Scaler 2 not recognized in Ableton Live 10

Discussion in 'Software' started by mcclaine, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    So, as the tittle said, after installing Scaler 2, i open Ableton Live 10 and the plug in doesn't show up.
    I've placed the Licence for Scaler 2 in the same path as the VST.
    I never have this issue in Live 10 with Scaler, or any other VST.
    I'm trying with v2.0.9
    Any ideas?

    Edit: I'm on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC. I have Scaler 1.8 working fine.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  3. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Where are the VSTs installed to?

    Do other VSTs show up in Live?
  4. M.C

    M.C Member

    Jul 28, 2020
    Likes Received:
    It doesn't show up on my PC with bitwig aswell, its weird cause i have a laptop and it works fine on the laptop but for some reason not in the pc, the same happened with the last melodyne
  5. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Check the location where scaler VSTs are installed to, and make sure Live uses that location for its VST lookup. You can always symlink or move the VST if it is wrong

  6. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    Yes, i did checked that, all my plug ins are carefully placed in the same VSTPlugIn64bit folder, then inside within their own sub folder by companies. Is strange, as i said, never happened to me before.

    I will try with another release, i think there's a 2.0.6

  7. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    The recognition of Scaler are independent of the license (doesn't matter if valid or not).
    If there is problem with the license (not valid etc.), Scaler just prompt for authorization.
    Check carefully if something are wrong with the installation.
    Maybe you did select wrong PlugIn type at setup (VST2, VST3 or AAX).
    Use "Everything" to search for your Scaler-File and compare the destination with Live PlugIn-destination settings.
  8. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Everything is double checked.
    C:\Program Files\Plugin Boutique\Scaler 2
    C:\Program Files\VST Plugins 64 Bit\Plugin Boutique

    In the first folder, there's one two files (unins000.exe and unins000.dat) and on the second folder:
    Scaler 2.license

    As i tried several times installing it now (3 times) i tried selecting just VST2, and also checking the 3 boxes (VST2, VST3 and AAX). So that was checked too.
    Scaler 1.8 is still showing up in Ableton, but Scaler 2 doesn't.
    I use didn't use any rare character for the email at the license (no symbols or anything strange).

    I did tried with the previous version 2.0.6, and same result. On another forum, a user said something a VC_redist.x64.exe help him, so i did tried installing that package too, again, no luck....

    I'm running out of ideas.

    EDIT: just notice when doing the copy paste in here, that the Scaler 2.license has a space between Scaler and 2, unlike the .dll where is written altogether. So i tried changing that to Scaler2.license
    Didn't work either.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  9. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Have you tried a full plugin rescan?

    I've just installed Ableton and Scaler 2 on a laptop, and no problems.
  10. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Yes, i've also tried moving it out of that folder, do a complete scan, and then moving those files again to the VST Plug In folder and do the complete scan again, but didn't work... is a mystery :(
  11. Epidemico

    Epidemico Producer

    Apr 10, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Alano di Piave (BL), Italy
    Ok, i'll try to help here but i don't understand, do you have two different versions of Scaler installed? Because i don't have all that files, I have 2.0.9 version installed with no issues at all, windows 10 1903, Ableton 10.1.4 & Reaper 6.02, i don't have all that files in the two directories, on "C:\Program Files\Plugin Boutique\Scaler 2" i have "unins000.dat" and a "unins000.exe" files, on "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins" i have "Scaler 2.license", "Scaler2.dll" and "ScalerAudio2.dll" files.
  12. Epidemico

    Epidemico Producer

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Alano di Piave (BL), Italy
    And "Scaler2.vst3" and "ScalerAudio2.vst3" on "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Plugin Boutique" that's default of course, you can't change vst3 installation dir.
  13. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    Yes, i found that very strange. I didn't change the directories when installing, i accept the prompted folders (since it was already pointing to my VST folders, i didn't change the proposed "C:\Program Files\Plugin Boutique\Scaler 2" for the data.

    Now, the installation has some issues, i can see. I'm not a developer and i don't pretend to know more than just a regular folk, but I did some digging into the Registry, looking for all instances of Plugin Boutque and found Scaler, both version 1.8 and the new one. And the new one is missing some strings, like a fundamental one like telling where the VST Folder was (Inno Setup CodeFile: vst64Dir), and also, the "Inno Setup: App Path" value didn't matched up with the installation folder. When installing, as i've wrote above, it prompted me to install to C:\Program Files\Plugin Boutique\Scaler 2 (the data, not the plug in), but in the registry that value didn't matched up, it is at C:\Users\Public\Documents\Plugin Boutique\Scaler, where the actual data is installed. So very strange.

    I tried to fix it changing those values, but again, nothing.

    So i did one last thing, re installed it again, and this time add the VST3 version, and try to use that version in Live. I don't use any of those before, but i thought maybe this works, and guess what? it worked....

    So, now i have Scaler 2 on the VST3 folder working, and the VST2 version still missing, but hey, at least is working!

    Thanks to all of you for your replies.
  14. lisalis

    lisalis Noisemaker

    Feb 7, 2021
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    It may have something to do with LTSC because i have the same issue with scaler and also with the new
    softube stuff.. Can't make them work on ableton :((
  15. creatureofthenight

    creatureofthenight Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2019
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    Read my reply in your Softube thread. I believe what's happening is, Scaler is installed to a location, and depends on that original location for its library and other resources to link back. If you move it, it breaks that.

    Uninstall. Reinstall, and set the location to "Steinberg/VST Plugins/Plugin Boutique". Copy the folder. Paste as Shortcut to your custom folder. Should work perfectly now. You can do that with any plugin to save yourself a headache with moving things around, especially if they are linked to other resources, like Scaler is for its library.
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