FL 20.7.2 (more underwhelming non-updates)

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by lancexx, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    • FL Studio Controls - Most controls in FL Studio now show their value when the mouse is hovered over them (like in native plugins).
    • Channel Rack - Option to disable Auto Switch Channel Group behaviour.
    • MIDI Import - Added modifier keys to force showing (Alt) or not showing (Shift) the Import Options window when a MIDI file is dropped on FL Studio targets.
    • AU Support - Internal presets of AudioUnit plugins are now supported.
    • MIDI Scripting - Added new function selectedChannel. Added function getFocusedPluginName to retrieve the original name for the focused plugin. Moved ProcessRECEvent to "general" module. Added ui.HideWindow to hide the Window specified by index. Scripts can indicate that the event is unhandled but requires no further processing.
    • Playlist - Clip Menu > 'Select source channel' will preserve the clip's start/end position (where it has been set or sliced) for comp editing (hold Shift)
    • ZGE Visualizer - 'Remove unused' button added to Image tab. Added logo to the plugin editor window
    • Hide detached windows when the application minimizes.

    • Automation of the mix level knob of a plugin is out of sync when slots are swapped
    • "Reset plugins on transport" causes clicks with some plugins
    • "Zoom out full" in the PL and PR doesn't use the correct time selection if it's past the song length
    • Automating the mix level knob of a plugin with latency will cut sound for a little bit
    • Automation delay compensation introduces visual issues with mixer track controls
    • Can't choose channels used in another arrangement for "Instrument track > Use existing channel"
    • Changing the wallpaper is not remembered, it reverts to the default when opening the program
    • Control Surface: can't select knobs after scrolling the view
    • Control Surface: setting the background color of a label turns it black
    • Copy/paste of envelope data doesn't work between plugins
    • Copying a pattern time signature to the PL doesn't work
    • Copying a pattern time signature to the PL uses the wrong marker
    • Crash report: Menu index out of range
    • Crash when renaming plugins.
    • Crash with Maschine Controller when the recording precount is enabled
    • Delayed automation goes to the wrong effect slot if two slots are swapped
    • Deleting all empty channel display filters switches to the "all" filter when it shouldn't
    • DirectWave: dropping new samples messes up existing zones
    • Distructor: artefacts with Asymmetry knob when "plugins reset on transport" is enabled
    • Dragging the PR "Save score as" menu to a PR in another FL Studio instance doesn't work
    • Dropping a MIDI file on the first channel will show the channel type selector in the import window
    • Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack doesn't open the Patcher window
    • Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack opens it in an effect instead of a generator Patcher
    • Dropping a VFX plugin on the mixer opens it in Patcher, but shows error message first
    • Effect plugin names are lost when opening a mixer track state
    • File lists in various places are not sorted correctly if there are numbers in the file names (WIP)
    • FL Studio VSTi: tempo sync option is not remembered
    • FLEX: lag when changing packs in the browser using arrow keys
    • Hint for the Time knob in channel settings is broken
    • Inconsistent behavior when focusing detached mixer, playlist and other windows
    • Loading some .PNG files results in a black background
    • Loop markers set to step/beat/bar won't update when adding/removing notes
    • Problem uploading to SoundCloud
    • Recorded audio clips are placed one tick early in the PL
    • Recorded notes are show even when they're deleted when recording stops
    • Rename dialog for channel groups shows up near the bottom of the channel rack instead of the top
    • Renaming audio and automation clips in the playlist doesn't immediately update the picker panel
    • Route level isn't shown correctly if the source track has latency
    • Scripting: GetCurrentStepParam and SetStepParam don't work properly with groups
    • Shift+Ctrl+C shortcut in the channel rack overrides global pattern clone shortcut
    • Shift+up in the sample browser will focus SliceX, which steals the keyboard focus
    • Trim PDC on export doesn't work unless WAV export is selected
    • Tweaking mixer track controls causes visual twitching when there is latency
    • Typing the value for a channel's target mixer track mutes channels
    • Wave Traveller: freezes when used in Patcher
    • Wrapper: Opening a shell plugin will show the "Troubleshooting" tab instead of the "Shell" tab
    • Wrong playback position with playback tool and timestretch mode
    • XYZ Controller: Absolute Mode is not recalled correctly when loading a preset
    • ZGE Visualizer: Issue with Drop Shadow effect
    • ZGE Visualizer: Performance issues when there are many videos in the list of image sources
    • ZGE Visualizer: Problem with presets that use "to buffer" with a value other than 100%
    • ZGE Visualizer: several postprocessing effects do not support transparency
    • ZGE Visualizer: videos exported sometimes do not work when uploaded to IGTV and Facebook
    • ZGE Visualizer: Youlean Oscilloscope does not enable the Audio Src dropdown
    • Crash: "SListIndexError" when dropping a MIDI file on the channel rack
    • Plugin Picker doesn't show up properly on very wide aspect ratio screens
    • Edison: crash using "Generate Noise" when there is no sample loaded
    • Scripting: ui.Left and ui.Right will produce strange characters inside the plugin picker search box
    Changes since RC 1
    • FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
    • MIDI Scripting - Added getRecPPQ function, Extra parameter to ui.getVersion to get the version number as numeric values. Function to activate 'edit events in piano roll', Function to retrieve the name of the MIDI device the script is associated with, New script 'Forward all Midi CC'

    • Can't drop a clip from the picker panel on the last playlist
    • Channel rack window doesn't snap to steps when resized after the button width is set to a preset value
    • Child tracks in the playlist are re-colored when grouping a new track
    • Click on Pattern/Song button doesn't refresh the song position display
    • Crash processing a MIDI message coming from the Fire device
    • Error message when loading a DWP file after rendering a channel to DirectWave
    • Holding shift when replacing source channel in audio clips only works for the first selected clip
    • Mono/Stereo mode for "Export all playlist tracks" only applies to the first track
    • No preview for dragged clips on the last playlist track
    • Recorded clips change position when recording stops or loops
    • Edison: acquire noise profile doesn't work if the Denoiser option was off during clean-up
    • FLEX: the selected patch is not immediately visible when opening the FLEX editor window. Missing packs can't be downloaded from the "Problems loading the project" window
    • FPC: access violation when changing samples after deleting an instance
    • Scripting: Get/set channel Volume/Pan should respect channel groups. Crash running device functions when the device is not connected. Playlist.isTrackMuted returns the opposite value. getFocusedPluginName doesn't return the correct name for wrapped plugins
    • Tempo isn't read from MP3 files
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
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  3. Skull

    Skull Producer

    May 13, 2015
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    "underwhelming non-updates". Those are BUGFIXES.
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  4. PrettyPurdie

    PrettyPurdie Guest

    gonna repost myself here

    i dont know how to express my frustation with the latest fl version (no, im not using the beta till august) , it seems that 20.7 introduced SO MANY BUGS ,
    here are two Bugs that i encountered
    1. When i drag a certain Midi file into FL Studio , FLEX starts to open on a new channel ....yeah ...like a midi file got intertwined with an dll i dunno...
    2. When scrolling thru the mixer certain values get glitched out like the graphical eq in the mixer itself or some potis changing value

    yeah , things like that , oh, have i mentioned the newly introduced CPU Spikes , LOVELY
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  5. swavenation

    swavenation Kapellmeister

    Aug 22, 2017
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    I own the producer edition and i gotta say it kinda is underwhelming. I feel like my projects are just crashing more and more with each update they release, is it just me? And they dont seem to be adding anything crazy for it be getting worse like that. I feel like downgrading to like version 11 honestly but i know i cant:facepalm:
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  6. Area51

    Area51 Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    I gotta say ever since V-12 FL has gone so buggy sometimes it's crazy
  7. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Yes indeed, lot of new bug in the last version, I report the midi bug on their forum, and also another bug when a recorded clip is moved after the record is stop, it's really annoying, specially when working with someone else and you got to replace each clip to their right position before moving on to another part.

    Apparently those bug are fixed in the last beta version (, which is an RC, I didn't test the recording part but the midi part seems to be ok, but as I didn't test on the same computer (I don't like to have a beta version on the same computer as the release version) you can't be sure.

    The release of the final version should arrive quickly as it's just bugfixes and Image Line are usually reactive for that
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  8. PrettyPurdie

    PrettyPurdie Guest

    do they realize that the daw is unusable now till the next stable version arrives, because i already did many projects in the new version. i hope fl realises that people consider switching to Presonus Studio One if they keep making this software more and more bloated, i mean, the time and effort they put into things like the zgame visualizer. dont get me wrong, i like this plugin, but what i like even more is a RELIABLE SYSTEM...why didnt they use this time and recources to make fl 20 the best and stable daw is beyond me.... PLEASE FOCUS IMAGE LINE
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2020
  9. PrettyPurdie

    PrettyPurdie Guest

    since FL STUDIO 3 it is the fl standard to drag and drop midis into yout tracks , like for example i create a hihat track and go throung my whole midi files dragging and dropping like a champ. NOW they decided to change things in the most unconstructive way, by messing with a workflow staple. its like ableton whould change the time strectch feature in the most effed up way you can think about. look at me emotional (loaded lux voice) look what you make me do FL, is this because i used your cracked brother for years and now you want payback ? is it cause i dont sort out my garbage like my german neighbours want me to ?
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  10. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I mean, I've shifted over to Ableton so I might not be totally in the loop, but I'm pretty sure midi scripting on its own is a HUGE upgrade for many people?(That's why I shifted to Live in the first place) and there seem to be many under the hood updates to revamp the daw? I definitely think they should iron out a lot more bugs before releasing but I wouldn't call the updates minor by any means!
  11. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    and remember, HARMOR never made it to become a real PLUGINS too .. FL needs more good programmers
  12. Area51

    Area51 Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    I still use the earlier version of 20.7 and it is still buggy sometimes, but not as much as the latest ones. I suggest everyone to do the same until a stable version comes out (hopefully sometime soon?).

    btw - the playlist and clips problem still exists since V-8 or 9 ....:wtf: = almost 10 years ago or so
  13. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    i have tooo many crashes with FL ... and i don't think the workflow is fast enough to my style, everytime i dragged my SSD5 midi always crash
  14. Zomgspybot

    Zomgspybot Newbie

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Renaming a program in the channel rack causes a crash for me. Not sure if this is a known bug?
  15. indianwebking

    indianwebking Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2018
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    use that ppq settings and make it 24 from 96
  16. indianwebking

    indianwebking Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2018
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    for me the weird thing is it selectes the samples automatically and highlights them for me. like i do not know that i used samples. he he. or it is fl trying to tell me? "pay us or snare will not be rendered. kick will never be rendered."

    the only working thing in fl is the piano roll. other things were pretty much all ok. nothing too fancy. i am learning ableton and trying to use it more. if there were few k'd plugins like harmor and harmless and sakura and ableton copies the piano roll of fl. i ditch fl studio in a split second
  17. jayj4y

    jayj4y Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Martin Garrix and Avicii had their FL blocked, too,


    It is essential that you know how to install your programs and clean your HDD or SSD, 99% of all programs work great, even the pirated versions in 2020, if it doesn't work don't say it doesn't work, they are just newbies
  18. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    LOL @ the losers who rated patch notes as "nasty" and left no comment. Past year of "updates" has been incredibly underwhelming and introduced more crashes than I had in any previous version and as a result the small updates have been dedicated to fixing issues that didn't exist prior to the inconsequential changes. Too much focus on the zgame crap and not enough on production related features that are being requested in user forums, this is only exacerbated by their insistence on pushing flex which is like nexus for people who drool on their keyboards. In fact flex is the worst sounding plugin IL has ever put out, the tonality of every patch is grating and shrill, they somehow managed to get the WORST sounding GM implementation I've ever heard and then use that as part of the marketing to say there are thousands of presets. To really put it in perspective IL has not updated (changing sytrus gui I guess counts a little) to any of their synths in 10+ years, with the 303 clone being the only new feature however, it replaced a bundled plugin and is no longer part of the $200 package. Scripting is cool from a conceptual POV but it was not a major requested feature nor does it function as expected for a feature they sunk so much time into. There are little features like color themes that get requested literally multiple times a day and the logic is "you guy don't understand how hard it is to implement changing a vectorial gui color" I called bullshit from day 1 because people on this forum figured out how to simply modify it and the IL response was instead to completely close off the possibility within 1 patch and then complain on the PAID USER forum about how "themes" and "skins" affect piracy and how piracy is hurting them. I would like to upgrade my FL license but there is no benefit to continue monetarily supporting a company who takes the official position of "Please think twice before suggesting any more 'new features' we have a list of over 1000 things to do so we're busy till 2069" With the entire "to do" section effectively being a placebo where users talk to a wall.
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  19. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Kept V12 on my desktop as I've updated.
    Just in case...:)
  20. oneunder

    oneunder Ultrasonic

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Which version of FL Studio would users recommend for a clean fresh install on a new laptop? The drive is an ssd if that matters. Thanks.
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  21. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    there are a few r2r rls for image line bundles
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