buy cheap cpu for july 2020

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Sacculus, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    1. who is we? there are different strokes for different folks. why is it so hard for you to accept that? i probably don't use as intensive plugins. plus the i5 10600k which i mention is replacing the celeron (in the first page mind you) in lets say 2 weeks is enough for what I do
    2. about the g6500 vs your i7. where is the relevance at all in this topic. considering my first point? wtf
    3. i'm not a fanboy dude. I'm not an extreme follower :rofl: i just chose an intel build
    4, you guys are extreme followers, you wont let it go.

  2. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Literally everyone talking on this thread. It makes no sense to talk about "it's about enjoying making the music, potato PCs can still be used if you don't have the money" in a thread about upgrading from a potato PC. The whole point is to make the best use of your money to be able to use the intensive plugins. Saying you don't need that doesn't contribute to the discussion.
    You mentioned it being "more powerful cores" - they are not. It's a ultra cheap, ultra poor, potato CPU and that's what it was meant to be.
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You don't need to call member names nor use expressions one "suck it up" to express your point of view/ situation.

    Please let's keep this conversation in the educated way.
  4. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    where did I say "it's about enjoying the music" wtf ??

    yeah but we got over that a few pages ago. plus i didn't say anything like it compares to any higher end cpu. I just mentioned core power and taskforce explained that already. plus the reason why i mention core power cause of the i5 10600k. which is 4.1ghz!!!

    you good now?
  5. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    how comes taskforce can throw so many indirect insults.. for no reason other than I didn't bow down to him and this ideas?

    I never insulted him once (initially). then look at he started doing what everyone else does here. insult/provoke someone in and "educated way" then press the report button once the person reacts.

    this is how events transpired

    "oh okay cool. Yeah I'm sure everything is better than the celeron lol. I set up the build yesterday, it's extremely fast at loading things. and then... diva happens:rofl:the celeron is pretty much the same as my 10 year old E6600 (2M Cache, 3.06 GHz, 2 threads)
    but the main point was to get started. also i think amd/intel is more of a personal thing tbh, besides don't you need a gpu as well? would bump up the overall price. the Intel Core i5 10600K is my next purchase :)"

    then he goes

    "Well... Some people never learn and i find now they can't read either.:rofl:"

    how is that necessary when i have explained I have bought an intel build before the thread happened. what the fuck?

    and then he still continues :dunno:
  6. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    there are more reasons to go intel then the ones you stated. chipset communication is faster and more reliable on intel motherboards and in daw environment this is very important because it affects the whole chain of hardware from ram, hdd to external controllers etc.
    the majority of high end studios are intel based and are going to be in the future as well.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I agree with you that sentences like ·some people never learn are also not useful and some how aggressive, as it's like they were saying you're stupid.
    But by going in the insult way will not solve the problem either.

    Aside of this, there is one reason for members to continue explaining, even if you bought your cpu already, is that their explanation may be useful for other members in the future if they need info before buying a cpu. So it's not directed to you.
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  8. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Depends on what you mean by "chipset communication". Memory access - yes, by a slight amount, but for example AMD's boards have double the PCI-E bandwidth due to PCI-E 4.0 support, you get 16x PCIE 4.0 (equivalent to 32x PCIE 3.0) on X570 vs 24x PCIE 3.0 on Z490. Not to mention it's actually more about the audio interface internals and USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt controller chip used on your motherboard, than actual CPU performance when it comes to stability/latency.
    The majority of high end studios don't care about money or price to performance at all, so they're ready to spend top dollar for stuff that doesn't make sense for a normal human being. They care more about not having to build/maintain it and getting 24/7 support in case something breaks. That said, in workstation/server use, AMD is already gaining credibility with Threadripper/EPYC, beating Intel's high end chips at half the price, forcing Intel to adjust. So it's being more and more tested in mission-critical systems. Threadripper also gets you way more performance for less money than Intel enthusiast/workstation chips (XE series)

    Really, whatever you choose, you benefit from the competition AMD brought to the table.
  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Like how, magically? When you put out statements like this please be prepared to be able to justify them as well, or it's pointless. Qrchack said it correctly. If i can add to this, the small edge of Intel cpus have in communicating with the RAM slightly faster, is lost due to the fact that AMD's cpus benefit from faster ram whereas Intel cpus are giving start to give diminishing returns from 3000mhz and beyond whereas the sweetspot for AMD Ryzen 3000 series is 3600mhz. But let's see what really cooks by the numbers.
    Intel = Pci-e gen.3 at 8 GT/s data rate.
    AMD = Pci-e gen.4 at 16 GT/s data rate.
    Also as i have mentioned many times, Intel is limiting their Thunderbolt connection to 4 pci-e lanes through their own DMI technology. Another negative for Intel is the use of fast additional devices on the various extra pci-e slots on mobos depends on the mobo's ability to use bifurcation to bypass Intel's DMI speed limitations. Not all mobos can do these neat tricks.
    In previous Ryzen generations, AMD cpus had worse response communication delay with the cores than Intel - and NOT with the chipset, which along with the higher turbo boost was giving Intel some advantage. This was because AMD's interconnect system (Infinity Fabric) had an uneven type of communication so commands reached some cores faster than others. Ryzen 3000 and its derivatives does not have this problem. Infinity Fabric has been redesigned and now it has even access to all cores making AMD cpus truly reliable for all sorts of multi-threaded scenarios.
    They still use Intel because half or more of them use Macs, but also because because Ryzen is relatively new and people haven't upgraded their machines yet. The bigger a facility is, the more difficult is to close biz and migrate. But the most important of all is, high end studios don't care much about what computer is on. They don't rely on comps and if a production scheme they work on demanded more comp power, they could easily add more since a top desktop comp costs a fraction of one of their hundreds mics/amps/synths whatever you name it, and that's a fact. They have more hardware than you shake a stick at, so your ...hmmm... assumption about what high end studios use is misguiding. Oh as for what they 're going to be using in the future, don't bet too much on it. Unless by future you mean something like 2025 lol. Intel isn't going 7 nm anytime soon until at least late 2022, so it's gonna be a sad time for fanboys. On a different but relevant topic, AMD's stock has just surpassed Intel's, so this should give you a good hint about the near future and where the market is targeted at for the time being.
    Lastly, please stop making bland statements without facts backing what you say.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Man. I can agree with you, about the indirect insults. It is called irony btw, and irony can be a form of bitter and also sort of -indirectly- insulting humor. But i never called you anything other than what you seem to be, which -imho- is unable to admit and learn from your mistakes.
    Surely it is your own choice and your business what you do with your money. I will never doubt this.
    This though doesn't mean it is the right choice, moreover when you proposed similar to the op. I had to step in when no one else did and try to correct you for this. It seems to me though you don't like being corrected. At my age, i have met many guys like yourself. They see someone bright enough making a case which puts a question mark about their "intelligence" or ability to face given proven facts, and they call him smartass because they can't comprehend the fact they can be outsmarted. I have np, i won't lose any sleep over your insults, you just keep calling me names, see how far it gets you. Eventually you will face the music :)
    Have a nice day
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Please guys, stop these personal conversation, or continu using PM.

    Let¡s keep this thread technical. Please.
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    I am sorry chief. I won't make any further off topic comment, promise.
  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thank you.
  14. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Lastly, please stop making bland statements without facts backing what you say.

    comes from a guy that said audigy and emu cards are the same cards, with the same chip.
  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    For real? You are trying to make me write off topic is that it? It's ok. I 'll be brief and bare the penalty if i get any. As i said on that very post i would look into it as i have one in the studio.. Differences are the Burr-Brown PCM1820 ADC and AKM AK4395 DAC and multi i/o. So it does have better audio (i measured it against an audigy and a soundblaster x-fi, it was much better overall) and i was wrong to quickly criticize against it and to this extent i stand corrected np. We all make mistakes and i will recognize mine, which you haven't, so spare me the boredom of not justifying your statements but instead jumping to another thread's content to make me look bad. Bad effort.
  16. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I wish there was a cheaper AMD Thunderbolt solution, I would go that route but may be forced to go the 10600 route. 500 bucks for an AMD MB is ridiculous.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  17. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Why do we talk about crappy old soundcards in a thread about building a PC system in 2020?
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I posted this on another thread. This B550 board is expected to be released in August, it will cost about 250dlrs. It is a derivative of Gigabyte's Designare series. It will also do some neat tricks with its pci-e slots allowing some level of flexibility when installing pci-e ssds and has a 14 phase VRM. Given this is still a B series mobo, you may consider it equal to an X570 board or even better than many.
    PS:If you are wondering, the USB-C with Titan Ridge in the backplate is indeed Thunderbolt 3, only they don't name it so. Gigabyte has been following this naming scheme for sometime now with its boards.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  19. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I finally got the Ryzen 3600 upgraded and am stoked. PC shiz is kind of addictive.. I think I'm hooked.
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