then I might be convinced. Until then it's going to be Z490 and I9 10900K for me.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
  17. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    My build is complete. So psyched right now. Installed the necessary plugins and software. I loaded a few projects that were maxing out the CPU and RAM on the MBP and my mind is still being blown. 7% CPU load and 15/128GB RAM used. I'm seriously reconsidering going Hackintosh because this seems to work amazingly well. One bonus point for Windows because my iPad automatically connects to rtpMIDI connections previously set up. On macOS I would have to add it manually. It's a small thing but still very cool.

    My OCD does have me wondering if I'd get even better performance with the Hackintosh on this hardware. I'm just scared to fnck sh!t up and have to reload everything. My human nature is contradictory: I always want to hope for something better but I always want to just be happy with what I have.

    I went with the X570E and the 3900X. I also ended up with the RTX 2080. Because: Half-Life: Alyx and the Valve Index.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
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  18. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Just backup beforehand and install Hackintosh on a partition or separate drive. I've used EaseUS free to backup and restore successfully and it's fast.

    For partition stuff I discovered MiniTool Partition app which can add or remove partitions without bungling the drive, like the default Windows partition options do.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey mate - I am really glad to see your build rocks. But you went for top notch hardware, why wouldn't it heh. :)
    About the Hackintosh thingie. Whatever you do, if you gonna try Ryzentosh, use a separate drive for the installation or at least get a full image backup of your current Win installation if you are going to use your current c drive.
    Truth be told though, i 'd stick with Windows, only because Hackintosh future atm is totally uncertain with Apple switching cpus. Of course you may be good with it for the next 2 yrs or so (or forever if you don't upgrade macOS heheh). If all goes well for them, i assume by the end of next year (or in 15 months if you like) they will be ditching x86 altogether. But this of course is another story so, happy computing bro! :like:
  20. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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