Music that inspires you?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Catnaps, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    "There's no such thing as competition, to find our way we lose control: remember Loves your only mission, this is the journey of the soul.."

    Esoteric masterpiece.

    Please, share some tunes with me. I'm interested in hearing what inspires you people. New or old is fine and any genre is ok (Rock, country, classical ect.). Here's another
    Coincidentally these are two French "bands". :break:

  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    MGMT is an American band not French. I used to like to listen to the song Indie Rockers with my girlfriend but now that I hate that cunt I mostly stick to my roots which are and always will be Industrial, it's the only genre that is actually about anything. Not that I don't listen to other genres (practically all of them) but those are the tracks I reach for when I need a musical fix. MGMT is alright but I saw a few interviews that made me want to climb through the screen and beat their heads in. They're just generic cookie-cutter hippies that took too much acid and I hate that shit though I still like some of their tracks. No love is not the answer to every question ever asked and I'm so sick of songs about love, it's just so cliche, derivative and boring...not to mention there are tons of other emotions that are just as important like anger but of course we stigmatize that. Daft Punk is okay but I'm more into their serious songs like End Of Line. I will post some tracks when I have some time but you may not like some of what inspires me because it's most of the stuff that other's so carelessly discard (some I'm sure you will). I hope you don't construe my comment as trying to tear you or your music down, I'm just a no bullshit kind of guy.
  4. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    Not at all! I appreciate the comment actually. However Justice is French, and I know MGMT. Calling them "two French bands" WAS a bit vauge :wink:. That remix was just something I would have never thought someone would make from their original. The arrangements on both of the tracks are nice. I more see the piece as a whole and try to get into the producers heads when I listen to music. I agree Love is an over used subject to write about and to be honest the I'm not a big fan of the new Daft Punk album this just happens to be one of the better tracks on the album, it's a very intimate piece and I was always hoping they'd do something similar to "something about us" and they did *yes* .

    In reality we deal with so many other emotions that are completely over looked when writing music, I definitely agree. I am an absolute noob when it comes to "industrial", I'll admit I don't even know what industrial music is and am very curious to hear some of the better music of the genre so please do share when you get a chance. My whole goal here is to be exposed to new things and listen to see what others enjoy about it. We need more people to speak up and give their point of view. There are way too many passive people who don't ever say shit and are scared to oppose someones point of view, I very much appreciate someone willing to speak their mind so thank you.
  5. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    I want someone to post some shit that blows me away. until then, I'll be waiting with my power glove. I enjoy most good music (whatever that means :bleh: )
    More Justice mastery...
    We'll never know how they do it. :bow:
    Fucking amazing, I LOVE cross.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks for being understanding man, I wasn't sure if I went too far or I was just having a shit day. :dunno: It's not that I'm against love but I know in my own life it wasn't love that was there in my darkest hour and we also forget that love just like anger blinds us, it's just less apparent because it's considered positive. It's also like I said very overused and I think that we need more Industrial music to give us catharsis for our negative emotions as well as call us to action in getting involved with the world. I will post some stuff in a little bit but in the meantime get acquainted to the genre by reading this synopsis from Wikipedia. You're going to be tempted to check out tracks from the genre before I get back but resist. Since you've never heard anything I want to break you in slow, I don't want you to discard a whole genre just because you might not like some bands and I'm pretty sure what I put up you're going to really enjoy. Oh and by the way are you French?

    There's a lot more but I figured if you're interested you can just read the rest on Wikipedia, I won't bore you with an essay here. Industrial has really evolved through the years but it has stayed true to the underground and still often retains a core set of values and the artists of the genre, at least to me, always seem to take creativity to another level.
  7. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    No I'm not French but maybe in a past life I was. :dunno:
    We've all been there man but without the bad days perhaps the good ones wouldn't be as special. And bad days discriminate against no one. :mates:
    Well fucking said mate.

    I'm definitely interested in this new discovery and my ears will remain virgins to the genre. THAT is what music is all about. Be it Rock, Rap, Electro, House it seems that people would rather copy than create to please a mainstream crowd rather than being themselves and manifesting their uniqueness through the art. Too many people are scared to step outside the box and feel the need to sugar coat their shit. Kind of like how parents spoil their children with love and when they get out to the real world and they're crushed once they realize that it ain't always cookies and rainbows. There exist an abundance of evil in our world that most refuse to acknowledge or are flat out oblivious to. Ignorance is fucking bliss is it not? /Rant over :bleh:.
  8. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    Fuck a bar!!! The party is in this thread :boombox:

    On all real levels of what this reality is or can be, I'm inspired by anything that can inspire an individual. :bow:
  9. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    I agree it's all about the groove when I'm out clubbing (it's been years, bars and clubbing is not where I spend my time anymore). This is what I would consider tech-house.

    For me, pulling girls in Vegas/LA/SF (XS, Vanity, Surrender,Playhouse, Supperclub ect.) rolling on blue dolphins was the highlight of my club experiences :bleh: and we'd hear sounds like this

    Any time I'd be at an event or party where tech-house was being played I always felt out of place since I wasn't into the the true dance culture where people actually enjoyed dancing to the music and would practice it. We went where the hot girls were and there were never any hot girls at tech-house clubs/parties :dunno:. I grew up listening to the radio and eventually briefly got into the rave scene that would lead me into the clubs where the DJ's would be playing "EDM". Since then I've taken time to go back and study all of the music that I had missed or was not open to when I was younger and was blown away by the skill (Hendrix, Beatles, Blues, Disco, Jazz ect.). I grew up listening to hip-hop and generally am open to all sorts of music but I could never enjoy listening to Tech-House. Maybe because I can't dance :dunno:. :break:
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I have many genres that inspire me but Industrial garners more respect at least from me because of it's holding to individuality, the underground and how it awakens and inspires people to action. There is a reason it says: "at its birth, the genre of industrial music was different from any other music" Really it's all about what resonates with what you're about and the experiences that have shaped you. Believe me you know better than anybody that I'm really diverse and beyond that I know my music. *yes*

    It's taking me a while to find and compose a list because unfortunately some of my music is too good for YouTube's okay I consider it a compliment. I have found some tracks from a few artists I wanted to post but in order to not keep you waiting I will post a few at a time and just refresh the page or come back later for more if you're interested, if you're not just tell me that you hated what you heard and I can save myself a lot of time digging through YouTube for hours. Obviously if there's a video click the YouTube button so you can watch it there and maximize to full screen and load the best quality available for all tracks. Also many Industrial artists work on a really tight budget so keep that in mind when you're watching their videos. These are the kinds of tracks that blow me away, they may not do the same for you as everyone's different. I still hope that you enjoy. And you don't need that power glove, it's more a VR kind of thing. :wink: :

    Then let me introduce you to Diskonnekted with Les Boyaux de la Mort or translated to English The Casings Of Death and then on to Justify a song about individuality, judgement and people using god to hide from what they truly fear.

    Here's a remix of the Justify song, yep both versions are that good (at least for me) and then Stuck In One Universe.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Let's see how long I can keep your attention, we'll move on to a canon of the genre Skinny Puppy in their later sound and a completely mindblowing video especially if you like breakdancing...oh boy :break:...and then off to some Binary Park.
    Hit me on the street while waiting to do nothing.
    Where within the space can anything feel certain.
    Look into the future make out the word speak
    Send in the spies to watch them.
    Creepy are the people unable to do something.
    Sitting on an armchair fenced in their creation.
    Look up to be there, anywhere is somewhere.
    Itchy past scratch the itch.

    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..

    Feel about a nation, so precious is the freedom.
    Carousel the brass ring, reach into a black mass.
    So it's corroded, it's always polluted.
    We all want some of it.
    Maybe all the people, now left without no loving.
    Where within the strength gone better see it coming.
    Get off the fence trip, rip up the garbage.
    Make it up to the earth bitch...

    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me..(34 times)

    In the streets hit me be a politician.
    Eroding all your freedoms.
    Down the rabbit hole.
    Cracks money markets fall through a looking glass.
    Time becomes too fast, all to benefit the rich.
    So keep eating from the apple, edges from the center.
    Shaken to the core until it doesn't matter.
    No one to turn to, no where to run to.
    Better the bomb to blow it.

    HIT ME in the streets..
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.

    And now let me show you our version of Dance music. I don't go to a club that doesn't play Psy'aviah and being that clubs suck balls these days particularly where I live I don't go out much anymore. I do however bring them with me and I walk right up to the DJ and tell him that he's playing this tonight...if he gives me a look I say trust me, if he doesn't play it I'm out. There's two newer tracks and then two from an older album I like even better. Since you seem to like the French (though they're actually Belgian) there's a track entitled Ophelie which has lyrics in French and it's Jean-Luc De Meyer of Front 242 fame which is another canon of the genre. Sweet Hard Revenge is actually a remix and I prefer the original as it has more prominent pads in some parts and it makes it even more kick-ass :boombox: :

    And you know what Industrial is such a niche genre that it is totally likely that they might someday see this and maybe even respond. *yes*
    Sur l’onde calme et noire où dorment les étoiles
    La blanche Ophélia flotte comme un grand lys
    Flotte très lentement, couchée en ses longs voiles

    On entend dans les bois lointains des hallalis
    Voici plus de mille ans que la triste Ophélie
    Passe, fantôme blanc, sur le long fleuve noir
    Voici plus de mille ans que sa douce folie
    Murmure sa romance à la brise du soir
    Le vent baise ses seins et déploie en corolle
    Ses grands voiles bercés mollement par les eaux
    Les saules frissonnants pleurent sur son épaule
    Sur son grand front rêveur s’inclinent les roseaux
    Les nénuphars froissés soupirent autour d’elle
    Elle éveille parfois, dans un aune qui dort
    Quelque nid, d’où s’échappe un petit frisson d’aile
    Un chant mystérieux tombe des astres d’or

    Et le Poète dit qu’aux rayons des étoiles
    Tu viens chercher, la nuit, les fleurs que tu cueillis
    Et qu’il a vu sur l’eau, couchée en ses longs voiles
    La blanche Ophélia flotter, comme un grand lys

    Since I just read your post above (I didn't see it before) and found out you're not French here's a translation of Ophelie (using Google Translate so it might be umm... :snuffy:)
    On the calm black water where the stars are sleeping
    White Ophelia floats like a great lily
    Floats very slowly, lying in her long veils

    We hear in the distant woods of mort
    More than a thousand years sad Ophelia
    Password, white ghost on the long black river
    More than a thousand years her sweet madness
    Murmured its ballad to the evening breeze
    The wind kisses her breasts and unfolds in a wreath
    His veils rising and falling with the waters
    The shivering willows weep on her shoulder
    On his forehead dreamer rushes lean
    Water lilies sigh crumpled around her
    Sometimes she wakes up in a slumbering alder
    Some nest from which escapes a small wing thrill
    A mysterious anthem falls of gold stars

    And the poet says that by starlight
    You just look for the night, the flowers you picked
    And he saw in the water, lying in her long veils
    White Ophelia floating, like a great lily
  12. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Just go @ 8:35 if you can't stand more of this master piece :D classical is soooooo inspiring :)

  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Anytime brother, glad you're enjoying the tunes. It's really such a diverse genre and I like that it's not just the usual status quo topics, they like to hit those areas that we all hide from. I find it very cathartic. *yes*

    If you or anyone likes what they hear I also do other genres and a few members and I started a pirate broadcast (get it :rofl:) here on AudioSex called Conversations About Good Music At the moment there is Alternative and related, Electronic and related and Industrial and related. The Industrial one is quite the experience so if you've never heard or you've got some misconceptions swing on by.

    Here's our version of a love song...the heart of the matter not the lies we tell ourselves:
    There are moments
    I remember when I started to step out
    You would hold me and kiss me, hard, on the mouth
    You were even jealous of my cigarette habit
    Determined to be my only addiction

    There are moments
    When I miss you so sincerely
    I can nearly forgive you
    Bowdlerizing chapters I would rather forget
    Hammer out and polish a better version

    There are moments
    That bring your name erupting from my lips
    Abruptly as our end
    I'm still calling for you, I'm still calling him you

    There are moments
    I think it would be easier if you were dead
    There'd be no wondering then
    I'd bury "us" with you
    Let worms work your flesh the way I used to
    Unflinching and thorough

    There are moments
    When I still worry about you
    Do you hate yourself enough for the both of us?
    Do you punish yourself, or your new girlfriends?
    I worry about them…

    I am consumed with guilt
    For not giving you a proper ending
    Pressing firmly upon your larynx
    Until you are no longer dangerous
    Until your thrashing resigns

    I am reminded, bitterly and completely
    That I love you
    I slap patches of other men to my skin, it's not the same
    But it helps keep me at least twelve steps away
    From my vicious addiction to you

    And as with any bad habit
    The very passion between us turned to poison
    And you couldn't stop and I couldn't stop you
    You couldn't stop even when I begged you to
    Your unrelenting fervor tore me right in two
    And now parts of me will always be stained
    The color of you

    There are moments
    I wonder if you can still smell my blood on the wind
    Does your memory of me make your veins itch?
    Will it make you come calling?
    Will I answer?
    Withdrawal cradling my wits, I can't be bothered
    As I attempt to suckle from absolutes
    Self-righteous in the pretense that I know what I'd do

    But there are moments
    I long to relapse toward your furious embrace
    The nape of my neck still longs for your face
    I remember once upon a time
    It was sweet

    The next two aren't Industrial but have a beauty that is beyond words to me. Enjoy the master known as Aphex Twin and a cool video to boot. We'll end on that last track because it just seems right:
  14. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    Holy crap!!! I leave for a few hours and all this awesome music is shared................WICKED!! :grooves:
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks man. Was that a rant I just took it as truth :mates: , really well said and personally I've never been about that kind of thinking because it's okay to be you and shine a light on those dark corners of the mind, then you can find strength in the music and overcome. I think one of the guys from Skinny Puppy said when interviewed that though his lyrics were abrasive and cut to the bone their intention was that you can overcome all that, they were trying to shock their audience into action. It's like that quote from the movie Se7en: "Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention." There's also a saying I subscribe to:

    It's Cypher's dilemma from the Matrix...would you rather live in a pleasant fantasy or a harsh reality? A harsh reality because that is where the real power of the moment is, that is where you can actually change events...exercise your free will. Same with ignoring the inner you or facing it and elevating your life to another level.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I totally missed you the first time around, I was actually just telling Xsze. I was wondering if I blacked out from lack of sleep because suddenly I look up and there are posts from Catnaps and you which I somehow missed. :wow: :rofl:

    Enjoy the tunes, I don't know what genres you're into but this is a little slice of me. You seem to be open to new music so hopefully you will like a few tracks here and there. :mates:
  17. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    Thanks for introducing me to the genre! It is dark yet melodic, progressive yet gritty and distorted. I most enjoyed Diskonnekt and Fontline Assembly. The roots seem to come from rock music but still implement elements from most electronic genres (I even heard some plucks *yes*). I like how this genre makes use of the percussion and each track seems to take a step further into a direction of experimentation yet still remains "industrial". This is what all genres should be doing but instead they tend to follow a cookie cutter template, "this is the way we do it and if you stray from it no one will listen to it." I've always been familiar with Aphex Twins but never listened to any of their music until now :wink:. Immediately what stuck out in everything you posted was the artistic freedom the artists had, everything was different.

    I'm an extremely versatile person. If there's a likeable element in something I'll pick up on it or learn to love it in order to expand my horizons. I value all greatness I am blessed to find. The music speaks for itself so, I always listen with an open mind. The "low budget" aspect didn't bother me at all. I usually have my eyes closed when I'm listening to new music anyways to have more of an unbiased opinion about it.

    Simple yet effective, Deadmau5 is a clever producer I don't care if he's mainstream he didn't start there.
    Electronic Music with emotion, Daft Punk clearly are on another level with their productions.
    Pure Skill
    Pure Skill
    so relevant to the current times. I'm a BIG fan of SOAD!

    My whole life I've moved so many times and every time I enrolled at a new school I'd make new friends. They all would listen to different things but being cool with so many different kids I figured if could be friends with them then I could learn to enjoy the music they listened to as well and for the most part I always did. I love all music, even SOME tech-house :bow:. Anything that allows us to express ourselves in a creative way, I'm all for it.
  18. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    Beautiful, Thanks for that. I don't even know what to call this but, I love the piano!
    I played a game growing up called Beatmania IIDX and I believe this is the original track from the song I played in the game called "Garden".
  19. Glitch

    Glitch Newbie

    Oct 12, 2012
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    have fun!
    regards :bow:
  20. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Let's see. It doesn't really matter the genre but lately I've ben inspired by

    The way he works on harmonies. :wow: Unhuman. *no*

    A modern classical composer but... just listen! :bleh:

    RnR hall famer and now you know why. :rofl:

    Latin Jazz at his best.

    These are just the ones that in this period gave me inspiration. Hope you like them. :wink:
  21. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I don't get inspired by music. I get inspired by life and fiddling with sounds/synthesis/samples. ;)

    However, heaps of great tracks here, though. As in any thread Catalyst starts. :D
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