Never heard of GameSynth before ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Polomo, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Hi, I was searching for totally different thing (an alternative to Reformer Pro specially the glass Drums felt super impressive but without the Ilok stuff and as a VST )

    But I found this beauty called GameSynth

    it's a tool for creating sound effects for games, but I think you could use it for lots of musical uses too .
    It comes with a similar structure to Max/MSP or Reaktor .

    Only 3 things are a Problem (more or less )

    1. No VST (but export to Wave so that’s not so bad)
    2. No Demo
    3. No manual

    And I don't think I will see this beauty on sister site in near time

    But what do you guys think

    If anyone knows a good alternative to Reformer please tell me

    with a similar function to the glasdrums at 0:54 )
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  3. DjLuigi

    DjLuigi Ultrasonic

    May 28, 2018
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    Wow, that's pretty interesting! Would be awesome if it had a VST version
  4. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    sry for smartassing ...but would it not better to learn make such sounds on every synth instead of using a stencil synth
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    1. From what I get from the vid some of these stencils look pretty complex,
    2. I doubt that every synth is suitable for this,
    3. I doubt that any synth is suitable for all these sounds (apart from those which support wave import, ofc).
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  6. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    I know what you mean

    but lets break it down

    There are 8 Modules +1 DLC at the moment
    (Simple that there nearly to nothing VSTs with drawable envelops and Waveforms )
    It's possible with some other tools to get the effects of this module (but would take a lot more time since every whoosh would need a separate MSEG/LFO )

    2. Impact/Contact
    This one is hardcore even for Pro designers it's next level physical modeling and there are nearly to nothing tools for that (Maybe AAS Chromaphone ,Objeq Delay, Logics Sculpture ,Kaivo )

    3. Retro
    Ok this one is easy and I tried to build some of the sound on synthmaster too so at this Module I totally agree

    Again Drawable , I think with some Granular Synths this is makeable but still take more time

    5.Voicefx This one is similar to Retro in level of complexity . Most DAW got the tools for that on board .So no biggie here

    6. Footsteps
    Ok this one is in complexity similar to the Impact Module but a still bit harder.

    7. Weather
    maybe the impressivest of them all
    Physical modeling at a very high Level
    It sound so f... real
    If you can do this (Specaly the surfaces part ) I´m really impressed

    8. Modular. Ok here we got a Reaktor, Mux, MAX, Bidule like Lowlevel modular . But with some pretty unique interesting Modules (Fire, Motor, Thunder, Electric, Footsteps, Goo, Creature, Chimp, Wind, Beam, machine, Bullet Casing, Impact, Fracture, but every normal one like compressor and EQ too ) .

    9. (Engine)
    Funny here they hired someone from Yamaha Motors for the sound design but this is a paid Add-on
    But still the sound is impressive realistic

    (From Green = easy to rebuild in every synth to Red = IMHO imposible)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2020
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  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    +1 for effort. :like:
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  8. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yeah man sorry..this is fckn amazing...
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